Why Do Conservatives Hate Christmas So Much?

Now that Thanksgiving is over, we turn our attention to celebrating Christmas. However, even though conservatives want us to celebrate “traditional” Christmas, they are preaching it to be another celebration of hate, divisiveness and bigotry. And, they are ramping up their fabled “war on Christmas”. Except, the only “war on Christmas” is being conducted by them.

If you are a Christian, you celebrate this day as the birthday of Jesus. It has always been a time for love and peace. Even during nasty wars, there were agreements of not waging war on Christmas. Hell, in World War I, the Germans and English played a soccer game in the “no-man’s” land between the trenches. It was only allowed once, but you get the point.

During Christmas season, we always heard about the brotherhood of man and the celebration of peace and love. It was a time when people opened their wallets and purses and helped the poor have a better Christmas. That tradition continues with charities like “Toys for Tots” and other organizations that help make Christmas merrier for the less privileged.

However, several years ago, the right-wing tried to make Christmas another political talking point. They tried to use Christmas as a means to divide us even more than we already are. And, that trend is getting worse every year. The leader of this madness is none other than Fox News. And, they are quickly ramping up their complaints about how Christmas is not supposed to be about inclusiveness or even love of your neighbor.

According to conservatives, Christmas is supposed to be a sign of their superiority over everyone else and we are all to bow to their demands and their hatred of everything humane. They want us to believe that the season is meant to line their pockets with more money and to make sure that all non-Christians are punished somehow.

The level of hate in our country has risen to heights I have never seen before, and I am an old man. We are witnessing the dehumanization of several groups of people in our nation. We see the hatred towards women, LGBTQ, non-whites, immigrants, and anyone who doesn’t believe in the conservative view of what Christianity is. That view is “we are great, the rest of you are depraved sloughs with no meaning in life”.

One congressman from Wisconsin is all huffed up about a Christmas tree because it was decorated by a Satanic organization which does not “worship” Satan. Doesn’t this clown know that his beloved Christmas tree is pagan in it’s origin? The tree comes from pagan German beliefs. It only became real popular when Queen Victoria and Prince Albert put one up in their residence in England. By the way, they were both German.

Fox News is once again railing about Christmas decorations because they “have gone too far” in their inclusiveness. They have complained about a Nutcracker that has a rainbow hat and holds a rainbow flag. They complain that this is “sexualizing” our children to become gay.

They are ranting about a Santa Clause figurine that is not only black, but is in a wheelchair. They failed to mention there is also a white Santa figurine in a wheel chair. Apparently, the idea of a disabled Santa is totally disgusting to them and makes our “children” hate Christmas.

Naturally, this comes from the same network that hated the idea that people actually said “Happy Holidays” instead of Merry Christmas. That was their way of saying that other holidays celebrated in December are not to be acknowledged. Only Christmas can be celebrated during December. Sorry, Jews, but your Chanukah shouldn’t be celebrated in conjunction with Christmas according to conservatives in our nation.

The conservative movement is always looking for something to drive a wedge between our people. They are always looking for something to prove that only they are the true believers and celebrators of Christmas. If you are gay, you have no right to celebrate Christmas. If you are an immigrant you cannot celebrate Christmas according to your traditions. If you are a woman, make sure you slave in the kitchen to bake your masters cookies and a great Christmas meal.

The idea that Jesus came to save us all is foreign to conservatives. They believe that Jesus came to save only white straight men and make everyone else subject to their rule. Remember, according to these clowns, Jesus who was Jewish, wasn’t Jewish but a white man who came to save the Jews from themselves. Therefore, no one else matters but white men.

In the 70 plus years I have been on this earth, I have always loved Christmas. Not for any religious reasons, but because it was a celebration and reminder that we are all our brother’s keeper. That we are all part of the same race, the human race and that we are supposed to help each other.

Whether or not you wish to believe it, the holiday of Christmas in our country is a secular holiday. With the separation of church and state, we are not supposed to celebrate religious holidays. Christmas was made a secular holiday because it was celebrated by the vast majority of the people.

Over the years of my life, it has become more of a commercial holiday than anything else. I really don’t have a major problem with that, as long as people remember the real meaning of Christmas which is love and peace.

Growing up, as we walked down the street people would smile and give a holiday greeting. It didn’t matter if they said Merry Christmas or Happy Holiday. No one cared which phrase was used. It was a time of “good cheer” and humanity. Conservatives have stripped that “good cheer” from the holiday by making it another political battleground.

Conservatives claim that we are a “Christian nation”. So how come they have made the Christian holiday of Christmas so divisive? How come they can’t get into the spirit of Christmas and just accept that everyone is the same? Why do they have to put their hate forward and criticize anyone who doesn’t agree with their warped viewpoint?

Christianity is supposed to be an all-inclusive faith. Why do conservatives try to make it something different? Why do they use Christmas to divide us? Why do they throw their hatred out openly towards those people they think are inferior. The simple answer to these questions is that they are not Christians and they don’t give a shit about faith or Christianity. They actually hate Christianity because it teaches us that we are all fellow humans with the same and equal rights.

It is time to celebrate Christmas the way it used to be, a holiday of love and peace and the brotherhood of man. Not something to use to divide us among ourselves. Authoritarians want to divide us because they think that will help them conquer us. They use Christmas as another tool in their toolbox of hate to divide us.

Regardless of what your religious beliefs are, remember this is the time of the year to celebrate not only Christmas, but all the other holidays celebrated by non-Christians. It is a time for brotherly love, not hatred of our brothers.

I hope everyone has a very Happy Holiday this year. May you all celebrate whatever holiday you wish with family and friends. May you all be cheerful and loving. That is what Christmas is supposed to be all about.

In The Conflict In Israel We See The Results Of Intolerance

The war between Hamas and Israel is giving the world a very good look at the one thing that plagues societies all around the world, and is probably the major cause of wars. This thing comes in many names. It is bigotry, hate, homophobia, xenophobia, racism, and many more. This one thing is Intolerance.

That is something that we as Americans need to look into the mirror and realize that what has been happening in our own country is something that causes division among people and leads to violence and even wars. It is what causes the inhumane treatment of others and acts of war crimes against civilians.

This brutal inhumane attack by Hamas against the citizens of Israel is a perfect example of that intolerance creating such crude violence. The images of the animalistic brutality and murder of civilians cannot be excused nor justified. It is the fact that it is made possible because of intolerance.

