GOP Is Dead – Republican Party Now COP – Cowards On Parade

We really need to look at today’s Republican Party and understand just what they stand for. NOTHING! The party has adopted two planks for their candidate in the upcoming election. First make sure the border problems are never addressed. Second destroy our economy.

Those are the only two issues that they are interested in making happen. We still do not have a full budget for this fiscal year. Republicans actually want the government to shut down. They are actively working to ensure this goal is met. Not because of any desire to eliminate the so-called deep state, but because they know a government shutdown will hurt our booming economy.

GDP grew at 3.3 percent in the last quarter of 2023. Unemployment is at its lowest in decades. Inflation is getting under control and people’s wages, for the most part, have gone up. Things economically are looking good despite the Republicans claim that we are actually in a recession. Hell, even one of trump’s own economic advisors has admitted the economy is growing and strong under the Biden administration.

Remember, trump promised GDP growth of 2 to 4 percent. But, he never managed to achieve that. His successor has achieved it and there are no signs of it slowing down. As a result, and to make you afraid, Republicans want to shut down the government to cause a drop in the stock market and uncertainty in the economy. It is their attempt to crash the economy thinking they will gain votes if they manage to do so.

Then we have the border issue. It has been the Republicans who have cried crocodile tears about the border. They are always complaining about an “open border” and we need to do something about it. So Mitch McConnell asked one of his senior Republican Senators to work with the Democrats and get a bipartisan bill to address this issue.

That cooperation worked. There is a bill in the Senate that could come for a vote by next week. Even Republicans have called this bill one of the best immigration reform bills they ever saw. It gives both sides what they want. It even includes huge amounts of money for border security.

But, trump and his clown show don’t like the bill simply because they couldn’t come up with it when he was in office. They never tried. And even worse, it just might give Biden a victory that voters will appreciate. So, trump has been hounding his clowns in the House and Senate to “kill the bill”. Just like he has been pressuring them to ensure there is no approved budget and to force a government shutdown.

As usual, these clowns who care nothing about governing or even about our country are marching in lockstep with the fascist they want to rule over us. They are eager to kill the immigration bill because they only want to cry about the problems, not do anything about it.

They are marching in lockstep because the economy under President Biden is booming and getting stronger. That certainly not something they want because people just might be happy. Instead they want to scare you about an imminent collapse. Something that can and will most likely happen if they shut down the government.

Don’t take my word for it. Republicans have shut down the government several times in the past few decades. Each time a recession resulted and it took a long time to recover from that recession. The so-called party of business and economics appears to be transforming into the party wanting recessions no matter how much that hurts you and your family.

In the last administration we witnessed nothing being passed that was even close to bipartisan. As a result, we saw nothing passed at all that made your life better. In this administration we have seen bipartisan bills passed for infrastructure, inflation reduction and hopefully immigration reform. Things are getting done, but not because of any real help from the majority of Republicans in Congress.

Infrastructure and Inflation Reduction passed when Democrats controlled the House. Since the Republicans have taken control, NOTHING has passed. They aren’t even trying to pass the annual budget. They simply don’t care because their dear leader, the fascist trump, is ordering them not to do anything. And, right on key, the Cowards on Parade have fallen in line with him.

They are telling you that you do not count. You have no rights unless they tell you what they are. You have no right to happiness or even the right of dreaming of a better life. You are supposed to do what you are told and just shut the fuck up. They will let you know what to think, what to believe and how to live. That is what fascism is all about.

The Republicans have proven beyond a reasonable doubt they do not deserve your support or votes. They have proven that all of the word salads that keep spewing from their mouths are just that, nothing but words. They cannot be trusted to keep their word or promises. They only care about enriching themselves and ruling over you.

As a result, they are willing to do everything in their power to make sure the border is not fixed and to do everything in their power to crash our booming economy. That is not what Congress is supposed to do. It is designed to govern in order to make your lives better not worse. Republicans have opted for making you lives worse.

The seeds of fascism have already been planted in states like Florida and Texas. There governors are advocating for “shooting on sight” anyone crossing the border illegally. They are willing and actually defying Supreme Court orders. 

Other states have passed laws to make it illegal to transport anyone across the state in search of an abortion. The first step in making us have permission papers to cross state lines or to even cross county lines. If they can make it illegal for abortion, they can make it illegal for any number of issues they don’t like.

I would love to be able to say that the Republican Party is in chaos. But that would be a lie. The Republican Party we knew growing up has died a painful death. In its place is a fascist party hellbent on destroying our country by destroying everything we believe to be sacred. Our democracy, or dreams, our rights and our belief in what we want. 

They call a rainbow flag in a classroom “indoctrination”. Yet they want to force the ten commandments to be posted in the very same classrooms. How is that NOT indoctrination? We all know that it is, especially in a secular society where we can follow any religion we wish or none at all. Forcing that poster into classrooms is total indoctrination and they know it.

There comes a time in history when something needs to be done about ridding ourselves of fascist thinking. Today, fascism is rising fast all across the nation, and worst part is most people just aren’t paying attention because it doesn’t affect them personally.

America needs to wake up to the existential threat we are facing. We need to wake up and stop our sleep walk towards fascism. Otherwise, we will see our great nation fail in the worst ways. Your rights will be stripped and you will be expected to behave like “good little fascists”. 

Our nation has been the beacon of freedom in the world. Other nations wishing for equality have looked to us for the way forward. We have not been perfect, but we have grown and made progress. We became a better nation through all of the difficulties we have faced.

Today’s Cowards on Parade want to destroy all of that. Instead of being the guiding light for democracy, they instead want to be rulers even if it means destroying all of the ideals we hold sacred. Power above all else is their true mantra.

We really need to hand them the worst political defeat any party has faced. That includes all the way down the ballot in state and local elections as well. Otherwise the seeds of fascism will spread from one state to another. It is time to fight to save the soul of our nation. That battle ground is at the ballot box.

Don’t vote based on party. Vote based on morality and decency. Then and only then will we be able to save our democracy, our nation and our way of life. Otherwise the shirts will win out and our lives will become miserable and the lives of our children and grandchildren will be in jeopardy. 

Think about that when you head to the polls.

To Quote Vince Lombardi – “What The Hell Is Going On Out There?”

I am going to be honest. Sometimes I want to write something and do my research and get totally frustrated. Not because there isn’t anything important to write about, but because there is so much bullshit coming from the right that I get frustrated and just don’t bother.

I know, I have to get out of this malaise and get back to doing something to do my part in protecting our great nation. But, the problem we are seeing on the right is getting to a point where chaos is just too meek of a word to use anymore.

