I Admit It – I Just Don’t Understand How The Republicans Became So Crazy

As usual, to begin with the grim numbers. We now have over 25.4 million people who have been infected with the virus and over 425,000 dead from it. We are discovering that the vaccine rollout promised by the last administration has failed completely. They lied to us once again.

Experts are warning that the next six to fourteen weeks could be even worse than we have seen. After two days of deaths under 2,000 per day, yesterday we soared back to over 4,000 deaths. And, with the new strains being more contagious than the first strain, experts are worried those numbers could grow significantly. Especially when you consider that the vaccine rollout is such a mess.

Yesterday President Biden announced that we have made another order for more vaccines. He says that by the end of summer, we should have enough for 300 million people to have received the vaccine. The question is why didn’t the previous administration order that many vaccines? Why did they only order between 100 and 200 million vaccines? There is only one answer. They just didn’t care about the people.

On the political front, things are not getting better. In the Democrats, we have a party that is trying to figure out how to govern and make things from the pandemic to the economy better for everyone. In the meantime, the Republicans seem to be mired in trying to figure out if they even want to govern or if they plan to stay the course and support violence and even fascism.

Just like 2018, more moderate Republicans are announcing they are not going to run for office in 2022. And, the fascist wing of the party is digging in and trying to stranglehold the party. Usually when a party loses the House, the Senate and the White House in one election, they turn inward and figure out how to get more people to vote for them.

Not this time. Instead the Republicans are still clinging to the last president in a bid to appease him. We saw that appeasement on display yesterday. There was a suggestion that the Senate not hold the impeachment trial because, well it is over and what good will it do. They also said that it was “unconstitutional” to impeach someone after they left office. Of course, that is just another lie intended to protect their dear leader. Forty-five Republican Senators voted to cancel the impeachment trial. Forty-five Republican Senators who were in just as much danger as Democratic Senators from the insurrectionists say “well, its over so let’s forget about it”.

We all must remember that the impeachment article was voted on while moron was still in office. We must also remember that it was Moscow Mitch who decided not to hold the trial before the inauguration. Now he and others say that you cannot hold the trial because moron is no longer in office.

Well, let’s look at this comparison. Let us say that someone broke into the Canadian Senator’s house and stole everything he owns. Three weeks later the criminal was not caught. Would the Canadian Senator say “well they didn’t catch the crook so let’s just move on and not worry about it”. No, you can bet he would be screaming at the top of his lungs about how that crook could come back and do it again. To me, this impeachment question is the same thing. The crook, moron, can come back and do the same thing, probably even worse things.

We keep hearing Republicans say we need to not conduct the trial in the name of “unifying the country”. Well, it is their party that caused the division to begin with. And, if you really want to look at the real concern, the Republicans want “unity” as long as that “unity” is around what they say and not the people of the country.

We are seeing some state GOP parties actually adopting QAnon theories as their primary policy. In Oregon, the GOP leaders adopted a statement that claims the insurrection we witnessed on January 6 was a “red flag” that was intended to make moron look bad and to “silence conservatives”. They don’t bother to mention in their statement that the insurrectionists were moron’s own followers. The Oregon GOP are not alone in this craziness either.

Then we have the comparison that goes a little further. Remember when Republicans were so obsessed with Clinton’s emails? They held investigtation after investigation trying to prove that Clinton should be in jail because she used a personal server for her emails. That was such a horrible crime. It shattered all levels of ethics.

Now, today, after all 100 Senators and all members of the House and everyone else who works in the Capitol had to shelter in place because insurrectionists stormed the capitol by order of moron, according to the insurrectionists themselves, we should “forget about it”. After these insurrectionists were wandering the halls of our capitol looking for politicians to kill, including their own vice president, we should “let bygones be bygones”.

If these 45 Senators didn’t feel threatened by these insurrectionists, why did they hide in offices? Why weren’t they all out there trying to calm the mob and get them to leave. Well, because they were terrified. Just look at Wimpy Lindsey screaming and berating a Capitol Police Officer for “not doing enough to protect us”.

Then we need to talk about those five people who died. We need to talk about those police officers who were beaten on the Capitol steps by these insurrectionists. Don’t the Republican Senators believe in “Blue Lives Matter” anymore? Or was that just fake talking points for which they are so good.

The real problem we have in this country right now is we have one political party that wants to govern. It doesn’t matter if you agree with everything they are trying to do, they are trying. The other party, the Republicans, are not interested in governing. They seem more worried about the moron who they enabled for the last four years and what he might say about them.

What we are seeing on the Republican side is a wildfire out of control. It is like the crazies in the party threw gasoline on their side of the aisle and then lit a match. The question is how does anyone “govern” when they are watching the other side go up in flames?

Today, we do not have a “Republican” nor a “Conservative” party. We have a party using the Republican name that is totally bonkers and only interested in personal power and “ruling” instead of governing a country. That party must come to terms with what it is. Either it is a fascist party intent on taking over the country, or they are a party that believes that our democracy is the right way to govern and that free and fair elections is how the people decide who will represent them.

I don’t know which side of that party is going to come out on top. But, I do know that if the impeachment trial does not result in a conviction as evidence will show should be the case, then that party will be held hostage by the moron for a very long time.

I believe we need both parties to be vibrant and believing in our democracy. So, if you are a “true Republican” you have two choices as I see it. You can either stand up and fight to gain your party back, or you can leave and form another party to fend off the crazies who took over the Republican party.

If you are a “true Republican” you believe in democracy. Therefore, you have no other choice except maybe joining the Democrats and actually help govern our nation. It is up to you if our nation survives or succumbs to the fascist wing of your party. The impeachment trial will give us a snapshot of which way you will go.

Republicans Tell Americans To Get Screwed – Jordan Receives “Most Stupid Representative” Award

On December 30, 2020 we have 340,000 people who have died from Coronavirus. We lost those 340,000 people in less than ten months. Yesterday, over 3,000 people died from the virus. More than died on 9/11 in a terrorist attack.

The country has record number of people in the hospital suffering from this virus. Some places like in Southern California are actually talking about cutting back on some services. Their ICUS are completely full. One Hospital even went so far as to convert their gift shop into an ICU unit.

Over 19 million Americans have been infected by this pandemic. We saw a huge surge of cases after the Thanksgiving holiday, and with record breaking numbers of travelers in this last week, we can expect another huge surge in the next few weeks.

A top Republican official from Massachusetts attended the Chanukah party that trump threw at the White House. He said he felt obligated to go because of his position in the party. Three days after the party, he was rushed to the hospital suffering from virus symptoms. He was actually hospitalized twice since then but is now recovering at home. Another victim of trump’s super spreader events at the White House. Naturally, almost no one at the party was wearing masks and he was not the only case from that party.

Yesterday, Congressman-elect Luke Letlow (R-LA) died from the virus. He caught the virus on December 18 and was later transported to the hospital. He is the first Congressman or Congressman-elect to have died from the virus.

On the economic front, things continue to get worse as well. As states begin to clamp down again on restaurants and bars as well as other businesses, more and more people are losing their jobs. We are again seeing over 800,000 people per week file for new unemployment insurance.

The economy is struggling along. The working class is being clobbered by the slowdown caused by the virus, but the CEOs and other “owners” of businesses are raking in the money. The top 1 percent earners have increased their input by over $300 billion since the pandemic started.

With fewer workers having to be paid and benefits having to be offered, profits have increased and the wealthy are getting wealthier and the rest of us are getting poorer. We still have those “critical” workers who need to go to work everyday, but it is almost impossible for those “critical” workers, outside of health care, to even get tested for the virus.

People like grocery clerks, stockmen, fast food workers are never tested and it is almost impossible for them to get one unless they show “severe symptoms” of the virus. These worker have not seen a pay raise for a year, and they are looking at not getting one at the start of the new year either.

