Politicians Never Learn From Past Mistakes – As A Result – More People Suffer And Die

Now that the storm has passed, the finger pointing has started in earnest. People are asking why Lee County wasn’t evacuated earlier. Others are wondering why so many people did not evacuate even after they were ordered. The Governor is blaming the media. It is all part of the “it’s not my fault” syndrome that plagues our nation every time we face a natural disaster.

The truth of the matter is that we are always going through this exercise because politicians simply don’t want to do the courageous thing. And, they fail to learn from past mistakes. If they did learn from those past mistakes, maybe fewer people would not ignore orders to evacuate and maybe fewer people would die from a preventable death.

In order to properly be ready for the next Hurricane, and that may be sooner than you think since another possible storm is already heading to the Caribbean, we must understand just what these storms can be and can do. And, we must also point out that not being in the center of the storm does not make you safe from it.

Hurricane Ian was a huge storm. Not just in intensity but also in size. Photos showed the storm almost covered the entire state of Florida. Therefore, saying it was only supposed to “hit Tampa” is a false cry and ignoring of the facts.

Near Fort Meyers are barrier islands. Those are low lying areas and any storm surge was going to place them in serious danger. It wouldn’t take a direct hit on these islands for the storm surge to be dangerous and deadly. Storm surges can happen hundreds of miles away from the center of the storm. The sea is very big and the waves can be very dangerous even if you are not directly hit.

So, the question is why did it take so long for them to be evacuated? And, why did so many people on those islands refuse to leave? The answer is simple, no one pays attention to past experiences and just don’t want to believe it “can happen to me”.

Educating the public is critical in making preparations for storms like Hurricane Ian. The public must understand the full potential for danger from these storms and they must be prepared to leave before it is too late. However, no one really takes responsibility to educate the public on the full dangers of these storms. They don’t show the people the real dangers and don’t explain properly the dangers even if you don’t get directly hit.

Then we have the problem of evacuation orders being issued and then the storm bypassing the area. People then say “well the next time I can’t trust the officials and I won’t leave”. Once that mindset sets in, more people die from pure stubbornness than anything else.

We must also take into account that Florida is basically a low-lying area. Most of the coastline is at sea level. That means even a six foot storm surge can cause billions of dollars in damage and kill hundreds of people. In the Fort Meyers area it was estimated that the storm surge was up to 12 feet. A 12 foot storm surge would inundate a one story house. If you refuse to leave, you could be drowned in your own home.

I have lived in hurricane prone areas of the country. I worked on disaster relief for several hurricanes and other natural disasters. The one thing I can say for sure is that the governments of these states do not educate the public as they should. They do not give proper information to the public on the dangers of the storms even on the peripheral. As a result, the public is not really prepared for taking proper actions to protect themselves.

There are things that can be done that aren’t. Florida has a very large senior citizen population. It takes longer for seniors to prepare to leave. In some cases, they cannot leave on their own because of medical conditions. I have always believed that we need a system where anyone who has physical conditions that make it difficult or impossible to leave on their own should be recorded and they should be the first to be evacuated.

The system would work in a way that those who are unable to leave on their own would be on a register. When these storms are set to hit, people on the register would have volunteers show up and help them get out. These evacuations should happen first and early enough so they are safe.

Another real problem is that many people who are on life support systems are living at home. Those people cannot be ignored either. The volunteers who help them evacuate need to be equipped with the necessary life support equipment to safely evacuate them.

The second step is to issue mandatory evacuation orders for all low lying areas. We can no longer afford to allow people to remain in flood prone areas. Better yet, we shouldn’t even allow people to build houses in flood prone areas. Of course, that would take courage for politicians to pass laws that forbid this practice. Especially since people want to live “along the coast” to get that “view”.

We are told that if you live in a low-lying area you should have flood insurance. However, many people cannot afford flood insurance. The premiums for such insurance is very high. Plus, when these disasters hit, insurance companies actually face bankruptcy because of the payouts they must make. So, in steps the Federal Government to cover the costs.

The fact of the matter is that these storms are going to get worse. The damage caused by them is going to get worse. One expert said this nation is facing a “billion dollar natural disaster” about every nine minutes. I am not sure that is totally accurate, but when you consider the wildfires, the drought and Hurricanes, it probably is true.

With climate change warming our planet and warming our oceans, sea levels are rising. Glacial Ice is melting at record paces and that excess water is draining into the oceans causing them to rise. That means that low-lying areas of today are going to be underwater in the very near future.

It also means that storm surges will go further inland than they have in the past. Areas that are not considered “low-lying” today will become low-lying as the sea rises. People who don’t see flooding from storm surges will see it in the near future.

All of this comes down to this. We as a nation must decide what is more important. Are we going to continue waiting for a disaster to kill our fellow citizens and then start pointing fingers, or are we going to take action to help prevent people from suffering and dying?

If this were truly a “Christian” nation as some want you to believe, then the answer would be we would take action now. We would know that people are far more important than property or politics.

It is time for government and our politicians to take action. We need to work to stop climate change before it is too late. We need to work to make our energy sources more climate friendly and renewable instead of finite. We need to educate people who live in disaster prone areas of the dangers they face and even force them to evacuate when disaster looms.

Only, as usual, in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian where dozens of people were killed and the total is still rising, we only hear arguments and finger pointing. We never hear about how things can improve with simple actions. We hear “now is not the time to talk about it” and then we never talk about it.

Predicting the weather is very hard. When we are talking about hurricanes, the actual path it takes will vary depending on other conditions. In this case, there was a cold front over the Eastern U.S. and the hurricane bumped into that. That helped cause the hurricane to wobble and even change course.

This storm proves that we cannot look at a chart with the paths of the hurricane predicted and just look at the tiny thin line indicating where it is headed. Instead, we need to look at the cone that indicates where it “might” go. If we look at the cone for this hurricane, you will find that where it hit was in that cone. Officials who looked at the cone and understand the dangers of even being in the cone could have and should have acted sooner.

That action could have saved lives. That action could have lessened the disaster in terms of human life. But, they apparently focused on that thin line instead of the whole picture. That is their fault. Past hurricanes have shown us their unpredictability and their “direct path”. They have shown that they do move unexpectedly and if we aren’t prepared people suffer and die.

I simply do not understand the stubbornness of government officials who refuse to learn from past events. I cannot believe that they are so cowardly they refuse to do what is right. But, time after time, we see the same thing. We see people not being evacuated because the storm “isn’t supposed to directly hit them”. We see people ignoring evacuation orders because they just don’t understand the dangers.

I do not blame officials when people “refuse” to evacuate. That makes it the fault of those who refuse to do the right thing to protect themselves and their families. But, I do blame officials who delay evacuation orders because they are afraid of backlash or because they are afraid someone will say they made a mistake.

I would rather see officials make a mistake by evacuating areas that may not have needed to be evacuated than not evacuating areas and seeing people die as a result. Officials need to look at the “cone” and prepare to evacuate everyone in low-lying areas inside that cone. Otherwise, we will see the next hurricane kill even more people that don’t need to die.

Mother Nature can be very dangerous. However, in cases like hurricanes, she gives us plenty of notice to get out of the way. Our problem is that too many officials are not brave enough to make the right call to protect their citizens. Instead they are too worried about the next election.

Don’t you think it is time we start learning from past mistakes? Or, are we just fodder for someone else’s headlines? As things stand, we must prepare to watch more disasters needlessly kill people because officials refuse to learn from the past.