Let me try to fill you in on all of the complexities about this process. We constantly hear from the right that President Biden is “mentally incapable” of being President. Yet, it is the other guy who continues to make stupid and confusing comments both during his speeches and his social media posts.

He has said it is great to be in Iowa City when he was talking somewhere else. He has confused Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi and accused Haley of failing to protect the capital against his insurrection. This weekend he wailed about Army Forts that had been named after Confederate figures having their names changed to real American heroes. He said: “We won world wars from these forts. Forts like Benning and fort this and fort that”.

Now as a 73 year old man, I would argue that if you can’t name the forts you are complaining about, don’t mention them at all. Would it have been too hard for his speech writers to include the names they want to cry about instead of letting him use fort this and fort that. 

And, all of this is coming from a guy who wants to remove us from NATO so his buddy Putin can wage a war there without fear of us intervening. He wants Putin to “rule” Europe I guess. One dictator helping another without doing anything.

These ramblings and rants are getting worse. Every time he gives a speech, he blunders and makes goof ups after goof ups. Yet, the morons in his rallies cheer all of his blunders and try to make them sound sane. In my opinion, the only candidate proving that he is “mentally incapable” of being President is this former guy. He can’t even conclude one sentence without either cutting it off to go somewhere else of goof up what he is trying to say.

As a result, where are the critics on the right crying about his mental incapacity? They are silent because they don’t care about any of that, they only care about getting this clown elected to form his fascist government. 

There is a bipartisan immigration reform bill being looked at to help ease the problems at the southern border. You know the number thing the right says needs to be fixed immediately or we will be “overrun” by all of these nasty people looking for a better life. But, those same people who claim all of the bad things at the border are not in support of the bill.

The crazy woman from Colorado who is switching districts to try to stay in Congress says “amnesty is a non-starter for me”. Okay, but we don’t know if “amnesty” is in the bill because it hasn’t been released yet. It is the simple fact that a bill to help ease the problem is under consideration that is the problem. Republicans, especially the chaos crowd don’t want any solutions. They will lose their crying towels.

And, just how can someone like her say that “amnesty is a non starter” when she fully supports “pardoning” the former guy if he is convicted of the 91 felony charges against him, including insurrection. That argument pales in comparison, yet there she is saying it.

Remember, it is a misdemeanor for crossing the border illegally into our country. There is a punishment that includes deportation or possibly six month imprisonment and/or a fine. The penalties for the Felonies trump is accused of could result on a very long prison sentence. 

According to these Republicans, it is okay to cause and support an insurrection to overthrow our government, but is a far greater crime to walk across the border without proper papers. How this equates to a reasonable discussion is beyond me.

Then we have the book banning craze on the right. Of course, that does not include banning books from a “conservative” author. Bill O’Rielly recently had two of his books banned in Florida public schools. He went totally ballistic over this but was all in favor of banning books he didn’t like. Hell, in their zeal to ban anything “inappropriate” one Florida school district even banned the DICTIONARY. 

You know I can almost understand why Florida would want to ban the dictionary. It includes the definitions for things like slavery and sex. My god how can we allow any book in schools that define words like those. Worse, it even defines “homosexuality”. The indoctrination is just too much to bear.

There is more talk about getting rid of Johnson, the current Speaker of the House. Why? Because he had the temerity to actually work with the Democrat leader of the Senate to pass a continuing resolution bill to keep the government from shutting down. I mean, how could any politician actually want to keep the government open when his caucus wants it shut down and totally dismantled in favor of fascism?

Besides, these crazies actually believe that shutting down the government will cause the economy to collapse. Of course, they will then try to shift the blame to Biden and Democrats who are trying to get a real budget passed and avoid this potential harm to a growing economy. YOUR job is at stake, but they just don’t give a shit about you or your family.

These are just some of the problems with the right wing in our country that make it hard to decide what to write about. I try to write about topics in order to inform my readers so they can make up their own minds about what to think. But with all of the chaos and outright lies coming from the other side it is hard to decide on what to talk about. 

It seems that the right wing want to flood us with stupidity so they don’t have to defend their inability to get anything done. The last several Republican controlled House of Representatives top the list of least productive. This current House has broken all of the records for NOT getting anything done. Hell, even their own members are crying about not having anything to “hang their hats on” during this upcoming election. That to quote the former guy is “very sad”.

Of course, they will still get votes because their followers don’t expect them to actually do anything. All their followers want is to see them on Fox News and other right wing media crying in their beer about nothing. It is one thing to cry in front of cameras and point fingers. It is quite another thing to actually come up with remedies for that which they are crying.

Their front runner to become their nomination to run for President is showing signs of mental instability every time he opens his mouth. But, they don’t care. They are willing to pardon that same person if he is convicted of felonies including insurrection against our country, but want undocumented aliens rounded up and deported and in cases like DeSantis and Abbott, shot.

In states they control, they have taken away civil rights of people and are proud of it. They ban anything they don’t like just because they don’t like it. They complain about everything but do nothing except ban things like abortion, medical treatment, books and religious beliefs they don’t like.

That is today’s Republican Party. It is no longer a party who is willing to defend the Constitution, democracy or our way of life. What they want is to tell, us how to live, who we can love, who we must hate and rule over us like we are all little children who don’t know better.

In a word folks, that is fascism not democracy. Remember, they cheered when the former guy said “I will be a dictator on day one”. Any more questions?

Republicans Prove They Are Lying About Wanting A Border Solution

The Republicans have been crying about the “border crisis” for a very long time. Yet, they refuse to do anything about it. Instead, they only want it to get worse so they have something to scare the shit out of you in order to gain votes based on fear and hate.

During the Obama administration, Republican and Democrat Senators sat down together and hashed out a compromise immigration reform bill. It passed the Senate with over 60 votes. Yet, the House under Republican control put it in a drawer and failed to act on it. Their reason? It would give Obama another “victory” and they didn’t want that to happen.

Since then, we have heard all sorts of complaints about the so-called “invasion” of immigrants crossing the southern border. We have heard all about the “open border” policy of the administration that have allowed all sorts of “terrorists” to enter out country. The border hysteria has gotten so bad, when there was a traffic accident at a Canadian border crossing resulting in an explosion, the right wing immediately called it a “terrorist attack”.

In fact, the accident was caused by a middle-aged white man returning from a casino after missing a KISS concert. There was no “terrorist attack” but that didn’t stop the right wing from going bonkers once again.

