Fox News: “Praise Former Guy For Vaccine! But…”

We are still sitting on that plateau. The numbers of new cases is still over 50,000 per day. We now have over 536,000 who have died from the virus. Things are getting better, and we still need to follow guidelines and get the vaccine when it’s your turn. Those are the things that will get us out of this mess.

As I wrote before, I am a person who has serious side effects from most vaccines. I did my research and found out that the chances of me suffering those side effects were slim in this vaccine. So, I took the vaccine and am now fully vaccinated. I strongly urge everyone to get the vaccine. If you have any doubts, please talk to your doctor. The vaccine is safe, I am living proof of that, and it is effective.

So, we need to ask some questions, as Tucker Carlson would say, about Fox News and specifically to Tucker Carlson. Why is it that you want everyone in the nation to praise the former guy for speeding up the vaccine, and now want no one to take it? Why was is so important in December that the vaccine was a “life saver” and now it has “too many questions” about it? What changed between December and today other than the former guy is the former guy?

Those are very serious questions that neither Fox News nor Tucker Carlson will answer. Fox News and Tucker Carlson were the biggest and loudest promoter of the former guy throughout his term in office. Yet, now that he is out of office, they are singing a different tune about the vaccine. So, why?

When the former guy announced that there was going to be a vaccine before the end of last year, Carlson and his cronies at Fox News touted that as the “best miracle of anyone in the history of the world”. Well, maybe they didn’t use those exact words, but you know what I mean.

When the last administration botched the rollout of the vaccine, these same people touted that “they were doing it right” and things were fantastic. They tried to spin the former guy as the new savior of the world because HE discovered the vaccine that would save us all from some nefarious plot to wipe us out.

But a funny thing happened on the way to the forum. The former guy lost even though Fox tried its best to give him all of the credit for his “handling of the pandemic”. Then, when Biden took office and started to really roll out the vaccine, things at Fox News changed. Suddenly, the vaccine may not be so good after all. In other words, they completely turned on the former guy and stole his spotlight for the vaccine.

Even Joe Biden thanked the former guy for Operation Warp Speed that helped get the vaccine ready for us to take. He did that on camera when he publicly got the vaccine himself. On the other hand, the former guy and his wife got the shot apparently in the bunker so no one would notice they got it.

Then things got really janky. Carlson began his rants about how we “don’t know everything about the vaccine”. He started saying that “maybe there are things we should know about the vaccine’s efficacy”. He went on air and openly started fostering doubt about the vaccine that his hero was supposed to be given credit for getting.

Now, everyone can come to their own conclusions. I for one take Carlson’s comments as this. He is telling us that “Former Guy should get all of the credit for the vaccine that will save humanity”. Then in the next breath, he is saying “but the vaccine is shit and you shouldn’t take it”. Talk about throwing your hero under the bus. Carlson not only threw the former guy under the bus and drove over him, he back up over him and then drove over him a third time.

I don’t know about you, but if my “supporters” treated me like that, I would not want them to say anything about me either nice or bad. That is the kind of enemy that is the worst kind. It turns out that Carlson may be a sheep in wolves clothing in the former guy’s camp. He is willing to turn on him just as fast as former guy turned on his supporters any time he thought they “betrayed” him.

Just about everybody has taken shots at Carlson and Fox News. And, because of this “turncoat” action by them, they deserve it. Chris Hayes said this about Carlson: “He’s not stupid. He just thinks his audience is.” That is probably true in every aspect.

Carlson claims he is “just asking questions”. But then goes out of his way to lie and say “no one is willing to answer those questions”. Well, maybe he should talk to someone other than his own reflection in the mirror. You cannot get answers if you don’t look for answers. All of the questions he claims “no one will answer” have all been answered by the finest vaccine experts in the world and our nation. He just doesn’t want to listen to them because, well they are not him.

Hayes also said: “It’s the most cowardly way to do this. To hide behind a pose of contrarianism because he can’t just say it outright ‘the vaccine will kill you’ unless he wants to find himself gone.” And, he would find himself gone because the vaccine will NOT kill you. It is the one thing we have going for us to get past this pandemic.

Former Republican Nicole Wallace who served in the White House for George W. Bush slammed Carlson as well saying: “he is peddling false anti-vaxxer talking points to an audience of millions at a time when polls suggest that nearly half of Trump’s supporters will not get the COVID vaccine.”

Over half of Republican white men say they won’t get the vaccine. Several Republican members of Congress say they won’t get the vaccine. How can that be? They all praised the former guy for “getting us the vaccine” and now they say they won’t get it. If that is what they believe, how come they praised the former guy in the first place? Aren’t they telling the former guy, their hero “I don’t trust you”?

It is going to be very interesting how Fox News and Carlson react since former guy called into a Fox News show and suggested people get the vaccine. He said: “I would recommend it to a lot of people that don’t want to get it.” Hmmm. It took a long time, but he finally came out and said “get your vaccine”.

Now that Fox News’ savior of the world has come out in support of everyone getting the vaccine, will they and Carlson change their tune once again? Will they start voicing positive claims about how great the vaccine is because now former guy supports getting the shot? Will they now encourage all of their viewers to “get the shot when it is your turn”. Will they stop the anti-vaxxer bullshit and do what is right? As Carlson would say, “I am only asking questions. But, no one over there seems to want to answer them”.

As I said earlier. The vaccine is safe and it is effective. I took it with no side effects, except maybe a bit of a sore arm for a day or two. I have a history of bad reactions to vaccines, but this was perfectly safe and I am glad I got it. It is actually a relief knowing that you are vaccinated and don’t have to worry about being hospitalized or dying from the virus.

If you really want your “freedom” back and live a more normal life, then get your vaccine when it is your turn. If you want to reopen schools and businesses, then get the vaccine because defeating the virus is the only way we can do those things safely.

Do not listen to Fox News or people like Carlson because they are liars and apparently want their viewers to get sick and die. There is no other explanation for their anti-vaxxer misinformation campaign. Unless they just want to kick the former guy in the groin for losing.

What Needs To Be “Canceled” Is The Right’s Phony “Cancel Culture War”

We are now at 535,000 dead from the pandemic. We have a ways to go until we reach that “herd immunity” we need to become more normal in our lives again. Yet, the Republican party is not interested in doing anything to help us reach it. They all voted against the relief package and they are still interested in “cancel culture” which is a myth made up in people’s lame brains.

It is time to really look at this so-called “Cancel Culture War” that Republicans are howling about. And, it is time to look further back than last year or even the last four years. The idea of “cancel culture” was invented by Evangelicals and Conservatives. That is not hyperbole, it is a simple fact.