So, up steps the Republican Party, a.k.a. American Fascist Party, to come to the aide of those they believe need their help. Except it isn’t the poor slobs who do the work, when it is available, and who desperately need help. No, to those people, they have the same thing to say they always do. They say “F… You!”

The House passed a clean bill to raise the $600 check for each American to $2,000 which they wanted all along and trump finally said he agreed to. So, the Democrats tried to get that bill passed in the Senate yesterday. Then we heard from Moscow Mitch. He said he “objected” and the bill was never voted on.

When the House voted on the bill, the excuses from Republicans were almost unbelievable. I say almost because in today’s Republican Party anything is believable. One said I object to the money because it would go toward people paying down credit card debt or making “new purchases online at Walmart, Best Buy or Amazon.” 

Isn’t that one of the purposes of the help? To help people get out of debt. Most of the people who get that money will use it to pay rent or pay for groceries or pay for medicine. But, we simply cannot help people get out of debt even if the policies of that party is what helped put them in debt in the first place.

Others are talking about the deficit. When they blew up the deficit with their give away tax breaks to the very wealthy and corporations the debt was not even considered. That caused an increase of over $2 trillion in new debt all by itself. But, now that the working slobs need help, they say “no we can’t help the people, we have to consider the debt”.

This is no surprise. This is the kind of talk the Republicans have used for decades. The only time the debt is important is if it will help average people, not big business or the very wealthy.

But, today’s award for the government’s “Most Stupid Person” goes to Representative Jim Jordan from Ohio. In his usual pandemic denial trumpian manner he tweeted yesterday: “60 million Americans are subject to stay at home order of curfew. 11 million are right here in Ohio. What would the Founders say?”

Well, Jimmy, I guess they don’t teach history at Ohio State University. Or, you just didn’t bother to open the book and read what was inside. The answer to your question is that the “Founders” would have agreed with the restrictions and even pass laws to help states enforce them.

We know this because we read the history books and not let them sit on the side of the bed on the floor. For example, during the American Revolution, George Washington worked to contain a smallpox epidemic by isolating anyone suspected of infection and limiting outside contact with his army.  In 1776, when the British withdrew from Boston, Washington mandated that only soldiers that had already been infected be allowed into the city.

Then we have 1796. That year, in response to a deadly yellow fever outbreak, Congress passed the first federal quarantine law, which was signed by Washington. It authorized the federal government to help states enforce quarantines as necessary.

There was a yellow fever outbreak in Philadelphia, then the nation’s capital, in 1793. Washington and the entire government left the city to avoid the outbreak and helped establish quarantine of the city.

Then in a Supreme Court case of Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11 (1905) the court upheld the state police powers in prioritizing health during emergencies and that individual liberty is not without limits.

So, Jimmy, there are your answers. If the Founders were around today, they would tell you to “shut the f… up and do what you are told for the health of your people”. I mean, if you are going to “wonder what the founders would say” you should at least know something about them and their history. Then you just might not look so stupid.

That goes for everyone else who believes you don’t have to wear a mask if one is mandated by your governor. The Founders you love to claim to love so much would make you wear the damn mask or possibly face jail time. They understood the common good and that public health is a priority for any nation. Too bad Republicans can’t follow their example.

It is SOOOO obvious to anyone with eyes and ears that they just don’t care about the people. They only care about their titles, positions and perceived p0wer. It is time they are all put on the unemployment rolls.

And, the shirts keep marching along.

More Abdication Of Leadership From This Administration

According to the CDC we have over 13.4 million people infected with the coronavirus and over 267,000 dead. According to Worldometer we have over 13.8 million infected and over 273,000 dead. We just ended the Thanksgiving Holiday weekend and millions of Americans went home for the holidays. That is both nice and also very dangerous.

As hospitals around the country are overfilled, as nurses and doctors are becoming in short supply around the country, and as thousands of people die every day, we are looking at the potential of this surge having another surge on top of it. The CDC says we can have over 60,000 people die before Christmas if this additional surge takes place.

In order to help avoid this mess, the CDC and other experts are recommending that everyone who traveled over this last weekend should “hunker down”. They recommend that everyone who traveled wear masks if they go out in public, stay at home if at all possible and that in the next four to five days they get tested for the virus.

By following these measures, it is possible to limit the spread of the virus by anyone who traveled this weekend. If they follow the guidelines being suggested, they can ensure they do not spread the virus accidentally. No one is saying that you may have got the virus at home, although that is possible, but traveling makes you more susceptible to catching the virus.

Everyone needs to be very careful in the next few weeks so we can keep another surge from hitting us. We need to be careful to ensure that our friends, coworkers and others are not infected by anyone who traveled over the weekend. It is just being smart, compassionate and careful. We are all in this together and it will take all of us to follow the guidelines to help slow down this pandemic.

We also now know what the administration’s plan to get the vaccines out to everyone are. They are not going to do much. They have already told states that they will have the ultimate responsibility to determine who should get the vaccine first. In typical trump fashion, they have washed their hands of any responsibility or any decision making in regards to the vaccines and their distribution.

So, they have decided that people like Governor Noemi of South Dakota and Brian Kemp of Georgia and DeSantis of Florida will make the decision of priority of vaccines. These are just a handful of Governors who followed trump and let their people get sick and die while they sat back and watched. yeah, we will all trust their decisions.

We saw what their “hands off” idea at the beginning of this pandemic resulted in. It resulted in more people dying from a virus that could have been contained than were killed in all of the wars we fought beginning with the Vietnam war. Now, after taking credit for private companies coming up with a vaccine, they once again won’t have anything to do with deciding which groups of people should be the first to get the vaccine.

States are grappling with the very idea of who should be the first to get the vaccine. We know that the “frontline workers” should be the first so we don’t lose anymore of them to the virus. But, who goes next? Should it be people in nursing homes and long term care facilities? What about the millions of people over 65 who don’t live in one of those facilities?

What about those who have been hit the hardest, like senior citizens, as well as African Americans, Latinos and Native Americans? They have been hit very hard by the virus in disproportionate numbers. How many doses of the vaccines are each state going to get? According to one report, the administration has decided to dole out the vaccines by population.

Okay, but that means that large states with huge numbers of the most vulnerable won’t get the numbers they need. And, the Midwest states won’t get nearly enough since their populations are much smaller than the large coastal states. As an example, the State of Illinois was originally told they would receive about 400,000 doses after the shots were approved. But, in the last few days they were told to expect only 80,000 doses.

This is playing out all over the country. Without any federal guidance on who should be vaccinated first, and a real plan to determine where the original 40 million doses should go, states are scrambling to make their own plans, again. There is nothing in the administration’s plan about the National Guard or any other military organization helping get the vaccines into people’s arms.

Also, remember, the Pfizer vaccine requires “cold storage” so how are small states, especially in rural parts of the state, going to handle this cold storage? There is nothing in their plan that addresses that either. No, in typical “hide in place” trump leadership, the federal government isn’t doing their job, again.

Then we have to worry about those “anti-vaxxers”. They are against any vaccine that was ever created. They seem to believe that if we do anything to protect ourselves from a disease that can kill millions of us, we are “un-American”. The QAnon group has become the leader in this anti-vaxxer movement. The conspiracy theory group who are about as batty as goony bird, want no one to take the vaccine.

Of course, they also don’t want anyone to wear a mask because they claim that mask wearing is a “government plot to control our behavior”. The vaccine, they claim, is just way for the government to “shoot a GPS microchip” into our brain so the government can “track our movement”. The real problem with this conspiracy theory is that too many Americans are actually falling for it.

Look, I know that there are valid reasons not to get a vaccine. I am a perfect example of someone who doesn’t always get vaccines. Not because I believe they are “bad” or some “government plot” but because I have serious reactions to some vaccines.

For example, I don’t get a flu shot because the shot actually makes me sicker than the flu would. The reaction I have to the flu shot is quite dramatic and I don’t get the shot because of that reaction. So far, fortunately, I don’t get the flu either. I have reactions to other vaccines that I needed when I was serving. So, when this vaccine does become available, I need to see the data about how it affects people like me who have serious reactions to some vaccines.