With True Hypocrisy On Display – Ignore It And Help Out Hurricane Victims In Florida And Puerto Rico

Throughout his political career, Governor Ron DeSantis has said that government should “let people be on their own”. He has attacked the Democrats for “helping” those who need help. He criticized them for trying to stop a deadly pandemic and stated that “no one should tell us to wear a mask, it is our body our choice”.

When he was in Congress, DeSantis led a wing in the Republican Party that basically was a no-government sect. He railed against the Federal Government for “wasteful spending”. He even voted against Hurricane Relief funds for New York and New Jersey because it “was too costly and should be offset by other spending cuts”.

Nine years later, DeSantis is the supposed Governor of Florida. The state was hit with a massive Hurricane yesterday and suffered massive damage. People died in this hurricane, the final figures are still unknown. Small business and homeowners have been wiped out by the storm. Now, he is the one who needs help from the very people he has been trashing for years.

He is not alone in his hypocrisy either. Sen. Rubio also voted against Hurricane Sandy relief for New York and New Jersey. He isn’t now saying the Federal Government should NOT help his own state. No, he is out there begging for help just like DeSantis.

The Republican Party is not interested in “helping any state” unless it is one they control. After they tout the “pull yourselves up by your bootstraps” they then turn around and say the Federal Government “owes them” the help they need after they trash help for other states.

When the relief bill was brought up in Congress after Hurricane Sandy, it passed in the House with a 241 – 180 vote. Of the 180 negative votes, 179 were Republicans. Yet, four years later when Texas was hit by Hurricane Harvey in 2017, there was Ted Cruz, who also voted against relief for Hurricane Sandy, with his hand out begging for Federal help.

I was involved in relief work for several natural disasters. I know the devastation the people suffer as a result of these tragedies. I know first hand the hard work trying to find survivors and only finding victims. I know first hand the hurt and the pain people go through. I also know that these people need help and they need it now. And, I fully expect the Federal Government to help.

The point of this is to point out the total hypocrisy of Republicans when it comes to who or who should not get help from the Feds. When it is their state, they “demand” help and they don’t put any “conditions” on that help like cutting other spending to offset the help they need. But, when it is help for what they call a “blue” state, then conditions must be included or they will vote against it.

It proves beyond any reasonable doubt that Republicans are only interested in their own political futures and not the general welfare of the people of our nation. They are only interested in “helping” those who vote for them and not for anyone else. After their state gets hit with a disaster, the “no-government” and the “small-government” Republicans suddenly become “big government” Republicans so they can look their voters in the face.

On the other hand, there is very little resistance, if any, from Democrats when these tragedies occur. More money is spent on Republican controlled states over natural disasters than is spent on Democrat controlled states. You never hear one of these Republicans complain about it costing too much. But, when that same help is required in a Democrat controlled state, then all sorts of conditions must be in place because it is too costly.

This whole thing isn’t about who “deserves” help or not. It is about the piss-poor leadership Republicans show at every turn of the corner. They talk out of both sides of their mouths all of the time and they don’t care that we know it. The “pull yourselves up by your bootstraps” Republicans only use that phrase when the “other side” needs help.

I am very glad that the Biden Administration and Democrats are not playing Republican political games with this disaster or any other disaster in our nation. They understand that people do need help. They know that everyone cannot get past these tragedies by themselves. When you loose everything, you have nothing to “pull yourself up” with. Your boots and their straps are gone.

I have dug through the rubble. I have waded through chest deep water looking for people to help. I spent hours trying to do the best I could along with my shipmates for the benefit of the victims. I never saw Republican or Democrat. I only saw people. People who need compassion and help. People who just wanted to survive along with their families.

When it comes to disasters, that is the process that must be followed. Our fellow human beings and our fellow Americans need help and they need it now and into the future. The devastation isn’t going to be gone in a few weeks. The economic damage isn’t going to be “short term”. It is going to take years to overcome this disaster. It is going to take years for some people to fully recover.

Therefore, I am asking all of my readers to help out as much as they can. I am asking everyone to reach out to those who need our help regardless of who they are. They are all Americans and we need to help each other. That is the true strength of a nation.

However, when you go to the polls in November, remember the double-standard that Republicans use when it comes to helping people suffering. Remember that they are willing to open their arms and take in millions of relief dollars when they need it, but are willing to deny that same relief money to others just because they are from the other side of the aisle.

By the way – are we going to see the former guy, or maybe DeSantis In Orlando or Fort Meyers throwing rolls of paper towels at victims to show they are “helping the victims”?

Just more reasons Republicans must be voted out in November. The lying, hypocritical bums must go.

50 Years Of Energy Inaction Is Causing Extreme Danger To Americans

Back in the early 1970s a gallon of gas cost roughly $.22 per gallon. In addition, someone came directly to your car, pumped the gas for you and washed your windshield and checked your oil levels. Today that would be called “full service” but back in those days it was “normal” service.

Then a bunch of oil producing countries got together and formed OPEC or the Oil Producing Exporting Countries. Once that was formed, they decided to cut back on oil production to force the cost of energy to skyrocket. Well it skyrocketed for the times. Gas went from $.22 per gallon to over $.75 per gallon.

In addition to the spike in prices, we also saw shortages of gasoline across the country. We were forced to abide by a rationing schedule. It was what the government called an “odd/even” plan. If the number on your license plate ended with an odd number, you could only buy gas on a day that was an odd number, like July 25. If you needed gas on an even day, you were out of luck and had to wait until tomorrow.

Also at this time, we saw the creation of the Environment Protection Agency. It was started by Richard Nixon when he was president and was intended to “clean up” our air and water and land from pollution. There was as real push to do something to protect our environment and our energy needs.

As you can expect, things never got back to normal. They kept getting worse. Gas prices kept rising, pollution concerns were still going up and even back then scientists were predicting that man-made pollution was changing our environment and if we didn’t do something about that we would face global climate change.

That was the time when we could have started the process of weening ourselves off of fossil fuels and look to more environmentally friendly ways to power our nation and ourselves. With the gas spike of the day, we started seeing more “gas efficient” vehicles being produced. It was common for the average car of the day to get under 20 miles per gallon. In fact, it was not uncommon for any car to get less than 15 miles per gallon.

We finally saw things turning in favor of green energy. But, that didn’t last too long. Before long Republicans began crying about the EPA making it “too hard” for businesses to do their business. The agency was making it “too hard” for new buildings to be put up. They decided that the EPA was the “enemy” of big business.

They hated new controls the EPA placed on polluting businesses. They hated the idea that a company, especially an electric company, was being forced to “clean up” their emissions to cut pollution. By 1980 their war against the EPA and a clean environment was in full force.

Since those days, the scientists who predicted that the climate would change and get warmer were proved right. Since those days the global temperature of the planet has risen on a yearly basis. The environment is suffering and we are still not doing anywhere near enough to stop it.

Today we are seeing the consequences of the inaction on climate and our environment. We are seeing droughts around the world including right here in our own country. The Southwest is in what is being called the worst drought in over 1,200 years. It is so bad that the states who use the Colorado River for their water need to cut back on their usage.

The photo above is a picture of Lake Mead near Boulder City. The object is a sunken boat that was covered by water for decades. Today, it looks like a new tower being built in a puddle.

The drought is so bad the Bureau of Reclamation forecasts that the water level in Lake Powell will drop to 3,522 feet by the start of next year, just 32 feet above the minimum level required to generate hydroelectric power. Lake Mead’s water level is expected to be at 1,048 feet, enough to trigger a water scarcity designation. 