In the latest attempt to make their fake war a reality, Fox News and other so-called conservatives have now “reached out to Generation X” for help in stopping “cancel culture”. Now, I will begin with the fact that I was not a “perfect” father as my children were growing up. But, I did my best and I allowed them to be their own people while they were teenagers. It was the best way to prepare them for adulthood, I believed.

The concept of “cancel culture” really began long before the 1980s. I remember those days because my kids were teenagers during that period. I remember them listening to heavy metal music, rap, hip-hop and playing Dungeons and Dragons. All things Evangelicals and Conservatives were yelling about being “evil and sinful” and “filling our kids heads with Satan’s desires”.

This was really nothing new. I also grew up in the 50s and 60s. I remember these same people trying to make rock and roll an evil thing that needed to be stamped out. We were told that rock and roll was the devil’s tool. We didn’t have video games at the time or that would have also been attacked just as bad.

So, as you can see, “cancel culture” is not some “socialist evil thing” that needs to be stamped out. It is something that conservatives and Evangelicals have been doing for generations. The real problem is that these two main groups of mostly old white people don’t want the world to progress. They want things the way they were when they grew up. The major problem is that they always look back “fondly” and forget all of the problems that existed and that the newer generations were against.

In my youth we saw civil rights protests. We witnessed, and in many cases like myself, participated in antiwar protests. Some of these protests became violent but most were peaceful. I remember the Chicago Convention Riots in 1968 where the police attacked protesters whenever they felt the “urge”.

I saw on TV the attack on the Pettis Bridge when civil rights activists were marching for voting rights. I saw on TV the vicious attack by Bull Conner as he unleashed his attack dogs on children protesting for civil rights. I saw in the news the churches burned and people “lynched” because they were black and wanted the same rights as the rest of us.

I heard my children being “condemned” because they listened to rap, hip hop, heavy metal and other so-called “evil” music. I did not stop them from listening to it, but I allowed them to be their own person and make their own decisions. They all learned from those experiences and as far as I am concerned they grew up to be very fine adults and very fine parents in their own rights.

The real problem is that often, the right wing decides that stopping bad behavior in society is something that is called “cancel culture”. Let’s look at a few things they are worried about. The so-called “left” they say want to cancel and “censor” conservative voices. As everyone knows that is bullshit. What is trying to be “canceled” is racism, misogyny, homophobia, sexual harassment, sexual assault and xenophobia. If that is wrong, then I am wrong because I want all of that put in the trash bin of history so it won’t infect us anymore with unequal treatment of others just because they are “different”.

I will gladly continue my fight against these horrible behaviors. I will gladly continue fighting against anyone being discriminated against just because they are a different color, or sex, or sexual orientation, or national origin. That behavior is what is really wrong and it needs to be “canceled” and virtually stamped out.

On the other hand, the so-called conservatives and Evangelicals, led by the Republican party wants to “cancel” other things. They want to cancel voting rights for minorities, and are currently actively working on that right now. They want to cancel same-sex marriage because they don’t like it. They want to cancel the idea of economic equality. They want to cancel the right to abortion based on their personal religious beliefs, so everyone must live according to their beliefs and screw your religious beliefs.

They want to cancel vaccines. Fox News has led a propaganda campaign against the Covid vaccine. They declared that it “isn’t necessary and may be dangerous”. Republicans have picked up this battle cry. The latest survey found that 47 percent of white male Republicans say they won’t take the vaccine. About 30 percent of the entire population says they won’t take the vaccine. Why? Because the right has made the vaccine another political tool in their “fight against cancel culture”. Yet, they are actively trying to “cancel” their own followers by feeding them false information and allowing them to get sick and die.

These are the same things that have taken place in my entire lifetime. Conservatives are the first to try to cancel something simply because it is different. In my youth, it was Republicans who fought for civil rights and voting rights. The so-called Dixiecrats, Democrats from southern states, were the biggest threat against these rights. Once the Civil Rights and Voting Rights bills passed under Democrat President Lyndon Johnson, the Dixiecrats switched sides and were welcomed with open arms by the Republicans.

Today, the parties have totally switched sides in the civil rights and voting rights fight. Today, it is Republicans who want to disenfranchise minorities from their civic duty to vote. It is Republicans who are fighting against rights for anyone who looks, believes or acts differently than what they think they should.

We have seen this fight go off in all directions. Conservatives are howling that Tucker Carlson is “under attack” by the military. Well, he started the “war” against the military when he mocked the women who serve in our services. He has a right to his opinion, but don’t scream “poor me” when the other side fights back. That is exactly what is happening now. The right is crying about “poor Tucker” because the military and veterans are blasting him for his crude and personal attacks on our sister in arms.

As you can see, “cancel culture” is nothing new. Except, it is always the conservatives and Evangelicals who cry about being “canceled” when in fact it is they who are the main abusers of “canceling” thing they don’t like. Things like music, video games, or civil rights.

That is, in my opinion, the mortal sin of conservatives and evangelicals. They simply don’t want any progress nor do they want anything that disrupts their “comfort” zone. They are the ones trying to “cancel” everything not considered “conservative enough” in order to maintain the status quo. That includes the personal freedoms of everyone else. They really believe that they have the right to tell the rest of us how to live, what to believe and how to act.

In essence, they believe that they are “superior” to the rest of America and we don’t have any right unless they give them to us, which they won’t. When Fox News called on Gen X to “help fight the cancel culture war”, there were lots of retorts. The one I love best is “Hilarious notion that Gen X would assist the scolds that told us what to watch, read and listen to. Blow on the cartridge.

I couldn’t have said it any better.

Fox News Sure Knows What Is Important – NOT!

We are still hovering at around 70,000 new cases per day. We are at over 517,000 dead. President Biden said yesterday that with the cooperation between Johnson and Johnson and Merk we will have “enough vaccine for every adult in America by the end of May.” That is outstanding news.

Then we have Texas and Mississippi. Both of these states saw massive blackouts and water shortages due to the cold weather last week. Both states still have millions of people under boil water orders and thousands others with no water at all. Both states have seen people die from the cold. So, in order to make sure they are able to kill more of their citizens, they decided to make a fateful decision.

Both states announced yesterday that they are lifting the mask mandates and removing all restrictions on businesses. In other words, they are going to act like the virus has gone away “miraculously” as their hero said it would. However, it must also be pointed out, that both of these states are in what the CDC calls the “red zone”. Their cases have not declined, instead, they have increased since the peak in January. It must also be pointed out that Harris County in Texas is the only place in the U.S. where all four variants of the virus has been detected. And, since they spread more quickly, we can only imagine what this horrible political decision by their Governor will do to the population there.