If it is determined that there is very limited problems to people like me, I will most likely get the vaccine. However, if is shows that people who have bad reactions to the flu shot have similar problems with this shot, maybe I won’t take the vaccine. So, there are valid reasons to not take a vaccine. But, these conspiracy theory wackos are not going to influence my decision. It will be made based on the data and how it may or may not affect me personally.

It is hoped that by the end of December we will start seeing the vaccines being distributed to the people. But, don’t get in a big rush to get yours right away because no one knows what the priority will be or even how many doses each state gets in the initial rollout. Nor does anyone know yet when the rural areas of each state will start to see their first doses either.

Now you know why the experts have been telling us that it will be spring or early summer before we see “mass” distribution of the vaccine across the country. And, since this “hands off” administration is once again ignoring its responsibilities to the American people, the next administration will be starting from scratch getting a “national plan” up and running to speed up the process.

If things keep going the way they are, we expect that well over 300,000 people will have died from the pandemic by inauguration day. That is the entire population of cities like Cincinnati, OH; St, Paul, MN; St. Louis, MO; and Pittsburg, PA. How is that for trump’s definition of “winning”?

Since news first broke about this coronavirus breaking out in China, our president and his administration have done nothing to protect us from its spread. Instead, they gave us false information, they lied to us, they gave us phony “advice” about “treatment medication” that was bogus and they watched as the pandemic spread out of control in our country killing hundreds of thousand of us.

Now, with the possible end in sight with these vaccines, they are still hiding from the truth. They almost seem to want more of us to die before the vaccine can get to everyone. It is so much like a death cult it is really scary. Once again, they are abdicating their responsibility to protect us and come up with a plan to smoothly distribute the vaccines.

What is the Republican Death Cult party doing about this lack of leadership? What is Moscow Mitch saying about this abdication of leadership? Well, as usual, nothing. They have gladly sold their soul to the devil and is willing to help him kill as many Americans as possible before he leaves office. There is no other explanation for their behavior during this crisis.

All of the people in Georgia need to remember this when they go to the polls in January to select their two Senators. If the incumbents win, Moscow Mitch will continue doing nothing and holding up any progress for our country’s health, economy and people.

And the shirts are STILL marching along.

Are You Helping The Coronavirus To Kill Us?

According to the CDC we now have over 12.5 million who have been infected and over 259,000 dead from the pandemic. According to Worldometer we have over 12.8 million infected and over 263,000 dead. The pandemic is raging out of control across the nation. The Midwest is being hit especially hard and the numbers are going to continue to grow.

With the nation averaging 1,500 deaths per day, we are looking at an additional 45,000 people dying by Christmas. Yet, too many people are not following CDC guidelines to protect themselves and those around them. States are pleading with people to follow the guidelines in order to slow this rampage down. But, people just aren’t listening.

Thanksgiving is just two days away. People are going to be gathering around the table, and since it will be in their own homes, no one will be wearing a mask. If the only people at the table live in that house, there is really no problem with that. However, too many will have family and friends who do not live in the house attending. Many will have traveled several states to get there.

As a result, there is the real possibility that these gatherings could spread the virus even more. Canada has their Thanksgiving one month before we do. Their numbers are nowhere close to ours. Yet after their Thanksgiving last month, Canada saw a big increase in the number of cases. There is nothing that predicts we won’t see the same surge after our Thanksgiving.

I know this has been a terrible year. We have had to contend with this pandemic without any leadership from our moron president. We have had to contend with our own family members and friends get sick and many die from this pandemic because the federal government had a “hands off” agenda in response to the virus.

I know that in the spring, most Americans did what they were asked to do. Many wore a mask and kept social distancing. It helped back then, and it can help now. But, too many people are finding excuses not to follow these guidelines and that is hurting us and allowing the rampage we are seeing.

The number one excuse, aside from the conspiracy nuts who still claim this virus is a hoax, is that people “are tired of the virus”. The argument goes that it has been around for so long and people are tired of not being able to live their lives the they way they want. They argue they want their “freedom” back. My answer to those people is a simple “poor baby”.

When this pandemic started, our moron president said we “were in a war” against the pandemic. Even though he quickly waived the white flag and surrendered to it does not mean we have to surrender to it as well. We are a hell of a lot smarter than the moron president.

If you are going to tell me you are “tired of the virus” I will say “poor baby”. I see on social media all of the time about “supporting our troops” by the very people who are complaining about wearing a stupid mask. Well, how about all of those troops who are fighting overseas to protect us? Don’t you think they get “tired of the war” and just want to go home and live in peace?

Fighting a real war against people shooting at you is a hell of a lot worse than simply wearing a mask to fight against a virus. Living in your own dirt for days moving around looking for the enemy is far worse than washing your hands all of the time. Yet, we expect those service men and women to continue to do their jobs and stay where they are.

So, how come it is so hard for you to join in the “war” against this virus and do your jobs by simply wearing a mask, keeping social distancing, and washing your bloody hands? Why is it so “draconian” to do what we need to do on the home front when we expect so much more of those on the real front lines?

Our parents and grandparents lived through World War II. They faced shortages of all kinds. There were food coupons, gas coupons and a lot of things that were not available because they came in materials needed for the war effort. Our parents and grandparents never threw up their hands and said “I am tired of the war so I won’t do my part anymore”.

Millions of our men and women were overseas during this war fighting against tyranny. They wanted to be home for Thanksgiving and Christmas, but they weren’t able to because of their job. When I was in the service, there were several holidays and family events that I missed because of my service.

There are now millions of front line workers in Hospitals, EMTs, Police, Fire that won’t be home on Thanksgiving because of their service. They are supporting us and trying to save the lives of those infected with this horrible virus. They are tired. Only their tiredness isn’t about the “virus” it is about the long hours and stress they are under trying to save our loved ones.

They continue to do what is right. They continue to wear masks even when they are not at work. They continue to social distance whenever possible. They are not complaining about these measures because they know these measures can save lives. They are sending out messages over social media explaining this to everyone who gives a damn. But, too many of you are ignoring their pleas. Why?

I keep hearing “I am so tired of this virus”. There are roughly 260,000 people who are no longer “tired of this virus” because it killed them. There are hundreds of thousands of Americans who will gather around a table in two days with empty chairs where their loved ones used to sit. There are thousands of families right now worried and scared because their loved ones are suffering of the virus in the hospital and may not be around next Thanksgiving or maybe even by Christmas.

That is what this is all about. These safety measure and guidelines from the CDC are about making that list of dead and sick go down. But, they will not work unless everyone looks at this “fight” as being a soldier at “war”. No one would “cheer” a soldier on the front line saying “I am tired of this war” and simply walking away. That soldier would be tried for desertion.

If you are so “tired of this virus” and are willing to “walk away” and not follow the guidelines to protect yourself and those around you, you are just as guilty as a soldier walking away from a battle. You are guilty of desertion.

We have seen at least two incidences of parents holding “dances” for high school children. Both had at least 250 teens attend without any social distancing and no masks. These parents are totally irresponsible. One of them from the latest dance in Georgia said that “making teens wear a mask is akin to child abuse”. How stupid can you get?

Well, stupid lady, how is it that potentially spreading a deadly virus among those teens who attended is NOT child abuse? How can anyone justify placing their own children in danger and try to justify that stupidity? Well, those parents are giving their children a less in desertion in the face of the enemy.

I know this has been a long year. I know that we all want to see our children and grandchildren for the holidays. But at what risk? What are we willing so sacrifice in order for a few hours of getting together? I am not willing to risk the lives of my children and grandchildren just for those few hours. I love them too much for that risk.

Throughout our history we have had those willing to wear the uniform to protect us from danger. They have been willing to risk their lives so we can maintain our freedoms. My father was one of them. I was one of them. My yo0ungest son was one of them.