The Bureau had to cut the amount of water that each state can take from the river basin next year. The cuts range anywhere from 7 to 21 percent down from this year. Three states draw water from the Colorado River. That means millions of people face a cutback in their water usage because of the drought. All you have to do is look at current pictures of Lake Mead and see just how low the water level is because of the drought.

But the Southwest is not alone in looking to dangerous situations caused by climate change. The nonprofit group First Street Foundation, a research group dealing with climate change, put out a peer-reviewed report that says an “extreme heat belt” is growing in our nation.

The report says that over the next 30 years, we will see extreme heat in parts of the South and Midwest become normal. They predict that punishing stretches of days-on-end heat — some with the heat index reaching 125 degrees will be the norm.

Matthew Eby, founder and CEO of First Street Foundation said: “We need to be prepared for the inevitable, that a quarter of the country will soon fall inside the Extreme Heat Belt with temperatures exceeding 125 and the results will be dire.”

If you don’t know what heat index is, the National Weather Services says it combines air temperature and relative humidity to calculate what the weather feels like to the human body. A heat index over 125 is an “extreme danger” and “highly likely” to result in heat stroke with prolonged exposure, the Weather Service says.

According to the predictions, this extreme heat corridor will stretch from the Gulf Coast as far north as Chicago. We must also remember that this area also includes some of our biggest agriculture areas. Extreme heat can cause food shortages because crops will simply “burn” out and die.

Researchers found that 8.1 million Americans are expected to experience days with “extreme danger” heat index temperatures next year. That number will grow by nearly 100 million in three decades, the report says.

As you can see, the inaction by our elected officials to help our country become “energy independent” by doing something to change to more environmentally friendly energy sources is having a damning effect of us today. Instead of helping research and production of things like solar energy, wind energy and tidal energy, Republicans decided that keeping fossil fuel companies like the gas, oil and coal industry happy was more important than any “future” catastrophes their inaction would cause.

We are now facing those catastrophic consequences today. Parts of our country are experiencing drought that it hasn’t seen in a millennia. Parts of our country are suffering right now under extreme heat indexes like in Texas and other parts of the South.

And STILL, Republicans in Congress are all upset because the Inflation Reduction Act includes money to help us change our energy sources to clean renewable energy. They are STILL trying to keep their oil company campaign contributions coming in by declaring any change to our energy sources would be “damaging” to the people. A blatant lie, unless you consider only oil companies to be the “people”.

50 years ago we had a chance to do something to get us off oil, gas and coal. We failed back then because “economics of the day” were far more important then the “economics of tomorrow”. If we had acted back then, our energy costs would be far less than they are today because we would not be dependent on oil, gas and coal. Sources who costs ricochet up and down on the whims of producers.

The biggest problem we face in fighting against climate change isn’t science or costs of creating new sources for energy. The real problem is too many politicians, mostly Republicans, are only interested in the money to be made today. They don’t care about tomorrow because they figure they won’t be around that long.

That is exactly what happened back in the 1970s when we first had our chance to change. We haven’t learned our lesson apparently. What is in the Inflation Reduction Act dealing with climate change isn’t nearly enough. But, it is the first time that anything has been done to help fight the change that will make all of our lives worse if we don’t do something quickly.

A warming planet has many ramifications. It causes drought. It causes severe weather to become more severe. It causes food shortages because crops have problems growing in higher and higher temperatures. We still have a chance to change things and maybe reverse the changes already taking place.

However, in order to change things, we need to get rid of any politician who thinks that climate change is a hoax or that it “hurts profits of today”. In other words, we need to vote out Republicans from office in November. Why? Because the party is already talking about “repealing” the climate section of this bill. Their profits are far more important than the future of your children or our nation.

Today’s GOP Is Frightening And Looney

I have to admit, if it wasn’t so frightening, today’s GOP would be great fodder for Looney Tunes spots. We just don’t know what to expect from them anymore. At one point in their history, the GOP was a party that was full of ideas and common sense. Somewhere along the way that has vanished.

The GOP was actually the party in the mid 20th century that was the biggest advocate for civil rights. It was the GOP that was started in order to end slavery in our nation back in 1850. It was a GOP President that freed the slaves. It was a GOP President who sent in troops to defend black children when schools were desegregated in the South.

Yet, today, it is the GOP that is suddenly against all of this. It is the GOP that has tried to eliminate the Voting Rights bill that they were so instrumental in getting passed. It is the GOP that is taking rights away from women and others. How is that possible? How did the GOP become so backwards in their thinking that they have gone against their entire history as a party?

Well, it is because they have allowed the crazies to take over the party. They have allowed really dumb and really stupid people to represent them in elections all across the country. And, remember this all started long before trump and his anti-democracy movement.

In order to understand today’s GOP you only really need to look at three people. Two of them are running for the U.S. Senate and one is a former member of trump’s administration. They are all very problematic at best, and probably need some help.

First up is Eric Greitens. He is a disgraced governor of Missouri who was forced to resign his position. He has made a comeback and is now the GOP candidate for Senate in Missouri. His ex-wife, according to reports, has accused him of violence towards her and their children. Yet, he won the primary in Missouri to be the GOP nominee for Senate.

His ads are awash with violence and guns. He seems to think that the best way to win an election is to “threaten” your opponents. It doesn’t matter if your opponent is a Democrat or a fellow Republican. You just need to be against him or his positions.

The photo above is from his infamous “hunting RINOs” ad. In that ad, he claims to be “hunting RINOs” and uses military style tactics to “break down” a door to go after them. The reference to violence against RINOs is disturbing. But, he hasn’t stopped with that ad. He has produced more using violence and guns as his means to keep in good standing with trump, the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers.

As the GOP would say, if anyone is exhibiting “mental health problems” and should be thus banned from having guns, he is the poster child for their calls. But, they just sit back and say virtually nothing and let him poison their positions with his violent tendencies.

Second we have Peter Navarro. Navarro was trump’s “trade advisor” and one of the biggest actors in the attempted coup against the 2020 elections. In an interview with Newsmax, he accused Mike Pence of “treason”. He said this:

“The reason why I think Pence is guilty of treason, to at least President Trump and perhaps to this country, is that he acted on the basis of a flawed legal opinion concocted by his own general counsel that he did not share with either the president or with the president’s White House legal counsel. Due process plus duty to the commander in chief required you to do that.”

Using his own definition of “treason” he went on: “So by the time Jan. 6 rolled around, Pence’s actions were kind of baked into the cake based on both traitorous activity with respect to the president and flawed legal opinions”.

According to this clown, Mike Pence is guilty of treason because he “defied” trump and refused to act against the Constitution. According to this clown, you commit treason if you defy the president. That is not what treason is, especially in a democracy. The president is not the king nor a god despite what these morons want you to think. The president is a “working stiff” who is supposed to work for US not himself.

This wasn’t the first time Navarro said Pence was a traitor. Earlier this year he also called Pence a “traitor” and compared him to a character in “Julius Caesar.”

“It was a tragedy that Mike Pence decided to be a traitor to the American Caesar of Trump,” he said in March on Newsmax. “I liken it in [my book] to a Shakespearean moment, the ‘Et tu, Brute?’ moment.”

