Carlson Is Out – But The Cesspool Is Still Very Deep

Yesterday Fox News announced that Tucker Carlson is out at the network and his show is cancelled. Carlson has been a lightening rod for all the wrong reasons for several years. He has spewed forth hate filled rants and called it “news”.

No one is really sure what the exact reason for his firing is, but over time I am sure that there will be “leaked” information as to why this happened. Yet, we do know just how polarizing the man was and just how much he hated America and hated our Democracy.

This is a guy who continued to spew the “great replacement theory”. That is a far right wing conspiracy theory where people of color are being allowed into the country in order to “replace white Americans and their power”. He has actively backed Vladimir Putin and his invasion of Ukraine. He even said on air that he wanted Putin to win that war.

He has spread the false narrative of the 2020 election being stolen even after he sent texts and emails to colleagues that said he did not believe the stolen election theory. He would go on air night after night to tell this lie knowing it was a lie.

He has attacked the LGBTQ community and filled the airwaves with hate against these people. He wanted us to believe that the LGBTQ community was just another “conspiracy” to help replace “god fearing white Americans” and take way their power to rule.

Those are just a few things that we know about Tucker Carlson. We know he is a white supremacist, anti-LGBTQ, anti-women, anti-immigration and much, much more. Now he is out at Fox News.

However, if you are dancing on his grave and somehow believing that Fox News is changing, you are wrong. The fact of the matter is that Fox News is a cesspool of misfits and liars who only look at how big their contracts are instead of presenting real news.

The idea that Fox News practices any form of real journalistic integrity is laughable and repulsive. Fox News has a very long history of bad judgements, bad behavior and outright sexism and racism. They have had about as many law suits against them as had donald trump. And, that is saying something.

We saw their first boss get fired over sexual harassment claims and a huge string of suits against him and the network. We witnessed Bill O’Rielly get fired for the same thing. We have seen Tucker Carlson get sued for sexual harassment. The latest is from one of his former producers who claimed that his show was full of sexual harassment.

The fact is I cannot understand how any woman could even consider working for the network. We have watched as plenty of their on air female presenters filed lawsuits against the network for sexual harassment. And, many of the people who are targets in these suits are still working at the network.

There are other personalities that need to be fired if Fox is intent on becoming a real news outlet. People like Sean Hannity, Jeanine Pirro, Laura Ingraham and many others. Even after the settlement with Dominion, there is still rantings at the network about the fictitious stolen election.

One of the main problems with any network is that there are people who believe they don’t have to conform to normal behavior. They believe they can get away with anything just because they bring in huge ratings and thus money to the network. Tucker Carlson was just that kind of person.

He is the kind of two faced bastard who can claim in texts that he “hates trump with a passion” then sit down with him and throw softball questions and pretend trump is a “reasonable and moderate” man as he said recently. He believes that he can say anything about his bosses because he is so big they wouldn’t dare let him go.

Tucker Carlson is a phony. He doesn’t have a moral compass like most of us, he only believes in one thing, the sound of his own voice. He realized early that spouting hate filled rants on his show was the best way to get high ratings and big contracts for himself. And that is what he did unabashedly.

Yes, Tucker Carlson is gone from Fox News. But don’t think that will silence him. Other right wing networks are already trying to entice him to their network so he can continue to fill the airways with hate and division. Newsmax and OANN are salivating over the thought of getting him on their network. Of course, they are the perfect fit for him since they spew just as much hate as he does.

Remember, Tucker Carlson is gone, but the cesspool remains. Even if Fox News takes a hit in the ratings, they will find someone else to fill the hole of racism, misogyny, homophobia and xenophobia created by Carlson’s departure.

Hate and ignorance never die. When one spokesperson leaves, another with just as much hate and ignorance will take their place. Fox survived O’Reilly’s departure. They just filled his slot with Carlson. They will find someone just as bad to fill Carlson’s spot.

The cesspool of Fox News hasn’t even started to be drained.

It Is Time To Ask Serious Questions About Fox News And Tucker Carlson

As my readers know, I do not often talk about Fox News or their on-air personalities. But, with the election just about a month away, we need to seriously ask some questions about them, especially Tucker Carlson. Note: Everything in this article is based on my research to help me form my personal opinion of what I think about the situation.

I have absolutely no problem with conservative reporters. I have no problem with conservatives at all, except I believe their views are backwards looking. That is just a difference of opinion. However, in the case of Tucker Carlson, we are not talking about a “conservative” reporter. As a matter of fact, according to his own words, he isn’t even a “reporter”.

Ever since Tucker Carlson was given his platform to spew forth his “idea” of what America is supposed to be and what America is supposed to look like, he has proven to me time and again that he is probably the most anti-American reporter, or rather “opinion reporter” on the air.

Throughout his career at Fox News, he has grown more and more to be an extreme right-wing pundit. He has shown his disdain for people of color. He has shown his disdain for poor people. He has shown his disdain for elderly people. He has shown his disdain for the LGBTQ community. He has shown his disdain for immigrants. He has shown disdain for the very people who continue to watch him and puppet everything he has to say even though he discounts them at every turn.

The true Carlson fans who really understand what he is and what he is doing are the extreme right-wingers who want to overthrow our government. It has gotten to a point where you almost never see a “moderate Republican” appear on his show. Instead we only get to see the wackos who he favors and who he wants to run our country.

For example, if Marjorie Taylor Greene didn’t appear on his show, seemingly every night, she wouldn’t even be heard about. She has no job in Congress, except to run around spouting out her conspiracy theories and bashing our government like some sort of anarchist.

Carlson has shown his stripes. To me, he is an active white supremacist. He favors dictatorships over our democracy. He believes that only white people who believe in the same things as he does even belong in our country.

He has railed about the arrest of a “conservative” who pushed an elderly man to the ground causing injuries at an abortion clinic and claims it was a “Democrat” plot to stop conservatives from speaking out. But, he supports all of the people who were arrested and either pleaded guilty or were found guilty of their participation in the Jan. 6 insurrection. He calls them “political prisoners”.

According to his way of thinking, apparently, he believes that “conservatives” can attack those nasty “libs” and not be prosecuted for their crimes. They can attack and injure police officers in an attempt to overthrow our government and not be prosecuted for their crimes. He has no time nor sympathy for anyone who is not a white supremacist or fascist. They don’t count in his tiny little brain.

