GOP Is Dead – Republican Party Now COP – Cowards On Parade

We really need to look at today’s Republican Party and understand just what they stand for. NOTHING! The party has adopted two planks for their candidate in the upcoming election. First make sure the border problems are never addressed. Second destroy our economy.

Those are the only two issues that they are interested in making happen. We still do not have a full budget for this fiscal year. Republicans actually want the government to shut down. They are actively working to ensure this goal is met. Not because of any desire to eliminate the so-called deep state, but because they know a government shutdown will hurt our booming economy.

GDP grew at 3.3 percent in the last quarter of 2023. Unemployment is at its lowest in decades. Inflation is getting under control and people’s wages, for the most part, have gone up. Things economically are looking good despite the Republicans claim that we are actually in a recession. Hell, even one of trump’s own economic advisors has admitted the economy is growing and strong under the Biden administration.

Remember, trump promised GDP growth of 2 to 4 percent. But, he never managed to achieve that. His successor has achieved it and there are no signs of it slowing down. As a result, and to make you afraid, Republicans want to shut down the government to cause a drop in the stock market and uncertainty in the economy. It is their attempt to crash the economy thinking they will gain votes if they manage to do so.

Then we have the border issue. It has been the Republicans who have cried crocodile tears about the border. They are always complaining about an “open border” and we need to do something about it. So Mitch McConnell asked one of his senior Republican Senators to work with the Democrats and get a bipartisan bill to address this issue.

That cooperation worked. There is a bill in the Senate that could come for a vote by next week. Even Republicans have called this bill one of the best immigration reform bills they ever saw. It gives both sides what they want. It even includes huge amounts of money for border security.

But, trump and his clown show don’t like the bill simply because they couldn’t come up with it when he was in office. They never tried. And even worse, it just might give Biden a victory that voters will appreciate. So, trump has been hounding his clowns in the House and Senate to “kill the bill”. Just like he has been pressuring them to ensure there is no approved budget and to force a government shutdown.

As usual, these clowns who care nothing about governing or even about our country are marching in lockstep with the fascist they want to rule over us. They are eager to kill the immigration bill because they only want to cry about the problems, not do anything about it.

They are marching in lockstep because the economy under President Biden is booming and getting stronger. That certainly not something they want because people just might be happy. Instead they want to scare you about an imminent collapse. Something that can and will most likely happen if they shut down the government.

Don’t take my word for it. Republicans have shut down the government several times in the past few decades. Each time a recession resulted and it took a long time to recover from that recession. The so-called party of business and economics appears to be transforming into the party wanting recessions no matter how much that hurts you and your family.

In the last administration we witnessed nothing being passed that was even close to bipartisan. As a result, we saw nothing passed at all that made your life better. In this administration we have seen bipartisan bills passed for infrastructure, inflation reduction and hopefully immigration reform. Things are getting done, but not because of any real help from the majority of Republicans in Congress.

Infrastructure and Inflation Reduction passed when Democrats controlled the House. Since the Republicans have taken control, NOTHING has passed. They aren’t even trying to pass the annual budget. They simply don’t care because their dear leader, the fascist trump, is ordering them not to do anything. And, right on key, the Cowards on Parade have fallen in line with him.

They are telling you that you do not count. You have no rights unless they tell you what they are. You have no right to happiness or even the right of dreaming of a better life. You are supposed to do what you are told and just shut the fuck up. They will let you know what to think, what to believe and how to live. That is what fascism is all about.

The Republicans have proven beyond a reasonable doubt they do not deserve your support or votes. They have proven that all of the word salads that keep spewing from their mouths are just that, nothing but words. They cannot be trusted to keep their word or promises. They only care about enriching themselves and ruling over you.

As a result, they are willing to do everything in their power to make sure the border is not fixed and to do everything in their power to crash our booming economy. That is not what Congress is supposed to do. It is designed to govern in order to make your lives better not worse. Republicans have opted for making you lives worse.

The seeds of fascism have already been planted in states like Florida and Texas. There governors are advocating for “shooting on sight” anyone crossing the border illegally. They are willing and actually defying Supreme Court orders. 

Other states have passed laws to make it illegal to transport anyone across the state in search of an abortion. The first step in making us have permission papers to cross state lines or to even cross county lines. If they can make it illegal for abortion, they can make it illegal for any number of issues they don’t like.

I would love to be able to say that the Republican Party is in chaos. But that would be a lie. The Republican Party we knew growing up has died a painful death. In its place is a fascist party hellbent on destroying our country by destroying everything we believe to be sacred. Our democracy, or dreams, our rights and our belief in what we want. 

They call a rainbow flag in a classroom “indoctrination”. Yet they want to force the ten commandments to be posted in the very same classrooms. How is that NOT indoctrination? We all know that it is, especially in a secular society where we can follow any religion we wish or none at all. Forcing that poster into classrooms is total indoctrination and they know it.

There comes a time in history when something needs to be done about ridding ourselves of fascist thinking. Today, fascism is rising fast all across the nation, and worst part is most people just aren’t paying attention because it doesn’t affect them personally.

America needs to wake up to the existential threat we are facing. We need to wake up and stop our sleep walk towards fascism. Otherwise, we will see our great nation fail in the worst ways. Your rights will be stripped and you will be expected to behave like “good little fascists”. 

Our nation has been the beacon of freedom in the world. Other nations wishing for equality have looked to us for the way forward. We have not been perfect, but we have grown and made progress. We became a better nation through all of the difficulties we have faced.

Today’s Cowards on Parade want to destroy all of that. Instead of being the guiding light for democracy, they instead want to be rulers even if it means destroying all of the ideals we hold sacred. Power above all else is their true mantra.

We really need to hand them the worst political defeat any party has faced. That includes all the way down the ballot in state and local elections as well. Otherwise the seeds of fascism will spread from one state to another. It is time to fight to save the soul of our nation. That battle ground is at the ballot box.

Don’t vote based on party. Vote based on morality and decency. Then and only then will we be able to save our democracy, our nation and our way of life. Otherwise the shirts will win out and our lives will become miserable and the lives of our children and grandchildren will be in jeopardy. 

Think about that when you head to the polls.

To Quote Vince Lombardi – “What The Hell Is Going On Out There?”

I am going to be honest. Sometimes I want to write something and do my research and get totally frustrated. Not because there isn’t anything important to write about, but because there is so much bullshit coming from the right that I get frustrated and just don’t bother.