We have witnessed such violence all too often in the history of the human race. It has plagued societies throughout history. It is not a one-way street either. There are lots of things that can said about the causes of this attack and quite frankly both sides are to blame. However, this is not about who is to blame, it is about how intolerance leads to such events as we are witnessing today.

Intolerance is something that feeds hate. It festers in humans until it boils over into violence and murder. Intolerance is part of the root causes of hate and is fed by many things. As I wrote many times here one of the major causes of this intolerance and hate is religious beliefs. Too often the fight is over whose god is better than the other gods. That is very true in the Mideast between Jews and Muslims.

But that isn’t the only place you find it on display. We have witnessed the rise of intolerance in our own country. There are thousands if not millions of people who simply hate others because they are different. The number one cause of this intolerance and hate is religion. In our country it is surrounded by so-called Christians. It feeds the belief that their god is better than any other god and thus we must all follow the dictates of their god and allow ourselves to be ruled by those principles.

We have seen it in laws being passed to make it harder for certain segments of people to vote. We have seen it in laws passed to deny medical treatment for certain groups of people because they are different. We have seen it in laws passed to ban books because some people don’t like the content. We have seen it manifested when a person running for president says “immigrants are poisoning our blood”.

We have been subjected to it through the so-called Second Amendment fights. The people who are insisting that everyone should have a gun no matter the circumstances are the very people who pass such hate laws and are considered by most people as ultra-conservative extremists and white supremacists.

In our own country we have witnessed hate attacks grow over the last eight years. We have watched as synagogues have been burned or attendees gunned down by antisemites. We have listened to antisemites openly try to stir up hate against Jews in our country. We have listened to extremists rage against Muslims and other “non-christians” in our country. The whole mess at our southern border is not really over immigration, it is about too many people of color immigrating to our country.

Attacks on Jews, Blacks, Latinos, Asians, Muslims, homosexuals, transgenders, women and others have exploded over the last eight years. This violence has resulted in the deaths of thousands of Americans simply because they are “different” and “not like us”.

This intolerance and hate has been fed by certain members of a certain political party. We hear it from their politicians all of the time. Many of members of that party attend white supremacist and antisemitic rallies in order to get the votes of the intolerant.

This intolerance leads to fascism and authoritarianism. It leads to deaths of people who are different. 20th Century history proves just how terrible intolerance can become.

As we have seen throughout history, if one group overcomes those who they are intolerant over, they need a different target and then go after them. The stream of hate and intolerance does not end when the “”enemy” is defeated. It merely moves to the next target of hate and intolerance.

The devastating tragedy unraveling in Israel and Gaza is showing us just how evil intolerance of others can be. It is showing us that if we continue to allow this intolerance and hate to fester in our own country, we could face something similar or even worse. We could allow this intolerance and hate to change our nation for evil and power grabbing intolerant haters to rule over us.

We cannot afford to allow this intolerance to take a firm grasp on our society. We are a nation “for the people” not a nation for the powerful. Our Constitution begins with the words “We the people” not “we the rulers”. We are watching, today, just how much chaos extremism can cause.

The House of Representatives does not have a Speaker of the House because of extremists from the far right. These extremists are doing everything they can to bring down our nation and take it to an authoritarian nation. They don’t care about the people of our nation nor the Constitution they are sworn to protect.

Instead they are sewing the seeds of our destruction fed by intolerance and hate of anyone not in agreement with their extremist views. To me, they are anti-Americans who want to destroy our nation for the sake of power so they can spread their intolerance and “get rid” of those they hate.

If you bother to look at the real causes of the new war in Israel, I am certain you will discover that intolerance and hate of each other has led to this tragedy. And, if you really look around you in America today, you will discover that same intolerance and hate rising among many of our own people. The end results can only be violence, murder and more hate. That is not something I served our country for it to become.

My heart goes out to all of the people of Israel and the innocent people living in Gaza. This tragedy is going to kill thousands of innocent people who do not agree with the extremists on either side. Yet, they will be the victims of this hate-filled war. Let us hope this senseless tragedy ends soon.

But, don’t take your eye off our own situation either. We hold an election next year, and the extremists must be removed from office before this intolerance and hate grows further.

GOP Proves Once Again They Offer Nothing But Whines And Innuendos

As the election year approaches, we need to look at what the GOP is offering America. The answer of course is nothing except whining and innuendos without any merrit.

Last September, Republican members of the House sent a letter to the Attorney General asking that Weiss be named as a special prosecutor in the Hunter Biden case. In April, Republican Senators sent the same kind of letter to the Attorney General.

In both letters the Republicans said it was the only way to ensure the viability of the investigation and “maintain faith in our judicial system”. The Senators letter said: “Given the politicization of the DOJ under your watch and the importance of avoiding any appearance of impropriety, the undersigned request that you provide U.S. Attorney Weiss the full protections and authorities of a special counsel. This is one important action that you can take that will go a long way in restoring faith in our governmental institutions.”

Then the plea deal with Hunter Biden fell through. It wasn’t because Biden changed his mind or that Weiss changed his mind. It was because the judge didn’t like the language in the deal.

So, Biden pleaded not guilty and is facing a trial for his crimes. As a result, the Attorney General announced last week that Weiss was being upgraded to Special Counsel in the matter. Exactly what the GOP wanted him to do for quite some time.

You would think that would satisfy the GOP since they were getting what they wanted. Wrong! After getting what they wanted, they all started complaining and saying that it was actually a bad thing that they got what they wanted.

One by one, those who signed both of these letters started whining about Weiss being named as the Special Prosecutor. Weiss was appointed by the trump administration to oversee this investigation and is a Republican. Still, the GOP doesn’t like him to do what they wanted him to do and be from the beginning.

The Canadian Senator from Texas, Cruz, said that Weiss is a “wildly inappropriate” person to serve as the Special Counsel. Crackpot Marsha Blackburn called Weiss a “collaborator”. Except she never said who he was supposed to be collaborating with.

The list goes on and on of Republicans who wanted Weiss to be named a “Special Prosecutor” and are now turning against him. They obviously are not in favor of whatever truth of this case is. They simply want to cry and whine and complain and make all sorts of false accusations and make wildly false innuendos. That is their whole political platform.

The biggest argument they make against Weiss is the deal he struck with Hunter Biden. They claim it was a “sweetheart deal”. However, a look at similar cases with other defendants, this is by no means a “sweetheart” deal. As a matter of fact, it is mostly routine for rich people to get such a deal over avoiding their taxes.