Since Russia illegally invaded Ukraine, Carlson has gone out of his way to claim that Russia was right in doing so. He claims that the dictatorship of Putin is good and the democracy in Ukraine is bad. Therefore, Putin had to invade in order to stop democracy in its tracks, especially along their borders.

I have seen reports that Carlson actually appears on Russian TV for more hours than he does here in his own country. Russian TV is always showing clips of him defending the invasion of Ukraine and praising Putin for being such a “great leader”.

Now, I don’t know for sure, but aren’t American TV news shows copyrighted? If that is the case, how does Russian TV get the clips and show them over and over on their shows. Yes, they probably just tape them by watching Carlson’s show, but why are they so interested in what he has to say?

They are completely elated over his latest claim that we, America, was who sabotaged the Nord Stream gas pipeline. Last night, he had a complete meltdown on air because other networks were not covering his conspiracy theory that America was the guilty party. Of course, he offers no proof or evidence to support his theory. But, then again mouthpieces don’t need proof or evidence.

So, if I were Tucker Carlson, I would be asking him some “tough questions” about his actions as he would say. For instance, since he is being shown on Russian TV so much, is he getting paid by Russian TV for his appearances? Since he believes that Putin is such a “great leader” is he receiving payment for his defense of the dictator?

It seems like every night, once Putin or Russian TV says something bad about our country, he is on-air saying the exact same thing. Does that mean he is being given the “talking points” by Russian TV to make sure he gets them right? I am “just asking questions that I believe Americans have a right to have answered”.

Putin is not the only authoritarian Carlson loves. He thinks the strongman in Hungary is great. He is in love, or at least has a huge crush, on the new fascist Prime Minister of Italy. To me, it is obvious that he actually hates our country, he hates our people and he hates democracy.

All Carlson does is go on-air every night and spew out his hate for everything decent in the world and throw out conspiracy theories. Just before Ian hit Florida, he said that “hurricanes are a scam”.

As the hurricane approached Florida, he said this on-air: “So, you hate to hype hurricanes, because it’s just a staple of TV and everyone’s kind of onto the scam. But there’s a legitimately large hurricane barreling toward the Gulf Coast of Florida tonight.”

So, I guess that hurricanes are only “legitimate” if Carlson says they are. And, no doubt the only hurricanes that are “legitimate” are ones that are going to devastate states run by people he likes. If it was going to hit New York, I am sure he would call that just another “scam hurricane”.

He is still complaining that the last election was “stolen” from Republicans. But, when Republicans win, there is no call for any investigations about “election fraud” from him. The way he sees it, there is only “election fraud” if the other side wins. How completely fascist of him.

When I was growing up, there was an old saying that “the inmates are running the asylum”. When it comes to how Fox News bosses view all of this, maybe that saying is true, at least at Fox News. Carlson and his insane attacks on our country is the biggest show on their network. So, is it any wonder they allow him to spill out his hate and not care that Russian TV is using them to “defend Putin” and his illegal war?

You often hear it said that people like Carlson should be ashamed of themselves. But, in order to feel any shame, the person must have at least one thread of decency and at least a half of an ounce of morality. Two things that are devoid in the character of Carlson as far as I can see.

As I see it, there is only two things Fox News is interested in. Ratings and Profits. The truth is something they don’t care about. There is only two things Carlson appears to be interested in. One is white supremacy and the other is fascism and his attempt to help it gain roots in our country.

So, it would appear that the interests of Fox News executives and Tucker Carlson go hand-in-hand. That is probably why they keep allowing this clown to show up every night and allow him to attack our country. Some “news” network.

How The Hell Did We Come To This?

As we attempt to come to grips with the disfunction of our society today, many people are asking the same question. How the hell did we come to this? Well, there are a lot of reasons, but in reality they all come down to the same thing. We have come to this because one political party has come to the conclusion that the only thing to offer is discontent.

In order to spread this discontent, you need fall guys. When things aren’t going exactly well, you need to “blame them” for all of your problems. You start by degrading people who are different and then move on to degrading everyone who doesn’t think or look like you.

Many may argue against me, but I believe and have for a long time, that this all began in 1980 with Ronald Reagan. It was Reagan who went after the discontent vote by blaming everyone for your problems. First he compiled the “example” of the Welfare Queen. You remember. He claimed that black women who were poor were spending their welfare checks on furs and lobsters. It was a lie of course, but the hateful and discontented decided it must be true and voted for Reagan.

This type of behavior infiltrated the Republican party from the roots all the way up the party’s chain. To a point where the leaders of the party are still spewing forth this filth. The last three major economic collapses in our country came under Republican controll of the government. There is no denying that. First was the recession under Reagan, then the recession under George H.W. Bush and finally the total collapse of the economy under George W. Bush.

The collapse of the economy under trump can be explained by the pandemic, but if you look at reality the real reason for that collapse was not just the pandemic but the willful disregard for Americans and their public health by trump and his administration. Instead of responding to the pandemic in helpful ways, they went about saying it was a hoax and we needn’t worry about it.

All of this is just the tip of the iceberg. Reagan also did something that hurt Americans by doing away with the Fairness Doctrine. This Doctrine was a policy that required the holders of broadcast licenses both to present controversial issues of public importance and to do so in a manner that fairly reflected differing viewpoints. Reagan didn’t like that because it meant those “differing” viewpoints might be the truth compared to what he was saying.

As a result, we had the birth of the so-called “conservative news” outlets beginning with Fox News. Under the new rules, a news organization could say whatever they wanted and did not have to air opposing views on the same subject. So, they were given a license to lie whenever it was in their interests.

Fox News has taken that license to new levels. The network, and I won’t call it a news network since they offer no real news, is rife with lies, misinformation and spreading discontent whenever and wherever possible. Instead of news reporters, they have filled their “primetime” hours with actors who merely spread lies and mislead their viewers.

There is no better example than Tucker Carlson. This false prophet can’t decide what the hell he favors or what he is against. Let us take the pandemic for example. For two years, this moron has complained that the COVID pandemic is not something to be taken seriously. He has railed against wearing masks calling it a form of “mental disease”. He has railed against the vaccine mandates because he doesn’t like the idea of keeping people safe from deadly diseases.

He has hawked “treatments” like ivermectin that have been proven to be useless against COVID and other treatments likewise proven worthless. He has been against reasonable public health measures from the start and has been telling his viewers that “your natural immunity will protect you from this virus”. You don’t need any vaccine or treatment.