Finally, it must also be pointed out that Texas is lagging almost every other state in distributing the vaccines that are available. They have one of the fewest numbers of vaccinated people in the nation. But, not to worry according to Abbott’s political advisor. According to him Texas will be fine because their ICUs are not over capacity anymore. How reassuring. Expect more Red states to follow suit in the near future. While we are making progress against the pandemic, these states are doing their best to make sure things get worse.

Yesterday was an interesting day for the news. We had President Biden make his announcement about vaccines. We had the Director of the FBI testifying before a Senate Committee about the Jan 6 terrorist attack at the capitol. He testified in no uncertain terms that the terrorists “were not people dressed up like trump supporters but real trump supporters”. He also testified that there “is no evidence of any widespread voter fraud in the last election”.

Those two statements were earthshattering, or at least should have been. He took the two biggest lies of the former guy and his enablers and shoved them up their backsides and broke it off. But don’t expect any of them to change their tunes on these lies. It is what they live for.

We have Governor Cuomo being investigated for his inappropriate behavior, as it should be. We have a Republican House member Madison Cawthorn facing similar accusations as well as lying about his accident. The relief package is moving through Congress and there could be a vote on it in the Senate by the end of the week.

So, as you can see, there are lots of things the news channels can talk about. But, according to Fox News, those are very minor stories. No, there is a much more nefarious “conspiracy” that they need to expose and spent most of their airtime yesterday complaining about it.

Yesterday, Dr. Suess Enterprises announced that they are going to stop publishing six of Dr. Suess’ books. They said that they contained “racial undertones” that are not appropriate for young children.

The company statement said this: “These books portray people in ways that are hurtful and wrong. Ceasing sales of these books is only part of our commitment and our broader plan to ensure Dr. Seuss Enterprises’ catalog represents and supports all communities and families.” 

Well, as you can imagine, the folks at Fox News had a field day with this news. The carpenters are now at every studio at Fox repairing the ceiling they all went through with the news. Naturally, they called it more “cancel culture” hurting the “good name of Dr. Seuss”. And, of course, they are blaming Joe Biden for this.

The fore mentioned Madison Cawthorn showed up on Fox and Friends yesterday morning. No one on the Fox and Friends panel asked him about the sexual harassment he has been accused of. No, that is small potatoes according to Fox and Friends. Instead they went into the Dr. Seuss thing.

Cawthorn just couldn’t resist showing how disgusted he was. He said: “Well brother, I was going to the gym after this, but I don’t have to because I’m already fired up. This ‘cancel culture’ does not help us. If we want to heal America and end this major partisan divide, we need to stop cancelling our neighbor and actually go out and communicate with them.” 

As you can see, these folks are not interested in what is right or wrong, or just what is really happening. Instead, they are picking their fights based on political agendas and trying to prove they are the only right people on the planet. In all of this talk about Dr. Seuss, no one mentioned or pointed out to their guests who were screaming “cancel culture” over this announcement that it was the OWNERS OF THE BOOKS that made the decision on THEIR OWN.

The company said the decision was made to stop publishing these six books last year after months of consultations with various academics and other “experts”. In a statement they said: “Dr. Seuss Enterprises listened and took feedback from our audiences including teachers, academics and specialists in the field as part of our review process. We then worked with a panel of experts, including educators, to review our catalog of titles.” They decided which books should be stopped and left the rest alone. Dr. Seuss in not “being cancelled” only six of his books.

I find it remarkable that the people who claim that “businesses know what is best” should be crying about a business deciding to stop publishing six of their books. If a company says it is not going to publish books because of “racial undertones” that are not appropriate, why is the right so quick to scream about it? Might it be that they find those “racial undertones” to be very appropriate according to their own bigoted views?

So, Fox News is screaming about “cancel culture” and how it should end. Yet, it was Fox News that led the crying about Jill Biden using the well earned title of Dr. because she “isn’t a real medical doctor”. It was Fox News that led the howling about the ten Republican members of the House who voted to impeach the former guy. It was Fox News who led the howling against the six Republican Senators who voted to find former guy guilty.

It was NOT Fox News who howled about those 16 Republicans being “cancelled” by their own party with censure votes by their states GOP. It was NOT Fox News who howled about Cindy McCain being “cancelled” by the Arizona GOP because she had the audacity to back Biden in the last election. It was NOT Fox News that led the howling about a speaker at CPAC being “cancelled” right before the event bagan.

The biggest problem with the right and with Fox News and other so-called conservative outlets is that they love to pick and choose what is right and wrong. They pick and choose what is “cancel culture” and what is not. They pick and choose what parts of the bible should be followed and which don’t have to be followed. They pick and choose just about everything. One thing they are constant in is their total disapproval of anyone calling a white supremacist a racist. According to these Fox personalities they are just “following their heritage”. Like racism is a “heritage” to be proud of.

As the world turns and the vast majority of people live on planet earth, conservatives led by Fox News live on some fantasy planet not yet named. One thing we know for sure, wherever that fantasy planet exists, the oxygen levels must be really low, or it is full of some hallucinogenic in the water.

I don’t know about you, but I sure don’t want to drink their water. Reality is good enough for me.

Decision Day – Democracy Or Autocracy – That Is Our Choice

Today is the final day you can cast your vote. However, more than 232,000 people will not be able to vote this year. They can’t vote because they have been killed by the coronavirus. They all did not have to die. They did not all have to be infected with the virus.

They were infected and died because the president did nothing to slow the spread of the virus. He pretended it did not exist. He pretended it would “all go away”. He lied to us about how serious it was and simply did not care if you got sick or died from it. All he cared about was two things. First, it happened on his watch and made him look bad. Second, it got more press than he did.

That is the simple facts. He was not the cause of the virus. Nature was the cause of the virus. But, he is the cause that we have suffered more than any other nation in the world from it. He is the cause that so many of our people died from the virus. His inaction was criminal.

However, being criminal is nothing new to trump. He was impeached for being a criminal using YOUR money to extort a foreign government. He has flouted the emoluments clause of the Constitution. He has allowed every member of his administration to violate the Hatch Act by allowing them to campaign on government time and money.

As we head into the final day of voting, he is announcing his plans to disenfranchise millions of votes because they “won’t be counted by the end of today”. Let me tell you this. Never in our history has every state counted all of the ballots by the end of “election day”. There is always a lag between election day and final results.

This is because of absentee ballots, or mail-in ballots. They are required by almost every state to be “postmarked” by election day. That means they are not all in on election day. As a result, many of these ballots has historically been counted days after the formal election day. And by the way, millions of those ballots have been cast by military personnel stationed overseas.