This is the current GOP. They offer nothing to make your lives better. They have done nothing to help you live better. Their only answer to everything about the economy is to give massive tax cuts to the rich and hopefully it will “trickle” down to you. They have been saying that for 40 years and it has never “trickled down” to you.

This Republican House has done nothing except try to hold investigation after investigation into matters they really don’t have authority to hold investigations over. Hunter Biden is a private citizen and his tax problems are a matter for the DOJ not Congress.

They want to make sure that you believe that the President was somehow involved in all of this. There has been no evidence to say that is true, but they keep saying it anyway. Not because it is true, but because they know their base loves these innuendos and they have something to whine about.

If they really believe they need to “clean up corruption” then why aren’t they investigating the $2 Billion Jared Kushner received shortly after his father-in-law left office and he gave up his “advisor” position. It is just as weird that he received that money as any argument you may have about Biden. Yet, the GOP is not interested in any corruption from anyone associated with trump.

There is an old saying that “be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.” Well, the GOP got exactly what they wished for and now all they are doing is whining about it.

Ask yourself. Just how can you trust anyone who gets what they want and then complain about getting it? What does that say about their integrity? If a person has no integrity they cannot be trusted. The GOP with their whining about the Special Counsel they wanted, makes it obvious they have no integrity. Therefore they cannot be trusted.

They must be voted out of office in the upcoming 2024 elections. That is the only way the GOP can rid itself of these wacko fascists and rebuild their party into what it once was. One with integrity.

Opinion: The Rainbow In The Sky Tells Me God Supports The LGBTQ Community, Not Hate It

The sight of a rainbow has some very interesting feelings that come forward. One of those feelings is the sight of different colors combining in the sky to form one of the most beautiful sights on earth. It brings a feeling of comfort to the viewer.

This all came to me as I sat on my front porch during a rainstorm and saw a rainbow in the sky. I looked at it and wondered why so many people hate rainbows. I wondered why rainbows have become such a hot issue especially for the right wing so-called conservatives. Just how has something so beautiful become a symbol of such hate?

Yes, I know that they all tell me that since the LGBTQ community took the rainbow as a symbol of inclusiveness and love, that makes it a target. The thought of inclusiveness in our lives is something that we must all utterly be against. So, as these clowns keep attacking the LGBTQ community, they use the rainbow as a symbol of their hate towards this community.

We see Republican states passing anti-LGBTQ laws on a regular basis. They pass laws about bathroom use, about medical treatment for LGBTQ, about drag shows, about drag book readings at libraries and anything else they can think of hating.

The real problem with all of this is that it is not the majority of Americans who wish to have these anti-LGBTQ laws passed. It is not the majority of Americans who wish to ban books that even mention a LGBTQ character. No, it is the minority of extremist right wing nuts who wish to control our lives.

In Wisconsin, the school board of Waukesha voted unanimously, repeat unanimously, to fire a teacher because she taught her class to sing the song Rainbowland by Dolly Parton and Miley Cirus. Why is this song so disturbing to these so-called school board members whose responsibility is to ensure our children get a real and a good education?

Well, I guess they took great offense at some of the lyrics in the song. Like: “Living in a Rainbowland / The skies are blue and things are grand / Wouldn’t it be nice to live in paradise / Where we’re free to be exactly who we are.” I mean, I guess you would NEVER want to teach your child anything like that. How dare anyone not believe that thinking living as who we are is so terrible we can’t even imagine the consequences?

A famous frog once asked why are there so many songs about rainbows? I guess he might also be wonder why we need to fire a teacher who taught this song and then realize we must because it advocates for acceptance. After realizing all of this, the frog would gladly hop back to the swamp and never take Manhattan again.

The Republican nuts who have pressed these anti-LGBTQ laws and ban books that include anything mentioning LGBTQ characters and fire teachers who teach a song about inclusiveness and rainbows tell us that their mission is led by “god” who hates LGBTQ community.

So, the other day I sat on my front porch and looked at the beautiful rainbow during a rain shower and wondered why all the fuss. Isn’t the fact that “god” makes rainbows actually says that “god” is in favor of inclusiveness, love and peace? Doesn’t this simple act say he supports the LGBTQ community just as he supports all of his children?

I don’t know about you, but that is exactly what is says to me. No matter which “god” you believe in, the idea of this beautiful rainbow made by your “god” is proof that he does not hate LGBTQ people. Just the opposite, he loves and supports them. So, how can you hate them so much?

The Culture Wars Are A Myth – It Is Really About Hate And Fear For Power

We just celebrated the July 4th holiday. On that weekend, there were several mass shootings all across America. We have also witnessed the indictment of a former president for mishandling and illegal possession of classified information. We are witnessing the banning of books because the far right doesn’t like the content. We are witnessing the attacks, both literally and politically, on the LGBTQ community.

I was born in 1950. I witnessed the civil rights movement and the passage of the Civil Rights Bill and the Voting Rights Bill. I saw Roe v. Wade make abortion legal in the nation. I actually took part in anti-Vietnam war protests. I saw the oil embargo of the 1970s and watched and stood in line at gas stations just to fill up my tank.

I saw changes that made our country better. We made changes that started us down the path of equal justice and equal rights for everyone. Things eventually started getting better. People actually began to start to look at others as people not some other form of life. It wasn’t perfect and it was just the beginning, but things were getting better. We were actually moving to a place where we could begin to think about being “a more perfect union”.

But, as will all things in life, this began to change. Instead of working together and making even more progress, some began to blame others for their own deficiencies. Instead of “pulling yourself up by your bootstraps” as the right tells us to, they were the one saying that those “others” were stealing everything from us.

This change began in the 1980s when the Republicans began to make statements like “welfare queen” part of their political lexicon. That moved from just going against blacks, to hating immigrants, hating LGBTQ community, hating Muslims and hating everyone who was not a “white Christian nationalist”.

That movement did not stop. It began to move forward in earnest. The hatred and bigotry that we were trying to push back into the sewers were being not only allowed to show their ugly heads, but they were encouraged to help Republicans win elections. Since then we have watched as so-called “religious” zealots began trying to force everyone to live according to their standards. And they made an unholy alliance with the hating supremacists in order to gain more power.