I know, I have to get out of this malaise and get back to doing something to do my part in protecting our great nation. But, the problem we are seeing on the right is getting to a point where chaos is just too meek of a word to use anymore.

Let me try to fill you in on all of the complexities about this process. We constantly hear from the right that President Biden is “mentally incapable” of being President. Yet, it is the other guy who continues to make stupid and confusing comments both during his speeches and his social media posts.

He has said it is great to be in Iowa City when he was talking somewhere else. He has confused Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi and accused Haley of failing to protect the capital against his insurrection. This weekend he wailed about Army Forts that had been named after Confederate figures having their names changed to real American heroes. He said: “We won world wars from these forts. Forts like Benning and fort this and fort that”.

Now as a 73 year old man, I would argue that if you can’t name the forts you are complaining about, don’t mention them at all. Would it have been too hard for his speech writers to include the names they want to cry about instead of letting him use fort this and fort that. 

And, all of this is coming from a guy who wants to remove us from NATO so his buddy Putin can wage a war there without fear of us intervening. He wants Putin to “rule” Europe I guess. One dictator helping another without doing anything.

These ramblings and rants are getting worse. Every time he gives a speech, he blunders and makes goof ups after goof ups. Yet, the morons in his rallies cheer all of his blunders and try to make them sound sane. In my opinion, the only candidate proving that he is “mentally incapable” of being President is this former guy. He can’t even conclude one sentence without either cutting it off to go somewhere else of goof up what he is trying to say.

As a result, where are the critics on the right crying about his mental incapacity? They are silent because they don’t care about any of that, they only care about getting this clown elected to form his fascist government. 

There is a bipartisan immigration reform bill being looked at to help ease the problems at the southern border. You know the number thing the right says needs to be fixed immediately or we will be “overrun” by all of these nasty people looking for a better life. But, those same people who claim all of the bad things at the border are not in support of the bill.

The crazy woman from Colorado who is switching districts to try to stay in Congress says “amnesty is a non-starter for me”. Okay, but we don’t know if “amnesty” is in the bill because it hasn’t been released yet. It is the simple fact that a bill to help ease the problem is under consideration that is the problem. Republicans, especially the chaos crowd don’t want any solutions. They will lose their crying towels.

And, just how can someone like her say that “amnesty is a non starter” when she fully supports “pardoning” the former guy if he is convicted of the 91 felony charges against him, including insurrection. That argument pales in comparison, yet there she is saying it.

Remember, it is a misdemeanor for crossing the border illegally into our country. There is a punishment that includes deportation or possibly six month imprisonment and/or a fine. The penalties for the Felonies trump is accused of could result on a very long prison sentence. 

According to these Republicans, it is okay to cause and support an insurrection to overthrow our government, but is a far greater crime to walk across the border without proper papers. How this equates to a reasonable discussion is beyond me.

Then we have the book banning craze on the right. Of course, that does not include banning books from a “conservative” author. Bill O’Rielly recently had two of his books banned in Florida public schools. He went totally ballistic over this but was all in favor of banning books he didn’t like. Hell, in their zeal to ban anything “inappropriate” one Florida school district even banned the DICTIONARY. 

You know I can almost understand why Florida would want to ban the dictionary. It includes the definitions for things like slavery and sex. My god how can we allow any book in schools that define words like those. Worse, it even defines “homosexuality”. The indoctrination is just too much to bear.

There is more talk about getting rid of Johnson, the current Speaker of the House. Why? Because he had the temerity to actually work with the Democrat leader of the Senate to pass a continuing resolution bill to keep the government from shutting down. I mean, how could any politician actually want to keep the government open when his caucus wants it shut down and totally dismantled in favor of fascism?

Besides, these crazies actually believe that shutting down the government will cause the economy to collapse. Of course, they will then try to shift the blame to Biden and Democrats who are trying to get a real budget passed and avoid this potential harm to a growing economy. YOUR job is at stake, but they just don’t give a shit about you or your family.

These are just some of the problems with the right wing in our country that make it hard to decide what to write about. I try to write about topics in order to inform my readers so they can make up their own minds about what to think. But with all of the chaos and outright lies coming from the other side it is hard to decide on what to talk about. 

It seems that the right wing want to flood us with stupidity so they don’t have to defend their inability to get anything done. The last several Republican controlled House of Representatives top the list of least productive. This current House has broken all of the records for NOT getting anything done. Hell, even their own members are crying about not having anything to “hang their hats on” during this upcoming election. That to quote the former guy is “very sad”.

Of course, they will still get votes because their followers don’t expect them to actually do anything. All their followers want is to see them on Fox News and other right wing media crying in their beer about nothing. It is one thing to cry in front of cameras and point fingers. It is quite another thing to actually come up with remedies for that which they are crying.

Their front runner to become their nomination to run for President is showing signs of mental instability every time he opens his mouth. But, they don’t care. They are willing to pardon that same person if he is convicted of felonies including insurrection against our country, but want undocumented aliens rounded up and deported and in cases like DeSantis and Abbott, shot.

In states they control, they have taken away civil rights of people and are proud of it. They ban anything they don’t like just because they don’t like it. They complain about everything but do nothing except ban things like abortion, medical treatment, books and religious beliefs they don’t like.

That is today’s Republican Party. It is no longer a party who is willing to defend the Constitution, democracy or our way of life. What they want is to tell, us how to live, who we can love, who we must hate and rule over us like we are all little children who don’t know better.

In a word folks, that is fascism not democracy. Remember, they cheered when the former guy said “I will be a dictator on day one”. Any more questions?

Opinion: Needlessly Cutting Revenue Has Had Biggest Impact On Nation’s Deficits

There is a lot of stuff going on in our nation right now. We see demonstrations over the war in Israel. We have a former president on trial for fraud in New York and facing 91 indictments in four other cases. We have hate crimes rising everyday. We have an election today in several states over who controls those state’s legislatures. We have a national election in just one year.

But, all of that should be taking a back seat to one major hurdle we need to get over long before the outcomes of all of the above. That is funding our government. In just 10 days from today, if the Congress does not pass all of the funding bills or at least a continuing resolution, then the government will shut down.

Past experience with government shutdowns shows that is a very bad idea. Yet, members of the Republican party seem hell-bent on doing exactly that. After McCarthy completed a deal that raised the debt ceiling and placed spending limits on this years budget, the wacko squad in the Republican party ousted him from being speaker. They took THREE weeks to replace him all the while the government shutdown loomed.