Wait a minute. He claims that Pence decided to be a traitor to “American Caesar of Trump”? Since when does America have a “Caesar”? Since when did we become a one-man ruled nation? I don’t know, Navarro is suffering from some delusion that must be addressed. If this wasn’t to scary, it would be funny.

Third we have the former NFL running back who thinks he is some kind of genius because of his football skills. He is the GOP candidate to be a Senator from Georgia. Before I get into his latest rant of stupidity, I must point out his lies to this point.

He has claimed that he owns a business, but that business in nonexistent. He claims he graduated from college, but he never did. He claims he graduated in the top 1% but he didn’t. He claims he was his HS valedictorian, but he wasn’t. He claims that he was a policeman and even being in the FBI which is not true in either claim. Then we found about his “secret children”. In his campaign he complains about “absentee fathers” yet that is exactly what he is.

Now to this new moment. He has decided that we as a country do not need to pass any laws to protect our environment. As a matter of fact, according to him, it is just a waste of time. At a campaign rally, he said we don’t need to enact any clean air acts because “America’s good air will simply decide to go to China”. Imagine, he thinks the “air” is really smarter than himself since he declared our good air will “decide” to go to China. Hmmmm.

The whole quote was this: “Since we don’t control the air, our good air decided to float over to China’s bad air, so when China gets our good air, their bad air got to move. So it moves over to our good air space. Then now we got to clean that back up.” Are you kidding me?????

It is obvious that Georgia is not trying to send their “best” to the U.S. Senate. It also shows just how down the ladder of intelligence their candidates have fallen. Sorry, but I have never supported most of the GOPs policies, but at least I respected them for their intelligence and good will. That has all vanished.

The party has fallen into the deep pit of ignorance and power grubbing. Nothing is sacred to these people anymore except their own lust for power. Greitens ad aired at the same time people in Uvalde were burying their children after the horrible mass shooting at their school.  He simply didn’t care who he offended with his violent ad.

Navarro thinks that you commit treason if you “defy” the president. Even calling that president “America’s Caesar” to make his point clear to everyone. By the way, he is currently under indictment for refusing to comply with a “legal” subpoena from the Jan. 6 Committee. But, he is now declaring what is “flawed legal opinions”. When did Navarro get his law degree?

Finally Walker has shown such stupidity and dishonesty in his campaign, I cannot understand how anyone could possibly vote for him to be a U.S. Senator. I just cannot understand how anyone could even look at him as a serious candidate for such a high office. But, since he is backed by who Navarro calls our “American Caesar”, that accounts for the rabid stupid people voting for him.

You know, I remember a time not that long ago when such lying and amoral behavior by a candidate would have been his political death nell. But, in today’s GOP, that seems to be the “winning” quality for their candidates. It shows just how far they have sunk.

Today’s GOP has become a new Looney Tunes movie. The problem is that the humor in it is lost because of the frightening motives behind the actions. All of these trump acolytes are in these positions for one reason. To make sure that if trump would somehow win another election, he has his rubber-stamp Politburo at the ready to turn our nation into a dictatorship with him as president for life.

But, don’t think that only trump wants this. There is clear evidence of the damage to our democracy that the Governor of Florida would cause as well. He has tried his best over the last few years to “show the legislature that I am in charge, not them”.

The threat to our democracy, our way of life, our freedoms and our nation is all around us. You just have to look past the comical performances to see the real danger. Ignorance, part of today’s GOP, is forever busy. It is very busy this election cycle. We must stop it before it is too late.

Russia’s Invasion Of Ukraine Causing Havoc With Gas Prices – Not Our Government

The price of gasoline is at an all-time high. There are a lot of reasons for these huge increases, but the major factor is the Russian invasion of Ukraine. That invasion and war has plunged the world oil market into chaos and prices are going up all around the world.

Here at home, there are all sorts of “theories” as to why gas prices are so high. The vast majority of them fall into the “conspiracy theory” category. The Republicans are beating the drums with more and more conspiracy theories about why gas prices are so high.

One reason they are using is the Keystone XL pipeline. This pipeline was intended to ship Canadian oil from their Tar Sands oil field through the U.S. to the Gulf Of Mexico. There it would be refined and shipped out as exports. It was never intended to help us with our energy needs. The cry about the Keystone XL pipeline not being completed is a false flag to distract from real reasons.

Furthermore, only about 10 percent of this pipeline was completed under the trump administration. And they even said it would have no or minor impact on the price of gasoline in our country. The facts are clear. The Keystone XL pipeline would not help today or ever.

Another complaint from Republicans is that we should have stopped importing Russian oil years ago. Well, unless Congress passes a law stating no Russian oil can be imported, there is nothing to stop companies from buying Russian oil. The President signed an order banning Russian oil imports as part of the sanctions against Russia for their invasion of Ukraine. Almost every Republican has been calling for it and they got what they wanted.

But remember this. Under the presidency of Barak Obama, imports of Russian oil DROPPED by 22 percent. In the eight years of his administration Russian oil imports went from 205 million barrels to 163 million barrels. That is a rather large drop of imports from Russia.

But on the other hand, trump cannot say the same thing. In his first year in office, we were importing about 142 million barrels. But by the end of his four-year administration, we were importing 197 million barrels. That is a 39 percent INCREASE of imported Russian oil. So much for being “tough on Russia” as he keeps saying. When he says we “should not be buying Russian oil”, why didn’t he stop it when he had the chance? Rewriting history is a really fun game for Republicans.

Then we have oil refinery capacity. First of all, there are over 9000 oil leasing permits to drill for more oil in our country that the industry is not using. However, the refinery problem is very real and a real problem. In about 2014, the very first new oil refinery started to be built. In around 2016 the first new major refinery started being built.

These are the first new refineries being built since 1979. Now, even though there weren’t any new refineries being built, the oil companies did expand capacity at the old refineries. So, they were able to not fall too far behind demand. But, without any new refineries, demand started to exceed production and prices went up anyway.

As you can see, if we doubled our production of crude oil, the prices of gas would still remain high because we wouldn’t be able to refine any more gasoline from that crude.

Finally, there is a conspiracy theory starting to make the rounds from Republicans that claims the high prices are a way to force more electric vehicles on the road. For some reason, Republicans are totally against clean energy and anything that will lessen our dependence on oil. I am not sure if it is because of their going to bed with the oil industry or if they are just so stupid they can’t see for forest for the trees. I am leaning to the first reason.

There is NO conspiracy to raise gas prices in order to eliminate gas engines. Yes, we would love to see a day when electric vehicles can replace gas engines. But in reality, there is still a long way to go before that happens. We are starting to see better and better electric vehicles, but until we have a nation-wide charging system, long haul driving in electric vehicles won’t happen any time soon. So, this conspiracy theory is ridiculous and totally stupid. What new?

As you can see, there are a lot of reasons for gas prices rising. But the main culprit in all of this is Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. War always puts oil in peril because anytime oil shipment is disrupted, prices go up and up. And with the ban on Russian oil, prices will go even higher now.

Even after this illegal invasion and war ends, it will take time for gas prices to come back down to what we consider reasonable prices. Until then, we are stuck with a dictator causing world-wide havoc with oil and oil prices. Then again, he doesn’t care because he is a power-hungry tyrant who believes he is building a new Soviet Union or Czarist Russia. Whatever he is trying to build, he is committing crimes against humanity and war crimes to achieve it and doesn’t care how many innocent civilians he kills.