Now, there are some reasonable Republicans who want something done at the border. Hell, even Mitch McConnell wants something done that is reasonable and enforceable. So, he asked Oklahoma Republican Senator Steve Lankford to work out some kind of bill with Democrats. 

Lankford took to the task and sat down with Chuck Shumer to try to get a deal that would pass the Senate and be reasonable in its nature. Last week, they accomplished that task and came up with a bill that they believed would pass the Senate. They came up with a bill that included sweeping reforms and additional funding. It includes most of the things that Republicans have been crying to get.

So, you may think that something is actually going to be done about the problems at the border. WRONG! In their usual manner of not wanting to do anything except cry and cry, Republicans in the House have declared it dead on arrival without even seeing the total package yet.

This denial of trying to fix a problem started with their new House Speaker. Johnson on CNN tried to make it sound like it included nothing Republicans really wanted. He claimed that the compromise proposal only included funding to process migrants more efficiently into the US. When Tapper pointed out that was not true and listed specific provisions Republicans wanted on enforcement, Johnson immediately deflected to a photo-op solution – that Biden should visit the border.

He seems to think that a “photo-op” is the only solution to fixing our immigration problems. Don’t look at a bill, don’t read it, and don’t work to get it passed. Instead, just go to the border and have a photo-op in order to show just how much you really don’t give a shit.

Not all of the things included in this package has been let out to the public. But, many have. There is additional funding to fast-track the adjudication of asylum claims and deportations, increased border security, increase in the number of green cards issued, and a host of other things that many Republicans claimed that they wanted.

So, Republicans have proven once again they are not interested in solutions. Troy Nehls said the quiet part out loud – that Republicans aren’t interested in solving the border problem because doing that might help Biden in the 2024 election. The exact same thing we heard over 10 years ago when John McCain tried to get a compromised immigration reform bill passed while Obama was President.

Johnson went even further to show his disregard for real issues. He said that Congress can’t solve the border problem unless trump is elected or at least a Republican is in the White House. He is saying that only a fascist trump can “solve the border problem” with his mass roundups and mass deportations. Republican solutions to the border issue is to “shut down the border” and get rid of everyone they don’t like. Remember, history has shown us that walls are meant to keep you in as much as someone else out. Just East Germans.

This has become a real problem and shows exactly just how uninterested Republicans are at fixing any problem. Twice in this century, which is only 23 years old, Republicans in the House have refused to take up a bill from the Senate to address the issue they claim is “poisoning the blood of our country”. 

In 2022, they expected a huge “red wave” that would give them a “super majority” in the House and a majority in the Senate. It didn’t happen mostly because they picked the wrong issues. They made abortion bans a priority and the people rejected those proposals. Worse, they nominated several MAGA candidates who fell flat on their faces and lost elections Republicans might have otherwise won.

Today, they need something to hang their hat on. The economy is booming. Inflation has bottomed out. Unemployment is lower than it has been for decades. The economy and stock market are booming together. With all of this, Republicans are struggling to have something they can cry about and try to get votes. Immigration is about all they have left since they failed on every other issue they tried.

As a result, they are hellbent on keeping this bill from having a chance to pass because it would strip them of their last “great hope” of winning an election. And, as long as this is their main topic, it won’t matter who is in the White House, this problem will continue to plague us because Republicans really don’t give a shit about the border “crisis” or all of those “nasty terrorists” they claim are coming to kill us all off. What immigration reform bill did they pass the last the fascist trump was in the White House? Nothing!

No matter how you slice it, Republicans have proven beyond a reasonable doubt that they don’t care about issues. They don’t care about the border. They are only interested in “control” and total “authority” over your lives and family. 

Just more reasons to kick the lazy bums out of office this year. We cannot afford a party that doesn’t care about our country, our people or our security. Crying in your beer doesn’t make you effective. It just proves you are totally worthless. Refusing to take up bills that make things better for the people proves you are anti-American and anti-democracy.

It is time for these sewer rats to be sent packing back to the sewers they crawled out from. We do have problems and we need real men and women to solve them not just complain and bitch about them. Not doing anything about problems except blaming someone else is fascism not democracy. Think about that when you head to the polls.

Dear America – At One Point Your Ancestors “Poisoned The Blood” Of Our Nation According To Today’s Republican Party


Throughout my life, the Christmas season has been a time of happiness and good cheer. However, this year we are seeing the MAGA crowd and the
Republican Party engage in fear and hate. This is really getting out of hand because too many people are actually swallowing this bullshit being spewed out of the mouths of fascists.

Yes, this is the start of an election year and there is always controversial comments made during elections. But, the comments coming out of the mouth of trump and his avid supporters go way beyond the pale. And, it is actually getting worse and worse each passing day.

We have heard all about his invoking Hitlerism with his “poisoning the blood” or our nation. And, there are all sorts of people, almost exclusively white, who are cheering these horrible and divisive words. But, maybe it is time for them to remember history and our immigration polices of the past.

Any0ne who is of, as an example, Irish, Polish, German or Italian descent must take a step back and remember their ancestors and what they faced as immigrants in our country. The term “poisoning our blood” was used to define these immigrants as well as many others.

Long before the influx of these white immigrants, we must remember the “Chinese exclusion act” which barred Chinese from immigrating to our nation. They were used almost exclusively by the railroad companies to build the nation’s railroad system, especially when explosives were used. But, so many were brought here to do that dangerous job, there was actually a bill passed that barred anymore Chinese from entering the country.

When the potato famine struck Ireland and thousands of Irish began pouring into our country, there was huge backlash against them. The main reason for this backlash was because they were mostly Catholic. The white protestants didn’t want a huge influx of Catholics into the country. These Irish immigrants faced major discrimination when they first arrived.

As a matter of fact, many Irish were met at the piers as they got off the boats and were promised citizenship if they joined the Army. Many did just that in hopes of becoming U.S. citizens. However, it was an empty promise and most were never granted that citizenship. Plus, because they were Catholic, they were denied promotions and especially Officer status because of their “religion” and no other reason. They were told they were “poisoning the blood” of our nation.

Italians faced the same discrimination as well. This discrimination was also because of the Mafia. It was considered that all Italians were part of the crime syndicate and therefore should not be allowed into the country. Couple that with the fact they were also Catholic, that was just more reason for them to be kept out because they would “poison the blood” of the nation.

Poles faced the same discrimination for their religion as well. Growing up Polish jokes were common and always made them out to be totally stupid and incapable of anything. They were “poisoning the blood” of our nation.

The list of those discriminated against and told they were “poisoning the blood” of our nation goes on and on. Most of this discrimination came from either being non-white or being Catholic. 