Today, I haven’t seen very much news about funding bills being passed by the House. And, what has been introduced are dead on arrival in the Senate as Republicans keep piling on more and more controversial amendments to each of these bills.

In my opinion, the Republican Party is directly responsible for the national debt being where it is. When they are out of office, they complain about the debt, but once they gain power, they raise the national debt by trillions of dollars. In the last 40 years, the Republicans have raised the debt more than Democrats.

They love to complain about “spending”. They claim that Democratic spending is bankrupting our country. They say we need to cut spending and balance the budget. All of that sounds good on the surface. But, look at their past history and you will discover that it is all bullshit.

The only thing Republicans have cut in the last 40 years when they have control of the government is revenue. They always implement tax cuts mostly for the very wealthy and corporations. That cuts revenue from the government. They do not, and I repeat, do not cut any spending.

They always raise defense spending. Our defense budget is nearing $1 trillion per year. How can you sustain that spending level if you keep cutting revenue? According to the Republican philosophy, if you cut revenue, you are cutting the deficit. Somehow in their warped brains, the less money you bring in the more you can spend on little projects like defense spending.

They have not made any meaningful cuts on any non-essential items in the federal budget. They continue to cut revenue and then complain that the deficit is too big. Even today, many of their proposals include tax cuts for the very rich and corporations. If they hate deficits so much, why do they keep cutting revenue so much?

I don’t have exact figures because it is hard to figure out just how much tax cuts have hurt revenue. But, just glancing at the last several tax cuts the Republicans have given the rich and corporations, I figure that over $10 Trillion has been cut from the revenue stream to fund the government. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that is a huge part of our deficit and national debt.

With the government shutdown looming, you don’t hear many Republicans saying we must do something to keep it from happening. The last shutdown cost the economy trillions of dollars. If it happens again, the economic growth that we have seen over the last two years will plumet especially if it lasts a long time. That isn’t guessing that is based on past government shutdowns.

And, it isn’t the rich that will get hurt by this economic downturn, it will be you and your families. The average person will face the possibility of being laid off because the economy will go down. That is a real possibility because all of the federal workers who will be furloughed won’t be able to pay their bills. The military personnel who protect us won’t be able to pay their bills because they will be forced to work without pay. And that is just the beginning.

All of that will have very negative impact on our economy. With inflation still higher than we would like to see, it will have an even worse impact on us than past shutdowns. Yet, Republicans are still going on Fox News and telling us that a government shutdown is in our best interest. They claim that shutting down the government will for Democrats to cut spending.

Well, when are they going to INCREASE revenue and stop giving away the store to the rich and corporations. When Bill Clinton was president, we actually had a balanced budget. In just two years, George W. Bush and his Republican collogues not only stopped having a balanced budget, they blew up the deficit by trillions of dollars.

Then without much fanfare, they totally crashed our economy and put is in the worst recession since the Great Depression. One of the reasons for that was they waged a war on the credit card while giving the rich and corporations huge tax cuts. Again, they raised spending and cut revenue.

Economics does tell us that if you lose revenue you need to cut spending. However, there is nothing I learned in economics classes that says you should deliberately cut revenue as a mans to cut spending. That would be like the average person taking a pay cut just because they think they are spending too much. How can they pay off their debt by cutting their wages?

The other day, Marjorie Taylor Greene said that Republicans have failed to “hold the government accountable”. Of course she never said what it should be held accountable for.

Well, I have a suggestion. Why not hold Republicans in Congress “accountable” for raising the deficit by reducing revenue when it isn’t necessary. Why not hold them accountable for failing to do their jobs and ensuring our government functions properly by funding it as required in the Constitution. Why not hold them accountable for being the “do nothing” party. All they do is bitch, complain, make false accusations and try to divide us as a nation.

Yes MTG, it is time to hold you and your party accountable for being most dangerous and reckless and useless party in our nation’s history. Do your job and uphold the deal you already made and stop lying to the country. If the government does shut down again, the only blame will fall on Republicans and that hopefully will be the last straw and they will suffer a horrible defeat at the polls.

When Will They Ever Learn?

The Republican Party has tried to claim that it is the party of the “working class”. They claim that they want to “create jobs” and “grow the economy”. They claim that they have the good of the working class at heart and are the party that will help them.

These are all great talking points. And when you take into consideration that they also claim to be the party of “freedom” and the “Constitution” you might think that they are the party we should support.

Until you actually look at the laws they are passing in Republican controlled state after Republican controlled state. If you bother to look at what is really going on, you will come to the conclusion that they are actually anti-working class, anti-freedom and anti-constitution.

Florida and Texas are the leaders in this anti-everything campaign. If you look at the laws they are passing, and the fights they are picking, you will soon realize that the working class in our country are not even in the top 100 of issues they care about.

We keep hearing them rage about “Marxism” on the left. Yet, it is they who are doing things to hurt their states and their job markets and their workers. In Florida, we are well aware of the war the Ayatollah has waged against Disney. Disney is one of the largest employers in the state and they actually pay well. That doesn’t matter to the Ayatollah. Disney had the gall not to back his “don’t say gay” bill and according to him they must be punished.

But in reality, it is Florida that has been hurt in this war. Disney has cancelled a $1 billion development they planned for the state. That means that not only will those jobs not be coming to Florida, but the entire area is being hurt because other developments are not going to happen either.

But did you also know that he doesn’t like a lot of things? Just last week he signed a law that says if you want to purchase a car you must go to a dealership. That may sound like he is defending jobs, but in reality he is hurting the population of the state. According to this law, direct to customer sales of cars is now illegal in the state unless it is by a dealer.

I don’t know the exact details of the law or if they are only talking about new cars. But if all cars are affected then businesses like Carvana that sells directly to customers without a “dealership” will lose their business in the state. Oh, there is one exception to this new law. His good buddy and large campaign contributor is “exempt” from this law. Tesla, owned by Elon Musk, is exempt from needing any dealerships in the state. So, he is singling out one car maker above the rest and giving that maker a major advantage against his competitors. No, this law isn’t Marxism, it is authoritarianism.

Then we have the screaming about how businesses are “fleeing” states like California. Sean Hannity tried to make that point talking with Governor Nesom of California and trying to show “liberal policies” are making companies flee blue states. But, Newsome wasn’t having it and fought back brilliantly. He pointed out that:

“This (California) is on its way to be the fourth-largest economy in the world. What are you arguing for? Mississippi’s economic policy?” asked Newsom, speaking over Hannity’s attempts to interject.