The gains in civil rights that were very slow to come started to be taken back at a fast clip. Voter rights were the first battle again. Photo ID was introduced to make it harder for people of color and the elderly and young people to vote. It actually became the new “poll tax” that was prevalent during the Jim Crow days.

The tide had temporarily, I hope, turned back to the times when supremacy of one particular race or religion ruled. The targets have multiplied over the years. We still have racism prevalent in our society. We also have prejudice and hatred towards homosexuals, transgenders, non-Christian religions and immigrants.

The right wing has taken up what they call the “culture wars”. They attack everything they call “woke” but cannot tell us just exactly what “woke” means. That is because these culture wars have nothing to do with “culture”. These culture wars are based on fear, hate and a desire to “rule” over everyone who is not in alignment with particular views.

The Republicans believe this is the winning formula for them to take control of our government. They believe that hating each other is their ticket to power and control. They rail against everything that will help the average American. They rail against “indoctrination” all the while they are the ones trying to indoctrinate us through their whitewashing of history and banning medical treatments for LGBTQ people and banning free speech just because they don’t like the content.

They are continuously telling us that places like Chicago or New York are brutal crime areas. But, eight of the top ten murder states in the country are all Republican controlled states. They tell us that the “lazy non-whites” are making us pay for their living styles or “subsidizing” them. But, seven out of the top ten “subsidized” states are all Republican controlled states. The fact is their policies about guns and taxes and Medicare and other economic polices have all failed and the citizens of their states are suffering more than other parts of the country.

It is red states that lead in infant mortality mostly because they refuse to expand Medicaid and prenatal care. They also make it more difficult to get food stamps and other social safety net programs. Yet they claim to be the “pro life” part of America. If you are really pro life, how can you allow all of these children to die simply because you think they cost too much to help? Give me a break.

Except, the Republicans don’t want us to focus on these failures of their policies. Instead they want us to focus on hating others. They want us to focus on fear of others. They want you to believe that the LGBTQ community are “indoctrinating” you children to become homosexuals. That is total bullshit and everyone with a working brain knows it. Homosexuality is NOT A CHOICE. It is what you are. No one wakes up one morning and says “you know today I will become homosexual”.

These religious freaks tell me that homosexuality is a “choice” and that “god doesn’t make mistakes”. Then explain to me a platypus. That is either a mistake or something intended to be as it is. If it is intended, then what makes you believe that your god didn’t intend for people to be homosexual? Or, are you telling me that you are now “god” and know his mind?

Religion, supremacy and greed are the three main ingredients to cause this much hate and fear. Instead of trying to push a certain religious belief or supremacy belief or “everything for me” belief, we just might be much better off if we started acting more in a humane way towards each other.

These hypocrites who shout form the rafters about their “religious beliefs” don’t have any religious beliefs unless you consider bigotry and hate a religious belief. Growing up we were taught the so-called Golden Rule to “treat everyone as you want them to treat you”. What happened to that? When did that become “treat everyone the way you want even if it means hating them for no good reason and the hell with them”?

We face a lot of problems and issues in our country. But, the number one cause of our issues and problems is simply that too many have taken up the call of hate and fear as their political agenda. Instead of working to the betterment of all, they are only interested in what is in it for them and what will bring them power.

Sixty years ago we started making strides to become that “more perfect union”. In the last few decades, we have started moving backwards to the days of hate, fear and greed. We have seen the renewal of all of the hate and fear that held us back as a nation for generations. And, unfortunately, we have seen a major political party take hold of that fear and hate and make it their only platform to get elected.

If we allow our nation to become one filled with hate and fear, we will lose our democracy and our way of life. We will lose those freedoms enshrined in our Constitution and will simply become another tin-horn dictatorship where only the few have rights and freedoms.

Hate and fear are not political policies. And, when they are used as political policies they become the “poster child” of true evil. Regardless of your religious beliefs, there is evil in the world. That evil comes from hate and fear. When hate and fear seeps into our lives, we become tools of that evil.

The idea of “Culture Wars” is a myth made up by the right wing and Republican party to sow the hate and fear they so much want us to follow. They don’t want us to “live free”. They want to control our lives. That is what hate and fear do.

Titan Tragedy Shows Just How Sick The Right Wing Can Get

It is official. The U.S. Coast Guard announced that debris was discovered on the ocean floor where they were searching for the Titan submarine. They said the debris field was consistent with a catastrophic implosion. 5 passengers lost their lives in this tragic incident.

There has been a lot of talk about this incident. There have been all sorts of discussions as to whether or not the Titan suffered from safety issues. There are reports that the owner, who was on the sub this trip, failed to follow advice from experts and failed to acknowledge the safety recommendations they made.

However, the right wing in our country are trying to lay blame everywhere except on the facts of the case. They have gone completely off the rails over this tragic event to try to make political gains off of the death of these people. That is about as sick as you can get.

Since the announcement, people have been arguing about a report that the Navy told the commander on the scene that they heard a sound in the ocean that was like an implosion. They are arguing that it was “kept secret” to cover up something. Well, let me explain. The sound made by a submarine imploding at those depths can travel as far as 1500 miles.

So, even if the commander on the scene received this message, he would not have called off the search because it could not have been shown it was the Titan that imploded. You don’t call off rescue operations until you are fairly certain there is no chance of survival. A sound in the ocean does not give you that certainty of disaster until you find wreckage.

But that doesn’t stop the wackos from trying to point the finger at anything that can be classified as “woke”. I don’t say that easily either. But, the proof is in the pudding as they say.

First up is Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) who claims this shows an “epic failure of leadership”. Just what the hell he is speaking about isn’t really that clear. He said: “I have been hearing a lot of concerning things from people, the civilian side who are involved in this. You know, we’ve got to look into it, see what’s true and what isn’t. … What appears to be the case is epic failure in leadership. Where exactly that leadership failure is, I don’t know. Is it the White House, Coast Guard, Navy? I’m not sure.”

Well, I am not sure what this clown is even trying to say. I know that he never served in the Coast Guard and has zero experience in search and rescue operations the Coast Guard are experts in. Just what is he trying to say? He is claiming that the failure of this sub is the fault of the Coast Guard, Navy or White House? How about it being caused by the company that built it?

There were reports of “tapping noises” the other day which gave some hope to the Coast Guard and the other agencies trying to find and recuse these people. But, those tapping sounds were not coming from the sub if it imploded on Sunday as we are now beginning to believe.