But trump and his Politburo don’t want that to happen this year. They are afraid that for the first time, Democratic votes outnumber Republican votes because more Democrats requested absentee ballots than Republicans. As a result, they are prepared to make sure those ballots are not counted. The irony is that a lot of those ballots will actually be marked for trump. Yet, they don’t want them counted because they want to steal the election.

That is not my opinion. It is what trump and the Politburo have announced they plan to do for the last four months, at least. And trump even said so the other day. He announced that once the “polling places close I am sending in the lawyers”. He really believes he can stop vote counting and steal the election that way.

To be honest, I have more faith in our election process than trump does. I believe that the poll workers are honest people who are just trying to ensure that our election goes off just like they have since we became a nation.

Of course, the best way to head off this attempt to steal the election is for everyone to vote. The bigger the election win for Biden, the least likely trump will be able to steal it. We have seen record numbers of people vote during the early voting season. Almost 100 million people have already voted. That is more than two-thirds of everyone who voted in 2016. That is a good sign.

However, we cannot let up. If you have not voted, you must go to the polls and cast your vote. You cannot let trump nor his enablers or thug supporters to keep you from voting. If you love your democracy, your country and consider yourself a “patriot” you must go to the polls and vote. I does matter. YOUR vote does count.

As I have written before, every freedom and every right you enjoy living in our country comes from your DUTY to vote. Voting is not just a right. It is a civic duty because your voice is needed to make sure our system works. The more people who vote, the better our country will be and the better our democracy will work.

We have lived in hell for the last four years. Don’t kid yoursleves. We have seen children ripped from their parents who came here seeking asylum from violence. Many of those children have still not been reunited with their parents. We have seen those childeren placed in cages and forced to sleep on concrete floors.

We have witnessed a virus be allowed to run rampant through our society. We have seen our economy destroyed by that virus. We keep hearing that it was the best ever and that trump made it that way. That is a lie. He inherited a growing and healthy economy from Obama. Then like everything else he inherited, he ran it into the ground with his lack of action about the virus.

We hear trump claim he had the “best stock market” in history. That is also not true. As a matter of fact, the stock market grew less under his watch than it did under three of his predecessors. Under Obama the stock market grew by 62 percent. Under Clinton it grew by 62 percent. Under George H. W. Bush it grew by 45 percent. Under trump it grew by 42 percent. So, he is not the “miracle worker” for the economy he claims to be.

We have heard reports that Putin put bounties on the heads of our troops and the coalition forces fighting with us in Afghanistan. Our failure did nothing about it. He never even called Putin to warn him it better not be true or there would be consequences. He allowed this crime to take place with no concern for our fighting forces.

He repaired about 400 miles of his vaunted border wall, then called it “new” wall. In fact, he has built about 4 miles of “new” fencing. By the way, Mexico has not paid a cent to help build his wall as he promised us. YOU paid for this Berlin Wall. He took credit for a bill helping veterans who had trouble getting appointments at the VA. But, that bill was signed by Obama two years before he took office.

He has sown division everywhere he has gone. He has attacked Gold Star families. He calls our free press the “enemy of the people”. He attacks his own administration because they won’t all go along with his schemes to “lock up” his opponents.

He has given white supremacists and fringe wacko militia types the green light to attack any people of color they choose. He doesn’t care about equality. He believes that only white people have rights. He is an open rascist and doesn’t care if you know it.

These are just some of the evidence that we have lived in hell for the last four years. Today is the last day to vote him out of office once and for all. Every election we hear that “this is the most important election in history”. This year, that statement is true. This election we are not just choosing between two men and two parties.

This year we are choosing our future and how our children and grandchildren will live. Will we leave them a free country with rights and liberties, or will we leave them with a Soviet styled dictatorship led by a white supremacist?

Are we going to leave them with a society that is united and working together to make our country even better, or are we going to leave them with a society where the privileged gain everything and we lose everything?

Are we going to leave them with a society where the idea of “justice for all” means something, or are we going to leave them with a society where only certain people are subject to justice? If you are a “friend” or supporter of the leader, you are above the law.

Are we going to leave them a society that is diverse and strong and working, or are we going to leave them a society that is divided and some people are “not worthy” of their freedoms because of their color or their religion or their love life?

For the first time in my lifetime, we are being forced to choose between the America that is the oldest democracy in the world or if we are going to allow it to become a dictatorship and live under the yoke of oppression.

Are we going to live in a free society with equality for all, or are we going to have a country, as Lindsey Graham said, African Americans and women have a place in America only if they follow “certain rules?”

Our supreme leader and his Politburo want us to live in Lindsey Graham’s America. They don’t want equality or justice. They want pure naked power and we are to live as they tell us how to live. I say NO! I say it is time for the entire bunch of autocrats of the Politburo party to be shoved out the door along with their supreme leader.

I ask that you join the rest of free Americans and reject this autocrat and his enablers. If you haven’t already done so, go to the polls and VOTE like your life depends on it. For the first time, it just might.


Eleven Enablers Who Need To Be Defeated In 2020

We are well past 172,000 dead from the coronavirus.  Two more school districts in Georgia had to close down because of the spread of the virus in their schools.  The government is on a rampage against the Post Office to stop mail-in voting.  There are still protests across the country seeking equality for all in our justice system.  The economy is in shambles with over 10 percent out of work.

With all of this going on, we hear absolutely nothing from the enablers known as the Republican Party, especially in the Senate.  So, these Senators who have enabled this president the most must be voted out of office in this election.

The worst enablers are as follows:  Martha McSally (AZ); Tom Cotton (AR); Cory Gardner (CO); David Purdue (GA); Kelly Loeffler (GA); Joni Ernst (IA); Mitch McConnell (KY); Susan Collins (ME); Tom Tillis (NC); Lindsey Graham (SC); John Cornyn (TX).

These are the worst enablers who are up for reelection.  Of course, Mitch McConnell is the worst of the bunch in terms of doing nothing since becoming the Majority Leader in the Senate.  Lindsey Graham is the worst when it comes to supporting every hairbrained scheme this president comes up with.  Even after calling him a racist bigot during the last election.

Tom Cotton has been a total wacko even before trump came along.  There is not one single piece of legislation that helped the common person that he wasn’t willing to vote against.  He just doesn’t like normal people and shows his disdain every chance he gets.

But, here is why we these enablers to the worst president we have ever had need to go and go now.  The list is actually too long to write about in one article, but I will give you examples of some of them.

First, they all claim that they want to “protect preexisting conditions”.  Yet, everyone of them voted several times to repeal the Affordable Care Act which is the only bill ever protecting preexisting conditions.  The bill requires that all people with preexisting conditions be covered by health insurance companies without being charged extra for their preexisting conditions.