“Literally that’s what you’re arguing for. The great [former Republican Gov.] Sam Brownback’s Kansas policy? It was a debacle — no economic growth. Seventy-one percent of the GDP in America are in blue counties,” Newsom added, saying that economically successful states like California were “subsidizing” those that employed Hannity’s favored policies.

Then we have the issue in Texas. In the last week we have heard about the terrible thunderstorms hitting the state. But, one thing that has slipped down the list is the fact the state has experienced triple digit temperatures as well. Last year, there were 279 people who died as a result of heat. That is a huge figure and it has been growing in the state for years as temperatures in the state keeps getting hotter over years.

So, in order to show just how much Abbott loves the working class people in Texas who must work outside in these brutal temperatures, he signed a new law targeting just this issue. The problem with the law is that it hurts the working class he claims to “love”.

Over the years several local jurisdictions in the state have passed regulations requiring workers to be given at least 10 minute breaks every four hours to ensure they are hydrating and getting cooled down. Sound medical practices for anyone who has to work in such conditions. But, the industries affected don’t like those regulations.

So, with a stroke of his pen, Abbott said these requirements and laws are “invalid”. The new Republican-backed law strips the ability of local municipalities to enact certain regulations in favor of state authority, ostensibly to “provide statewide consistency.” It covers a wide range, including other worker protections, environmental protections, housing protections and more.

In the midst of a terrible heat wave, this governor and his Republican politburo have decided that people working outside in the heat do not deserve the water and cooling down breaks. They can be forced by their employers to continue working without breaks from the heat. Texas already leads the nation of worker deaths due to heat. Now they are ensuring they keep their title. How is that for caring about the average worker?

When the pandemic hit, millions of people were granted access to Medicaid with the laws passed to help ease the pandemic. But, those expansions had a deadline. Now that the pandemic has passed, many Republican controlled states are itching to cut their Medicaid rolls. Right now at least 1 million people have lost their health insurance through Medicaid, and more millions are expected to lose their benefits in the near future. It is estimated that up to 23 million people could lose their health benefits.

The problem is that many of those who lost their benefits are actually qualified for Medicaid. But, the paperwork necessary to stay on Medicaid is confusing and many lost their benefits for filling it out wrong or signing on the wrong line. How is that benefiting the working class? Many losing their Medicaid benefits are lower income working Americans. But, as you can see, they simply don’t count.

Instead of dealing with major issues like these, Republican states are only interested in removing civil liberties from certain groups like the LGBTQ community or women’s rights. They are more interested in banning books than making sure the workers in their state are protected from injury or death.

The last three times Republicans had control of the economy, they ran it into the ground. They have opposed mandating health insurance for all workers. They have opposed raising the minimum wage. They have bashed unions because they give workers a voice at the table with companies.

The Republican party is NOT in favor of the working class people in the nation. They are NOT interested in making the lives of these people better through health care and reasonable health safety rules to protect the workers. They are far more interested in making sure corporations get their way and if workers die as a result, well that’s their problem.

As we know, every time a working class voter goes to the polls and pulls the lever for a Republican, they are voting against their own interests. So, as the old song goes “When will they ever learn”?

The GOP Has Endorsed Hate Laws Led By The Ayatollah DeSantis

Let’s be clear. Racism by any other name is Racism. Florida is proving beyond a reasonable doubt that they have become the racist state they were long ago. I guess it never really went away. The Republicans in the state have passed more racist or anti-everything non white laws than any other state. The Ayatollah has proven just what kind of “America” he believes in. That is a white heterosexual nation where everyone else is excluded.

First were the anti-LGBTQ laws. He targeted everything about this community even saying he is glad so many are looking to move out of the state. This is a large community and I can’t imagine the economic impact them leaving will cause the state. When you look at his war with Disney and the “advisories” against traveling to the state, the economic impact could be high.

Now we have his anti-immigrant laws. These laws include just about everything to eliminate immigrants from the state and are all unconstitutional. Let’s take a look at some of these items included.

There is the “you can’t buy property” in the state if you are an immigrant without “documentation”. According to this law if you are an immigrant from Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Russia, Syria, and Venezuela you cannot purchase agriculture land anywhere near critical infrastructure or a military base. If an immigrant from one of these countries already owns such land, the must register with the state. If you are Chinese, the laws prevents you from purchasing any property at all within the state, with the exception of residential property that is not within five miles of a military installation and is acquired by a person with a valid non-tourist U.S. visa.

Under these measures, somebody who moved to the United States from Iran at a young age and grew up in the country would be ineligible to purchase certain property without a Green Card or citizenship. Similarly, a refugee from North Korea who fled from an oppressive government and resettled in the state would be unable to purchase certain property. Chinese immigrants would also face further scrutiny and discriminatory treatment, as they would be required to prove their eligibility to acquire property in these states.

The Ayatollah claims this in the name of “national security”. But, that is a lie and it is also unconstitutional. The 14th Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause prohibits states from denying “any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws” based on characteristics such as national origin. This law violates that amendment’s rights. It also is in violation of the Fair Housing Act.

This law would prohibit land acquisition by many individuals with no ties to foreign governments including refugees, undocumented individuals, student visa holders, and athletes, entertainers, and skilled workers without permanent residence.  How is that being fair? How is that not being Racist when the vast majority of those being targeted by this law are non-white? What about the hundreds of thousands of Cubans who came here in he 60s and 70s. They are immigrants. How does Marco Rubio defend this law. If it existed when his family came here, they would not have been able to purchase a home or start up a business and he probably would not be a Senator now.

Then we have other parts of the law. Under this law, if you are an undocumented alien and have a “legal driver’s license” from another state, don’t try to drive to Florida. They have said your license will be “invalid” in that state. So, Florida is denying the rights of people from other states who happen to want to travel to Disney World. If they get stopped, they will get arrested for driving without a valid license.

It also makes it a crime to “knowingly drive an undocumented alien across state lines”. This one is very tricky and potentially tricky for the Ayatollah himself. Under this law, if an undocumented alien has lived here for decades and had children born in the U.S. which makes them citizens, if that child drives their parent across the state line of Florida, that person is a criminal. The punishment for this crime is 15 years in prison.