Today, the victims of this hate have changed. Instead of Irish the Latinos are being targeted. Instead of Catholics being the scourge of the world, Muslims are now considered the scourge of the world and must be kept out. 

I have written many times that hate never sleeps. Hate moves from one target to another until it finally comes to y0u. Hate needs someone to blame for their own failures. Instead of doing something to help improve their own lot, they blame immigrants who are “different” from themselves and make them the scapegoat for their own miserableness.

We have seen this hate towards all sorts of people. We have seen it against Italians, Irish, Poles, Hungarians and many, many others. Hate is hate and it must be able to flourish by blaming others. If you are a Republican, remember your family immigrated here from somewhere else. And, in those days, the immigration to our nation was far easier than it is today. During most of the immigration influx, visa’s weren’t even needed to gain entry. All you needed to do was afford passage and show up. According to today’s standards all of those immigrants could be classified as “illegal”.

We need to understand that the words being used by trump and his Republican faithful are not mere words. They have meaning and they are hateful and divisive. They are intended to drive a wedge between our people. They point to those “others” and blame them for everything. They want you to hate others because they themselves offer nothing else.

The signs of authoritarianism in the Republican party are all around us. We even know who will be “next” on trump’s list of those to get rid of after immigrants. He keeps talking about mental institutions and how people should be locked up in them. He even mentions his enemies as those who should be locked up in mental institutions like Jack Smith who is prosecuting him.

That is exactly what authoritarians from fascists to marxist did and still do. They consider anyone who voices any opposition to their rule as “mentally unstable” and lock them up in institutions in order to silence them. That is exactly what trump and his Republican cronies are suggesting for our nation should he become president again.

So, during this time of Christmas, a time for peace and love, the Republican Party led by their crooked leader is instead spreading fear and hate. The so-called “Christian Nationalists” are ignoring the celebration of Christmas and spreading vile hate and inhumanity. Two things that their “savior” preached against.

If you really look at the disgusting language coming out of the Republican Party of today is saying, how can anyone believe they are “Christian”. How can anyone really believe they believe in our Constitution. 

During this previously “happy time of the year” they are too busy spreading hate and divisiveness. That proves to anyone who wants to see, they are not Christians, they are only fascists interested in ruling and destroying our nation.

Instead of saying “merry Christmas” or “happy Holidays” they are talking about locking up people and how immigrants are “poisoning our blood”. Please take note of that. That is exactly what white protestants said about your ancestors when they first arrived. You are actually the product of those who “poisoned our blood” as a nation. How can you now cheer those words?

The Meaning Of GOP – Gaggle Of The Pathetic – Today’s Republican Party

There is a bunch of crap facing us as a nation today. The government still hasn’t been fully funded for the 2024 fiscal year. There are wars in Israel and Ukraine. And, maybe some tougher immigration reforms that Republicans always punt down the road.

So, yesterday the Republicans passed two HUGE measures to “help America”. The first was the kangaroo court action voting to formally hold “impeachment inquiries” into the President. The second was all about “milk”. 

Now, you may be wondering just what milk has to do with Congress and that is a reasonable question. For decades, the USDA has issued a guideline that school lunch programs serve low fat or fat free milk. There is nothing lost in nutrients or proteins or anything else in low fat milk. Low fat milk does not have the saturated fats that are present in whole milk. It is the saturated fats that help cause heart and other problems.

But, that is not important to our Republican friends. No, they need something to complain and bitch about, so milk has now come to the forefront of their utter stupidity. I guess Virginia Foxx (R-NC) showed the stupidity of their problem with low fat milk.

In her rant she said Santa Claus needs to drink whole milk “to travel the whole globe in one night,” perhaps confusing the effects of dairy with amphetamines. “Protein helps build and repair Santa’s muscles. Hoisting heavy sacks of gifts up and down the chimney is no easy task.”

“You see, it’s not just the magic of the season that helps Santa deliver presents worldwide. It’s also the fortifying nutrients of whole milk,” Foxx continued. “Reflecting on Christmas traditions this year begs the question, ‘If whole milk is a good option to fuel Santa’s extraordinary Christmas Eve journey, then why isn’t it an option for American schoolchildren in their lunchrooms?’”

Wow! I never knew that “whole milk” is the reason that Santa can travel the world in one night and pass out all of those presents. I only have one question for her, do you have any of whatever you are taking left? That is a really doozy and really stupid comment. 

With all of the real problems we face, Republicans decided to “make a stand in favor of whole milk”. I can personally say that low fat milk does not harm you and is better for your health. I drink 1% milk all of the time. I used to drink whole milk, but I had to stop. When I was stationed on Guam, I could not drink the local milk because it contained coconut. I am allergic to coconut. When we came back, I ordered a glass of whole milk and couldn’t finish it. It was like drinking liquid cement after not having it for two years. 

The second major vote was to formally hold impeachment inquiries against the President. This “inquiry” has been going on for about a year because McCarthy, the former Speaker, decided he did not need a vote to hold them. During that time, nothing has come up to show that the President did anything even remotely impeachable. But, this is an election year and Republicans decided holding “formal” impeachment hearings will “hurt Biden’s” election chances.

But all you need to do to figure this as a political stunt and nothing more is to listen to the two leading figures trying to make this stick. One is Gym Jordan and the other is James Comer. The major reason for this vote is because Republicans think it will “force” everyone they subpoena to be forced to testify. Jordan said “when Congress asks you to come testify, you are supposed to come testify”.

This is the same Gym Jordan who was subpoenaed by the Jan. 6 Committee and refused to submit to that subpoena. He also voted against holding Steve Bannon and Mark Meadows in contempt of Congress for refusing to submit to questioning under subpoenas issued to them. Now he claims that if you receive a subpoena from Congress “you must come and testify”. Can you say hypocrisy?

Now this is all in light of the two wanting to hold Hunter Biden in contempt for not submitting to their subpoena. Hunter Biden did show up in Washington and said he would gladly testify before the committee but only in a “public hearing”. Comer refuses to hold a public hearing for his testimony. Just what is he afraid is going to happen? If you want testimony and “transparency” in this case, then why not let him testify in a public hearing?

The answer is obvious. They don’t want transparency. They want secret testimony so they can pick out the parts they like and leak them to the press to make both Hunter and his father look bad. Plus, they don’t want the American people to hear the questions Democrats on the committee might ask and the answers they would get.

Comer has been running around talking on right-wing media to explain why he doesn’t want Hunter Biden testifying in a public hearing. He keeps saying that he “doesn’t want Democrats being able to engage in questioning in public hearings”. How is that for transparency and democracy?