But, all of a sudden, he is raging that treatment and vaccines are being withheld from “white people”. He is arguing, without any evidence or facts, that if you are white you cannot get treatment for the virus nor the vaccine to prevent you from getting it. What he is actually saying is that if you are white you can’t get treatment or the vaccine which he claims is unnecessary anyway. Why?

Well the answer is obvious. He is playing the “race card” by trying to make his viewers believe that they are being discriminated against because of their color. That as everyone with half of a brain knows is bullshit. Since his stance of being directly and firmly in the “COVID is no big deal camp”, there is only one explanation for this ranting now.

The reason is because he wants to sow more discontent among his viewers and “blame everyone else” for their troubles. He is deliberately stoking racism in order to cause widespread hate and discontent in his viewers. He knows what he is doing, too. He wants to sow discontent.

The party is all in favor of Carlson’s rants as well. Then again, once you’ve cut all the so-called handouts and decimated all the public institutions, what’s left to give to your base? That is exactly what the Republican Party has done since Ronald Reagan. They have decimated the social safety nets in order to give more wealth to the richest and to corporations. So, when their own supporters are suffering because they have nowhere to turn, you have to sow discontent and blame others for you problems. They are telling us “we took away your safety nets, but it isn’t our fault, it is their fault”.

That became clear with another rant from the propogandist. The other day, he went on a rant about the homeless. He decided that the reason there is homelessness in our country is because of social services for the homeless. According to Carlson, we don’t have social services that help the homeless because there is a homeless problem, we have a homeless problem because these services exist.

Carlson believes that ALL homeless are either drug addicts or lazy people who don’t want to work. He said this about both: “You are a drug addict. Get a job or leave. Pull up your pants and get the hell out of here. Go somewhere with lower standards. Head for a place where politicians don’t care about their people, because we do care and that’s why we’re hauling your tent to a landfill and cutting off your checks today.”

Data collected by PolicyAdvice might remind Carlson that these people are human beings: 20% are kids ― 42% of whom identify as LGBTQ — and 39.8% are Black. About 25% have mental health issues. One more statistic. The majority of homeless are VETERANS. But what does Carlson care about those “heroes”. He believes that the military has been “demasculated” by allowing women in the ranks. In one of the most telling stats, homeless people have an average life expectancy of 50 years.

According to Carlson the best thing to do for the homeless is make sure they don’t have homes to live in or be able to get treatment or help to become better off. Instead, I guess he wants all the homeless to be rounded up and placed in jail simply because they are homeless. Not ONE member of the Republican party has denounced this rant and “war against the homeless” issued by Carlson. As a result, we must infer they agree with him.

The party has gotten so bad, even Geraldo Rivera of Fox said this about Republican Senators. The “Senate used to be the most deliberative body in the world. But lately it has become a Bazar for Bozos. The low-brow, rudeness displayed by senators like Paul and Marshall has remade the Upper Chamber into a Jerry Springer Show.”

The disfunction in our politics is nothing that sprung up with trump. It was created by and polished by the Republican Party ever since Ronald Reagan became their super-hero. They have nurtured the idea of hate and discontent for political gain. They don’t care about America or Americans, even their own supporters. They only care about greed, hate and discontent in order to rule.

Don’t take my word for it either. Look at the lack of public policies they have offered over the last 40 years. There aren’t any public policies intended to help the average American. They have become very good at telling you what to be afraid of and whom to blame. But they never offer any ideas to make your life better. That is because they don’t have any and don’t want to bother to get any.

I have said it before and I will say it again. The Republican Party is a morally bankrupt organization that is more interested in making our great nation Putin’s Russia than preserving our democracy and our liberties. Everyday Party leaders and people like Carlson prove me correct as they sow more hate and discontent.

One Year – And Counting

Today marks the one year anniversary of the worst attack on our Nation’s Capitol since the War of 1812. One year ago, thousands of trump supporters stormed our Capitol in an attempt to overthrow the last election and our government. They caused the deaths of several people and injured over 140 police officers. The biggest problem is that day was just the beginning, not the end of the coup attempt.

Since that dreadful day we have seen over 800 people arrested for their participation in the insurrection. Hundreds have either pleaded guilty or have been found guilty of charges stemming from their actions. The worst of the charges have yet to be heard in court.

The whole affair was perpetrated by the last president. Being sore that he lost a free and fair election, he complained over and over and over that the election was “rigged” against him. Since then there have been hundreds of law suits trying to overturn the election and they have all lost. There have been “audits” of election results. In Arizona, they even used someone who has no experience with auditing anything much less an election and Republicans touted they were going to “blow the lid” off of the claim of a “fair and free” election. But the results of even this sham audit found no evidence of any voter fraud.

We have seen results of other audits in other states say the same thing. THERE WAS NO MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD in the last election. But, states like Wisconsin are still holding audit after audit and still finding no proof. The whole idea of massive voter fraud stealing the election from our dictator wanna-be is the real BIG LIE.

All of these results have not stopped the lies and the manipulations of “fixing” the upcoming elections in favor of the Republicans. The Republican party is the minority party of the country. Less than 35 percent of the voting population are registered Republicans. That means the only way they can win an election is by coming up with great policies that help the common person or cheat by making it harder for people to vote.

The Republican Party hasn’t given us any new ideas or any new policies for over 40 years. So, they have resorted to the idea that the best way to win elections is to cheat. They are passing voter restriction laws in Republican controlled states that make it harder for people of color and the elderly and young to cast their votes. They are even passing laws stripping election officials of their powers to oversee the elections and if the state legislature doesn’t like the results, they will be able to overturn the popular vote and “select” their own delegates to the Electoral College.

In other words, just like in any dictatorship, they will be able to decide who wins or loses elections based on party affiliation, not election results. They have taken the position of the reported saying of Joseph Stalin who said “it doesn’t matter who votes in elections, it only matters who counts the votes”. Republicans want to ensure they are the ones “counting” the votes and if they don’t like the results, they will simply change them.

It is laws like these that would be overturned if the new voting rights bill were to pass Congress. You can see why the Republicans are so against such a voting rights bill. If it were to pass, their “minority rule” laws would be overturned and they would lose their ability to determine elections based on party.