That is where the dilemma for the Ayatollah comes in. If he continues his transporting undocumented aliens from Florida to other states, wouldn’t he be in violation of his own law? Wouldn’t that make him a criminal and shouldn’t he then be placed in prison for 15 years?

There are a lot of consequences for people and the state of Florida. If an undocumented alien has a job driving a truck and makes deliveries in Florida, he would be breaking the law if he drove his precious commodities of say food into Florida because his license is invalid there. Making it illegal for him to deliver his product. Doesn’t that hurt the state’s citizens?

This law has nothing to do with “national security”. It is targeting non-white immigrants from living their lives in peace, with our without documentation. You can bet when a white person shows up to purchase a house, the realtor will not ask to see their “citizenship” papers, whatever that is. But, if an Asian shows up to the same office to purchase a house, they will be required to show “proof” they are allowed to buy that home.

Let’s face facts. Most white people claim that all “Asians” look the same. Just like they claim that all “Blacks” look the same. Under this law, even their sports heroes from other nations cannot purchase a home in Miami because they aren’t “citizens” or have a “green card”. Most athletes and professional workers from other countries don’t get “green cards”. They are here on work permits and have “no official residence” in the state.

These kinds of laws are racist in nature. They are further proof of the white supremacist tendencies of the Ayatollah and the Republican Party in that state. They want to ban books they don’t like. They want to whitewash history so they don’t feel “uncomfortable” talking about past slavery or open racism. They want to eliminate the LGBTQ community. They want to toss out all immigrants by not allowing them to own homes.

The other reality in all of this is this is the “vision” the Ayatollah has for the rest of America. His fascist state is not alone in passing these kinds of laws. States like Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and many more Republican controlled states have passed or are trying to pass similar laws.

After signing the bill, at a press conference, the Ayatollah stated: “Today is one example of Florida really leading the nation in terms of what we’re doing to stop the influence of the Chinese Communist party.” In reality, these bills would only prevent individuals from living their daily lives—from starting businesses and owning homes.

What they really are is racist in nature and racist in purpose. I have said over and over, hate does not rest. If they defeat one target, they will move on to another. These laws being passed so regularly against non-white, non-heterosexuals is living proof of that hate moving from one target to the next. How long before they target you or your family?

Will Compromise Win – Or Will Crazies Win?

We will find out this week whether or not compromise, the key to a working government, will win the day, or if the crazies will defeat it and cause total economic chaos. The compromise between the President and McCarthy is up for the test with votes in both houses of congress.

There are things in this compromise that I don’t like. There are things in this compromise that I do like. If you look at how a democratic government should work, this is what we should expect when it comes to legislation. The idea that one side should get everything they want and cut out the other side is not democratic. The main factor in all of this is what is best for the American people, not a particular party.

The first step in this week’s agenda is for the House rules committee to pass the compromise for a full vote on the floor. We know that at least a few of the members of this committee are hard right-wing crazies who don’t care about the people of the nation, just themselves. Some of them have already come out and said they would vote against the measure.

Of course, there are those on the far left who are not happy with the deal either. However, we haven’t heard too many of them talk about scrapping the deal. As I said, compromise is the hallmark of a working democracy. I believe that far left Democrats are more attuned to that principle than far right Republicans. After all, some of them have already said we should let the government default on our debt.

The second step is for a full vote on the floor of the House. Again, we need the moderates from both parties to realize that compromise is how government works and takes into consideration the people of our nation and vote in favor of it. If Democrats hold firm in voting for the bill and moderate Republicans do the same, then the bill should pass the House.

After that it goes to the Senate. There are a couple of Republicans who have said they might “slow down the process of passage”. The only reason to do that is to show their own importance and not the reality of the devastation a default will have on our economy. Still, I believe the Democrats will hold firm and with a narrow majority and with support from moderate Republicans it will pass the Senate as well. The only question is will it pass before next Monday when the Treasury says we run out of money.

This whole issue of having a “debt ceiling” is a manmade issue. There is nothing in the Constitution that says anything about it except in the 14th
Amendment which says: “The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned.”

Some believe this means this manmade “debt ceiling” is unconstitutional and that it is meaningless. This section has never before been put to the test or come up in any judgements by courts. I believe it means that the bills run up by our government must be paid without question so the debt ceiling is unconstitutional.

All of that aside, we must remember just what democracy is about. It is a system of government where the people decide who should represent them in Congress. It also means that those representatives must take into account the people when deciding on major issues like this compromise.

If we allow our representatives to move to a system where only one side wins every legislative matter, then we are no longer a democracy but an autocracy led by one party. That is exactly what authoritarians need to rule. They need a rubber stamp legislature that doesn’t care about the people.

We saw this type of system, and we still see it around the world. We saw it in Germany, Italy, Iraq, the old USSR, China, North Korea, Iran and many, many more. That is not what our country is supposed to be about. We hear Republicans claiming that they are against Marxism and Communism but if you look at their “demands” and how they want to rule, that is exactly what they want to create in our nation.

It doesn’t matter if you are talking about Communism or Fascism or Theocracy, a dictatorship is a dictatorship and the people in charge are only interested in one thing, power.

If Republicans are really interested in the protection of the people of our nation, this compromise should pass easily. If there is any chaos brought on by right-wing extremists, we will have final and clear proof that they are not interested in us or our nation. They are only interested in their own power and their own agenda to gain that power.

Come Monday morning, June 5, 2023 we will know who are the real Americans in our Congress and who are those that hate our nation. If they vote against this compromise or try to hold it up for no real reason, they will be known forever as anti-American and anti-democracy.

When elections come up next year, it will be easy to know which are the ant-Americans who should be thrown out of office. I am willing to bet that the Republican side will have the greatest numbers of anti-Americans who will vote to take your jobs away from you by trying to force a “default” by trying to kill this compromise.

Compromise is the key to a functioning democracy. It is the key to a functioning government. Let’s see which Republicans show us they don’t care about any of that.

The Toxic GOP – Part Five – Fiscal Irresponsibility

With the default looming, we need to look at the total irresponsibility of Republican fiscal policies. What we are witnessing today with the default on the horizon is really nothing new for Republicans. And, they are apparently willing to totally blow up our economy and the economy of the entire world with their hissy fit.

As you will remember, when Kevin McCarthy sold his soul to the MAGA idiots in order to get his gavel as Speaker of the House, the one thing we heard over and over was they were going to bring back “regular order” to the House. This default problem proves they have no idea what “regular order” is or are very willing to disregard their “valued” regular order to get their way.