If you want to blame someone, when you stop to fill up your tanks, just remember the tyrant in Russia is to blame more than any other factor. That is no consolation, but it is the truth. We can only hope the economic havoc the sanctions are having on the Russian economy will put an end to this crime. Then we can return to some sort of normalcy.

Finally, remember, Republicans want to have it both ways. They are the ones who allowed an increase in the importation of Russian oil and they are the ones who gave American oil companies the ability to export American oil. Not one Republican has called on American oil companies to stop exporting gas, either. Now they claim it is all the fault of someone else. Republicans are experts in pointing fingers, but they are miserable at taking responsibility for their own actions. They are nothing but little children pretending to be adults and they are failing miserably at that game too.

Are We Facing A New Normal?

We have just witnessed one of, if not the worst, tornado outbreaks in our history. Portions of six states have been devastated by this outbreak. There are whole towns that were completely wiped out. Others saw at least half of their towns wiped out.

In the last several years, we have seen an increase in natural disasters around the country. We have seen severe weather, we have seen forest fires, we have seen huge hurricanes, and we have seen tornados. As a result, we must face the reality that we are potentially moving into a new normal for these kinds of disasters.

The human toll from these disasters is unmeasurable. The suffering and heartbreak of losing a loved one cannot be measured by any matrix. The economic toll is also devastating. We have been spending billions of dollars to help these people recover from these disasters.

People lose their businesses. They lose their homes. They lose everything including memorabilia that is the history of their lives and their family’s lives. For thousands if not millions of people, this Christmas will not be very merry because of these natural disasters.

It is time to look at reality and ask a simple question. Is climate change the cause of the increase in these disasters. As the globe warms, there is more drought which leads to more wildfires and failed crops. There are more severe weather systems that lead to tornado outbreaks. There are more severe and numerous hurricanes. There must be a reason for this increase.

Every year we break the record for the warmest year in history. Each year the average temperature around the world increases. That means weather systems become more severe and more deadly. We don’t know the final death toll from this latest outbreak, but we know it will be way too high.

We also know that the infamous “tornado alley” has moved eastward. It now reaches into the Mississippi Valey and the Ohio Valley. We are seeing more and more severe weather with tornados east of the traditional tornado alley each year. And, more importantly, we are seeing more and more of these deadly storms late in the year. December tornados are not uncommon, but the number of them has increased over the last few years.

It is very difficult to determine if climate change is causing all of these changes. But the circumstantial evidence does point to it as the main cause. If that is true, then when the hell are we going to do something about it and do what we can to stop this climate change.

Some argue that the climate is changing because of man. Others claim it is only a “natural” event and we aren’t causing it. But, in either case, we are definitely helping it along. The more we pour carbon dioxide into our atmosphere the warmer the temperature becomes.

Our dependence on fossil fuels is leading the charge in this seemingly out of control climate change. It is feeding the warming trend because we refuse to do something to cut emissions or even look at alternatives that would stop these emissions.

Changing over to renewable clean energy is not going to be easy. If we cut the umbilical cord between us and fossil fuels, there is the reality that many people will lose their jobs. On the other hand, if we do cut that cord, we can have new jobs that would replace the ones lost. However, we cannot just make the change and leave those losing their jobs on their own.

The latest outbreak in those six states is going to cost the federal government billions of dollars in relief efforts. If we look beyond today and start looking towards tomorrow, we should use money to train fossil fuel workers to work in the new renewable energy jobs. That way, as fossil fuel is eliminated from our society, those working in it won’t be left to their own devices. And the return on investment would pay for itself in a few years instead of the yearly outlay of money in relief efforts because of these yearly outbreaks that is never recovered.

There is always going to be severe weather. There is always going to be heartbreak because of it. However, we don’t have to make it a yearly event that grows year after year. The human and economic cost of these events is just getting out of hand. We need to do our part to reduce them as much as possible.

The infrastructure bill will help. The “Build Back Better” plan will help even more. We need to take responsibility for human activity that helps speed up this climate change and make changes to help slow it down.

We sent men to the moon. We sent probes to other planets in our solar system. We have explored the depths of our oceans and the universe. There is nothing to keep us from finding solutions to our climate change problem and do what is right to stop it as much as possible.

We will never be able to do anything to protect our planet unless we stop looking only at today. We need to return to the way we were and look to the future to build a better world for our children and grandchildren and not just our bank accounts. That is the one thing that we seem to have lost. We no longer have vision and we no longer have interest in the future.

I do not want to hear anymore arguments that we shouldn’t do anything because we would be the only ones doing it. That is a lame and lazy excuse. Our past vision and exploration has been contagious in the past and will be in this issue. As we move forward, we will lead the world in moving forward.

If, as I believe, we change to renewable energy it will drive our costs for production down in the long run. That will mean the rest of the world will have to follow suit in order to keep us with us economically. Lower energy costs should mean better production which would mean more jobs.

However, as I said, we will not achieve this unless we change our mindset. We need to look to the future not the past. We need to go back to the narrative when I was young and my parents said they wanted to leave us “better world and more opportunity” for their children then they had.

Too many people have lost that vision. Too many people have turned their view to today and the hell with tomorrow. That means they are also saying to hell with their children’s future.

Climate has a direct effect on weather. Weather is something that happens today and climate is something that effects weather today and tomorrow. I worked disaster relief in the past. I have seen the devastation that weather can cause and the heartbreak of those who lost loved ones. As we watch these events increase, isn’t it time to say enough and start doing something to change things? Or are we going to continue on the path of insanity and keep doing the same thing and expecting different results?

We have nothing to lose, except your children’s future and the only known planet that supports life. If we continue to kill our planet, we have nowhere else to go and that will be the end of mankind. It’s your choice. Make your voice heard to make the changes we need.

The Infrastructure Bill Is A Fight Over “The Riches Of Today” V. “The Prosperity Of The Future”

A big part of the infrastructure bill that Democrats want to get passed includes a fight against climate change. That is a big problem with Republicans in Congress. The real problem to them is how much money will fossil fuel companies contribute to their campaigns. The state of the planet or our economy aren’t as important to them as the contributions.

We must also remember that over 10 years ago our own Defense Department said that climate change “is the biggest threat to our national security”. As the climate changes, populations will begin moving and wars will break out over borders. Then we have the permafrost. Locked inside the permafrost are viruses and diseases. As the permafrost begins to melt more and more, how many of these viruses or diseases will be unleashed on the population. Will one or more of these viruses cause another pandemic? We don’t even know what these viruses are like and probably don’t have any immunity against them since they have been locked away for millions of years.

The real fight over climate change is an economic one and a survival one. On the economic front, utilizing renewable, clean energy should help reduce the costs of energy for our companies. Since clean, renewable energy is not affected by political whims, the price would not vary as much as fossil fuel costs do.

We see it today with gas prices. There are all sorts of problems in the Mideast and we saw the cyber attack against one of our pipelines. Well, the problems in the Mideast caused oil prices to go up. And the cyber attack caused the price of gasoline to go up. We were understanding that once the gas flowed freely again, we would see a drop in gas prices. But, anyone living in the affected areas knows that never happened. The prices have remained at the same levels as when the shortage was occurring.

What will happen to our industry if someone caused a shutdown of our natural gas pipelines? How would any major corporation survive a prolonged shortage of natural gas or how many citizens would lose power due to the shutdown of natural gas to the electrical companies? The numbers would be staggering. The infrastructure bill includes cyber security measures.