In the meantime, the select committee investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection is making progress. But they are making progress in ways Republicans don’t want them to make progress. They have uncovered several emails, texts and memos that clearly show there was a clear attempt to overthrow our government on that day. It also shows that there was a clear attempt to “declare marshal law” in order to keep trump in power by declaring the election null and void.

We have also learned that it wasn’t just the trump administration trying to overthrow the government. We have also learned that members of conservative media knew what was going to happen. We have learned that even Sean Hannity tried to talk trump off the wall and stop it before it even happened. Of course, trump just blasted Hannity for those texts he sent to Mark Meadows.

Senators and Representatives who all went on national TV that day and described the insurrection for what is was and called it bad, are now claiming that it wasn’t an insurrection just a riot. They are saying that those who have been arrested and put in prison are “political prisoners” because they supported trump’s attempted coup and not our democracy.

Hell, even the Canadian Senator from Texas, Ted Cruz, said this the other day: “We are approaching a solemn anniversary this week. And it is an anniversary of a violent terrorist attack on the Capitol, where we saw the men and women of law enforcement demonstrate incredible courage, incredible bravery, risk their lives for the Capitol.”

Hold your Texas horses! One of the biggest trump lapdogs has just admitted that the insurrection on Jan. 6, 2021 was “a violent terrorist attack on the Capitol”. As you can guess that did not sit well with the treasonous members of MAGA world, especially the biggest liar of them all, Tucker Carlson.

On his show last night Carlson couldn’t help but put Cruz in his place. We all know that Cruz is a minor player in the MAGA world and Carlson is the mouthpiece of the filthy lies. Carlson made sure that the MAGA world’s lies were on full display by saying this about Cruz:

“He described Jan. 6 as a violent terrorist attack. Of all the things Jan. 6 was, it was definitely not a violent terrorist attack. It wasn’t an insurrection. Was it a riot? Sure. It was not a violent terrorist attack. Sorry! So why are you telling us it was, Ted Cruz? What the hell’s going on here? You’re making us think, maybe the Republican Party is as worthless as we suspected it was. That can’t be true. Reassure us, please, Ted Cruz.”

Unfortunately for us that is the mindset of the Republican Party today. They don’t believe in democracy. They don’t believe in free and fair elections where the people decide who should hold office. They believe that they should “rule” us like in any dictatorship. They believe they are the “anointed” ones who are destined to rule us no matter what we think about them.

Carlson said something that does make sense. He said “You’re making us think, maybe the Republican party is as worthless as we suspected it was.” Of course he was referring to the “normal” Republican Party that was interested in our democracy and our nation and even governing not ruling. But, in reality, he is right. The Republican Party has become “as worthless” as we suspect.

It has been one year since trump and his followers attempted an open coup against our government. Today as we mark that anniversary, his “party” is trying to “rig” every election moving forward in order to establish the dictatorship they long to create.

Here is the irony in all of this. A few weeks ago trump was booed at one of his own rallies for suggesting people actually get vaccinated against the Coronavirus. So, yesterday, he told his supporters to “rise up” against vaccine mandates. He told his supporters last year to “fight like hell” before the insurrection began. Now he is once again turning to violence to make political points with his followers.

I haven’t said this for a while, but we are watching “the shirts keep marching along”.

Proof Of Tucker Carlson’s Empty-Headed Confusion About Everything

“The point of mandatory vaccination is to identify the sincere Christians in the ranks, the free thinkers, the men with high testosterone levels, and anyone else who doesn’t love Joe Biden and make them leave immediately.” That was Tucker Carlson in September raging against vaccine mandates for the military.

According to him, getting the vaccine “feminizes” men, especially those with “high testosterone levels”. I am also guessing that he believes that the vaccine has some kind of “anti-christian” thing inside of it and some kind of “stupid” serum to take away our thinking abilities.

That has been part of Carlson’s attacks on vaccines. Of course, he refuses to say whether or not he has been vaccinated. But, if he is doing his show from the studio and he has followed Fox News vaccine mandates, he must have been vaccinated.

But, of course, that is just the beginning of this craziness. He just can’t stop himself from contradicting himself every turn he gets. On Monday on his show, he said that “getting the virus feminizes” men. He used British Prime Minister Boris Johnson as his “perfect example”.

He was talking to far-right wing British politician Nigel Farage. In one blistering moment he declared that somebody “who knows” Johnson told him that getting COVID “emasculated” the prime minister. “It changed him, it feminized him, it weakened him as a man.”

So here is Carlson’s conundrum. He first claims that getting the vaccine will feminize men. Then he claims that catching the virus feminizes men. So, just what are we supposed to do? Are we to get the vaccine and risk being feminized or are we to wait around and catch the disease to become feminized. No matter which way you look at it, according to Carlson, the pandemic is really all about “feminizing” men. Talk about a lose-lose situation. Carlson just doesn’t know which way to turn.

Then we have his “great” show about the Jan. 6 insurrection where he claimed that it was a “deep state” conspiracy against his hero trump. In the show, he declared that a man with a red painted face was “obviously a law enforcement officer” trying to cause violence. This man has become known as “RedFace45” in his show.

But, the man has also been identified as someone else. This someone else is not a law enforcement officer. He is a Tucker Carlson fan and trump fan and is also known as “Rally Runner”. He is a St. Louis Cardinals fan who paints his face red and runs around the outside of the stadium during home games. He says he does this because it “strengthens the spirit for the Cardinals to get the energy to win.”

Rally Runner is a Facebook addict and a huge trump fan. Rally Runner made his support for Trump clear. He posted computer-generated videos of himself dancing with Trump in front of an American flag and riding behind Trump on a bald eagle’s back.  Yeah, that is the sign of some “deep state” agent against trump. Of course since all of this came out, Carlson has gone quiet on the RedFace45 man known as Rally Runner.

There has been some sort of war between Fox News and CNN for a long time. There is a huge difference between the two networks. CNN just fired Chris Cuomo over ethics rules of the station. According to reports, Cuomo “offered advice” to his brother when the Governor faced his sexual assault allegations. CNN found that to be unethical and against network rules and misleading. As a result, Cuomo lost his gig as an anchor at CNN.

On the other side of the coin, Fox News has several people giving out false information about a number of issues, including Tucker Carlson. That network has yet to do anything to “punish” or quash this false information. However, the network is facing another charge of “retaliation” against a former employee for speaking out against the network.