In the fiscal world, “regular order” is for the President to present a budget. Congress then presents their budget. The two sides sit down and negotiate over the two budgets and compromise on what will be the budget. That is “regular order” for budgets. Spending cuts are made during these budget negotiations, not over whether or not the country will default on our debt and blow up our economy.

The fact is numbers are numbers. The fact is that one fourth of the total debt of our nation was produced under the last administration. That is one quarter of the total debt created since 1790! In fairness, about half of that debt was caused by the pandemic. But, the other half, or maybe even more, was the result of the tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations. Over $2 trillion in new debt was caused by those tax cuts by reducing revenue the government gets.

According to Republican fiscal policy, if you cut revenue to the government, somehow you decrease the debt. As we talked about earlier, that is impossible. However, that has been the center piece of Republican fiscal policies for decades.

Republicans say that the Inflation Reduction Act and the Infrastructure Act caused more debt. Yet, they have helped reduce unemployment and increased revenue to the government. According to government records, 2022 produced the most revenue to the government in history. The reason is simple. More people working and more people getting bigger paychecks increases revenue through more taxes being collected. Increase in revenue will do more to reduce the debt than reducing revenue will ever do.

Republicans are complaining that the southern border is “open”. Yet the bill they passed to increase the debt limit includes cuts to Border Patrol agents. How is reducing the number of Border Patrol agents going to “tighten” the border. And, it includes $4 billion to “build the wall”. But, if trump finished the wall as he declared in New Hampshire, isn’t spending that $4 billion on a wall that is not necessary wasteful spending?

They claim to be all about law enforcement. Yet this same bill will cut at least 11,000 agents from the FBI. How is cutting agents from our national police force going to help reduce crime? These are just two items in their bill that will hurt the economy, not help it.

If we do default on our debt, the consequences will be so huge that we will see everything we have worked for over the last 200 years wiped out. People will lose their IRAs and 401Ks when the stock market crashes due to the default. It is estimated that at least 1 million people will lose their jobs in just the first quarter after the default. That also means at least 1 million people will lose the health insurance since that is tied to their jobs.

Tens of millions of Americans could lose their primary source of income because the government may not be able to pay Social Security. Millions of retired veterans will lose their pensions. Tens of millions of people will lose their Medicare and Medicaid and Veterans health insurance.

Those are just some of the consequences predicted if we default on our debt. That does not include the damage to the global economy. It also means that it will take anywhere from 10 to 20 years before we recover from this man-made disaster Republicans are trying to cause.

The question is why are Republicans trying to do all of this? Well, their history proves that their fiscal policies are totally irresponsible. They have no idea how bills are paid or how revenue is collected. They are more interested in favoring the very wealthy and corporations instead of actually being fiscally responsible.

At least half of the Fortune 500 companies in our country pay absolutely zero dollars in taxes on their profits. The loopholes Republicans allow to exist in our tax laws and the “creative accounting” practices means these huge corporations don’t pay any taxes. Yet they benefit from the infrastructure they don’t pay to help maintain.

I remember when the average person could deduct interest on all of their debt instead of just their house. That was stripped, yet, corporations were allowed to continue to “amortize” capital expenses meaning they didn’t pay taxes on their expenditures. Wouldn’t you like to be able to “amortize” the cost of your necessary car so you can get to work? No, say Republicans that is not “capital expenses”.

Under Ronald Reagan Republicans gave tax cuts to the wealthy on the promise that the savings to them would “trickle down” to the rest of us. It didn’t trickle down to us and there was a large recession in both terms of his administration. Then we had a bigger recession under George H.W. Bush which is what really caused his loss to Bill Clinton. Under the Clinton administration, we actually had a balanced budget and even a surplus. Then came along George W. Bush.

Under his administration Republicans stripped protections for the economy placed into law after the Great Depression. The undeclared wars that Bush waged on the credit card wiped out the balanced budget and increased the debt. Then he also passed another tax cut for the wealthy which reduced revenue when we needed it to fight these wars increasing the deficit and debt big time.

The result of all of these irresponsible actions by Republicans caused the great recession of 2008. It took us over two years before we began to see a recovery after that recession. When it hit, the unemployment rate rose to over 10 percent. If Republicans allow us to default next month, the results will be even bigger than 2008 and probably worse than the Great Depression of the 1930s.

History has proven time and time again that Republican economic and fiscal policies fail time after time. They are totally irresponsible in these matters. These so-called negotiations over whether or not we default is nothing more than McCarthy and his MAGA idiots throwing a tantrum. Their lies about “regular order” are on full display. Their irresponsible fiscal policies are open for everyone to see.

Just more reasons these clowns need to be voted out of office up and down the ticket in 2024. We can no longer tolerate total fiscal irresponsibility from them because we cannot afford to go through this circus every year.

If there is a default the only people to blame will be Republicans. That is the truth of things. They raised the debt ceiling three times under the last administration WITHOUT conditions. What is so different today other than a Democrat is in the White House? I mean, how can any political party believe that defaulting and causing millions to lose their job is a good for the country? Totally irresponsible!

Don’t Worry It’s Just A Coincidence – GOP Insanity At Its Best

The cry about fraud and waste in our federal spending is one common thread we hear from Republicans over and over and over. Yet, somehow, that doesn’t seem to resonate with the legislation they are passing in the House.

In 2021 as part of the American Rescue Plan Democrats earmarked $2 billion to the Department of Labor. That money was used to implement an important cross-checking system to catch fraudsters who apply for unemployment in one state while receiving income in another.

One of the biggest unemployment schemes is to be paid a salary in one state and receive unemployment insurance in another state. With remote work being a growing part of our economic system, this is probably going to get worse not better.

And, it apparently has worked. Republican House member George Santos was indicted on unemployment insurance fraud for receiving a large salary from a company in Florida while collecting unemployment insurance from New York. Without this program in place, he just might have gotten away with his fraud.

So, in order to make sure we know just how serious Republicans are about waste and fraud, they passed a bill in the House to go after unemployment insurance fraud. This legislation would give prosecutors more time to bring fraud charges against bogus unemployment claimants and create stronger incentives for state workforce agencies to claw back bogus benefits.

Okay, that sounds very good. Except, as with all bills introduced by Republicans, there is a catch. This bill would take back the remaining money from the Department of Labor’s system that is working in order to “pay for” this bill.