Ask yourself this simple question. If these brave men and women can risk everything for us to be safe, why is it so hard for us to wear a mask, social distance, wash our hands, and avoid large gatherings in order to keep ourselves and those around us safe from this virus? Think about this, the life you save may be a family member of one of our troops serving overseas for us.

In our history, whenever we have faced an enemy of any kind, we have pulled together as a nation to beat that enemy off. We have all sacrificed until the very end. Once the end came we celebrated with joy knowing we still have our freedoms and our nation.

I am sorry, but if you are one of those who think that you can do whatever you want during this rampaging pandemic, then you are a selfish, stupid, and dangerous person. You are a deserter in the face of the enemy in this war against the virus. To put it simply, you are actually “aiding and abetting the enemy” with your reckless and careless behavior. In a real shooting war, that is called treason.

To me, the choice is very easy. You are either with our nation in our battle against this virus, or you are with the enemy. When it comes to this war against the virus, are you a patriot or a traitor?

And, the shirts keep marching along.

The GOP Death Cult Runs Wild

The GOP Death Cult is running wild. They are willing to risk the health and safety of anyone who says the Coronavirus is real and deadly. Over 10 million people in our country have been infected and over 145,000 have died from the virus according to the CDC. According to Worlometer, we have over 10.2 million infected and over 151,000 dead.

Yet the GOP Death Cult is still trying to tell us it is all a hoax or “nothing” to worry about. There are examples from all across the country about this and they are “proud” of what they are doing. It is total madness. But, these are also the same people who follow a “madman” who is their supreme leader.

Rural hospitals all across the nation are being overrun with new cases of the sick. These hospitals are mostly in “trump county”. They are usually small and have been struggling financially for years. Yet, they are not immune to the mess that this pandemic is causing. Furthermore, they are not getting any assistance from this administration.

Since the ACA became law, we saw rural bankruptcies decline. However some have gone bankrupt. These are located in states where the governors and state legislatures in the so-called “red states” refused to expand Medicaid. Therefore, people in these rural communities who depend on Medicaid for their health insurance were denied coverage. In North Carolina for example, it is estimated that over 500,000 people were denied coverage under Medicaid. The vast majority of them live in rural areas where hospitals are small and in many cases rare and many have gone under and closed.

These are the areas that are now being hard hit by this virus. These are the very people that trump claims as “his people”. Yet, he is abandoning them to this virus and is doing nothing to help them.

There are other examples of this GOP Death Cult. In a small trump supporting town in Missouri called Rolla there was what can only be defined as a superspeader event. In this town a High School “dance” was held at a private steak house.

This event was not organized by the High School. It was organized by parents of students at the High School. Even though masks were “made available” almost no one wore one. This was like a formal dance and students from all grades attended.

However, the parents who organized this event tried to do it in secret. They did not keep a list of who attended so if an outbreak did occur, contract tracing could take place. As a result of this event, there has been an outbreak. In this small town, 70 people came down with new cases of the virus in just two days.

As new cases started popping up, the Health Department tried to find out how many people attended this “dance” and who they were so they could contract trace them. Except they were stymied from doing their job. Unfortunately, this was no accident. It was deliberate.

The health department was told “by community members and those in attendance” that organizers intentionally hid the number and identity of those in attendance to avoid contact tracing in the event of an outbreak, according to Wann from the public health department. That account of deliberate epidemiological obfuscation was bolstered by a handful of accounts from residents. As new cases started popping up, the Health Department tried to find out how many people attended this “dance” and who they were so they could contract trace them.

As a result, at least seven cases have been tied back directly to this “dance” The school has seen a huge increase in cases and number of absentees. So, they have decided they need to take their classes virtual until at least November 23. This “dance” happened on November 7. We can expect more cases as time goes by.

This is insane. Even more insane is the response from members of the community. One mother who said her daughter did not attend the dance said she still put the health department number in her phone so she could ignore any calls from them.

“I’m sorry, but if you’re OK with your kid ratting other kids out to the health department for attending a private event, you are the bigger problem… SMDH SOCIALISM,” she wrote. “I don’t have to answer any of their questions. F#%* them.”

“This is how it all starts,” she continued. “Dividing, labeling. Your home raided in the middle of the night. Don’t think it could happen here? Think again. The difference is, our citizens are armed, according to their constitutional rights.”

If this small town becomes a very hot spot for the virus, they can thank the irresponsible parents who organized this “dance”. They can also look in the mirror and blame themselves for being so ignorant about how deadly this is. How can any parent be hoodwinked into allowing their children to participate in such an event in the middle of a pandemic? If there is anything that can be called “child abuse” it is actions like this by stupid, irresponsible parents.

But, the GOP Death Cult is not just among the citizens supporting the supreme leader. It s also in the State Legislatures in some states. The Minnesota Senate held a special session on Thursday. It was after this session that the “stuff hit the fan”.

Earlier this month, the GOP held a party caucus. Nothing major. Except, one GOP Senator tested positive for the virus. That led to an outbreak among the GOP. So, they decided to send out a warning. On Tuesday the GOP leaders sent out a memo to inform people of this outbreak.

There was a “tiny” problem with this memo. It was ONLY sent to the GOP members and staff of the state Senate. No one forwarded this memo to any member of the Democratic members of the Senate. The memo went so far as to tell GOP staff to work from home.

On Thursday, they held their special session and still did not tell the Democrats about the outbreak. Democratic Senators and their staff share the same spaces with their GOP counterparts. But, the GOP leadership didn’t bother to let anyone except their own caucus know about the outbreak.

It must be noted here that the Democratic Party in Minnesota is officially known as the Democrat-Farmer-Labor party. Their leader in the Senate said this: “It is outrageous and completely unacceptable that Senate DFL members were not notified of the recent COVID-19 outbreak among Senate Republicans prior to Thursday’s floor session. This lack of transparency is a blatant disregard for the health and safety of others: our DFL and nonpartisan staff, members, and the communities we go home to.”

But, that didn’t impress the GOP Death Cult. In another memo, they defended their actions. They said in that memo that “the only people in close, prolonged contact with COVID-positive GOP senators were GOP senators and some GOP staff.” Except that isn’t true. Members of the DFL have now tested positive for the virus as well.

As you can see, we are facing this huge spike in cases of this deadly pandemic and one party has turned itself into a “death cult” just to make their supreme leader happy. They have absolutely no concern for anyone except themselves.

If someone in their caucus get the virus, they say “don’t tell the other side”. If reckless and stupid parents want to hold a party for their children in a closed space without masks “don’t tell the health department”. And, keep the attendees secret so the health department can’t find anyone who may have gotten sick at the event.

This is today’s GOP. It does not care about anyone. They don’t even care about their own people or their own kids. All they care about is making their supreme leader proud of their stupidity. Oh, they will shout about their right to have guns, but they won’t admit that you have a right to live. They won’t admit that their behavior is jeopardizing yours and the rest of the community’s healthy and safety.

No, all that matters is them. The rest of the nation can just die and if they can help speed up our dying by either holding supresperader events or keeping outbreaks secret, that is just fine with them, even if it’s their own children they are risking. How pathetic and how un-American can you get?

We MUST stop these shirts from marching along.

Trump’s Behavior Is Not Just Childish – It’s Potentially Deadly

The behavior of our supreme leader, at least in his mind, is not only childish, it is deadly. Yesterday we had over 144,000 new cases of the virus and over 1,800 die from the virus. We now have well over 10.5 million people infected and over 244,000 dead.

We also learned that Mark Meadow and Ben Carlson apparently caught the virus at an “election night party” held at the White House. They are not the only cases either. So, this means that there have been at least two super spreader events held at the White House in just two months.

With the high number of new cases being reported everyday and the number of deaths and hospitalizations rising faster than a loaf of bread, the head of the White House Task Force decided now is a great time to “take a vacation”. Yes, Sgt. Schultz has decided he needs a vacation right now. He can “think” about the virus when he gets back, I guess.