Everyone of these Senators voted to repeal that bill.  And, they voted to replace it with McConnell’s bill that took away those same protections.  As a matter of fact, that bill would allow insurance companies to charge up to five times the normal premium if you had a preexisting condition.  They are lying every time they claim they support preexisting condition protection.

Additionally, the ACA stopped those “yearly” and “lifetime” ceilings on your coverage.  All of these Senators voted to end that restriction as well.  So, if you have a preexisting condition and need long-term health care, or if you suddenly get sick with something like cancer, they say you can be cut off from your insurance because “you simply cost the insurance company too much” and that hurts their profits.

Every one of them are against expanded Medicaid.  That would have been very helpful since this pandemic started.  With over 20 million people losing their health insurance when they lost their jobs, they are now out in the cold and these Senators see nothing wrong with that.  They claim it is the fault of the unemployed for not having insurance.

Then we have the pandemic.  We keep learning more and more as time goes by.  We have learned that the virus is affecting not only the respiratory system, but it is also affecting the kidney’s, liver and heart.  Furthermore, it is being discovered that these problems can be last years if not a lifetime.

As a result, without preexisting condition protections, every person who has been infected with the virus would be labeled as “preexisting condition” and have their premiums jacked up.  And, since there are about 400,000 children who have been affected, they would be classified as having preexisting conditions for the rest of their lives.  Yet, these Senators think that is just fine with them.

Furthermore, everyone of these Senators support the trump administration’s attempts in court to have the ACA declared unconstitutional so everything in the bill would be immediately cancelled.  None of them have come up with any plan that would replace those protections we all need so very much.  They simply don’t care if you have health insurance.

Second, as the country struggles with the cost of prescription drugs, these Senators are doing nothing to help keep the costs down.  As a matter of fact, Senator Tillis from North Carolina has written a bill that would allow drug manufacturers to increase the cost of prescription drugs.  And he has collected over $400,000 in campaign donations from the very companies he wants to help get richer.

Third, these Senators are unwilling to negotiate with the Democrats on a new relief bill to assist the common American.  Tom Cotton said he wouldn’t vote for any relief bill no matter what was in it.  He is not alone with that either.  At least half of this list said the same thing.

All of these Senators want to shut down the Post Office.  They are allowing the president to attack the Post Office and claim that it should be “privatized” so the competitors of the Post Office can make higher profits by not competing with it.  They have picked this time to really attack the Post Office because like the president they fear fair and free elections.  Not one of them has made any comments about “saving” the Post Office from trump’s war against it.

Fourth, Lindsey Graham is too busy holding a sham investigation into the investigators from the Russian Meddling probe.  He is bound and determined to make sure the base understands that the crimes committed by those already convicted weren’t really crimes, but they were “targeted” by the FBI.  Yes, they were “targeted” when proof of their crimes became known.  That is what the FBI is supposed to do.

Some of these Senators are sitting on that committee doing their best to make trump look innocent.  Others are on another committee run by Senator Ron Johnson.  Johnson actually told America the other day that the purpose of his investigation is to “harm Joe Biden’s election campaign”.  He basically confessed there is nothing to look at but in order to hurt Biden it must go on anyway.

Additionally, Johnson has been using “talking points” that have been proven to be Russia Intelligence propaganda.  Intelligence services in our country have disproven almost every single talking point Johnson has spouted as being from Russian Intelligence.  Yet, Johnson doesn’t care about the truth, he only cares about scoring political points with his dear leader.

Fifth, the former Commander in Afghanistan, a trump appointee, said that he “knew that Russia has been arming the Taliban by crossing the border and selling arms to them”.  Not one of these Senators who claim to be “national defense” hawks have spoken a single word about that.  When trump was confronted with these facts and said “well, we armed them too in the 1980s”, they sat by quietly and gave silent approval.

Then when the intelligence community said that Russia was placing bounties on coalition forces, including American troops, not one of them came forward to demand trump do something about it.  Not one of these Senators said that if it was true, then we needed to do something to punish Russia.  They all sat by quietly, again, and let it continue because trump is too afraid to stand up to his puppet master.

As Americans struggle with the pandemic, as we struggle with the economic fallout from the pandemic, as we watch protests continue seeking the end of police brutality, we see these Senators do nothing.  They are not interested in extending the unemployment insurance supplement payments.  They are not interested in extending the eviction moratorium.  They are not interested in protection our Post Office.  They are not interested in helping to stop the spread of this deadly virus.

The only thing they are interested in is making their dear leader happy and screwing over the American people at every chance they get.  They have enabled the bad and toxic behavior of this president.  They have enabled the spread of hate and divisiveness in our country.  They have stood by and watched the increase of hate crimes in this country.  They stood by and watched as trump used his Stasi against peaceful protesters and said nothing.

Worse, they have stood by and watched as our enemy has been armed by trump’s good buddy, Putin.  They have stood by and watched as Putin placed bounties on the heads of our soldiers and those of our allies.  They have stood by and watched hundreds of thousands of our citizens die from a virus that could have been controlled.

They are not the only enablers in the Pathetic Party.  But, they are the worst enablers who are up for reelection to the Senate.  They all must be voted out of office.  They must all be placed on unemployment permanently.

These Senators are not interested in preserving our way of life.  They are not interested in defending our nation from enemies.  They are not interested in protecting the citizens from pandemics.  They are only interested in keeping their jobs so they can pretend to be someone important.

They are NOT important people.  They are lackeys to a bad president and they are shamefully allowing their dear leader to destroy our country from the inside.  Worse, they are actually enabling him to do so with their approval.

Vote this election.  These enablers MUST go.  We can’t see their backsides fast enough.

And, the shirts keep marching along.

How Can This Be?

Today a civil rights icon, John Lewis, was laid to rest.  Today we learned that over 1400 Americans died from the coronavirus.  Today we read all about trump claiming he was going to save the suburbs.  Today we saw him “suggest” that we postpone our election.  Today we learned for sure, out of his own mouth that he did not say anything to Putin about the Russian Bounty scandal.

On the coronavirus front, we have almost 4.5 million Americans who have been infected.  We have over 153,000 total dead from the virus.  Herman Cane, a trump supporter died from the virus today.  He attended his rally in Tulsa and of course did not wear a mask.  Nine days later he tested for the virus.

Florida, Texas and California all set new records for deaths from the virus.  Other states in the south and now the midwest are showing severe increases in new cases which also means they will start showing a spike in deaths in the coming weeks.  That is just the way it goes.

Our nation’s crazy uncle, Louie Gohmert, tested positive for the virus.  He only knows that because he tried to hitch a free ride home on Air Force One and was tested before he could board.  Crazy Uncle Louie has been walking around without a mask.  The reporter who wrote the story found out that his staff is not happy either.