In other words, Republicans want to pass a law that basically places everything at the feet of the states and take away money from the Federal Government which proves that intra-state fraud is real and needs to be stopped. They want the federal plan to stop and will ensure that happens by stripping it of all the money they need to continue the program.

The U.S. Labor Department said in a February letter that repealing the money would “throttle essential, ongoing efforts to strengthen and protect the UI program from fraud.” Rep. Jason Smith (R-MO) says “nonsense”. He says the bill “should incentivize states to go after more fraud,” not less. Just how that is going to happen without the aid of the federal government is anyone’s guess.

But, we must not forget that this bill was passed just two days after George Santos was indicted on 13 federal and state fraud cases including unemployment insurance fraud. And, here is the ironic part, he was actually one of the co-sponsors of the bill. I guess he figured if he stripped the feds from using money to catch intra-state fraudsters like him, he might get away with it.

And, Smith also said this about the bill and the Santos mess. “It just shows that unemployment fraud is real, and this is why we need to pass this.” That statement could be taken two ways. One way is that we will catch more fraudsters like Santos, or we will catch fewer fraudsters because the feds won’t be able to continue their fraud catching system.

Only Smith can say which way he meant that statement. I am all in favor of catching unemployment insurance fraudsters, whoever they are. These fraud cases take away money from people who really need the help and the fraudsters must be caught.

However, I cannot understand how repealing a federal program that helps states find fraudsters is going to make it easier to catch them. Republicans can’t answer that question either. I guess that is why they refuse to even acknowledge the hypocrisy in their bill.

Chalk up another insane piece of legislation from Republicans intended for headlines not actual action. Sorry, George, despite their efforts to help you, this bill passed the House too late. It probably won’t pass the Senate anyway. So, keep that Champaigne cork in the bottle. You still must face the charges against you.

Tick – Tick – Tick – If It Blows American People Will Suffer And China Will Be The Winners

Well, President Biden met with Congressional leaders yesterday about raising the debt ceiling. And, as expected, there was no agreement. Of course anyone thinking one meeting would end in an agreement doesn’t follow politics.

The problem is that if this debt ceiling isn’t raised, it is the American people who are going to be hurt and China will be the winner. Specifically, it is people on Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Military personnel and Military Retirees and Veterans and government workers who will be clobbered the most.

There are currently roughly 66 million Americans who depend on Social Security as their primary source of income. There are also about that many who rely on Medicare for their health insurance. There are tens of millions of military veterans who face cuts in their benefits and tens of millions of retired military veterans who rely on their pensions as their primary source of income. Also, active duty military pay and the pay for millions of government workers will be at risk as well.

If Congress fails to raise the debt ceiling all of these Americans will face financial burden and even possibly loose all of their income until a solution is found. Additionally, it is predicted that at least 750,000 Americans will lose their jobs. The stock market will go rapidly down, if not crash like in 2008, and that means retirement accounts will be virtually wiped out.

This whole issue over the debt ceiling is simply a political football that for the most part the Republicans try to use to get their way. They claim they will raise the debt ceiling but only if there are severe cuts to the budget. The only things their plan does not touch is Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Veteran’s benefits are not protected so there will obviously be cuts to those.

Under the last administration, there was no fight over the debt ceiling. There were clean bills passed to raise the debt ceiling. That is how it is supposed to happen. The debt ceiling does not create any additional spending in the budget.

The way the budget is supposed to work is the president presents his planned budget to Congress. Congress makes their own budget proposal. If the two are different, then they sit down and come to an agreement on the budget. It is the budget that determines if there will be a deficit or not. If there is a deficit, that is what adds to the debt of our nation.

But, Republicans are not interested in forming a budget. The president has submitted his plan, and it cuts the deficit by about $3 trillion over the next ten years. Republicans have not put together a budget proposal yet in the House. They haven’t even started to form one. I am beginning to wonder if anyone on that side of the aisle even knows how to prepare a budget proposal.

I am going be very clear about this. If the debt ceiling is not raised we will face real financial difficulties. If retirees do not receive their Social Security or pensions, then how are they going to pay their mortgages and other bills? Who will protect them from foreclosures and repossessions since they won’t be able to pay their bills through no fault of their own? Then we have military personnel and government workers. Who is going to protect their homes and possessions because the government won’t give them their pay. If their income is wiped out because of this political football game Republicans are playing, the economy will most likely collapse at least as bad as the Republican collapse in 2008.

I will also be clear about this. If this does happen, then there will be no one to blame except the Republicans in Congress. Specifically it will b the direct fault of the so-called MAGA Republicans and Kevin McCarthy. In order to get his position as Speaker of the House, McCarthy sold his soul to the devils in the MAGA circle. He even allowed them to pass a rule where one of their members can call for a vote to remove him from his position. And, he is terrified that if he doesn’t follow the MAGA Burn It All Down plan that is what will happen to him.

As a result, our nation is sitting on a knife’s edge when it comes to our economy. There are members of the Republican Caucus in the House who have openly said they would love to see the default become reality. They hate this country and its democracy so much they are willing and actively working to destroy it.

Republicans claim to love our nation. They claim to love our citizens. They claim to want to do what the people want. So, how come they are not doing what the people want and avoid this economic disaster? How come they are willing to ignore the “normal business” of the government and instead hold us all hostage because they are just too damn lazy to fight over the budget and not this political football?

The “normal business” they claim to prefer was laid out earlier. You present a budget and then negotiate over the final bill. You do not come up with threats to default on our national debt to get what you want. That is a form of terrorism at it worst.

Remember, the national debt is not just about spending on normal government projects. It has come about because of massive tax cuts, mostly for the rich, and George W. Bush waging wars on the credit card. The wars he started while in office were never paid for by Congress. He simply ran up the debt to fight it.

All of that combined with the removal of laws governing the financial system caused the economic collapse in 2008. That collapse caused the national debt to increase because the government needed to spend money to stabilize the economy again. Even still, the Obama Administration reduced the deficit in the budget every year for the last five years he was in office while bringing a steady growth in the economy.

Then we had the pandemic. That caused more economic calamity and caused the debt to increase. Of course the tax cuts in 2017 for the wealthy and corporations added $2 trillion to the debt over ten years by itself.

We are seeing the economy recover from these economic disasters. We have the lowest unemployment in over 70 years. The economy is growing every quarter and every year. We have seen inflation slow down and recede over the last five months in a row.