The fact is that trump wants an impeachment of Biden in “revenge” for his two impeachments while President. He has called for this inquiry for years because he wants revenge. Republicans have produced not one piece of reasonable evidence that President Biden did anything wrong, illegal or impeachable. Even their own “key witnesses” have said the same thing in hearings. Yet, they are willing to do their “dear leaders” bidding. As Republica Rep. Troy Nehls (R-Texas), simply said “Donald J. Trump 2024 baby” when a reporter asked about the vote on Wednesday. That is the only reason for this vote and these hearings.

As you can see Republicans still have no plans for the American people. They still have no policies they can sell to us to make us vote for them. They are not interested in the country or its people. They are only interested in running to right wing media to complain and bitch and make everyone else to blame for any problems. They have proven beyond a reasonable doubt that they are NOT interested in governing. Just more reasons why these morons must be voted out of office from the top to the bottom of every ticket in the country next year.

As you can see, today’s Republican party has redefined the term GOP from meaning the Grand ole Party to the Gaggle Of the Pathetic. 

What Does “Christian Nationalist” Really Mean?

As the far right tries to convince us that we are a “Christian” nation and that they are “Christian Nationalists” we need to look at just what they mean and what they want. It is never too early to educate yourselves since we have a major election next year that will decide the future of our nation and the lives of you and your children.

As you can see above, the idea of “Christian Nationalism” is nothing new. Authoritarians all over the world have used religion as a hammer to gain power and rule instead of governing. They try to appeal to religious zealots in order to gain their vote and support.

We have seen the former guy use wording directly from Hitler in his most recent rants and cries of victimization. He has used words like “vermin” to describe anyone who opposes him. He has called for “the government to come down hard on MSNBC” and accuses them of being anti-trump. He forgets to mention Fox News who according to his own definition does the same thing to President Biden.

The hate and vitriol that comes out of his mouth can be found in the same language that Hitler used in order to gain power. He is not fooling anyone except his own base that doesn’t even want us to be a democracy. He is only interested in being the “Dear Leader” as his counterpart Kim Jung Un.

Then we have the most outspoken so-called “Christian Nationalist” the wacko woman from Georgia, MTG. In a recent post trying to keep Republicans from voting for military aid to Ukraine, she used a known Russian propaganda outlet as her reason not to vote for the aid. She posted an article from a Russian Propaganda source that has been named such by our government.

Yet, she proudly posts this lie in order to gain headlines and help her other hero Putin. Remember, she gave a speech to a far-right wing white supremacist gathering this year to chants of “Putin, Putin”. She praised the Russian leader as being a “great man” and a “great leader”. Similar words used by the former guy more than a thousand times.

The real danger in all of this talk is the very loud silence from other Republicans, especially those in Congress. The only bill MTG is interested is an attempt to impeach the current President. Of course, they always fail to mention that THEIR OWN WITNESS who testified in the House Oversight Committee on the subject said “there is no sufficient evident for impeachment”.

The year they have been trying to find proof of Biden’s “wrong doings” and have shown nothing. There has been nothing that suggests that Biden in his long career has done anything wrong. This week his son Hunter agreed to testify before the committee but only if it is public. The Chair of the committee refused that request because he only wants the testimony behind closed doors.

The reason for that is so he can twist the testimony to look nefarious just like that botched “proof” of a check from Biden’s brother to pay back a loan that the President gave him when he was NOT in office. I guess if a Democrat pays back a loan that is controversial. Of course Republicans not paying back loans is not so controversial.

As I wrote the other day, that tragic traffic accident at the border near Niagra Falls was quickly reported by Fox News as a terrorist attack. Several member of the Republican party echoed that claim in order to foster more hate against Muslims. The report was false and Fox knew it before it went on air.

We are hearing the former guy talk about “rounding up people” and putting them in “camps” before they are deported. We keep hearing him preach that the only truth is the bullshit coming out of his mouth. He wants to “destroy” his enemies anyway he can. He has named names who he believes should be put in jail just because they don’t support him. He has threatened to use our military to do his dirty work.

As all of this hate speech is spewing forth from his, MTG’s and other’s mouths, Republicans say nothing in condemnation. They are actually “lapping” it up and cheering it on by their silence. Somehow they believe that if they win and the authoritarian government emerges, they will be safe from their dear leader. They are wrong.

If we get that authoritarian government, you can bet that Congress will become a puppet of their dear leader. If anyone in Congress dares to go against that leader, they will most likely be imprisoned just like his other “enemies”. That is how authoritarianism works.

This is exactly what these so-called “Christian Nationalists” want our country to become. They want to follow their dear leader to the total destruction of our nation. You hear it coming out the mouths of every Republican today. All that talk about Democrats being all “communists, marxists, liberals” etc is just mimicking authoritarianists to demonize anyone who is not on their side.

Let’s be honest. There are only three forms of government in the world. There is authoritarian governments, monarchies, and democracies. Any label placed on people are simple words trying to separate authoritarians from their enemies. Communism is a authoritarian form of government. Countries like Russia with only one party rule is an authoritarian form of government. The Theocracy of Iran is an authoritarian form of government.

It is this that Christian Nationalists are trying to make our nation. Instead of Islam as the ruling religion, they want to use their phony Christianity as their ruling religion. I say phony because that is exactly what they are trying to sell to you. Hitler started using the phrase “Christian Nation”, but then quickly turned to old pagan religions to justify his rise to power. Hell he even created his own religion and demanded everyone follow it.

Christian Nationalists are no more Christian than the Ayatollah in Iran. They use the term to get gullible people in the Evangelical movement to follow them. But, Evangelicals who oppose their dear leader will be persecuted just like others will.

Their leader has made it clear that if he wins next year’s election, he plans to remove us from NATO and form an alliance with Russia and North Korea. He thinks this will give him the help he needs to eliminate China and Iran. He fails to realize that China and Iran are the biggest supporters of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Russia will never go after their current backers.

In summary, Christian Nationalism is nothing but Authoritarianism. It is a front used for talking points in order to gain power. Once that power is achieved, no one is safe from its evil tendencies. They use the “blame game” to scare you. They play “victim” to gain your sympathy. They use religion to gain your support.

But, if you seriously look at what they are saying, they prove beyond a reasonable doubt that they are not Christian. They are anti-religion, anti-democracy and anti-American. This cult is trying to take power for their own personal profit and do not care about you, your children or our nation.

In my view, Christian Nationalism is no better than Naziism. The language used by trump and his followers comes straight out of Hitler’s mouth. There is no way to deny it anymore.