For someone like Crenshaw to make these accusations is astounding. He has no clue as to what he is talking about. He even said that “resources should have been there sooner”? Does he realize how much time it takes to get those resources ready and just how long it takes for a ship to travel the distance from shore to the scene? His statements are nothing more than a blowhard trying to become relevant over something he knows nothing about. It would be more useful if he just shut the hell up.

Then we have those wonderful right wing wackos who claim that everything that goes wrong is because of “woke”. Stockton Rush, the CEO of the company who operated Titan was onboard with the other passengers. The “woke” community has gone after him for the cause of the disaster because he suddenly became “woke”.

This all came about when a story reported that Rush said he had not wanted to hire “white guys”. Well, of course, in the anti-woke crowd that meant that because he didn’t hire all white guys, this disaster was all his fault. Of course it was Fox News that made the whole thing worse.

Referring to Rush, Jesse Waters said this: “There’s been lawsuits, there’s been accusations about slashing regulations. He’s quoted as saying he didn’t hire a bunch of 50-year-old white guys with military experience because he didn’t want his vessels to be not inspirational for a younger generation.” 

Of course, Charlie Kirk had to weigh in with his two cents: “If it is true, this person tragically passes away, the CEO of OceanGate and he says that he was choosing and selecting his personnel based on not wanting to have 50-year-old white guys, then you could make the argument, albeit rather cruel and blunt, he killed himself and his customers with wokeness.”

According to Republicans, everything tragic that happens is all because of “wokeness”. Just how stupid can that be. Besides, what they are suggesting in their comments is exactly what Republicans believe how businesses should act.

You know, that sounds more like a business man doing everything he can to keep the costs down. If you really look at their talking points, a CEO allegedly ignoring experts and choosing to hire inexperienced workers in lieu of higher-paid ones, while also donating to GOP candidates, would be the opposite of wokeness. That all seems in line with standard operating procedures for the wealthy.

But wokeness has become such a pervasive party of right-wing ideology that it’s not just progressive ideals getting slapped with the label anymore — CEOs who plan ill-advised trips to the bottom of the ocean now qualify, too.

If the sub did implode which seems like it did, it was not because some old white guy wasn’t at the controls. It was because of a flaw in the design and building of the sub in the first place. We have had all sorts of “experts” who said they would not go on the trip because they were concerned with the safety issues.

Why aren’t these right wing nut jobs complaining about that? Why aren’t they demanding an investigation into how the thing was built and designed and what may have been safety concerns that were ignored by the company? Isn’t that the logical thing to do after a disaster like this? Isn’t that how we stop it from happening again?

According to Republicans the answer to those questions is no. They don’t care about the people who lost their lives. They don’t care if the company cut corners for higher profits instead of making sure it was safe. They are only interested in making headlines with stupid comments about “being woke”.

We are seeing just how sick and depraved the GOP can get. It isn’t pretty.

Misleading The American People – That’s Rich Coming From Republicans

Yesterday, the Republicans in the House of Representatives censured Rep. Adam Schiff. The measure was introduced by Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL). In her resolution she accused Schiff of spreading “false accusations that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia” in 2016. 

We know from the Mueller report that Russia was very active in helping trump in the 2016 campaign and that one of his campaign advisors was actively working with a suspected Russian agent and gave him election polling data. This isn’t about anything but “revenge” for Schiff’s roll as the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee and his appointment as lead prosecutor during trump’s first impeachment trial.

Republicans across the board say he needed to be censured for “misleading the American people”. That is very rich coming from a party that is full of lying and “misleading” members. This party has such people as Marjorie Taylor Green, Paul Gossar, Lauren Boebert, Matt Gaetz, as well as others not to mention the serial liar George Santos.

These clowns claim that they want to “hold people accountable” for their actions and their lies. So, how come they haven’t censured the serial liar George Santos. This moron actually admitted in several interviews that he lied about his career, his life experiences, his education and just about everything about his life just to get elected. He is also under indictment for 13 counts of several different crimes. Yet, Republicans keep defending him and refuse to “hold him accountable” for his actions.

Then we have two Supreme Court Justices who have been outed for taking luxury gifts and trips from billionaires who also had cases come before the court. Neither of them recused themselves from any of those cases. Additionally, they did not disclose these gifts and trips as required by law. Yet, no Republican wants to “hold them accountable” for their serous breach of ethics.

How come Marjorie Taylor Greene hasn’t been censured for “misleading the American people” for things like saying the California wildfires a few years ago were started by “Jewish space lasers”? Isn’t that “misleading the American people”? This list can go on and on.

Then of course we have the biggest serial liar of them all donald trump. How come they are defending him for his lies and “misleading the American people” for such things as saying the COVID pandemic was “a hoax that will disappear in just a few months”? Or any of the other thousands upon thousands of lies he has told since 2015 when he first announced his campaign.

You must remember that the only Republicans who have been “censured” by the party have been those who voted for trump’s impeachment or served on the Jan 6 special committee. Unless you say something bad about trump you cannot be censured by Republicans no matter what you do or what you say.

And, don’t kid yourselves. This is just the first shot being fired in their “revenge agenda”. Republicans have proven they have devolved into an “authoritarian cult of personality”. They have shown no desire to “govern” but are mostly concerned with attacking anyone who says one bad thing against their “dear leader” trump.

You can expect more of these symbolic measures being brought up by the wacko Republicans in Congress. Rather than concentrating on ethics rules for the Supreme Court to stop the corruption clearly taking place there, they put their efforts to “punish” their opponents.

They say they want to hold people accountable, yet they defend their dear leader even after he is indicted for stealing and holding classified material in violation of the law.

We should look at their actions and ask “are they really holding people accountable for their actions”? Or, are they only holding their opponents accountable for actions that go against their dear leader? I think we can safely say the latter is the truth especially since George Santos hasn’t had anyone on that side of the aisle try to censure him for his serial lying and “misleading the American people”.

To be honest, a censure isn’t anything that has any real teeth in it. It is merely a way to publicly “punish” or try to “shame” the member who is being censured. However, in this case it is obvious that Rep. Schiff did not “mislead the American people” and it is merely a political ploy to get headlines and throw more red meat to their base.

I think Schiff said it best. He said he wears this censure as a “badge of honor” because it is based on his doing his duty as a member of Congress. He also said: You honor me with your enmity. You will never deter me from doing my duty.”

Well, maybe Republicans should learn what their “duty” is instead of playing “revenge political” games. Republicans have become experts at throwing out insinuations, false accusations and lies to the American people. They are very lousy at actually proving those insinuations, false accusations or lies.