Although 40 states are recording record number of cases every single day right now, it is the Midwest that is being ravaged the most. This is the part of the country that most people call “trump country” and they are led by wonderful Governors like Noem in South Dakota. This “good Christian governor” has decided it is not her responsibility to “reign in the virus” to protect her citizens. So, she has done nothing but sit back and watch South Dakotans die by the thousands.

She isn’t alone either. North Dakota is also drowning in coronavirus cases. In fact, most of the states in the Midwest are at the breaking point for hospital room. They are being overrun with cases and hospitalizations. That also means that other people with serious conditions not related to the virus cannot get adequate treatment at the hospital.

I have wondered since this pandemic started just how many people with heart conditions died because they couldn’t get adequate treatment at a hospital because it was full of coronavirus patients. Or, how many may have died waiting for an ambulance to show up because they were all too busy shuttling covid patients to the hospital.

Those are numbers we will probably never know. We will probably never know how many people died from something other than covid because of the covid pandemic causing delays in their treatment. Those are stories we have not heard about. But, we also know that there have been cases like this because hospitals and front line workers can only do so much.

So, we get to the obstruction of the trump administration of the transition from his administration to the Biden administration. Let me put it this way. In 2000, there was a contested election between Al Gore and George W. Bush. In that election there were problems with less than 1,000 votes in Florida. There were court battles because of what we came to know as the “hanging chad” mess.

The election was finally decided in December of that year. As a result of that fight, the transition between the Clinton administration and the Bush administration was held up until Florida was determined.

Because of this “delay” in the transition work, the Bush administration was short-staffed, especially in National Security positions, when they took office. On September 11 of that year, we witnessed two planes full of passengers hit each of the twin towers in New York. We witnessed another plane full of passengers hit the Pentagon. We witnessed a fourth plan crash in Pennsylvania after the passengers on that flight fought back against the terrorists who were trying to fly to Washington and hit the Capital Building.

It was the worst terrorist attack on American soil in history. Afterwards, there was a commission set up to determine how this happened and what may have caused the attack to take place. There was one thing that stood out in the report. That was they determined that the delay in the transition teams working together was a major contributing factor in the attacks taking place.

There were some vague signs that something was afoot. However, since the transition was delayed so long, Bush administration officials were unable to see all of the intelligence about any possible attacks. And, once they took office, they were short-staffed and missed more information.

Whenever we transition from one administration to the next, we are vulnerable to outside problems. One little known fact is that with proper transition, a possible terrorist attack scheduled for inauguration day for Obama was adverted and the terrorists were caught.

These are exactly the kind of things that can happen when one administration doesn’t have a smooth transition. In 2000 it wasn’t because of a “hissy fit” by any president. It was because of valid objections to results in ONE state that was fewer than 1,000 votes.

This time we are having a delay in transition work because of a “hissy fit” not credible evidence of any wrong doing by anyone. That places our national security at risk. It also puts our coronavirus work at risk and puts Americans lives at risk.

But, triviality is a trump trade mark. He doesn’t care about anyone but himself. And, his enablers in the Republican Politburo are allowing him to play out his fantasy. They are still o-for in their court cases. Furthermore, like yesterday, their own lawyers are saying in court they don’t have any evidence of massive voter fraud.

So, up steps Project Veritas. You remember them. They are the ultra conservative group that goes around secretly taping conversations in a “got ya” moment to prove Democrats are all screaming socialists trying to take down our country. They pulled out their tape recorders and taped a Postal Worker in Pennsylvania. According to the allegations, they received a “whistleblower” account of how the Post Office in Erie County were told to “back date” ballots so they would be able to be counted. “Here is the proof” they shouted.

Sorry, there wasn’t the proof. The worker Richard Hopkins admitted to the Inspector General of the Post Office that it was fabricated. Project Veritas claimed that Hopkins was intimidated by the investigators but stood by his original story.

They released a two-h0ur recording to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Hopkins was “standing by his story”. Only, that isn’t what is on the tape. Instead, Hopkins did not stand by his story. Instead when asked if he still stands by his story by an investigator, he said:  “At this point? No.” He went further to say his allegation had stemmed from “assumptions” he made after overhearing tidbits of staffers’ conversations in the mail facility.

Then came the final hammer in the coffin. He said the original statement was “written by Project Veritas”. He further stated that he wasn’t even entirely sure of what the group had included in it because he was in “so much shock I wasn’t paying that much attention to what they were telling me.”

Several times on his show, Sean Hannity has jumped all over this “whistleblower” and claiming that his affidavit was “proof” of “ballot-tampering”. OOPS! This is a perfect example of team trump’s actions. If they can’t find their proof, they will wait for someone like Project Veritas to make it up for them and then complain they aren’t being taken seriously enough.

Every official from every state in our country, both Democratic and Republican who were in charge of our election ALL say there is NO EVIDENCE of any VOTER FRAUD in this past election. That is 50 people in a bipartisan manner claiming NO VOTER FRAUD in this election.

Yet trump wants us to believe him over these 50 elected government officials from both parties. Sorry, I will believe them long before I will believe anything that comes out of trump’s mouth.

Because of his “hissy fit” about being fired by the vast majority of the American People, we are witnessing the deliberate disruption of a smooth transition between the outgoing administration and the incoming one.

As we saw with the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 that can be a deadly thing. As we are witnessing with the coronavirus pandemic raging out of control, that will be a deadly thing. It isn’t just the response to the pandemic at risk, it is also the distribution of any vaccine that may be ready.

There are other issues this “hissy fit” is causing. The leader of the Proud Boys posted on his page the other day that “the stand-by order is rescinded” and that they will begin to “deploy” on American streets again. Yesterday a man in Utah was speeding down Interstate 80 at over 100 MPH. Police chased him on the snow covered road and finally managed to stop him. The man was high on drugs and totally drunk.

When he was questioned, the man said he was “on my way to kill” former Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill if “she wasn’t already dead”. Now most people will say this was some deranged kook high on drugs and alcohol and didn’t really mean anything. But, that last part “if she wasn’t already dead” suggests something more nefarious. We have to ask if he was really acting alone or is McCaskill still in danger? Utah police have not released any more information on this man or why he wanted to even kill McCaskill since she isn’t in office anymore.

Now you can see why trump’s behavior is not just childish. It can be very dangerous and very deadly. It must stop. He lost, period. It is time for Moscow Mitch and the rest of the Republican Politburo to say so and stop this madness. Humoring him isn’t the answer. I wonder if they might stop when someone actually dies from this reckless behavior. That is someone other than the thousands dying every day from a pandemic that could have been slowed or stopped if they had done their jobs seven months ago.

We must stop the shirts from marching along.

When All Else Fails – Throw A Tantrum

Yesterday as we awaited more results from the election, we set another record. Over 121,000 new cases of coronavirus were reported. The irony, or real sad part of this, is that the vast majority of these new cases have taken place in “trump country”.

As these people went to the polls and voted for trump, their neighbors, family members and possibly themselves were being infected by the virus. A reasonable person would have to ask a simple question. “What the hell are you thinking?”

That question is not intended to be a “put down” to trump voters, it is just asking how can you support a man who doesn’t care about your health? How can you support a man who seems to like the idea that a pandemic is killing us, and especially his own supporters? Sorry, but I just don’t get it!

According to the CDC we now have over 9.7 million people infected and over 235,000 dead from the virus. According to Worldometer we have over 9.9 million infected and over 241,000 dead. We still lead the world in the number of people infected and dead from this virus. As trump would ask: “are you tired of winning yet?”

Since these new cases are mostly in trump country, that means rural hospitals are being overrun with cases. That means that the blue collar white workers and the rural workers are most at risk for catching and/or dying from this virus. Still, trump doesn’t care a bit. He won’t even talk about the virus. He won’t even talk about the hundreds of thousands of people who have died from the virus. All he wants to talk about is himself.