As you can see, one network, CNN, seems to abide by ethics and integrity. The other network, FOX News, doesn’t care about ethics or integrity. Then again, if they did care about ethics and integrity, they would have to fire at least half of their on-air personalities.

There you have it. Fox News and Tucker Carlson are so confused about facts, truth and everything, they don’t know where to turn. Remember, if you get vaccinated you will become feminized. If you catch the virus you will become feminized. But if you don’t get vaccinated you have a huge chance of catching the disease so I guess you may as well accept the fact that you will be “feminized” either way.

The funny thing is Carlson doesn’t say what the virus or vaccine does to women. If they “feminize” men can we conclude that he believes that women will become “masculinized”?

All anyone can say about all of this is a simple three letter tweet thing. WTF? Only Carlson knows from where his empty headed ideas come. Too bad so many people actually believe this bullshit.

Former Guy Proves Irony Is Not Dead With His Proposed New Social Media Platform

So, the former guy is tired of being non-existent on social media. He is dying because people like Tucker Carlson are getting more attention than he is. Carlson, even though he is trying to boost the former guy, is getting far more attention than the former guy. And, since the former guy lives and breathes attention more than anything else, that is like a death sentence to him.

As a result, the former guy has declared a “new social media platform” coming next year. He proudly said that it will be an “open and free expression” of opinions for everyone. Here is where he proves irony is not dead. The name of this new social media platform is “Truth Social”. The biggest serial liar in the country’s history is actually naming his new sight with the word “truth” in it. How ironic is that?

But, there are a few things that could hamper his new platform. Things are not as being pictured by him and his new company that will run it. As a matter of fact, it is very possible that he could be sued before it even gets started. That is because it appears he violated “terms” for using someone else’s code to run his platform.

There is a company called “Mastodon”. This is an open-source alternative social network known for its focus on user privacy and autonomy. And, it appears that the code for the former guy’s new site has taken their digital DNA directly from Mastodon.

It isn’t all that unusual for other organizations to use Mastodon’s code, because it has a generous open-source policy. Users can create a software “fork,” essentially a modified version of the company’s code for their own purposes, so long as they abide by certain legally mandated stipulations in Mastodon’s terms of service. Surprise, Truth Social appears to have snatched the code but failed to abide by its terms.

It works like this. Mastodon leases its software under something called an AGPLv3 license, which basically stipulates that users can use its code so long as they acknowledge where it came from and make the copied or modified code available for public inspection. They simply want the credit they earned by creating the code in the first place.

We know that Truth Social has violated the terms of this lease because in its own terms of service, Truth Social claims that “all source code” from its software is proprietary, essentially failing to mention that it lifted it from somewhere else. They are actually claiming they “created” the software on their own, when in fact, they took it from Mastodon.

Screenshots of the Truth Social site, clearly indicate that the code came directly from Mastodon. The similarities of the two sites is clear to anyone who knows anything about these sites. Clearly, this code is not “proprietary” to the trump company as they falsely claim.

Then, there is another “discrepancy” about the site. On Hannity, the former guy said this about his new social media platform: “What we are trying to do is create a big tent, an open and free network for people to be able to assert your First Amendment rights.”

Well, well, wouldn’t that be nice. Except it isn’t really true. See, like every site, there are “terms of agreement”. And, an inspection of those “terms of agreement” you will discover that being able to assert your “First Amendment rights” isn’t exactly what it is about.

Under the section of “prohibited activities” it says that you are not allowed to “disparage, tarnish, or otherwise harm, in our opinion, us and/or the Site.” I love that part that reads “in our opinion”. Additionally, what does “disparage or tarnish or otherwise harm” mean? I guess you need to post something and then let them decide if they think it does one of those things.

There is another “not allowed” thing that will be broken the very first time that the former guy posts on his new platform. Under the same section it clearly states that it is prohibited for “excessive use of capital letters”. It goes on to read that users must not “upload or transmit (or attempt to upload or to transmit) viruses, Trojan horses, or other material, including excessive use of capital letters and spamming (continuous posting of repetitive text), that interferes with any party’s uninterrupted use and enjoyment of the Site or modifies, impairs, disrupts, alters, or interferes with the use, features, functions, operation, or maintenance of the Site.”

I seriously doubt the former guy would intentionally upload or transmit viruses, Trojan horses or other material. But excessive use of capital letters and spamming are common practices of his. If his “posts” include these features, will he be barred from his own site? I doubt it. But I bet you would.

As you can see, the former guy has proven beyond a reasonable doubt that irony is not dead. It has not been “canceled” and it is alive and kicking. The irony that the biggest serial liar in our country is going to have a social platform with the word “truth” in it is irony. The idea that their “proprietary” software is actually “stolen” from another company is also irony. And, the idea that this is supposed to be an “open platform for conversation” is irony in that you are prohibited from “disparaging the site in THEIR opinion”.

Another question in the disparaging thing, is just who is covered under the word “us”. It states you cannot disparage or other things to “us” or the site. Does that mean that if anyone says anything that the former guy doesn’t like they will be tossed off the site? Is he the determining “us” the terms are referring to?

So, if the former guy posts something negative about one of his “enemies” and that person fights back, will that person be “barred” from the site because they disparaged “us” or rather the former guy?

One thing we can hope for is that Mastodon sues and shuts down the site before it gets off the ground. This isn’t a site to “discuss” issues, it’s sole intention is to give the former guy a platform where he can spew forth his bile and ban anyone on the site who goes against him. It is purely a “dictator’s” platform so the dictator can have free reign. In reality, THAT is the “truth” about his “truth social”.

The Party Of Stupid – And Proud Of It

In 1918 and 1919, over 600,000 Americans died from influenza known as Spanish Flu. It took over 2 years for us to reach that number. Now, we have reached over 700,000 dead in less than two years from the Coronavirus Pandemic. Still, Republicans are arguing that there is no pandemic and no measures are required to slow or stop the spread of this pandemic.

The outlandish behavior is not limited to stupid talking points from politicians. We are seeing angry parents shouting and screaming at school board meetings because they don’t want mask mandates. That is not a real problem, except it says more about those parents and their rude and stupid behavior than anything else.

The real problem comes because some of them are actually making physical threats against members of these school boards. We are seeing a huge uptick in the number of threats against public officials and even health care workers because of the misinformation being presented by the right wing stupids in our country.