They are a bunch of pathetic little children trying to play adult. They only take their orders from the real criminal in our politics and they are bound to defend that criminal at all costs. That is authoritarianism not democracy. Under our democracy, we don’t punish someone for having differing opinions. In the Republican world, that punishment for having a differing opinion is an absolute must.

I never dreamed in my 70 plus years that I would see either of our political parties stoop so low and become so petty. But, I guess that is what you get when you run your party based solely on fear and hate.

After the vote, Democrats started chanting “shame, shame”. But, Republicans cannot feel any shame because to feel shame you must have morality. This Republican party has no morality and they seem proud of that fact.

Opinion: Fox News Personalities Are “Evil With A Microphone”

We need to start talking bluntly about the evils we have to put up with in our country. There is a major push towards autocracy, and the right wing news outlets are leading this charge. We heard all the garbage about COVID and the pandemic, now we are hearing the same garbage all over again over a different health problem.

Canada has major wildfires raging all across the country. These wildfires, especially the ones in Quebec are causing air pollution in some parts of our country. On the East Coast, the smog being created by these fires has made the air in New England and New York almost unbreathable.

It is so bad, Major League Baseball cancelled games in New York and Philadelphia because of the dangers the air could cause the players and fans during the game. I live in North Carolina and we are seeing the effects of this pollution. Today we have an “Orange Air Quality Alert” meaning the air quality is rated as hazardous.

In the areas affected, public health officials are telling people to stay indoors as much as possible, and if you do go out wear a mask. Sensible recommendations to avoid what could become a killer smog. These recommendations are especially necessary for those with asthma, COPD, heart conditions, and other health problems.

But as we saw with the COVID pandemic, reasonable safety precautions to protect yourself from harmful effects from things like this pollution are totally disapproved of by the personalities at Fox News. Somehow, Americans taking safety protections to protect their health and maybe even their lives are something we should never do according to these clowns.

At Fox News, personalities like Jeanine Piro, Jesse Watters and Sean Hannity all went crazy about these reasonable precautions. They all went on rants about them and tried to make them another political football to use against the “libs”.

Jeanine Piro had this to say: “While Americans choke on the smoke, the far left smells an opportunity”, and tried to turn it into an attack on Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and her signature Green New Deal.

Oscasio-Cortez “says that we must, quote, ‘Adapt our food systems, energy grids, infrastructure, and health care to prepare for what’s to come,’” mocked Pirro. “Other Democrats are pumping up climate hysteria and bringing back, you guessed it, mask insanity.”

Jesse Watters went on his own rant mostly blaming “our stupid neighbors to the north” and the suggestion of wearing a mask when outdoors. He seems to have failed to remember that we, the United States, has a history of wildfires and that the smoke from those fires affect our “stupid neighbors to the north” as well as many people in our own country.

Sean Hannity couldn’t be upstaged by these two. He had to weigh in as well. On his show he said: “I’m like, ‘I’m walking in the same place you’re walking in and I don’t feel a thing.’ And I’m trying to understand. I work out regularly. So, I think I’m relatively in tune with my body,” he explained. “I think if I was having difficulty breathing I would notice, but these are young people saying this. Are they all snowflakes?”

It only goes to show that the only thing these three morons love is the sound of their own voice. They don’t give a shit about their viewers and the safety and health of their viewers. All they care about is shouting into the wind and trying to make everything political.

There are millions of people who suffer from asthma. There are millions of people who suffer from COPD. There are millions of people who suffer from heart conditions. These people are going to be affected the most. Not to mention the elderly whose breathing is not what it was when we were younger.

These people are NOT “snowflakes”. They are living beathing people who don’t deserve to be denigrated by some clown who thinks he is superior to everyone else. These people do need to wear masks when they go outside in order to attempt to keep their lungs functioning.

There have been many instances of what is known as “killer smog” in the world. The most famous was London when the Industrial Revolution really started heating up. During that time, the smog was so bad the sun barely broke through it. Hundreds of thousands of people died due to this smog.

It is air pollution that is one of the major contributing factors in people developing asthma. Not the only factor, but one of the major factors. And, if someone has severe asthma, this kind of smog or air pollution can be deadly.

My granddaughter lives outside New York City in New Jersey. She works in New York City. She also has severe asthma. I spoke to her last night just to see how she is doing with this pollution. She told me the night before when she was going home from work, it was so bad she actually wore a respirator instead of a mask because the mask wasn’t good enough to protect her.

She is a young woman who is far more intelligent, far more reasonable, far more talented than any of the three morons on Fox News telling her she didn’t need to wear a mask.

We must also remember that it was Richard Nixon, when he was president, who started the Environmental Protection Agency. Why? Because air pollution and water pollution were getting so bad the health of every American was in danger. Oh, he was a Republican, not some “lib” trying to save the planet.

We have seen Fox News personalities do this before. They complained when the wildfires raged in California and other states when trump was in office. They complained about safety regulations during the COVID pandemic. They are now complaining about safety regulations as people are struggling to breathe because of the pollution caused by wildfires.

Wildfires as we all know are natural things that happen. Yes, global warming is making them worse because of droughts getting worse around the world. But, even disregarding those reasons for them, we cannot put down safety measures intended to protect the health of our people. Isn’t that what we are supposed to do? Aren’t we suppose to do what we need to protect people, especially the vulnerable?

According to these clowns at Fox News, apparently not. We are supposed to disparage them and make them feel ashamed to wear a mask to protect themselves. I guess if we do that enough, then the so-called “weak and undesirables will simply die and make us stronger”. We can look back through history and know just who believed that as well.

I have come to the conclusion that this is not just about Fox News personalities trying to be political about everything. No, I have come to believe they are trying to make every health crisis political so they can help kill us off. What else can explain this stupid, crazy and reckless behavior by them every time we have a potential health crisis?

The personalities at Fox News continuously remind us they totally lack any decency, integrity, honesty or morality. What they are is evil with a microphone. Shame on them.

The Toxic GOP – Part Four – The Fake “Masculinity” Crisis

Today we are going to look at what today’s toxic GOP wants us to believe is “manhood”. We have all heard that, according to them, we men suffer a crisis today. Sorry, but I really don’t understand what crisis I seem to face everyday. Then again, I do not subscribe to their definition of what a “man” really is.