Speaking of himself, we have the election results still coming in. This morning, Joe Biden took the lead in Pennsylvania and Georgia. Both are very small leads, and if they hold as they are, there will obviously be a recount. Biden still holds a lead in Arizona and Nevada.

It appears, though not certain, that Biden is on track to lock up the election today or tomorrow at the latest. And, in usual trump fashion, he isn’t taking the news very well. He and his team have launched all kinds of suits against the election trying to get the results overturned.

These law suits have had no merit to them at all. As a matter of fact, there has been no evidence of any kind offered to show their claim has any merit. All they are going into court with is conspiracy theories and nonsense. As a results, the courts have rejected or tossed out almost all of their cases.

In Pennsylvania for example, they filed a suit claiming that their observers were being “locked out” of the process. But when questioned by the judge, it was discovered that their observers were in fact in the room and not locked out. But, they then charged that their observers were “too far away” from the counting process.

The State has passed a rule that made ALL observers to remain six feet away from those counting votes because of the virus. Both sides were required to remain that far away. But, I guess the trump observers were all part blind so they couldn’t see well enough. Talk about a suit being petty bullshit.

He and his campaign keep running to the microphones in select states claiming there has been “massive voter fraud”. Of course they are only claiming that in states he is losing. If there has been such a “massive voter fraud” going on during the election, then maybe we should look at the “massive voter fraud” that allowed Lindsey Graham win his seat. Or maybe we should look at the “massive voter fraud” that got Moscow Mitch reelected.

We aren’t because there hasn’t been any “massive voter fraud”. What has been happening is that the system is working the way it is supposed to work and the way it has always worked. Legal votes are being counted. They may not be counted as fast as some would like, but they are being counted. And, there has been not one complaint from either side documented of any evidence about any improprieties during this counting process.

The path for victor for trump is shutting down rapidly. If the results in Pennsylvania keep going the way they are, Biden will be declared the winner. The odd point in Pennsylvania unlike other states is that even in deep red counties where trump actually has won, the absentee ballots are going heavily for Biden. In deep red counties of Pennsylvania, absentee ballots are swinging in Biden’s favor by about 69 percent. That is what is helping Biden win Pennsylvania. Not just the heavily Democratic areas of the state.

If the trend continues in those states still left to be called, especially Pennsylvania, trump will lose his reelection bid. The popular vote has Biden up by around 5 million votes nationally. Biden has received more popular votes than anyone in history. We have never seen anyone receive this any votes nationally.

It appears that the majority of Americans have strongly rejected trumpism. However, too many trumpists still remain and still support him. That means no matter who wins the final outcome, the country will remain divided thanks to our dear failure-in-chief.

If you want to know just how bad things can get, just look at what got Steve Bannon, a rabid trump supporter banned from twitter because of his podcast. He said that Dr. Fauci and the Director of the FBI Christopher Wray should be “beheaded” and their “heads placed on a spike in front of the White House as a warning to the Federal Bureaucrats”. That is the kind of stupidity that has divided us so much and what trump really loves to hear.

I do have another question to ask. This question is aimed at all of the lawyers who are supporting and representing trump and his campaign in court. I am not talking about Republican suits, I am talking about team trump suits. The question is simple. “Do you really expect to be paid for your hard work?”

Don’t forget that trump has a very long history of not paying his bills. He will probably make all of these lawyers sue him and his campaign for their work in these law suits. If he loses those suits he will claim “there is no money left in the campaign coffers”. If they were really smart, they would have made the campaign pre-pay for their work. At least that way they would get some money from the deadbeat.

Hopefully by the end of today we will have a clear understanding if Biden is the winner or not. Hopefully by the end of today, we will know whether or not trump was ousted by the people. However, don’t expect it all to end once Biden clinches the votes. Our failure-in-chief will continue with his temper tantrum law suits hoping the Supreme Court will step in and declare him the winner regardless of what the people say.

In honesty I would be shocked if the Supreme Court would take such a step even as it is constituted. But, in today’s world of trumpism anything is possible. If somehow the Supreme Court does step in and overturn the results of the election, the Great American Experiment will come crashing down around us. It will all be over and democracy as we have known it will disappear from our shores.

In the meantime, we will continue to struggle along with our lives. We continue to struggle with the pandemic. We will continue to see our neighbors and/or family members die from this deadly virus.

And, we will not hear a single word from the man whose primary job is to “protect the people of the U.S” about any of it. All we will hear is how he “got cheated” because he couldn’t get enough of the people to believe in him.

His niece Mary said this is the first time in his life that he doesn’t have someone to “bail him out” or to “buy him out” of his own failures. He just doesn’t know what to do except throw a temper tantrum.

I like what former GOP Chairman Michael Steele said. He said the other day “It is time to let the spoiled brat stand in the middle of the mall and stomp his feet as we walk away from him.”

Yet, the shirts keep marching along.

After Results Are In – We Will Be Still Waiting

Well, trump finally got his wish. He has managed to take the pandemic from the headlines and lead stories for at least a few days. That is of course, except here. Yesterday, the day after election day, we recorded over 107,000 new cases of the virus. According to the CDC we now have over 8.5 million infections and 235,000 deaths. According to Worldometer we have over 9.8 million infected and 240,000 deaths.

There is still no national plan to fight the virus. There is still no national mandate for everyone to wear a mask. There is still no plan for quick testing for our schools or businesses so we can reopen the country more. All we have is the president failing, still, to even acknowledge the seriousness of all of these people getting sick and dying from this disease.

But, here we are two days after the election and waiting for the final results. That is not unusual, especially since so many people opted to vote by mail instead of waiting in line and risking getting the virus just to vote.

Republicans are complaining about how long it is taking to count the votes. However, they are the ones who passed state laws that kept many states from even starting to count the mail-in ballots until either the morning of election day or in many cases after the polls closed.

These laws that restrict when absentee ballots can be counted are a result of THIER laws, not Democrats. As a result, millions of ballots had to sit in a bin waiting for a certain time of day or even a certain day before they could be counted. If those laws were not in existence, we would already know the full results, or rather about 99 percent of the full results.

I really don’t have a clue yet as to who is going to actually win the election. But, I do find it strange that even before the votes are counted, trump and his team have already started filing law suits. And, for some reason, they don’t seem to be talking to each other before the suits are filed.

For example, in Pennsylvania, there were two suits filed yesterday. In one the trump team said that the counting of ballots should be stopped. In the other one they complained that counting those ballots were “taking too long and should be sped up”. Well, which is it?

They filed a law suit in Michigan to stop the counting of ballots. But, they waited until AFTER Biden took the lead before wanting the ballots to be stopped from being counted. I don’t understand why a losing candidate would want to stop counting ballots. But, that is trump.

While team trump is trying to stop the counting in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Georgia they are actively wanting the counting to continue in Arizona. What makes these states different from Arizona? Well, in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Georgia trump’s lead is shrinking with the ballots being counted. He thinks in Arizona he will overcome Biden’s lead by counting more ballots.

As I have gleaned through the suits that have been filed, there really isn’t any real legal reason given for the suits. There are a lot of statements but no evidence to back up any of those statements. One of the biggest complaints is that not enough people are allowed to “observe” the counting.

Well, in Michigan for example, the state decided to limit the number of people allowed into the counting room because of the virus. Democrats and Republicans from the state got together and decided on a fair way to conduct the counting. They decided that each side would get one lawyer from each of the districts to observe the counting. From what I have seen in local coverage, there has been no complaints about the process from either side. But, that didn’t stop trump from filing a suit to stop the counting anyway.

What I am really hoping for is that Arizona and Nevada both go for Biden today. That will give him the 270 he needs to be declared the winner. I hope for that because all of the shenanigans going on in Pennsylvania has already been shown to be a scam. The Republican controlled State Legislature made their intentions very clear from the beginning.

They said they wanted to have total confusion by the date when the election is to be certified. When that happens, they plan to “take matters into their own hands”. What they plan to do is override the electorate and their votes and declare their own set of delegates to the Electoral College and they will be a “trump delegation”.