Fox News And Right Wing Media Prove Their Love Of Misinformation To Scare The Hell Out Of You

Last Wednesday a car traveling towards Canada on the Rainbow Bridge in upstate New York struck a border checkpoint and exploded. The two people in the car, a middle-aged man and his wife were killed in the tragic accident. That is what this was, a tragic accident.

However, in their zeal to make everything tragic that happens appear nefarious, Fox News and members of the GOP immediately declared it was a “terrorist attack”. Fox News led the charge in this misinformation, and people like Sen. Cruz, Turning Point USA’s Charlie Kirk, GOP Governor wannabe Kari Lake and Rep. Elise Stafanick all parroted the “terrorist” claim promulgated by Fox News.

The next day, Fox baselessly began employing the term “Islamic terrorism,” describing hypothetical scenarios regarding potential casualties if the vehicle had advanced. They continued to tell their audience that the vehicle contained explosives. Fox Host John Roberts even speculated that the premature detonation of the vehicle might be attributed to the driver’s insufficient expertise in handling explosives.

Roberts went further by saying “We don’t know how long the people who perpetrated this attack have been in this country. Did they recently come across? Did they come into the country legally? Did they come across illegally and claim asylum? Were they some of the nearly 1 million got-aways who come into this country? Were they radicalized in this country?”

Here are the facts. The two people in the car were identified as 56-year-old Kurt P. Villani, the driver, and his wife Monica Villani. Police investigating this tragic accident said “there was no explosives” in the vehicle. And, the two were American Citizens and NOT immigrants or “terrorists”.

When Fox finally said there was no “terrorist attack” in this incident, they never apologized for their misinformation, but rather blamed their lies on other networks who never said it was a terrorist attack. Only Fox News and other so-called conservative outlets used that term in their reporting.

Charlie Sykes of the Bullwark said this: “A tragic car accident last Wednesday near a bridge on the Canadian-American border became a case study in disinformation, ideologically motivated opportunism, and all manner of demagogic b******t. And, of course, it all started with Fox News…. MAGA fluffer Benny Johnson enthusiastically amplified Fox’s fake report of a ‘terrorist attack.'”

You may ask why these so-called news outlets would immediately call it terrorism? And that is a good question until you look at their agenda. Their agenda is to make you afraid of everything in hopes you will vote for the authoritarians running on the GOP tickets around the country.

These outlets and the GOP in particular never discuss anything about policies. They only talk about grievances and hatred towards anyone they don’t like. So, they take a horrible traffic accident and call it a “terrorist attack” without any proof and before the p0lice investigating the incident says anything about it. The goal is to make you very, very afraid of your own shadow.

Their front runner for the nomination of the GOP says that he is very willing to unleash the military on our streets. He wants to use it to “arrest” his political opponents. Straight out of the authoritarian playbook. And, don’t kid yourselves, he means every word.

Over the weekend three students were shot in Vermont. They weren’t doing anything except taking a walk. Their crime was being Arab and speaking in English and Arabic. Someone, the suspect is in custody, decided they had to be killed for who they were. We don’t know much about the suspect except he had posted on social media, which has since been deleted, that he was a “radical citizen pa-trolling demockracy and crapitalism for oathcreepers.” 

Since the war in Israel began, we have seen a huge rise in anti-Palestinian and anti-Sematism. It shows just how much the hate mongers on conservative media have influenced their viewers. Yes, there have been comments from liberals about the war, but the major anti-Sematic remarks have come from the usual sources, namely the white-supremacists. The same groups that support the criminal running for President on the GOP ticket.

Hate speech has risen dramatically in the GOP circles. In a recent poll over half of Republicans who were questioned said that “political violence is acceptable”. Just how scary is that. Worse, at least one third of Americans believe that maybe we should have an “alternative form of government instead of our democracy”. Naturally, the vast majority of that one-third are Republicans.

The simple truth is that these conservatives who call themselves “patriots” are nothing but authoritarians who want to destroy our great nation. They peddle in conspiracy theories and misinformation in order to frighten their viewers. They blame everyone, especially non-whites and non-Christians for all of the problems we face. They really like to blame immigrants for everything.

What they want is an authoritarian government that they control and then attack and even arrest anyone who speaks up against them. The authoritarian playbook is clear. Attack everyone not like you for all of the troubles and then use violence to make the citizens afraid. Hitler was a master of this playbook, he wrote the book.

Authoritarians need victims to blame. In Hitler’s case it was the Jews. In the case of these conservatives, it is anyone who is not white or Christian. That opens the door to a wide variety of people to blame and make white people the victims. If they take power, they will close our borders and do their worse against their perceived “enemies”.

The criminal they all love made it plain. He intends, if elected, to “round up all immigrants and put them in camps before deporting them”. He and his supporters have already named names of Democrats and military men who they believe are “against” their beloved leader. The convicted criminal Steve Bannon has said that Retired Gen. Milley “will be arrested and charged with treason” if trump is elected.

We know for a fact that the Republican Party is behind this hate. We know because no one from the party has made a single comment condemning this hate speech. They all sit back and watch and enjoy what is being said and with their silence approving of it.

Unfortunately for us, that is what the Republican Party has become. They allow hate speech, innuendos, and outright lies to be spread in the name of power and votes from the MAGA crowd in order to be reelected.

I have said it before and I will say it again. The Republican Party that we knew for over a hundred years is DEAD. In its place we have agitators of authoritarianism and hate.

The world has seen this evil before. It resulted in numerous wars and the slaughter of millions of innocent people just because they were different. Don’t think it can’t happen here. The seeds are already being sown by right-wing media like Fox News.

Hate is hate and it is forever busy. Once a target has been “eliminated” a new target will be chosen. At some point it very well will be you. Think about that when you go to the polls.

Here Lies The Republican Party 1854 – 2023 – May It Rest In Peace

In 1854 a group of people met in Massachusetts and started the Republican Party. This party was formed as an abolitionist party. Their principle goals was to abolish slavery and create a nation of equal rights for everyone. The first President of this new party was Abraham Lincoln.

Since its founding it has been Republicans who have championed civil rights. It was Republicans who sent in troops to protect students when schools were desegregated. It was Republicans who helped get the Civil Rights Bill and the Voting Rights Bill passed through Congress.

However, that soon changed after these legislations passed. Richard Nixon started his “southern strategy” to gain the White House. This strategy was intended to bring the bigots and haters into the Republican Party to ensure more votes and more power.