According to an email he received from a staff member, wrote that Crazy Uncle Louie forced his staff to go to the office every day.  He demanded that every member of his staff, including three interns, to cram themselves into the office.  And, if anyone wore a mask, they were berated for it and told to take it off.

Then, other staff members from the Pathetic Party also started flooding his email account with emails that said they are being forced to work under the same conditions and being berated if they want to wear a mask.  Crazy Uncle Louie is not alone in his treatment and disregard for the health of his staff.  How pathetic can you really get.

In an interview with Axios, Bunker Donny was asked directly if he brought up the Russian Bounty scandal.  He said that no, he did not.  They apparently were talking about something else.  He was pressed on why.  And he replied:  “Well a lot of people said it was fake news”.  When pressed who said it was fake news he said:  “A lot of people, even people from the Bush administration”.

Later he said that one of those people was Colin Powel.  However, Powel never said it was “fake news”.  He did say that some disagreed with the assessment, but it should be talked about with Putin.  You know a deliberate lie is coming out of trump’s mouth whenever you hear “A lot of people said”.  That is a true give-away that the next words will be a lie.

He was also asked about the fact that Russia was arming the Taliban against us.  Then he decided to give us a history lesson as to an excuse why he wasn’t going to do anything about that either.  He said:  “Well, we did it too when they were fighting the Russians”.  Well, we did it when they were fighting the Soviet Union, our enemy.  I guess that is an admittance from trump that Russia is our enemy so they can do it too.

But, if Russia is our enemy, why does trump keep kissing Putin’s ass?  Why is he so afraid to say anything bad against Putin?  If they can arm our enemies because they are our enemies, then stop defending them.

Yesterday he tried to claim that the Democrats are trying to “destroy our country”.  He said Democrats “hate our country”.  Yet, it isn’t the Democrats that are letting Putin get away with putting a bounty on our troops heads.  It isn’t Democrats forgiving Putin for arming our enemy in a “hot war”.  It is trump who is doing this.  His actions and his defense of Putin and Russia’s actions are nothing less than treason in my opinion.  Especially not putting the lives of our troops at the forefront.

He chose today to make his “suggestion” that we should “delay our elections”.  He does not have that power.  Only Congress can change the election day according to the Constitution.  But, on the day that John Lewis who fought for voter’s rights was laid to rest, he decided was a great day to claim that voting by mail, which trump does himself, is fraudulent and should never be allowed to happen.

It was right around the time of John Lewis’ death that we saw trump’s Stasi be deployed to Portland.  The Stasi deliberately tear gassed peaceful protesters in order to cause violence.  They tear gassed women who call themselves “Wall of Moms”.  They teargassed men who call themselves “Dads Against Fascism”.  They teargassed veterans who call themselves “Wall of Vets”.

What was their crime and the reason for being teargassed?  They placed themselves between the Stasi and the protesters.  They did NOT cause any violence.  They were exercising their rights to protest.  That is not a right in trump’s version of America.

The other day Larry Kudlow tried to claim that the economy is “booming”.  He claimed that housing is booming.  He claimed that car sales are booming.  So, Larry, how do you explain that the GDP has FALLEN 30 percent.  The economy cannot be “booming” if the GDP is falling off a cliff.

These are some of the things that should cause all of us to ask “How can this be?”  How can it be that five months into the worst pandemic in 100 years we still have no national plan?  How can it be that 98 days before our elections Bunker Donny protects Putin over his own people.  How can it be that when we lay a civil rights icon to rest we have to hear about fake fraudulent mail balloting claims and floating the idea of delaying our election.

How can it be this lack of any action or any sense of intelligence can one man take a real “booming” economy and destroy it in less than five months?  How can it be that no one who supports him even asks these questions.

There is really only one simple answer to all of these questions.  The answer is that trump is incapable of being a leader. He does not have the intelligence to make any decisions based of facts or science.  He is totally incompetent.  He wants to be our Putin.  He wants to be our dictator.  That is the answer to those questions.

This man has accomplished nothing except to sow deeper divisions in our society.  He has only accomplished making wearing a mask for public health safety part of his culture wars.  He has only accomplished in playing the professional victim by complaining “nobody likes me”.

This is a shallow, pathetic, incompetent, ignorant little boy who tries to pretend he is a man.  He takes his order from Moscow and he listens very well.

If you love to hate, he is definitely your guy.  If you believe in the American Democracy and love our country, he is NOT your guy.  If there is anyone in this country in politics who really HATES America, this is the guy.

And, the shirts keep marching along.

Failure-in-Chief Wages War On His Own People In Many Forms

We are now pushing 4 million cases of the coronavirus.  We are now over 144,000 dead from the virus.  We still do not have a national plan to fight the disease.  We still do not have enough personal protective equipment.  We still have not activated the Defense Production Act to get our companies to make and provide this very necessary equipment.  As a result, we have to depend of foreign supplies.  Failure-in-Chief complains about that, but won’t do anything to stop it.

After two dreadful “updates” provided by Failure-in-Chief we still have nothing new about how to combat this deadly pandemic.  After touting his own “great response” and talking about testing, he then went on Fox News and said that “testing is overrated”.

In that interview with Fox’s on-air doctor, he said “If we test 50 people and they are positive then it hits the news.  If we only test 25 people that means the numbers are lower and we look better”.  He is still trying to say that our explosion in cases and deaths is the result of testing.

But, as Mike Wallace pointed out in his interview with Failure-in-Chief testing has gone up 37 percent.  However, the number of cases has gone up 197 percent.  As you can see, it is not testing that is causing the spike, it is the virus.  But trump doesn’t care about the real numbers, he only cares about the numbers that might make him look good, so he doesn’t want more testing he wants less.

Even if you try to see the world through his own warped view, the number of hospitalizations will continue to climb even if he cuts back on testing like he wants.  The virus doesn’t care about trump’s warped view, it only cares about infecting us and killing us.

Failure-in-Chief is still telling us that schools must reopen.  He is still threatening school districts with federal funding if they don’t reopen fully in the fall.  He isn’t interested in getting these school districts the money they need to make it safe for our children to go back to school.  He doesn’t care if your children get sick and pass it along to you.  He only wants the headline that says “schools across the nation are fully open thanks to trump”.  Damn the consequences.

At this point we need to point out something else.  The mainstream media has to STOP giving him credit for “appearing to change his mind”.  He has not changed his mind on anything.  He says you “should wear a mask” but won’t make it mandatory.  He claims he “wears a mask when I cannot socially distance” but then shows up to a fundraiser without a mask and not social distancing.