We have started getting lessons on what constitutes being a “man” and that we are all supposed to be afraid of becoming women, I guess. We cannot forget those who are preaching to us what “being a man” is are real experts in the subject.

First we have Ted Cruz. He has complained about our military and attacked our military personnel for being “emasculated”. He complains that we are “more interested in maternity suits” for women in the service than in having “a more toxic masculine” military. He even used the Russian Army as being the real “masculine army”. You know the same “masculine army” that has failed in its invasion of Ukraine who has a military made up similar to ours.

He is not alone in this either. Many Republican members of both houses of Congress have attacked our military for “not being masculine” enough. Almost everyone of them never served in the military and have no idea what the military is all about. They just like to criticize it for headlines.

Then we have that great representative Matt Gaetz telling me what being a man is. This is a “man” and I use that term loosely, who was under investigation for having sex with a 17 year old girl. His “good buddy and fellow great man” gave a deposition that said he helped Gaetz get the young girls. Somehow nothing ever came from this. But, he is the last person I am willing to take advice from on what it is to be a man.

Then we have donald stupid, jr. who announced a new magazine about being a man. This is the same “manly man” who goes hunting. Except, his version of “hunting” is sitting in a hide while his guide puts out food for animals so he can shoot them when they come to eat in front of him. That is not hunting, and everyone who actually hunts will say the same thing. But, according to stupid, jr. that makes him a man and entitles him to put out a piece of trash about “manly things”.

But, we also have Republican women telling us what it supposed to be a man. MTG has made the same complaints and attacks against our military as the Canadian Senator from Texas. She doesn’t think that women are “tough enough” or “masculine enough” to serve in our military. And don’t get her started on LGBTQ serving in our military.

Then we have that very “manly man” and author of how to be a man Josh Hawley. You remember him. He went into the Capitol on Jan 6 with his fist raised to the crowd that eventually turned out to be insurrectionists as “a sign of solidarity”. Then, when those people he was all in “solidarity” with stormed and gained access to the capitol, he ran faster than the Coyote chasing the Road Runner. He wasn’t running to the mob to assist them, he was running away from them and hid in the cellar until it was all over. Some “man”.

Yet he has decided that he is the best person to write a book about being a man. He even called it, what else, “Manhood”. Goodreads has given it a whopping 1.19 rating and Amazon gives it 2 stars. But the most scathing criticism comes from Slate’s Rebecca Onion. In her review she writes:

This culture-warrior perspective on manhood is so bizarre to read, knowing Hawley’s political indebtedness to the consumerist, gimme-gimme, consequences-be-damned MAGA vibe that currently dominates the Republican Party. In the chapter on being a ‘king,’ Hawley briefly acknowledges the existence of men who ‘desperately want authority for all the wrong reasons.’ Then, he basically describes Donald Trump, a person whose name does not appear in this book: ‘They preen, they abuse, they dominate. They see others as means to their own ends.’

The fact is that none of these people have a clue about what being a man is all about. They shout their hate and their call for more “toxic masculinity”, like MTG has done, without even knowing what they are talking about. What they are describing are not “men” they are little boys trying to pretend to be a grown up and a man.

If you really listen to what they are saying, in order to be a “real man” you need to be a domineering, stupid, aggressive bully. Sorry, but that is not being a “real man”. Of course, they are defining their followers. They are defining people like the Proud Boys, the Oath Keepers and other white supremacist mobs that masquerade as “tough guys”. Last weekend we had one of those white supremacist groups marching in Washington, D.C. The one thing they all had in common is that they hid their faces.

Why would a “tough guy” or a “real man” need to hide their face. What are they so afraid of if they are truly “tough guys” or “real men”? Since they are so brave, I would think they would be proud to have their faces showing so everyone knows just how tough they are.

They are also speaking to the radical right and their “everyone should have a gun” crowd. Too many people believe that if you own and/or carry a gun that makes you a man. And, the bigger the gun the more of a “man” you are. I believe the opposite. As the old saying goes, the bigger the gun the smaller the dick. I call these clowns the “small dick brigade”.

Toughness is not about bullying others. Toughness is not about discriminating against those who are different. The real definition of toughness is being able to accept others and treat everyone with dignity and respect. Being a “real man” isn’t about braggadocious. It is about quiet dignity and responsibility. It is about taking care of your family and those around you without seeking headlines for your behavior.

For a long time there have been men who need “their man cave”. They believe they need a “safe space” from women so they can behave like children on the playground with their friends while getting drunk. Not all men with their “man caves” behave like that, but too many do. Others respond to criticism with words like “you lost your man card”. Sorry, but if you need a “man card” you are definitely not a man.

I refused to follow that trend, and I absolutely refuse to follow the advice from the toxic GOP as to how I should behave as a “man”. They have no clue. Ted Cruz said in 2016 that he would “never support donald trump” after trump insulted Cruz’ wife. Yet, he is one of the biggest lapdogs for trump around. Somehow that doesn’t make me want to follow his lead on the definition of being a “man”.

The real crisis about men in our country is the one in these moron’s heads. Instead of tackling the real problems of the nation with reasonable legislation, they make up new crises about things that really don’t matter that much and then claim to have the answers. They claim we men should all follow their “leadership” on being a man. There is no “masculinity” crisis in our nation. There is however, a crisis of utter stupidity on the right about all of these non-existent crises.

In case you are wondering, no I have not read and I will not read Hawley’s book. Reading a book about “Manhood” by Josh Hawley would be akin to reading a book from Mao about the wonders of “Capitalism”.

Unlike these supposed “men” I am very comfortable with who and what I am. I certainly don’t need lessons on manhood from people who runaway from trouble and then claim to know what it is to be a man. As a 20 year veteran, I don’t need lessons on what a “masculine military” is from people who never served and don’t know what military life is all about.

But, conservatives want us to believe that “manhood” is dying in our country because we men don’t all want to be like trump or Hawley or Cruz. I certainly don’t need them to tell me what constitutes being a man. It is obvious they don’t know what that even means.

Another made up crisis by what is quickly becoming a “made up” political party that is interested only is power and ruling. Just more reasons we need to vote the bums out of office next year up and down the ballot in federal, state, county and municipal elections. We must clean up the toxicity from this bunch of toxid Republican clowns and get rid of it once and for all.

The Dangerous Toxicity Of Today’s GOP – Part One

As we approach summer and the 2024 election cycle begins to heat up, I believe it is time we take a good look at what today’s GOP has become. It has become a toxic culture that has given up all pretense of wanting to govern. Instead it has become a cult that has decided that they are the only ones who are capable of telling us how to live our lives.