Today we see what this unholy alliance between white supremacists and the Republican Party has become. Over the last 50 years or so, it has been the Republican Party that wants to return to the “good ole days” of segregation and hatred.

We have watched as the former guy stoked hatred and fear in the members of the party. We watched as his followers tried to overthrow the government on Jan. 6. We watched as his morons threw Kevin McCarthy from the Speakership of the House for the horrible and treasonous act of “working with Democrats” to keep the government open.

Yesterday, the final nail in the coffin of the real Republican party was hammered in when they voted to elect MAGA superstar Mike Johnson as the new Speaker of the House. This is a man who has spent his entire career trying to remove civil rights from women, blacks, Latinos, LGBTQ and anyone who does not share his “religious beliefs”.

He is against same-sex marriage and wants the government to ban it again. He sponsored and authored a national abortion ban that was voted down. He was an architect of the attempt to overthrow the 2020 election and authored a lot of the false accusations about the election and he voted to overturn the election by denying your votes from being counted.

In the three weeks leading up to this vote, so-called moderates in the Republican party kept Gym Jordan from becoming speaker. Rep. Buck said that one reason he would not vote for Jordan was that he would not admit that the election was not stolen. Yet, yesterday, he cast his vote for someone who will not admit the election was stolen. In other words, Buck like most Republicans lied and buckled into the trump base ignoring his conscience.

Johnson said yesterday that he “wants to work with Hakeem Jefferies” to keep the government open and “do the people’s business”. I will believe that when I see it. Republicans have no interest in keeping the government open. They actually want it to shut down. They want chaos to reign in our country because they believe it will help the indicted moron to win the election.

They don’t care about your jobs. They don’t care if you can feed your family or pay your bills. They don’t care if our military personnel are forced to put their lives in jeopardy while their families are starving back home because they aren’t getting paid. All they care about is power and nothing more.

It is not just at the federal level either. In Florida the Ayatollah has made another move to strip his opponents their civil rights. He has decided that the pro-Palestine group known as SJP be shut down on Florida campuses. The only reason given is they support Palestinian rights. Of course that means to his tiny little non-functioning brain they support terrorists. Just another example that “freedom of speech” only pertains to Republicans and no one else!

This Republican has changed education and made it illegal to actually teach real American history in favor of a more white supremacist viewpoint. He leads the state with the most antisemitic groups and most white nationalist groups who all support him for office. He has systematically tried to “void out” the LGBTQ community by making such harmless things like drag shows illegal or talking about a child’s two fathers or two mothers in schools. He has taken away a woman’s right to choose and got between doctors and their patients if that patient is a transgender youth seeking treatment with their parent’s permission. Only the Ayatollah knows what is best for them. And, of course, he bans books he doesn’t like.

He has led the nation in hate speech, next to trump of course, and many Republican states are quickly following suit. The Republican Party has morphed into a real fascist party hell-bent on making us a dictatorship rather than a democracy. In a democracy, they actually might have to do some work which they hate and actually convince people to vote for them.

In another Republican state with lax gun laws, we have another mass shooting that has killed around 20 people and injured dozens more. And of course, all we get from Republicans is their phony “thoughts and prayers”. I say Republicans can take their thoughts and prayers and SHOVE THEM UP YOUR ASS! Stop with your lies and bullshit and DO something about gun safety in our country.

169 years ago the Republican party was formed. They fought for civil rights for most of its existence. In 1968 it caught a deadly disease called hate. Since then, the most haters of the group have slowly taken control of this once proud political party and stabbed it in the back over and over again. They also stabbed our nation in the back over and over in the name of power.

Yesterday, the political party known as the Republican Party was officially declared dead. The autopsy declared the cause of death as “hatred, bigotry, misogyny, homophobia, islamophobia, and pure stupidity”.

Funeral arrangements have not been announced yet. They are probably waiting to announce the death of American democracy and burry the two together. The Republican Party, once a true American party intent on creating a more perfect union, has been assassinated from within. As usual, the American people are the losers in this tragedy.

Today – “The Clown Show Part Two” Proudly Brought To You By The Republican Party

Today we will witness the Republicans in the House of Representatives present “The Clown Show – Part Two”. Today, the crazy caucus will attempt to get Gym Jordan elected as the Speaker of the House. God help us.

The first thing you need to know is that the crazy caucus is trying to flex their muscles to show America that they are really in control. They claim they will win the “fight” and get their man elected. However, there are 20 so-called moderate Republicans who will nominate someone else for the post. If even half of these Republicans hold the line, Jordan cannot win the election to become Speaker of the House.

The second thing you need to know is that since Gym Jordan has been in the House, he has not gotten a single piece of legislation passed through the House. Even when Republicans controlled both chambers and the White House. He has done absolutely nothing since being elected except vote no on everything then run to Fox News to bitch, complain and make false accusations against everyone who does not agree with him.

As a result, the Republicans supporting him actually want a House of Representatives that does nothing and collects their paychecks while running to Fox News telling us how everything is the other side’s fault. Hell, they even tried to blame President Biden for McCarthy’s ouster. How pathetic can you actually become?

Gym Jordan told reporters since he was nominated that “America want me as Speaker of the House”. Yeah, like America wants syphilis! The difference between Jordan and syphilis is that there is a cure for syphilis. There is no cure for utter incompetence and stupidity.

We also have to look at what the real reason for this chaos is all about. This isn’t about anything to do with spending cuts or anything to do with actually governing. No, this is just a tactic by the crazy caucus to shut down the government.

In one month, the government will be forced to shut down because we don’t have a budget. And, that is what the crazy caucus wants. They actually want to create economic havoc on our nation. They want to tear down and even burn down our government. They have no plans and they have no desire to actually work.

One Republican Congressman even said so openly. He said “there are people in our caucus that don’t want to be the majority. They prefer to be the minority so they can vote no on everything then run around screaming and yelling about nothing”.

Gym Jordan is one of the leaders of this crazy caucus in the Republican Party. He is an insurrectionist who knew about the January 6 insurrection against the government before it took place. He refused to testify before the Jan 6 Committee even though he was subpoenaed to do so. He spoke with the former guy for at least 10 minutes the morning the insurrection took place and refuses to say what they discussed.

Gym Jordan voted not to certify the duly elected Joe Biden and certify the election of 2020 and has continuously said the election was stolen. Remember, he was also elected in 2020. So, if the election was stolen, then isn’t he the benefactor of a stolen election and should resign?

We cannot count on Gym Jordan and his crazy caucus to get a budget passed or even bring a continuing resolution up for a vote if he is elected as Speaker. He will refuse to work with Democrats to keep the government open and do the work of the people.