This new “briefing” on the coronavirus is nothing but a political stunt to make him seem like he gives a shit.  He doesn’t and that is obvious by his other comments and his own actions.  So, STOP THE BS by making people think he might be “changing his mind” on the virus.  All that will do is cause death rate to go even higher than it already is.

On the economic front 1.4 million new unemployment claims were filed last week.  There are still around 40 million Americans out of work despite trump’s claim that the economy is recovering.  It isn’t and it is going to get worse by the end of next week.

At the end of next week the extra money in those unemployment insurance checks will end.  Every economist in the country says that the only reason the economy isn’t worse is because of that extra money.  As a result of that extra money, people have money and will spend it.  Once that extra money runs out, they will stop spending and the economy will get worse and worse.

Additionally, the eviction moratorium is due to expire as well.  Without that moratorium, people who are behind in their rent and mortgages because they lost their job due to the pandemic will start seeing eviction notices and foreclosure procedures against them.  That will be a huge blow to the economy just like it was back in the Republican Economic Crash of 2008.

Furthermore, a lot of people who are still working for big corporations have agreed to temporary pay cuts in order to keep from being laid off.  There is nothing that will force these corporations to go back to paying these people what they were making before the crash.  That kind of “relief” has never been addressed by Congress in any of their “relief bills”.

With all of this looming, the Pathetic Pathetic party is fighting between themselves, again.  The so-called “Tea Party” members of the Senate are fighting tooth and nail against anymore relief bills.  They say that they “cost too much”.  Once again they are placing the deficit before the American people.  The Tea Party has been saying that you don’t worry about deficits when you are talking about a tax cut for the wealthy and corporations.  You always fight against deficit spending if it is intended to actually help people.

The White House is still not helping either.  They know that anything that is brought to the Senate must be negotiated with the House or it won’t get passed.  Yet, they are doing things in McConnell’s closet once again.  Every time McConnell is about to screw over the American people, he retreats to his coat closet and writes some bogus bill he knows cannot be passed by both Houses of Congress.

Now we come to the trump’s version of the Stasi.  They are still ramping up violence in Portland and now he plans to ramp up violence in Chicago and Albuquerque.  In Portland, they actually have an excuse, thin as it may be.  They claim they are “protecting federal buildings” which is a valid concern for the federal government.

However, in other cities Bunker Donny claims it is to curb violent crime.  That is not a valid reason to send in troops or whatever his Stasi really is.  That is up to local officials to protect the people from crime.  What he is failing to do though is help stop the flow of illegal guns into our cities.  It is that flow of illegal guns that is helping fuel the killings.

Cities like Chicago and New York have strict gun laws.  But, that doesn’t stop the flow of illegal guns into the cities.  What happens is that people in other places in the country with very lax gun control laws purchase guns there and then sell them in the cities.

They will either bring the guns into the city by vehicle or sell the weapons online.  Without mandatory universal background checks, this makes it very easy to sell illegal guns around the country.  It is big business.  As a result, cities are fighting a battle against well armed gangs who are getting their weapons from this illegal gun trade.

Instead of doing something to stop this illegal trafficking, trump just wants to “look tough” by sending in his Stasi to stoke up the violence in a political gambit to make him look like a “law and order” president.  When instead what he really is an “illegal and disorder” president.

His campaign has put out an ad that shows helmeted people attacking a police officer on the ground with the caption “Chaos and Violence”.  The ad has a split screen with trump standing around cops in one photo and this other photo.  However, that photo was taken in the Ukraine in 2014 when the Ukraine citizens rose up against the Putin backed government.

It is not and does not have anything to do with America or what is going on in our cities or on our streets.  What it tells me is that trump thinks rising up against a dictatorship like the one that was in Ukraine is a BAD thing and beating protesters for exercising their rights is a GOOD thing.  As usual, he has it ass-backwards if you believe in American democracy.

Then behind the scenes, Sen. Ron Johnson is holding hearings about the Bidens.  He claims to have all sorts of “evidence” but won’t say where it is coming from or how he got it.  However, in the same manner as the 2016 elections, we are beginning to learn where it is coming from.  It is coming from pro-Russians Ukrainians and they aren’t even trying to hide it this time.

One former pro-Russian Ukrainian lawmaker told the Washington Post that material showing the former vice president’s efforts to get a Ukrainian prosecutor fired has been turned over to Johnson’s committee.  Oleksandr Onyshchenko is among a group of pro-Russian Ukrainians, including one graduate of a KGB school, who have ramped up claims against Biden and released batches of edited audiotapes.  They have said more material would be released closer to the election, when it would be more useful to Trump.

Does that all sound familiar?  Does it sound like the Russia/Wikileaks scandal from the 2016 election meddling?  Well, it is except this time they are openly admitting they are doing what they are to “help trump” win reelection.  They have become so emboldened by our dictator-wannabe they aren’t even trying to hide anything this time.  They know trump nor his lackeys in Congress will do anything about it.  Johnson is playing dumb about all of this.  He claims that it is all being fabricated by Democrats.

Russia has been trying to pin the 2o16 meddling on Ukraine and make Biden look bad because he, along with the entire Western World, fought to get a prosecutor in Ukraine fired for corruption.  Failure-in-Chief and his lackeys keep trying to say Biden fought to get this corrupt prosecutor fired to protect his son.  But, this same corrupt prosecutor had already dropped his investigation into the company Biden’s son worked for.  So, firing him would have put Hunter Biden in more jeopardy, not less.

In 2016 trump was eager to use any information that was leaked by Russia about his opponent even if he knew it was not true.  He was impeached because he tried to get Ukraine to “dig up dirt on Biden” and withheld defense money for months that Ukraine desperately needed in their war against Russian aggression.

Now, we have one of those corrupt Ukraine pro-Russia former officials admitting to the Washington Post that indeed they are trying to “be useful to trump’s reelection”.  And, Ron Johnson has his head so far up trump’s ass, he can’t see what is happening or won’t see what is happening because he is too loyal to the president rather than to the country.

The Democratic leadership has sent a letter to the head of the FBI asking that the entire Congress be briefed on all intelligence about the Russian misinformation campaign to interfere with our elections.  The FBI has not responded to this request.  Hell, trump won’t let the head of the CDC testify before Congress about the pandemic and how to safely reopen schools.  What makes anyone think they will allow anyone to give testimony or a briefing to Congress about more Russian meddling that is intended to help trump?

Over 200 years ago a bunch of colonialists decided that they no longer wanted to be part of England.  They decided they wanted to have their own country with their own government.  It all started out with protests in the streets.  It ended up in a Revolutionary War which they miraculously won.

The Constitution that came out of all of this was the first of its kind.  It actually tried to form a government that was run by the people.  That government was supposed to be responsible to the people.  An election system was established to make sure the people had the voice they deserved.