The other point is survivability of the planet for our children and grandchildren and the generations that are to follow us. As the planet gets warmer we are seeing more and more severe weather. The climate is the prime factor in daily weather. As the climate gets warmer, the storms we see become more severe. The draught situation across the globe gets worse. We see more forest fires because of draught and dry timber.

Hurricanes, which are really nature’s air conditioning system are becoming more server and more numerous each year. The economic impact of these storms reach into the billions of dollars every year. After these storms businesses close and in most cases they close for good. Meaning higher unemployment in the area affected.

Climate warming is caused by the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. In reality, the increase in carbon dioxide comes from two main sources. Volcanoes causes carbon dioxide to spread into the atmosphere and the burning of fossil fuels causes carbon dioxide to spread. The problem for science deniers is that there haven’t been enough large volcano eruptions to cause the amounts of carbon dioxide we see today.

In May of this year, NOAA measured carbon dioxide in the atmosphere at 419 parts per million. That is the highest levels since we began taking measurements. And, it is also the highest levels since before the industrial revolution. We are pumping over 40 million tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere every year! The strange thing about carbon dioxide is that it doesn’t simply “disappear” like denialists want you to believe.

But, with all of this evidence, the other side of the argument refuses to even acknowledge that there is a problem. And, they go out of their way to make ridiculous claims about why the climate is getting warmer instead of the reality that our burning fossil fuels is the biggest contributing factor to the problem.

The first argument against moving to a renewable, clean energy platform is “what about those fossil fuel jobs we will lose”? Well, that is a good question and the infrastructure bill has a plan for that. There is money in the bill to reeducate and retrain fossil fuel employees to be able to merge into the new clean energy systems.

Then we have our Crazy Uncle Louie Gohmert making all kinds of stupid remarks. Let me start this by explaining something he said earlier so you have some background. He once said that a scientist he knows told him that the earth’s orbit and the moon’s orbit change. That is true.

First of all, over about 100,000 years the earth’s orbit shifts slightly from a more elliptical orbit to a more circular orbit. Currently the earth is in the nearly circular orbit. And, we also know that the moon is moving away from the earth at about one inch per year.

These could affect climate slightly. But, they do not put more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere which is the primary reason the climate is changing. So, the other day, Crazy Uncle Louie was questioning Jennifer Eberlien, associate deputy chief of the National Forest System, during a House Natural Resources Committee hearing.

During his time of questioning, he said this remarkable thing. “Is there anything that the National Forest Service, or BLM can do to change the course of the moon’s orbit or the Earth’s orbit around the sun? Obviously they would have profound effects on our climate.”

“I would have to follow up with you on that one, Mr. Gohmert,” Eberlien responded. 

“Well, if you figure out a way that you in the Forest Service can make that change, I’d like to know,” Gohmert added.

Now, let me be clear about this. The use of BLM in this instance would normally be known to be innocent since BLM would stand for Bureau of Land Management. However, there are some who think it was a diss to the black lives matter movement. I am not going there and I am giving him the benefit of the doubt on that point.

But, I am not giving him the benefit of the doubt about his stupid comment. Some are saying he was trying to be funny. If he was, he better keep his day job because he would make a terrible comedian. However, it sounded more like the stupid remark from his hero about us injecting bleach to kill the coronavirus. Plus, he has been known to make other such stupid comments about climate change before, so I believe he meant what he asked.

The infrastructure in our country is falling apart. It has been falling apart for decades and Congress does nothing about it. Additionally, if we need to rebuild our infrastructure, we must rebuild it in a way that protects the planet we live on.

The infrastructure bill provides for all of this and more. It would create jobs and provide us a more stable and clean energy grid that will help save our climate. It will have positive economic impacts across the board. But, the Republicans don’t like it because it does have a positive impact on our climate and will potentially hurt their donations from fossil fuel companies.

We are at a time in our history when we must make a real hard decision. Are we going to go along only interested in the “riches of today” or are we going to go along interested in “prosperity for the future”. In their usual backwards thinking, the so-called “conservatives” are only interested in the riches of today. They are telling our future generations they don’t care about them.

In the last survey on this matter, over 70 percent of all Americans want this bill to pass. And, well over 50 percent of Republicans want this bill to pass. So, in their own words, if all you are doing is what the people want, why are Republicans so against a bill that the people want?

It is obvious that the Republicans aren’t interested in doing the “will of the people” they are only interested in doing the “will of the rich and corporations” who are the only entities they believe are “people”.

We need to flood the email accounts and phones of our members of Congress demanding this bill be passed as written. Real infrastructure is far more than just bridges and pipes. It is what makes our economy runs smoothly and it must be fixed now!

Climate Change Fight – Are You On The Side Of Today Or Tomorrow?

The pandemic is starting to slow down again in Michigan where it was out of control for the last month or so. We are hoping to get back to normal during the summer. That is the hope, but we also need everyone to take the vaccine. And, in case you didn’t know, this pandemic is probably the first of what could be many pandemics in our future. I don’t say that as a scare tactic, I say it because these things happen all of the time and it will happen again.

Of course, you need to understand just how the world works. There have been pandemics throughout the history of our planet. It has been the hard work of scientists and epidemiologists who have helped keep these pandemics in check as much as we have been able to . However, we are also facing new, or should I say old viruses that we have not faced for thousands of years.

As everyone knows, April is when we have Earth Day. This year, we have witnessed that taken to a whole new level as more and more people are using the whole month as Earth Day. That is good. We need more emphasis on what is happening to our climate and what devastating consequences that change will bring to our future generations.

Before I begin, please understand that there is a huge difference between weather and climate. Weather is what we see day-to-day. Climate is something that affects the weather for decades and even thousands of years into the future. The 100 year storms or 100 year weather events of the past are becoming more and more common in the last several decades. That is simply because the earth is warming. The scientific proof is irrefutable to anyone who wants to look at the facts and the evidence. The overall temperature of the planet is rising every year. That is not just a “natural” event. It is being sped up by air pollution that is being caused by people burning fossil fuels. The more we burn fossil fuels, the more CO2 we put into the atmosphere. That causes the planet to heat up. That is a fact and everyone knows it.

We have started seeing the consequences of this climate change. We have seen more wildfires across the globe and right here in our own country. Dry conditions cause forests to burn. Those dry conditions are caused by more droughts caused by the warming of the climate. And no, the claim by the QAnon lady in Congress that our forest fires are caused by “Jewish controlled lasers in space” is total bullshit.

Over the last decade we have seen the severity of Hurricanes increase each year and the number of them increase as well. You need to look at Hurricanes for what they really are. They are not just severe storms that cause damage and death. They are the earth’s “air conditioning” systems. That is correct. When temperatures rise and sea temperatures rise, we get Hurricanes. They help cool at least part of the planet. That is their main function and they work well, except we stand in the way and get hurt or killed by them as well.

Hurricanes cause billions of dollars of damage in our country every year. I can’t remember the last year we went without a major Hurricane. That is because as the climate changes and gets warmer, nature reacts with it’s air conditioner and spawns Hurricanes.

We have seen mass flooding in parts of the nation because of those 100 year rain totals that seem to come every year now. We have seen crops fail because of drought in the Midwest farm areas. We have seen severe cold reach further south in winter, like the severe winter in Texas this year. These are all caused because climate change is making conditions for such events more readily available.

These are all facts that are available to anyone. But, there is a more dangerous side to climate change that isn’t getting the attention it needs. And with this latest pandemic, maybe it should get more attention. Let me be clear, the Coronavirus Pandemic was NOT caused by climate change. However, climate change could unleash more pandemics that we don’t know may even be possible.