As a result of these threats, the DOJ announced that they are taking these threats seriously and are looking into investigating the physical threats being made against public officials over the mask mandates. That is the job of the DOJ and the FBI. When people threaten others with physical harm or death, they are supposed to investigate to find out if the threats are serious.

But, the party that claims to be the “law and order” party doesn’t see it that way. They don’t want the FBI or the DOJ to investigate these people threatening others. They are actually calling the possible investigation into what is defined as “criminal behavior” a “justice department overreach”. They claim that the DOJ is trying to “intimidate parents” who disagree with policies.

That is bullshit and the Republicans know it. Yet, people like Sen. Rubio and Sen. Hawley are at the forefront of screaming this stupidity. Apparently, they believe that if an anti-masker decides to “threaten the life of any public official who doesn’t support their views” that is simply fine with them. Apparently, investigating criminal behavior is not what the FBI or DOJ are supposed to do.

However, when the last guy tried to use the DOJ and the FBI to overthrow the last election, that is perfectly fine. I guess that is what they are supposed to do. When an incumbent loses an election, they are supposed to use the power of the DOJ to declare the election void and keep their boss in power.

This is not a case of “intimidating parents”. This is a case of finding out the seriousness of threats made against public officials. I bet you a dollar to a donut that if either of these Republicans received threats because they are against mask wearing, they would be the first to yell at the DOJ to start an immediate investigation against the threat maker. Their personal safety is far to important to take lightly. But, the personal safety of school board officials and their families are not as important as theirs. So, if you make a threat against one of these people, you are being a “patriot” and not a criminal.

But, this all goes hand in hand with others on the right who complain about vaccine mandates and mask mandates. Take Tucker Carlson on Fox News. This moron has been railing against the vaccine and masks for almost two years. He rails against the mandates placed on government employees, but says nothing about the rules of Fox News towards their own employees which are more stringent than the federal employee rules.

Yet, Carlson refuses to say whether or not he has been vaccinated as his company wants him to be. He refuses to boldly state openly “that I have not been vaccinated and never will be”. No, instead, he keeps mum about that item and declares it is “private information” that he does not need to declare.

That tells me that he has been vaccinated. Others who have railed against the vaccine have all come out clearly and stated they won’t get vaccinated. But, Carlson is only interested in ratings from his ignorant audience and won’t tell the truth because it makes him richer.

It also shows just how ignorant and cowardly Carlson really is. Look, if I was that against the vaccine and declared that vaccine mandates were illegal, I would make it clear its not only my opinion, but also my refusal to take the vaccine. If I received any pushback from my employer, I would “resign in protest”.

Of course resigning is protest means you actually believe what you are saying. Carlson won’t even consider the idea because he really doesn’t believe what he is saying. I believe that he has gotten the vaccine and is secretly and openly lying to his audience just to make money. Which would confirm my belief that he has no moral fiber at all. He is a phony and that is becoming clearer and clearer with each passing day.

That goes for people complaining about investigations into possible criminal activity by people making physical threats against public officials like school board members. There is no excuse for such behavior. But, as we know, these criminals have backers in politicians from the right side of the aisle.

The other day, a Republican Mayor in an Ohio city declared that every member of his school board should resign en masse or go to jail. This wasn’t even over the pandemic. It was because he didn’t like a “reading list” given to students with parental permission about “sex education”. He calls the books on the list “child pornography”. The books do not involve child pornography, but that doesn’t matter. He and some of his supporters don’t like them, so they must be banned or else the school board members must resign or go to prison.

This is what the Republican Party has become. Instead of engaging in reasonable debate and using proof of evidence to support their ideas, they simply make threats against their opponents and then claim that if the DOJ decides those threats should be investigated, cry and cry about being abused.

I guess the best way to end this is by using a quote the other from a Conservative Writer who said he joined the Republican Party in the 1980s when they called themselves the “party of ideas”. His definition of the party today is “they are the stupid party, and to make it worse, they are proud of being the stupid party”.

As Forrest Gump once said “stupid is what stupid does”. Today’s Republicans have stupid down pat and are very proud of being that stupid.

Missing In America

What do Gabby Petito, Elly Bae Begay Jennifer Caridad and Daniel Robinson have in common? They are all missing in America. What are the differences between them. Well, Gabby Petito was well covered in her disappearance. She was a “van blogger” who used social media to talk about her tour of America in a van with her boyfriend. Elly Bae Begay a rug weaver disappeared suddenly. She was not using social media like Petito. Jennifer Caridad a day-care worker was also last seen with her boyfriend. Daniel Robinson a geologist was working in Arizona. He did not use social media very much either.

Then there is this little tidbit. Petito was a white woman. Begay is a Native American 64-year old woman. Caridad is of Mexican descent. And Robinson is a black man. That is the problem facing families of the missing. The media coverage of the missing people seem to depend on who they are.

The sad fact is that if the missing person is white, the media coverage is far greater than if the person missing is a person of color. For example, one sample of 247 missing teens in New York and California found 34% of white teens’ cases were covered by the media, compared to only 7% of Black teens and 14% of Latino kids. It could be argued that this could lead to a conception that white lives matter more than people of color.

I am not suggesting that anyone consciously is trying to convey that message. But, if you look at the coverage, that is what is being done. Ms. Begay has been missing for over 3 months. There is no trace of her. And, it is reported that a person a day goes missing from a tribal community. About 700 indigenous people disappeared in Wyoming between 2011 and 2020, and about 20% of those cases were still unsolved after a month. That’s about double the rate in the white population. Only about 18 percent of those missing cases received any media coverage.

Social media use and public pressure both have impacts on driving police investigations. In the Petito case, another traveler found her van in one of their videos. Police won’t say if that helped find her body. But, the opportunity to create a well-curated social-media profile, though, isn’t available to everyone, said Leah Salgado, deputy director of IllumiNative, a Native women-led social justice organization. “So much of who we care about and what we care about is curated in ways that disadvantage people of color and Black and Indigenous people in particular,” she said.

We know about the Caridad case because her friends have taken to social media to emphasize her missing status and get the police to step up their search. Caridad’s boyfriend whom she was last seen with has been arrested for attempted murder and carjacking charges after a shootout with police. Yet, police say they have no new information about her case.