There is way too much to discuss in one post, so I am going to try to explain just what I believe is the toxic nature of the GOP in a series of posts. Let me be clear, I am not suggesting that every person who says they are Republican are part of this cult. I have known many Republicans in my lifetime and I know the difference between Republicans and today’s toxic Republicans.

The first issue is the so-called “Christian Nationalists” who have become very powerful in the party. I want to state outright that I believe these people are “nationalists” but they are not “Christian” in any sense of the term.

We have had several cases that proves this point. These people claim the mantra of “Christianity” as their virtue, then go out and pass laws to go against everything I was taught about what Christianity really is. Their idea of “Christianity” is to dictate how we can live our lives.

They are against abortion, against LGBTQ, against common decency and common humanity, against reasonable gun control and even history of our nation. The laws they pass against these issues are proof that they don’t care about anything but their own views. But, that only scratches the surface. And many can say that this is a small group of legislators who pass these laws as “one offs”. Unfortunately that is not true.

Just a couple of cases that shows just how toxic this party has become. First the former president was recently found guilty of sexual abuse and defamation in a law suite brought against him by E. Jean Carroll. Yet, these Republicans refuse to say anything bad or contrary to trump’s rantings.

In New Hampshire, there was a disastrous town hall conducted by CNN. That town hall was filled with trump supporters. Republicans who believe in the cult and their leader. During the town hall, trump went after the victim in this case harshly. He called the victim a “whack job” and “not my type”.

The audience laughed at every defamatory comment trump made about the victim. This woman finally got her day in court over the incident, and this current Republican party laughs at her for being a victim. How can anyone who believes that rape or sexual assault is a crime believe that their own daughter would consider coming forward to file charges if it happened to her?

How can anyone in that audience justify laughing at the victim of sexual assault? Just what are they thinking? It is obvious that their “Christianity” doesn’t really exist. It is obvious that they consider women to be subordinate to men and their feelings and their rights are secondary to that of a man’s.

Now I went through 12 years of religious training in school, and not once did I ever hear that women are subordinate to men or that they are mere sex toys for men to do with what they please. Yet, the response form this cult of “Christian Nationalists” goes totally against the teachings they claim to follow.

The worst part of this is that very few so-called religious leaders who are part of the cult has called out trump and his audience for their very unchristian behavior. As a matter of fact, most of these so-called religious leaders don’t see anything wrong with that behavior or “shaming” the victim of a sexual assault.

Then we have the case of the NYC subway incident. In that case, a homeless man was killed when placed in a chokehold by another passenger. The homeless man was reportedly yelling that he was hungry and homeless. He even reportedly said he didn’t care if he died.

According to witnesses, the man never “attacked” anyone. Yes, he was shouting and yelling. But that does not constitute a violent crime. This other passenger decided to “shut him up” by placing him in a chokehold. He held the man in this chokehold for several minutes and the man later died from this action.

The coroner’s offices declared this death as a “homicide”. The person who placed the homeless man in the chokehold was charged with manslaughter. I am not passing judgement on either of the two here. I will let the case play out in court. I was not there so I don’t know exactly the full terms of what happened. All I know is that no one said the homeless man “attacked” anyone.

But, the toxic GOP is now calling the person who placed him in a chokehold a “good Samaritan”. What we do know about the case is that the man was homeless. He reportedly went off the rails when his mother was murdered. He was hungry and needed help.

Again, I know the full story of the “Good Samaritan”. In that story that Jesus told, a man was beaten and robbed and left on the street to die. A priest and others passed him by without aiding him. This Samaritan came by and took the man to an inn. He tended his wounds and paid the innkeeper to let the victim stay there until he was healed.

One thing the “Good Samaritan” did not do was place him in a chokehold because he was screaming or yelling. You must also know that Jesus chose a Samaritan to be the “hero” of the story because Samaritans were hated by the Jews. It was a story of morality and that he tried to show that everyone should have humanity to others regardless of whom they are.

According to this story, if the “Good Samaritan” really wanted to help, he would have talked to the man and taken him somewhere to get a meal and maybe to a place he could find shelter and help. Not, place him in a chokehold to “shut him up”. That part never comes out of the lips of this toxic Republican party.

These so-called “Christians” take parts of the bible they like and claim to be true believers. At the same time, they take the parts of the bible that don’t fit in with their views of superiority and disregard them totally.

In reality, Christianity is nothing more than common humanity. The teachings of Jesus isn’t about superiority, they are about peace, love and the brotherhood of all people. But we see that theme disregarded on a daily basis by the toxic Republicans who claim to be following Christianity.

Jesus said if “someone smacks you on the right cheek, offer them up your left cheek”. He doesn’t say “if someone smacks you on the right cheek, go ahead and kill the bastard”. That is also lost on the toxic Republicans.

In our country, we pride ourselves on our democracy. We pride ourselves on our freedoms and rights. However, there are those, mostly in the toxic Republican party, who don’t believe that these freedoms and rights belong to everyone. They believe they are only for certain groups of people. Today’s toxic Republican party believes these rights and freedoms are only intended to be granted to straight white people.

White supremacy is NOT Christian. It is a vile evil that corrupts the soul and the lives of those who believe in white supremacy. Misogyny is NOT Christian. It is the creation of a subordinate class of people based on sex. Homophobia is NOT Christian. It is based on ignoring the rights of individuals who are “different” that you don’t like.

This so-called “Christian Nationalism” that has been embraced by the Republican party of today is not Christian. It is a party that believes in superiority of white people and men over women. This so-called movement is intent on destroying our democracy, our constitution and our way of life by implementing a dictatorship with them in control of everything.

Today’s Republican Party does not have the good of the nation or its people at heart. Their actions have shown us the divide between them and the rest of us. They want power and control. We want to live in peace together.

Do not swallow the false narrative that today’s toxic Republicans are “Christians”. They are more aligned with Evil than Good. Evil wants to have total control. Good wants us take care of each other. Republican actions and passed laws show beyond reasonable doubt they are interested in control, thus evil.

We cannot allow them to take control of our government because they will then try to take control of our lives. That is what evil people do. As a last thought, you don’t need to be a religious person to be a moral person. We see too many religious people who are amoral. Morality is what counts, not religion, just like in the story of the Good Samaritan.