But, if Congress fails to raise the debt ceiling, that will all come crashing down again. Republicans just can’t seem to not blow up the economy at every chance they get. There were two recessions under Reagan. There was one under George H.W. Bush, there was the total collapse under George W. Bush and then we had the sluggish economy under trump who claimed we would see “record growth under me”. I’ll cut him some slack about the recession, but very little. The economy did not grow any faster under his first two years than it did under Obama, which Republicans said was “pitiful”. And, the recession was a result of the pandemic which the trump administration made worse with their disastrous response to it and lack of compassion for us.

Republicans claim we need to be strong and make sure China does not become the economic powerhouse of the world. If they allow a default on our debt, that is exactly what they will be doing. Why would anyone in the world want to tie their economy to ours if we can’t or won’t pay our debt?

The first thing we need is for the debt ceiling to be raised. Then Republicans need to formulate their budget proposal and negotiate so we have one that might actually cut the deficit. These are two different things. The budget is always a yearly fight. Failing to pay our bills by not raising the debt ceiling will cause financial havoc on the American people and the world’s economy. It will also place China in the driver’s seat for global economic power.

Please let y0ur member of Congress, mostly Republican members, know you want a clean debt ceiling raise and then they can fight about the budget which is really what determines the size of the deficit. That is what “normal business” of Congress is supposed to be.

Republicans Can’t Get Anything Straight

The latest mass shooting in Texas shows us exactly just how pathetic the Republican Party has become. Because of this incident, we have had a spotlight placed on the absurdity of Republican talking points about three different issues. And, we need to take this massive chaos seriously.

First the starting point. There was a mass shooting where five people were killed in their own home, including a nine year old boy. The incident happened after the residents went next door to ask the person there to “stop shooting his gun from his porch” because they were trying to get their baby to sleep.

The gun toting person went next door with an AR-15 gun and shot and killed five people including that boy. Two other children were found alive when it was discovered that two women had lain on them to protect them from the shooter. The suspect is still at large along with his AR-15.

But, this is where it gets real interesting. The first tweet sent by Governor Abbot said this was “tragic” but sort of dismissed it because the victims and the shooter were “illegal aliens”. Just exactly why he needed to add that is still not known except we know that he hates immigrants and is spending taxpayer money to actively engage in “human trafficking” by bussing immigrants against their will to “democratic” cities.

Next up is Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX). He appeared on Fox News and complained about how this is the “perfect example” of just how loose our southern border is. He claims this would not have happened if we had a “secure border” and it won’t stop until we do. He failed to mention that only about seven percent of mass shootings in our country are committed by people of Hispanic decent. And, most of those are citizens. On the other hand, over 70 percent of mass shootings are committed by white citizens.

But that isn’t the real point. Chip Roy also voted for the bill that the House just passed in order to raise the debt ceiling. In that bill, there are several cuts to federal agencies and “discretionary” spending by the Defense Department. There is a lot of arguments going on right now about what these cuts will actually mean. And, we know this bill will not be the final one.

Even with that known fact, let’s take a look at just what they are proposing. First of all they want to roll back spending to 2022 levels and only increase the budget by 1 percent per year over the next 10 years. However, they won’t touch defense spending. And, after the outcry about cuts to veteran’s benefits, they claim they won’t touch that either.

The actual cuts to various agencies varies depending on who you listen to. But, we know that if defense spending is allowed to grow at the 5.2 percent per year, like it has over the last five years, that means cuts to other agencies would be over 22 percent. If you include the “promise” by Republicans not to touch veteran benefits, those cuts to other agencies would start out at about 33 percent.

In one analysis it was figured that would mean $2.8 billion cut from the FBI meaning 11,000 agents and staff would be cut. Along with the cuts to the FBI there would be massive losses to Customs and Boarder patrol. According to the analysis, 2,400 border patrol agents would be cut. I haven’t seen any figures about how much the U.S. Coast Guard would have to cut from its budget. The Coast Guard is not part of the Department of Defense, it is part of the Department of Homeland Security which would face the same huge cuts. Since the Coast Guard is a military branch, any major cuts to its budget and manpower would have major impacts on our national security as well as other functions the Coast Guard performs daily.

But, in context, let’s look at this. Governor Abbott says the shooter and victims were “illegal aliens”. Rep Roy says that this would not happen if the border were secure. Republicans are always trying to claim the border is not secure. Yet, in their debt ceiling bill, the number of Border Patrol Agents would be cut by about 2,400 agents.

That is not all. Republicans are constantly complaining about “illegal drugs” poring in the country. There are three agencies in our federal government who are responsible to stem this flow of illegal drugs. They are Customs and Border Patrol, the Drug Enforcement Agency and the U.S. Coast Guard. All three of these agencies are facing huge cuts to their budgets meaning potential loss of manpower as a result.

Are you beginning to see the obvious conflicts here? On one hand, the governor says we shouldn’t worry too much about the killings because after all they were “illegal aliens”. A Republican Representative from the state says we need to “secure the border” so this type of crime won’t happen again. And, that same Representative along with his Republican colleagues just passed a bill that would cut the number of border patrol agents at that same “loose border”.

As usual, Republicans seem to think that if you cut money and agents, they will somehow magically “strengthen the border”. Just like their idea that cutting revenue will somehow magically cut the deficit.

This is just completely NUTS! One thing neither of these two wonderful Republicans have explained is just how that “illegal alien” was able to get ahold of that AR-15 in the first place? Who sold him that gun? Was it purchased legally? Everyone knows that Texas has some of the most lax laws when it comes to gun ownership. Hell, they are an “open carry” state. And, typically, they won’t talk about how this supposed “illegal alien” managed to purchase the weapon used.

What all of this boils down to is the simple fact that Republicans can’t get anything straight. On one hand they complain about a “loose border” that needs to be “secured” and on the other hand they pass legislation that actually cuts the number of agents needed to “secure that border”.

The Republican Party shows us on a daily basis that they are completely incompetent to hold public office. The are very willing to bitch and bitch about everything, but they are too cowardly to do anything about the problems. In typical Republican failed economics, they expect to secure the border with less money and fewer border patrol agents. They expect to stop the flow of illegal drugs by cutting the budgets of the three main agencies who work to stop that illegal flow.

If you can find any logic in these beliefs, please let me know because I don’t see it. Just more reasons they need to be voted out of office next year. We cannot afford their complete stupidity anymore.