In cold climates there is something called permafrost. That is in areas in the northern hemisphere like Siberia, Northern Alaska, Northern Canada and other countries around the world. It also is in place in Antarctica. The problem is that as the climate warms, this permafrost is beginning to melt. That may not sound all that alarming, but it really is that alarming.

In the permafrost, we are finding almost whole animals that went extinct thousands of years ago. It is a scientific fact that any virus or bacteria that may have killed those animals could still exist inside those animal bodies. And, we also know that a virus can lay dormant in frozen ground for thousands of years and “come back to life” once it is melted.

A few years ago, scientists took soil samples from the permafrost in Siberia. They discovered a virus that came back from a dormant stage once it got warm again. There is an odd part to this virus. Most viruses only have one gene. This virus has many genes and it acts more like a bacteria. Scientists took this virus and let it loose among amoeba. The virus attacked the amoeba. We do not know if this virus would attack humans or animals, but the fact it came back from its dormant stage and attacked the amoeba is troublesome at best.

In another case, herders found thousands of reindeer dead on the tundra. It was uncertain how they died. Further examination found that they all died from anthrax. The odd part was this anthrax actually came from a dead reindeer that died from the disease decades ago and was frozen in the permafrost. Once the carcass of this reindeer warmed, the anthrax came alive again and attacked a new herd of reindeer.

What this is showing us is that any virus or bacteria that has been frozen in the permafrost is still dangerous. Bacteria like anthrax will normally die if the carcass is destroyed. But, in the permafrost, too many carcasses are not destroyed and the bacteria can survive in a dormant state until it warms up.

The permafrost goes back hundreds of thousands of years. We don’t have any idea how many viruses or bacteria remain dormant in the permafrost. We don’t know how many would actually pose a threat and danger to humans or the animals we rely on for food. Since many of these dormant viruses and bacteria were frozen before the current animal population of the planet existed, we may not know what effect they will have on today’s animals or people.

This brings us to the infrastructure bill that the administration wants to get passed. Included in this bill are things that will help reduce fossil fuel emissions and make the planet more livable into the future. It includes things like electric vehicles and clean renewable energy to power our electrical grid and our future.

But this is the problem. When we talk about climate change, there are really only two sides to the story. And, believe it or not, science denial is NOT one of the sides. The two sides are basically today and tomorrow. That is all there is to it. You either believe in today or you believe in tomorrow.

The tomorrow side of the argument looks to the future of our planet and our own future. We see tomorrow as being promised to our children and grandchildren and their children. We want to leave them a planet they can live on and not only survive, but prosper.

The unfortunate part of the today side is they are only interested in what today brings. Especially what today will bring in terms of profits and earnings and money for themselves. The today side doesn’t want to do anything about climate change because they are making huge profits today and don’t care about tomorrow.

The tomorrow side is not as interested in profits for today. Tomorrow’s followers believes that capital expenditures today will shape the future for a better world tomorrow. And, they realize that spending that money today will save money in the future by lowering energy costs.

But, today’s side knows that spending that money today for tomorrow will only decrease their profits and earnings. When companies or governments spend money on projects like the infrastructure, they are spending what is known as “capital” money. Capital money comes straight out of profits.

I know that owners have two pockets. The right hand pocket is for operating expenses. The money they need to keep things going today. The left hand pocket is capital money, or put it precisely, their money. When a company spends capital money it comes out of the left hand pocket and that means the owner loses profit and earnings for themselves.

This is the reason all companies talk about “return on investment”. They want to know how long will it take for the changes they spend money on will be paid for and start to return bigger profits for themselves. At least that is the way it used to work. You could get owners to spend capital if the return on investment was short enough to entice them.

The unfortunate problem we face today is that “capitalist” theory is no longer in use. Or not as in use as it used to be. Instead, we see corporations only interested in today and the the rest of the year. They are no longer planning for five or ten years in the future. They can only predict profits for one year at a time and that is all they are interested in today.

So whenever someone talks about changing our electric grid to clean renewable energy or using more hybrid vehicles or more electric vehicles, we start hearing about how it will “kill” the fossil fuel industry. Those yelling about that are not really interested in saving those jobs, they are only interested in the profits that industry brings to their own pockets.

One of the traits that humans have over other animals on the planet is our ability to plan ahead. We understand that our time on this planet is finite, but we also have a humanity that says we should leave things better for our children. Somewhere over the last 40 years or so, we have lost that humanity for the future benefit of our children. Somewhere over the last 40 years we became so interested in what is in our pockets today that we are willing to sacrifice our children’s future for our present day riches.

Climate change is very real. We have seen the planet’s climate warm up rapidly over the last 75 years. We have seen ocean levels rise each year. We have seen more severe weather events caused by this warming of our climate. Our daily “weather” has been effected by climate change and it is going to get worse unless we do something to stop the warming.

Additionally, we are now discovering that there are real dangerous viruses and bacteria that have lain dormant for hundreds of thousands of years in the permafrost. What types of pandemics these can cause is simply unknown. We keep hearing that one day an asteroid will hit the earth and kill all living things. But, it is just as likely that another pandemic will beat that asteroid to the punch because it is already here waiting for us to unleash it with our continued climate change.

Are you part of the group only interested in today or in the group interested in tomorrow? If you are in the today group, how can you look your children and grandchildren in the eye and promise them a “better future” when you don’t even care about their future?

We must act now. We must pass the infrastructure bill and we must look very seriously at the so-called green new deal. I want my grandchildren and their children and so on, to have a better and more prosperous life on a planet that is not going to kill them so easily. I want to end climate change as much as we can to make that future possible. You are either with me and the rest of us in the tomorrow group, or you are against us and willing to leave your grandchildren a dead or dying planet that cannot support them.

It is time for all of us to join the group of tomorrow.

What Needs To Be “Canceled” Is The Right’s Phony “Cancel Culture War”

We are now at 535,000 dead from the pandemic. We have a ways to go until we reach that “herd immunity” we need to become more normal in our lives again. Yet, the Republican party is not interested in doing anything to help us reach it. They all voted against the relief package and they are still interested in “cancel culture” which is a myth made up in people’s lame brains.

It is time to really look at this so-called “Cancel Culture War” that Republicans are howling about. And, it is time to look further back than last year or even the last four years. The idea of “cancel culture” was invented by Evangelicals and Conservatives. That is not hyperbole, it is a simple fact.

In the latest attempt to make their fake war a reality, Fox News and other so-called conservatives have now “reached out to Generation X” for help in stopping “cancel culture”. Now, I will begin with the fact that I was not a “perfect” father as my children were growing up. But, I did my best and I allowed them to be their own people while they were teenagers. It was the best way to prepare them for adulthood, I believed.

The concept of “cancel culture” really began long before the 1980s. I remember those days because my kids were teenagers during that period. I remember them listening to heavy metal music, rap, hip-hop and playing Dungeons and Dragons. All things Evangelicals and Conservatives were yelling about being “evil and sinful” and “filling our kids heads with Satan’s desires”.

This was really nothing new. I also grew up in the 50s and 60s. I remember these same people trying to make rock and roll an evil thing that needed to be stamped out. We were told that rock and roll was the devil’s tool. We didn’t have video games at the time or that would have also been attacked just as bad.