Daniel Robinson, a 22 year old geologist, disappeared in Arizona. His SUV was discovered in a ravine a month after he disappeared. His wallet, keys, cellphone and clothes were all found inside the vehicle. But not Robinson. He is still missing.

The Petito case also brought to light the missing case of an Asian American, Lauren “El” Cho in California. Until then, very little had been broadcast by the media about her disappearance.

These cases are just the tip of the iceberg. There are thousands of missing people in America, but we only hear about “some” of them. And if the missing is a person of color, we hear even less about those cases. That is a real problem in helping solve these cases. It is vital, especially in the first two days, that mass media attention is used in cases of missing people.

The unfortunate problem is that it is hard to not separate racism and stereotyping linking missing people to crime. That is something that needs to be done in order to make sure every missing person gets the media attention they need to be found. Natalie Wilson, who co-founded the Black and Missing Foundation said this: “Oftentimes, the families … don’t feel as though their lives are valued. We need to change the narrative around our missing to show they are our sisters, brothers, grandparents. They are our neighbors. They are part of our community.”

To show just how this works, in the state where I live, there are “public announcements” especially about missing kids. If known, the message always tells us what the child is wearing and if taken by someone in a car, a description and/or plate number is given. However, that message is only given once or twice. After that, nothing is said and the message is not repeated. Nor is there any follow up to say the person was found.

We must remember that people who go missing are people. They have family. They have friends. Every missing person deserves the same coverage in order to locate them as quickly as possible. That is one of the things that needs to be reformed in police and media coverage of missing people. Then, maybe we will get to a point when we will have no more “missing in America”.

March Of The Lemmings

Question: Who has been the biggest purveyors of misinformation about the effectiveness of the COVID vaccine? Answer: Fox News!

That question is very pertinent today because of what we know to be the truth. First of all, Fox News personalities, with a few exceptions like Carlson and Ingraham are now encouraging everyone to get vaccinated. They are backtracking all of their misinformation to keep you from wanting a vaccine.

Even Sean Hannity the other day said that he was vaccinated and urged his listeners to get vaccinated. This is a first for the blowhard who says nothing of importance very often.

Throughout this pandemic, we have listened to these clowns tell us at first the pandemic was a hoax. We listened to them tell us the pandemic was some “Democrat conspiracy to make trump look bad”. We listened to them praise the former guy for “inventing the vaccine” and then in the next sentence trash the very vaccine we were supposed to praise the former guy for inventing.

All the while this misinformation was spewing from their mouths, the network actually had and now has a strict COVID-19 policy. And, now that the vaccine is available, it INCLUDES a VACCINE PASSPORT. You read that right. The network that has railed about vaccine passports as being unconstitutional actually enforces a vaccine passport in their workspaces.

According to this policy it includes a vaccine passport, allowing only the company’s fully-vaccinated employees to work in their offices without wearing a mask or social distancing. This policy was explained in a memo in June, but it actually began in May.

The Intercept’s Ryan Grim first reported on Monday that Fox began asking its employees to attest to their own vaccination status in May in order to receive a “FOX Clear Pass.” Employees who don’t inform the company that they’ve been fully vaccinated – including the dates of their shots and type of immunization – are required to fill out a daily health screening before coming into the office, wear masks, and maintain physical distance from others in the office.

Of course both Carlson and Ingraham continue their war against the vaccine and vaccine passports. Carlson even compared it to “Jim Crowe” racial segregation laws of the past. This has even become a real fight between Fox personalities.

The other day, Steve Doocy of all people, pointed out on Fox and Friends that 99 percent of deaths from the virus are unvaccinated people. Doocy encouraged everyone to get vaccinated and said “99% of the people who died have not been vaccinated.”

That is a real statement of truth. But, Brian Kilmeade wasn’t buying the warning. He shot back “That’s their choice.” Say what? What kind of TV personality says that it is okay to die because it is “their choice”. If people who trust you to give them the truth and you lie to them and they don’t get the vaccine, it has not been “their choice” they are following your instructions and therefore it is “your choice”.

The conversation went on:

“They don’t wanna die,” Doocy responded, “so the administration and the government is saying we need the mask mandate to protect the unvaccinated.”

Kilmeade then claimed the government isn’t responsible for protecting its citizens from death. “That’s not their job, it’s not their job to protect anybody!” he insisted.

Well stupid, it is the primary job of any government to protect people from death whenever possible. Our Founding Fathers knew that and they acted upon that belief. During quarantines for various pandemics in the early stages of our country, they actually sent in the Army to enforce those quarantines.

Then there is a former Fox Reporter calling out Carlson for his lying to the American people. He said: “It’s about ratings and ratings ultimately become revenue, and that’s the name of the game. Whoever gets the most clicks on social media, makes the most money, gets the most fame, gets the most attention and that type of activity is not journalism. It’s not news. It’s gaslighting. It’s propaganda.”

He then said that people who dispute scientific evidence is putting people’s lives at risk. He added: “It makes no sense whatsoever. This is literally the metaphor of the lemmings running to their own slaughter. People who are listening to that sort of stuff instead of the science that goes way way back.”

“It is the opinion hosts who aren’t journalists per se, they’re talking heads, and their job, their reward is bringing eyeballs on television, and all they really gotta do is keep people watching until it’s commercial time, and then it’s ka-ching ka-ching ka-ching for the networks. And it works really well in prime time, but it’s not news.”

So, as you can see, Fox News has lied to the American People for over 18 months. They have downplayed the pandemic calling it a hoax. They downplayed the effectiveness of the vaccine, even going so far as to tell the people it is “more dangerous than the virus”. They have railed against so-called “Green Passports” that show you have been fully vaccinated.

Yet, behind the cameras, they have one of the most strict COVID-19 policies in the industry. That policy even includes that “green passport” their on-air personalities claim is so “communistic”. We don’t know if Carlson or Ingraham have been fully vaccinated. Neither they nor the network will say.

But, if we go by the history of the network and their hiding of everything truthful about the vaccine and the pandemic, it would be a safe bet to say they were fully vaccinated. They are the types of people who will go to all lengths to protect themselves and then tell you not to protect yourself. Remember, they are big stars and are FAR more important than we little people.

While the network goes to great lengths to protect their employees, their personalities are leading the “March of the Lemmings”. They are the loudest proponents of the “death cult” of the former guy. PATHETIC!!!