They claim that what they will be doing is actually selecting the slate based on “who they believe the people ‘really’ wanted to vote for”. In other words, they plan to openly steal their electoral delegation because they don’t like how their citizens voted. According to this State Legislature, the people of Pennsylvania are actually too stupid to be allowed to select who won the state. So, here comes the Republican State Legislature riding to “rescue” them from their own stupidity. How is that for governing?

This whole scheme is not some dark channel conspiracy theory. It is fact. The head of the State Legislature and the head of the Republican Party openly declared this to be their plan over a month ago. They even suggested other Republican controlled states do the same thing so trump would be assured to be declared the winner.

I do not know who will actually win the election, though Biden has more paths to 270 than trump. But, I do know that America has lost this election. This is far worse than 1968 when George Wallace ran as an independent. Wallace gleaned more votes than expected. It was the number of people that voted for Wallace that scared most reasonable people.

After four years of living in pure hell under a dictator wanna-be. Watching him abuse the office for personal gain. Watching him destroy our alliances. Watching him stoke fear and hate among our citizens. Watching him attack women, especially women of color in heinous fashion. Watching him cozy up to other dictators like Putin and Kim Jung Un. Watching him extort a foreign government to force them to “gather” evidence against his opponent. Watching him allow a deadly pandemic run rampant through our country killing hundreds of thousands of people.

After all of this, we still have so many people either believing everything he has done is perfectly okay, or at least not having the courage to say enough is enough and get rid of him. Even if trump loses this election, we will still be scarred by trumpism. We will still have the white supremacists and right-wing wacko militias trying to destroy us from within.

In my opinion, it will take us at least ten years to erase the mess and repair the damage of this president’s four years. If he somehow wins reelection, I am afraid we are doomed to dictatorship and our grandchildren will never enjoy the America we have had. Hopefully we will know by the end of the week.

But, then we will have to wait and watch as trump throws his hissy fits in the courts demanding they “overturn” the will of the people. If his Supreme Court does weigh in and do that, the end will not be near, it will be at hand.

Still, the shirts are marching along.

Decision Day – Democracy Or Autocracy – That Is Our Choice

Today is the final day you can cast your vote. However, more than 232,000 people will not be able to vote this year. They can’t vote because they have been killed by the coronavirus. They all did not have to die. They did not all have to be infected with the virus.

They were infected and died because the president did nothing to slow the spread of the virus. He pretended it did not exist. He pretended it would “all go away”. He lied to us about how serious it was and simply did not care if you got sick or died from it. All he cared about was two things. First, it happened on his watch and made him look bad. Second, it got more press than he did.

That is the simple facts. He was not the cause of the virus. Nature was the cause of the virus. But, he is the cause that we have suffered more than any other nation in the world from it. He is the cause that so many of our people died from the virus. His inaction was criminal.

However, being criminal is nothing new to trump. He was impeached for being a criminal using YOUR money to extort a foreign government. He has flouted the emoluments clause of the Constitution. He has allowed every member of his administration to violate the Hatch Act by allowing them to campaign on government time and money.

As we head into the final day of voting, he is announcing his plans to disenfranchise millions of votes because they “won’t be counted by the end of today”. Let me tell you this. Never in our history has every state counted all of the ballots by the end of “election day”. There is always a lag between election day and final results.

This is because of absentee ballots, or mail-in ballots. They are required by almost every state to be “postmarked” by election day. That means they are not all in on election day. As a result, many of these ballots has historically been counted days after the formal election day. And by the way, millions of those ballots have been cast by military personnel stationed overseas.

But trump and his Politburo don’t want that to happen this year. They are afraid that for the first time, Democratic votes outnumber Republican votes because more Democrats requested absentee ballots than Republicans. As a result, they are prepared to make sure those ballots are not counted. The irony is that a lot of those ballots will actually be marked for trump. Yet, they don’t want them counted because they want to steal the election.

That is not my opinion. It is what trump and the Politburo have announced they plan to do for the last four months, at least. And trump even said so the other day. He announced that once the “polling places close I am sending in the lawyers”. He really believes he can stop vote counting and steal the election that way.

To be honest, I have more faith in our election process than trump does. I believe that the poll workers are honest people who are just trying to ensure that our election goes off just like they have since we became a nation.

Of course, the best way to head off this attempt to steal the election is for everyone to vote. The bigger the election win for Biden, the least likely trump will be able to steal it. We have seen record numbers of people vote during the early voting season. Almost 100 million people have already voted. That is more than two-thirds of everyone who voted in 2016. That is a good sign.

However, we cannot let up. If you have not voted, you must go to the polls and cast your vote. You cannot let trump nor his enablers or thug supporters to keep you from voting. If you love your democracy, your country and consider yourself a “patriot” you must go to the polls and vote. I does matter. YOUR vote does count.

As I have written before, every freedom and every right you enjoy living in our country comes from your DUTY to vote. Voting is not just a right. It is a civic duty because your voice is needed to make sure our system works. The more people who vote, the better our country will be and the better our democracy will work.

We have lived in hell for the last four years. Don’t kid yoursleves. We have seen children ripped from their parents who came here seeking asylum from violence. Many of those children have still not been reunited with their parents. We have seen those childeren placed in cages and forced to sleep on concrete floors.

We have witnessed a virus be allowed to run rampant through our society. We have seen our economy destroyed by that virus. We keep hearing that it was the best ever and that trump made it that way. That is a lie. He inherited a growing and healthy economy from Obama. Then like everything else he inherited, he ran it into the ground with his lack of action about the virus.

We hear trump claim he had the “best stock market” in history. That is also not true. As a matter of fact, the stock market grew less under his watch than it did under three of his predecessors. Under Obama the stock market grew by 62 percent. Under Clinton it grew by 62 percent. Under George H. W. Bush it grew by 45 percent. Under trump it grew by 42 percent. So, he is not the “miracle worker” for the economy he claims to be.

We have heard reports that Putin put bounties on the heads of our troops and the coalition forces fighting with us in Afghanistan. Our failure did nothing about it. He never even called Putin to warn him it better not be true or there would be consequences. He allowed this crime to take place with no concern for our fighting forces.

He repaired about 400 miles of his vaunted border wall, then called it “new” wall. In fact, he has built about 4 miles of “new” fencing. By the way, Mexico has not paid a cent to help build his wall as he promised us. YOU paid for this Berlin Wall. He took credit for a bill helping veterans who had trouble getting appointments at the VA. But, that bill was signed by Obama two years before he took office.

He has sown division everywhere he has gone. He has attacked Gold Star families. He calls our free press the “enemy of the people”. He attacks his own administration because they won’t all go along with his schemes to “lock up” his opponents.

He has given white supremacists and fringe wacko militia types the green light to attack any people of color they choose. He doesn’t care about equality. He believes that only white people have rights. He is an open rascist and doesn’t care if you know it.

These are just some of the evidence that we have lived in hell for the last four years. Today is the last day to vote him out of office once and for all. Every election we hear that “this is the most important election in history”. This year, that statement is true. This election we are not just choosing between two men and two parties.

This year we are choosing our future and how our children and grandchildren will live. Will we leave them a free country with rights and liberties, or will we leave them with a Soviet styled dictatorship led by a white supremacist?

Are we going to leave them with a society that is united and working together to make our country even better, or are we going to leave them with a society where the privileged gain everything and we lose everything?

Are we going to leave them with a society where the idea of “justice for all” means something, or are we going to leave them with a society where only certain people are subject to justice? If you are a “friend” or supporter of the leader, you are above the law.

Are we going to leave them a society that is diverse and strong and working, or are we going to leave them a society that is divided and some people are “not worthy” of their freedoms because of their color or their religion or their love life?

For the first time in my lifetime, we are being forced to choose between the America that is the oldest democracy in the world or if we are going to allow it to become a dictatorship and live under the yoke of oppression.