There are only two solutions as I see it to this chaos from the crazy caucus led by Gym Jordan. One is for these so-called moderate Republicans to face the truth and switch parties thus giving the Democrats the majority and get to work.

The second option if for these same Republicans to speak with Democrats and strike a deal to have a “coalition” government. That would also mean a Democrat would become the Speaker and we would see work being done.

However, neither of these two options will happen. The reason is because these so-called “moderate” Republicans are terrified that they will be “primaried” by someone who wants to be part of the crazy caucus. Their position and title is far more important to them then the fate of the nation.

There is a whole bunch of shit going on that needs the attention of the House of Representatives. We need the budget passed or at least the continuing resolution extended so the government can continue to function. There are the wars in Ukraine and Israel that needs attention. We need real immigration reform to help with the border situation.

What we need is a Republican Party that is interested in WORKING and GOVERNING and not playing stupid games. We need a Republican Party that puts the American people before their stupid titles and politics.

The problem is that with someone like Gym Jordan as the favorite to become the next Speaker, we won’t see that Republican Party anytime soon. The crazies got concessions from the last Speaker that make governing by a Republican Speaker impossible. That job is now at the mercy of the crazy caucus and they will never be satisfied with anything.

Today will see the debut of “The Clown Show – Part Two” presented by the Republican Party. It is funded by the RNC who wants to burn down our government and co-directed by the crazy caucus led by Gym Jordan and Matt Gaetz.

As I see it, at the end of the day we will either have no Speaker of the House or one on a par with giving America syphilis. Either way, we the people lose, again thanks to the Republican crazies.

Just more reasons we need to defeat the Republicans in huge numbers next November. Otherwise, we will all face the serious consequences.

In The Conflict In Israel We See The Results Of Intolerance

The war between Hamas and Israel is giving the world a very good look at the one thing that plagues societies all around the world, and is probably the major cause of wars. This thing comes in many names. It is bigotry, hate, homophobia, xenophobia, racism, and many more. This one thing is Intolerance.

That is something that we as Americans need to look into the mirror and realize that what has been happening in our own country is something that causes division among people and leads to violence and even wars. It is what causes the inhumane treatment of others and acts of war crimes against civilians.

This brutal inhumane attack by Hamas against the citizens of Israel is a perfect example of that intolerance creating such crude violence. The images of the animalistic brutality and murder of civilians cannot be excused nor justified. It is the fact that it is made possible because of intolerance.

We have witnessed such violence all too often in the history of the human race. It has plagued societies throughout history. It is not a one-way street either. There are lots of things that can said about the causes of this attack and quite frankly both sides are to blame. However, this is not about who is to blame, it is about how intolerance leads to such events as we are witnessing today.

Intolerance is something that feeds hate. It festers in humans until it boils over into violence and murder. Intolerance is part of the root causes of hate and is fed by many things. As I wrote many times here one of the major causes of this intolerance and hate is religious beliefs. Too often the fight is over whose god is better than the other gods. That is very true in the Mideast between Jews and Muslims.

But that isn’t the only place you find it on display. We have witnessed the rise of intolerance in our own country. There are thousands if not millions of people who simply hate others because they are different. The number one cause of this intolerance and hate is religion. In our country it is surrounded by so-called Christians. It feeds the belief that their god is better than any other god and thus we must all follow the dictates of their god and allow ourselves to be ruled by those principles.

We have seen it in laws being passed to make it harder for certain segments of people to vote. We have seen it in laws passed to deny medical treatment for certain groups of people because they are different. We have seen it in laws passed to ban books because some people don’t like the content. We have seen it manifested when a person running for president says “immigrants are poisoning our blood”.

We have been subjected to it through the so-called Second Amendment fights. The people who are insisting that everyone should have a gun no matter the circumstances are the very people who pass such hate laws and are considered by most people as ultra-conservative extremists and white supremacists.

In our own country we have witnessed hate attacks grow over the last eight years. We have watched as synagogues have been burned or attendees gunned down by antisemites. We have listened to antisemites openly try to stir up hate against Jews in our country. We have listened to extremists rage against Muslims and other “non-christians” in our country. The whole mess at our southern border is not really over immigration, it is about too many people of color immigrating to our country.

Attacks on Jews, Blacks, Latinos, Asians, Muslims, homosexuals, transgenders, women and others have exploded over the last eight years. This violence has resulted in the deaths of thousands of Americans simply because they are “different” and “not like us”.

This intolerance and hate has been fed by certain members of a certain political party. We hear it from their politicians all of the time. Many of members of that party attend white supremacist and antisemitic rallies in order to get the votes of the intolerant.

This intolerance leads to fascism and authoritarianism. It leads to deaths of people who are different. 20th Century history proves just how terrible intolerance can become.

As we have seen throughout history, if one group overcomes those who they are intolerant over, they need a different target and then go after them. The stream of hate and intolerance does not end when the “”enemy” is defeated. It merely moves to the next target of hate and intolerance.

The devastating tragedy unraveling in Israel and Gaza is showing us just how evil intolerance of others can be. It is showing us that if we continue to allow this intolerance and hate to fester in our own country, we could face something similar or even worse. We could allow this intolerance and hate to change our nation for evil and power grabbing intolerant haters to rule over us.

We cannot afford to allow this intolerance to take a firm grasp on our society. We are a nation “for the people” not a nation for the powerful. Our Constitution begins with the words “We the people” not “we the rulers”. We are watching, today, just how much chaos extremism can cause.

The House of Representatives does not have a Speaker of the House because of extremists from the far right. These extremists are doing everything they can to bring down our nation and take it to an authoritarian nation. They don’t care about the people of our nation nor the Constitution they are sworn to protect.

Instead they are sewing the seeds of our destruction fed by intolerance and hate of anyone not in agreement with their extremist views. To me, they are anti-Americans who want to destroy our nation for the sake of power so they can spread their intolerance and “get rid” of those they hate.

If you bother to look at the real causes of the new war in Israel, I am certain you will discover that intolerance and hate of each other has led to this tragedy. And, if you really look around you in America today, you will discover that same intolerance and hate rising among many of our own people. The end results can only be violence, murder and more hate. That is not something I served our country for it to become.

My heart goes out to all of the people of Israel and the innocent people living in Gaza. This tragedy is going to kill thousands of innocent people who do not agree with the extremists on either side. Yet, they will be the victims of this hate-filled war. Let us hope this senseless tragedy ends soon.

But, don’t take your eye off our own situation either. We hold an election next year, and the extremists must be removed from office before this intolerance and hate grows further.