Decision Day – Democracy Or Autocracy – That Is Our Choice

Today is the final day you can cast your vote. However, more than 232,000 people will not be able to vote this year. They can’t vote because they have been killed by the coronavirus. They all did not have to die. They did not all have to be infected with the virus.

They were infected and died because the president did nothing to slow the spread of the virus. He pretended it did not exist. He pretended it would “all go away”. He lied to us about how serious it was and simply did not care if you got sick or died from it. All he cared about was two things. First, it happened on his watch and made him look bad. Second, it got more press than he did.

That is the simple facts. He was not the cause of the virus. Nature was the cause of the virus. But, he is the cause that we have suffered more than any other nation in the world from it. He is the cause that so many of our people died from the virus. His inaction was criminal.

However, being criminal is nothing new to trump. He was impeached for being a criminal using YOUR money to extort a foreign government. He has flouted the emoluments clause of the Constitution. He has allowed every member of his administration to violate the Hatch Act by allowing them to campaign on government time and money.

As we head into the final day of voting, he is announcing his plans to disenfranchise millions of votes because they “won’t be counted by the end of today”. Let me tell you this. Never in our history has every state counted all of the ballots by the end of “election day”. There is always a lag between election day and final results.

This is because of absentee ballots, or mail-in ballots. They are required by almost every state to be “postmarked” by election day. That means they are not all in on election day. As a result, many of these ballots has historically been counted days after the formal election day. And by the way, millions of those ballots have been cast by military personnel stationed overseas.

But trump and his Politburo don’t want that to happen this year. They are afraid that for the first time, Democratic votes outnumber Republican votes because more Democrats requested absentee ballots than Republicans. As a result, they are prepared to make sure those ballots are not counted. The irony is that a lot of those ballots will actually be marked for trump. Yet, they don’t want them counted because they want to steal the election.

That is not my opinion. It is what trump and the Politburo have announced they plan to do for the last four months, at least. And trump even said so the other day. He announced that once the “polling places close I am sending in the lawyers”. He really believes he can stop vote counting and steal the election that way.

To be honest, I have more faith in our election process than trump does. I believe that the poll workers are honest people who are just trying to ensure that our election goes off just like they have since we became a nation.

Of course, the best way to head off this attempt to steal the election is for everyone to vote. The bigger the election win for Biden, the least likely trump will be able to steal it. We have seen record numbers of people vote during the early voting season. Almost 100 million people have already voted. That is more than two-thirds of everyone who voted in 2016. That is a good sign.

However, we cannot let up. If you have not voted, you must go to the polls and cast your vote. You cannot let trump nor his enablers or thug supporters to keep you from voting. If you love your democracy, your country and consider yourself a “patriot” you must go to the polls and vote. I does matter. YOUR vote does count.

As I have written before, every freedom and every right you enjoy living in our country comes from your DUTY to vote. Voting is not just a right. It is a civic duty because your voice is needed to make sure our system works. The more people who vote, the better our country will be and the better our democracy will work.

We have lived in hell for the last four years. Don’t kid yoursleves. We have seen children ripped from their parents who came here seeking asylum from violence. Many of those children have still not been reunited with their parents. We have seen those childeren placed in cages and forced to sleep on concrete floors.

We have witnessed a virus be allowed to run rampant through our society. We have seen our economy destroyed by that virus. We keep hearing that it was the best ever and that trump made it that way. That is a lie. He inherited a growing and healthy economy from Obama. Then like everything else he inherited, he ran it into the ground with his lack of action about the virus.

We hear trump claim he had the “best stock market” in history. That is also not true. As a matter of fact, the stock market grew less under his watch than it did under three of his predecessors. Under Obama the stock market grew by 62 percent. Under Clinton it grew by 62 percent. Under George H. W. Bush it grew by 45 percent. Under trump it grew by 42 percent. So, he is not the “miracle worker” for the economy he claims to be.

We have heard reports that Putin put bounties on the heads of our troops and the coalition forces fighting with us in Afghanistan. Our failure did nothing about it. He never even called Putin to warn him it better not be true or there would be consequences. He allowed this crime to take place with no concern for our fighting forces.

He repaired about 400 miles of his vaunted border wall, then called it “new” wall. In fact, he has built about 4 miles of “new” fencing. By the way, Mexico has not paid a cent to help build his wall as he promised us. YOU paid for this Berlin Wall. He took credit for a bill helping veterans who had trouble getting appointments at the VA. But, that bill was signed by Obama two years before he took office.

He has sown division everywhere he has gone. He has attacked Gold Star families. He calls our free press the “enemy of the people”. He attacks his own administration because they won’t all go along with his schemes to “lock up” his opponents.

He has given white supremacists and fringe wacko militia types the green light to attack any people of color they choose. He doesn’t care about equality. He believes that only white people have rights. He is an open rascist and doesn’t care if you know it.

These are just some of the evidence that we have lived in hell for the last four years. Today is the last day to vote him out of office once and for all. Every election we hear that “this is the most important election in history”. This year, that statement is true. This election we are not just choosing between two men and two parties.

This year we are choosing our future and how our children and grandchildren will live. Will we leave them a free country with rights and liberties, or will we leave them with a Soviet styled dictatorship led by a white supremacist?

Are we going to leave them with a society that is united and working together to make our country even better, or are we going to leave them with a society where the privileged gain everything and we lose everything?

Are we going to leave them with a society where the idea of “justice for all” means something, or are we going to leave them with a society where only certain people are subject to justice? If you are a “friend” or supporter of the leader, you are above the law.

Are we going to leave them a society that is diverse and strong and working, or are we going to leave them a society that is divided and some people are “not worthy” of their freedoms because of their color or their religion or their love life?

For the first time in my lifetime, we are being forced to choose between the America that is the oldest democracy in the world or if we are going to allow it to become a dictatorship and live under the yoke of oppression.

Are we going to live in a free society with equality for all, or are we going to have a country, as Lindsey Graham said, African Americans and women have a place in America only if they follow “certain rules?”

Our supreme leader and his Politburo want us to live in Lindsey Graham’s America. They don’t want equality or justice. They want pure naked power and we are to live as they tell us how to live. I say NO! I say it is time for the entire bunch of autocrats of the Politburo party to be shoved out the door along with their supreme leader.

I ask that you join the rest of free Americans and reject this autocrat and his enablers. If you haven’t already done so, go to the polls and VOTE like your life depends on it. For the first time, it just might.