Are we going to live in a free society with equality for all, or are we going to have a country, as Lindsey Graham said, African Americans and women have a place in America only if they follow “certain rules?”

Our supreme leader and his Politburo want us to live in Lindsey Graham’s America. They don’t want equality or justice. They want pure naked power and we are to live as they tell us how to live. I say NO! I say it is time for the entire bunch of autocrats of the Politburo party to be shoved out the door along with their supreme leader.

I ask that you join the rest of free Americans and reject this autocrat and his enablers. If you haven’t already done so, go to the polls and VOTE like your life depends on it. For the first time, it just might.


The Cowards Keep Acting Tough – They aren’t – Just VOTE Them Out

One day before the official election day here are the gruesome numbers. According to the CDC we have over 9.21 million people infected by the coronavirus and over 231,000 dead. According to Worldometer we have over 8.4 million infected and over 236,000 dead. These numbers, according to our supreme leader is proof he is “doing a tremendous job responding to the virus”. The only explanation for that kind of talk is that he wants to kill us all off.

The election has become a fight for our soul and our democracy. In trump we have a thug who believes that violence is the only way he can win the election. He believes that violence against his opponents is the “best” way to make sure he wins because he believes it will keep people from the polls.

He knows that if there is a huge turnout, he and his Republican Politburo will go down in defeat. That is the history of our elections for many decades. Small turnouts means Republican Politburo win and large turnouts means Democrats win. So, in order to stand a chance, the Politburo needs to suppress the vote any way they can.

It turns out that incident in Texas the other day when his supporters tried to run the Biden Bus off the road was worse than we thought. The “caravan” deliberately cut off the bus and made it slow to 25 MPH on a major interstate. Also, because of their reckless and dangerous behavior, they caused an accident when they also cut off an SUV being driven by a Biden supporter.

This action is NOT peaceful protests. As trump himself would say, it is “criminal and reckless behavior that endangers the lives of the citizens”. But, since it was his people conducting this reckless and dangerous action, he praised it. But, the Texas State Police apparently doesn’t see it his way. They have opened an investigation into the matter. As a matter of fact, the FBI has also opened an investigation into the matter, which has made trump blow his top, again.

The real problem is this is not an isolated incident. Voters across the country have reported crowds and caravans of Trump supporters honking, jeering and intimidating civilians near polling places as early voting began. One video posted to social media appeared to show police in Fort Worth, TX accompanying trump supporters on Friday as they drove up to a polling place in a predominantly Black neighborhood. Other videos showed a similar caravan in Virginia, New Jersey and New York. State and locals laws vary on how close such activity can be to polling places, or what qualifies as illegal voter intimidation.

In North Carolina we saw police and sheriff deputies pepper spray a peaceful march to the polls on Saturday. During that incident, police arrested several people, including local journalists who were reporting on the march. There was no provocation, just people who wanted to march to the polls and stop for a bit for a moment of silence for George Floyd.

Our president, who likes to call himself a “law and order” president is actively encouraging these illegal activities in his name. He praised the Texas incident at least three times yesterday. He called these highway criminals “patriots” and said “I don’t think they did anything wrong”. Sorry, but causing an accident IS doing something wrong.

We have seen armed “militia” people show up at polls during the early voting period trying to block the entrances. Anyone who tells me it is okay to bring your guns to a polling place is not in favor of democracy. They are in favor of autocracy as long as their side is the one in control. Armed militia at the polling places is nothing short of voter intimidation.

Our failure and his politburo are so afraid that they are going to be trounced tomorrow that they are already stating that as soon as the polls close they are “heading to court” to throw out as many ballots as possible. They have also made it very clear that only Democratic areas are being “targeted” for these court actions. Not one Republican Politburo stronghold is included in any of the sham law suits that have already been filed by these cowards.

We are also seeing just how “tough” this moron who sits in the White House really is. It was announced that beginning today a “non-scalable” wall will be erected around the White House. The claim is that they are “preparing for possible violence” due to the election. Especially in the District, precautions are always made in case of violence during elections.

However, in my lifetime, this is the first time a wall is being erected around the White House. What are they afraid of? It is his side that mostly carry their guns around pretending to be “tough guys” like their cowardly leader. Even during the protests after the George Floyd killing, there were no “attacks” against the White House.

I guess after he returns from the campaign trail and awaits the results of the election, trump needs to “feel safe”. So this wall is being built to satisfy his paranoia. I guess he plans to watch the returns from the Bunker underneath the White House. Why else would a wall needed to be put up around the White House?

Oh, maybe it is so if he gets his ass kicked by the voters, he can hide behind it and pretend he won and refuse to concede. Maybe he thinks that wall “will keep him in power” if he gets trounced at the polls. The wall is not intended protect the White House because of possible violence, it is intended to help him bunker down in case he loses and refuses to leave.

Finally, we saw the absolute stupidity of team trump even trying to hold election rallies. There were two more incidents of his supporters being stranded at rallies. One in Pennsylvania in cold temperatures. Once again, in both incidents, the team trump was unable to ensure that transportation to their cars was provided in a timely manner.

As a result, we now have had three incidents where trump held his rally, got on Air Force One and out of the cold, and left his supporters to freeze because his team couldn’t coordinate a one car funeral much less getting supporters back to the parking lots after a rally. Incompetence is too light of a word for these incidents.

Finally, there is their “little problem” in Hickory, NC. He held a rally there yesterday. And, as usual, they just had to have a huge flag hanging behind him while he spoke. Except, there was one problem with it. Hickory is not far from where I live. The wind was exceptionally high yesterday. It was clocked at over 45 MPH.

So, team trump decided to use two scissor lifts to hold up this enormous flag. The wind blew one of the lifts down. The lift hit the building behind it and the flag broke loose and blew around. Fortunately, no one was injured by this incident. We have not heard how much damage was done to the building it hit.

This is just another example of the total disregard trump and his team have for anyone but themselves. Even a total idiot knows you don’t hang a huge flag from two scissor lifts in very high winds. It is an accident waiting to happen. They are very fortunate it fell the way it did or people would have been hurt.

Tomorrow is the last day we can vote. Then the real stupidity and the real attempt to steal the election will take place. Only it won’t be Democrats trying to steal the election, it will be the Republican Politburo who will try to stop our democracy from continuing beyond this year.

This party and their supreme leader have no plans for how to lead our country. They have no policies except how to enrich themselves and keep power. That is why no one from their side has issued any policy platforms for you to choose between theirs and the other side.

This party and their supreme leader want an autocracy where they RULE and not govern. They want a society where there are two kinds of people. Those who are very, very rich and everyone else. They believe that “we the people” are simple fodder for the rich to use to make more money and not to be paid a livable wage.

According to them, our only purpose in life is to make their lives richer and to serve our masters as they see fit. If that sounds like the old Soviet Union dictatorship, it is because it is exactly the same thing.

Do not be intimidated by this party, their supreme leader or their supporters. They are all cowards and are just pretending to be something they aren’t, patriots. Instead they are un-American and hate our country. What they want is a dictatorship where people they don’t like are kept “under control”.

Just ask Lindsey Graham. He has the true definition of this party and its supporters. Earlier he said “If you are a young African American, an immigrant, you can go anywhere in this state. You just need to be conservative, not liberal.” Yesterday he had similar good words for young women He said “There is a place in America if you follow traditional family structure, embrace religion and oppose abortion.”

Did anyone tell him that ‘traditional family structure” means women are supposed to stay at home and be baby factories for their husbands? According to this “place in America for women” his latest Supreme Court appointee shouldn’t even be on the court. She should be home making more babies and being a slave for her husband.

I don’t care what goes on. I don’t care who pretends to be “tough”. We the American people are much tougher than this bunch of “thugs of November” and we will VOTE and we will get rid of them. Hold the course. These autocrats need to be tossed on the trash heap of history. Your VOTE is the only way that will happen.

We must stop the shirts from marching along.