So, as you can see, “cancel culture” is not some “socialist evil thing” that needs to be stamped out. It is something that conservatives and Evangelicals have been doing for generations. The real problem is that these two main groups of mostly old white people don’t want the world to progress. They want things the way they were when they grew up. The major problem is that they always look back “fondly” and forget all of the problems that existed and that the newer generations were against.

In my youth we saw civil rights protests. We witnessed, and in many cases like myself, participated in antiwar protests. Some of these protests became violent but most were peaceful. I remember the Chicago Convention Riots in 1968 where the police attacked protesters whenever they felt the “urge”.

I saw on TV the attack on the Pettis Bridge when civil rights activists were marching for voting rights. I saw on TV the vicious attack by Bull Conner as he unleashed his attack dogs on children protesting for civil rights. I saw in the news the churches burned and people “lynched” because they were black and wanted the same rights as the rest of us.

I heard my children being “condemned” because they listened to rap, hip hop, heavy metal and other so-called “evil” music. I did not stop them from listening to it, but I allowed them to be their own person and make their own decisions. They all learned from those experiences and as far as I am concerned they grew up to be very fine adults and very fine parents in their own rights.

The real problem is that often, the right wing decides that stopping bad behavior in society is something that is called “cancel culture”. Let’s look at a few things they are worried about. The so-called “left” they say want to cancel and “censor” conservative voices. As everyone knows that is bullshit. What is trying to be “canceled” is racism, misogyny, homophobia, sexual harassment, sexual assault and xenophobia. If that is wrong, then I am wrong because I want all of that put in the trash bin of history so it won’t infect us anymore with unequal treatment of others just because they are “different”.

I will gladly continue my fight against these horrible behaviors. I will gladly continue fighting against anyone being discriminated against just because they are a different color, or sex, or sexual orientation, or national origin. That behavior is what is really wrong and it needs to be “canceled” and virtually stamped out.

On the other hand, the so-called conservatives and Evangelicals, led by the Republican party wants to “cancel” other things. They want to cancel voting rights for minorities, and are currently actively working on that right now. They want to cancel same-sex marriage because they don’t like it. They want to cancel the idea of economic equality. They want to cancel the right to abortion based on their personal religious beliefs, so everyone must live according to their beliefs and screw your religious beliefs.

They want to cancel vaccines. Fox News has led a propaganda campaign against the Covid vaccine. They declared that it “isn’t necessary and may be dangerous”. Republicans have picked up this battle cry. The latest survey found that 47 percent of white male Republicans say they won’t take the vaccine. About 30 percent of the entire population says they won’t take the vaccine. Why? Because the right has made the vaccine another political tool in their “fight against cancel culture”. Yet, they are actively trying to “cancel” their own followers by feeding them false information and allowing them to get sick and die.

These are the same things that have taken place in my entire lifetime. Conservatives are the first to try to cancel something simply because it is different. In my youth, it was Republicans who fought for civil rights and voting rights. The so-called Dixiecrats, Democrats from southern states, were the biggest threat against these rights. Once the Civil Rights and Voting Rights bills passed under Democrat President Lyndon Johnson, the Dixiecrats switched sides and were welcomed with open arms by the Republicans.

Today, the parties have totally switched sides in the civil rights and voting rights fight. Today, it is Republicans who want to disenfranchise minorities from their civic duty to vote. It is Republicans who are fighting against rights for anyone who looks, believes or acts differently than what they think they should.

We have seen this fight go off in all directions. Conservatives are howling that Tucker Carlson is “under attack” by the military. Well, he started the “war” against the military when he mocked the women who serve in our services. He has a right to his opinion, but don’t scream “poor me” when the other side fights back. That is exactly what is happening now. The right is crying about “poor Tucker” because the military and veterans are blasting him for his crude and personal attacks on our sister in arms.

As you can see, “cancel culture” is nothing new. Except, it is always the conservatives and Evangelicals who cry about being “canceled” when in fact it is they who are the main abusers of “canceling” thing they don’t like. Things like music, video games, or civil rights.

That is, in my opinion, the mortal sin of conservatives and evangelicals. They simply don’t want any progress nor do they want anything that disrupts their “comfort” zone. They are the ones trying to “cancel” everything not considered “conservative enough” in order to maintain the status quo. That includes the personal freedoms of everyone else. They really believe that they have the right to tell the rest of us how to live, what to believe and how to act.

In essence, they believe that they are “superior” to the rest of America and we don’t have any right unless they give them to us, which they won’t. When Fox News called on Gen X to “help fight the cancel culture war”, there were lots of retorts. The one I love best is “Hilarious notion that Gen X would assist the scolds that told us what to watch, read and listen to. Blow on the cartridge.

I couldn’t have said it any better.

Golly – Look Who Is Helping Texas – It Isn’t Cruz

We are at over 496,000 dead from the pandemic. Numbers are still declining in 47 states, but we must remain vigilant. In a couple of days the number will reach 500,000. That is more Americans who have died from this virus in one year than died in 4 years of war during World War II. Keep wearing your masks so we can keep those numbers declining.

When Texas was hit with this horrible freeze and their “conservative utopia” failed to provide power, the Governor went on Fox and declared that this was all the fault of the “green new deal” and of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s plan for making our power grid green. It was a lie and he knew it because he did not say that when being interviewed by local news stations in Texas.

Instead, he admitted that the utility companies in Texas failed and that was the cause of the power outages. He made the original statement because if he didn’t he just might be admitting that climate change is real and that he and his party won’t admit that so the fossil fuel companies will continue to make lots of money and donate a lot of that money to their party.

Then we have the wonderful Canadian Senator, Cruz, heading off to Cancun for a nice “escape” from the cold and no power in his own house. Then in true Cruz fashion, he lied about why he went and then changed his story several times before settling on “it was a mistake”. Of course he had to throw his own daughters under the bus to try to escape the scrutiny he rightly deserves.

But, let us look at just who is trying to help all of those Texans who are suffering because of the lack of governmental control over the power companies. Remember, they had a similar problem 10 years ago. But, instead of enacting laws to winterize power companies, they put out “best practices” to them without a requirement they follow those practices. As a result, no one actually spent money to follow those practices and we have the mess we have.

But, as I said, people are responding and trying to help. One raised over $2 million for relief work. She raised the money to get food, water and other necessities to the people of Texas. And, she isn’t even Texan.

That person is non other than Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She used her massive twitter following to request donations to help the people of Texas. Just on the first day, she raised $1 million in donations. Yesterday, she announced she would be flying to Texas and meeting with Rep. Sylvia Garcia to plan how to distribute the aid and to amplify the region’s needs and solutions.

In a follow up tweet she said: “Charity isn’t a replacement for good governance, but we won’t turn away from helping people in need when things hit the fan. People understand that now is the time for collective action and doing what we can w/ whatever we’ve got.”

Furthermore, she included a link to a website where people can donate money to a mix of Texas nonprofits scrambling to help people get food and care amid the power outages caused by the harsh weather, including the South Texas Food Bank, Family Eldercare and Corazon Ministries.

As you can see, the main person the Governor wanted to blame for his man-made disaster is the one person who is doing far more than any Texas political figure to help their people.

As you can also see, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez must be that real evil person the right wing wants to make her out to be. Although, none of those right wing personalities have lifted a finger to help Texans in their hour of need.

From someone not living in Texas, but has family there, thank you for your kindness and your caring about people. She is showing us what integrity, decency and real leadership is all about. Things totally foreign to the right wing and the Republican Party.