We have not reached that “perfect union” that our founders wanted to have.  We have dealt with slavery, prejudice, bigotry, sexism and segregation since our founding.  We fought a Civil War to end slavery on our shores.  We managed to finally get rid of the Jim Crowe laws that maintained segregation for another 100 years.

Also during this time, we sent troops to Europe to stop a racist government from ruling the world.  We stopped the Nazis and even held trials against many of them for their “crimes against humanity”.  We have been proud of our nation and of our liberties that are protected by our Constitution.

However, now we are seeing those liberties being trampled on by a president who thinks of himself as our dictator.  We have seen the rule of law be shredded in an attempt to help establish that dictatorship he desires.  We are seeing our own version of the Stasi roaming our city streets arresting citizens for no reason.

Even that stupid acting head of DHS said “we are proactively arresting” people.  It is illegal to “proactively arrest” anyone in this country without a warrant or reason to arrest them.  That is a total violation of our rights as citizens.  But, trump and his lackeys don’t care about rights.  They only care about power.

Unfortunately, that is the state of our union today.  While people are getting sick and dying during a pandemic, our dictator wannabe is trying to shred every semblance of our democracy.  He wants us to know who is in charge and who we are supposed to be “loyal to”.  If we are unwilling to kiss his ass in loyalty, we are “anarchists” and “violent” people trying to destroy him.  That means the Stasi won’t be far behind.

And, the shirts keep marching along.

Failure-in-Chief’s Incompetence Is Leading To A Police State

There are now over 3.8 million Americans who have been infected by the Coronavirus.  There are now over 142,000 dead Americans from the Coronavirus.  What we are hearing from our Failure-in-Chief is that everything is just fine.  He again said “It will go away, eventually and I will be right”.

Well, he is correct in that aspect.  Polio has basically gone away.  Smallpox has basically gone away as well.  But, both of those diseases lasted for centuries.  In the case of Smallpox, it killed hundreds of millions of people around the world before it “went away”.  It wiped out most of the Native people on our continent when it was brought here by Europeans.  After a vaccine was found and more than a century of everyone being required to have the vaccine as children it “went away”.

In that sense, eventually the Coronavirus will “go away” as our Failure-in-Chief says it will.  But, how many will die before it “goes away” is up to us.  Our actions to curb the spread of the virus will determine if we reach that 240,000 dead by election day.  If we continue on the path we are going, 100,000 more people will die by November 3.  Is that what we really want?

But, we aren’t hearing anything from Failure-in-Chief as to how to stop the spread.  We aren’t hearing any new plans from him about what he plans to do about the spread.  All we hear about is that “schools must reopen” and that “I won’t issue a mask mandate because it is personal choice”.  He is allowing the spread to continue and basically is responsible for the death toll we have seen in our country.

But there is a more serious threat to our democracy than just the virus.  While we are fighting to stay alive against this pandemic, he is moving to take away our civil liberties.  His total incompetence has led him to make decisions to “distract” from that incompetence and he has chosen to destroy our rule of law.

In order for any dictatorship to exist you have to have no rule of law.  At least no rule of law that has existed in our country from its beginning.  Instead, the only rule of law is what the dictator says is the rule of law.  And, we are seeing Bunker Donny doing exactly that.

All through the Obama administration I heard that he was taking away our civil rights.  I kept asking those saying that just what civil rights he took away.  They couldn’t answer because no civil rights were taken away under his administration.  They kept howling that “the left” wants to take away our rights and make our country a communist country.

Well, in a sense they were partially right.  Except it isn’t the “left” that wants to take away your rights, it is the “conservatives” that want to take away your rights.  And, we are seeing those rights being violated in Portland and soon in a city near you.  We have also seen it in decisions as to who goes to jail and who does not based on who trump likes and who he doesn’t like.

Three bad actors were guilty of crimes against the U.S.  One was Paul Manafort who was convicted on several charges in two separate cases in Federal Court by a jury of his peers.  One was Michael Flynn who pleaded guilty twice in open court under oath for lying to the FBI.  The third was Roger Stone who was convicted by a jury of his peers on seven felony counts.  A fourth person was also convicted on several counts including campaign finance fraud.  His name is Michael Cohen.

When the Coronavirus hit, Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen were release to home confinement because of the virus in prisons.  The other two got special treatment from the Justice Department and/or president.  The Justice Department under the direction of the fake attorney general Barr decided that Michael Flynn should be let free.  They told the judge in the case that they were dropping the case against Flynn.  This mess is still on-going.  The Judge asked the full Circuit Court to review the ruling handed down by the three judges who heard the case.  There is no word yet if the full court will take up the matter.

Then, in nothing that surprised anyone, Bunker Donny commuted the sentence of Roger Stone.  Remember this sentence was approved by Barr and Barr said that it was fair and just.  But, Stone is a “good buddy” of Bunker Donny so he got his sentence commuted anyway.

Then we have Michael Cohen.  Michael Cohen was sent back to prison last week.  He appeared at the Federal Court House to sign papers containing conditions for his continuation of home confinement.  He apparently didn’t sign them and was sent back to prison.

Now, there is a lawsuit in the matter claiming that he was sent back to prison to stop him from publishing a book.  According to the lawsuit he was being ordered to “not speak to the media” and to “not publish any books”.  When he refused those two “conditions” he was immediately sent back to prison.

A week before this all happened, Cohen said in an interview that his book was nearly completed and he planned to publish it in September.  That was all it took for him to fall in the crosshairs of Bunker Donny to send him back to prison.  All of this makes very clear what trump thinks of the rule of law.

According to trump, if you protect him, if you lie to the FBI investigating crimes, or if you lie to Congress to protect him, you can go free or spend your prison time at home.  If you refuse to do any of those things, you go back to prison as punishment for being “disloyal” to trump.

Now we come to something that is even more egregious.  We now have what can only be described as a national secret police.  We don’t know who these secret police are.  We have guesses, but no one is telling us for sure.  And, these secret police are dressed up as army troops heavily armed and doing whatever they want.

The “test” case was Portland, OR.  They were sent to “quash” the protests that have been going on for almost two months straight.  The presence of these secret police has only inflamed the situation on the ground.  They have “attacked” protesters even if they are peaceful.  It is all designed to “dominate the streets” as Bunker Donny says.

We have seen videos of these secret police roaming the streets in unmarked vans and picking up anyone they “think” doesn’t look right.  Those people are thrown into the back of the van and driven away.  The “suspects” are not being told what they are being picked up for, nor who the secret police are.

When the “suspects” refuse to waive their rights, they are let go.  That means this whole operation is nothing less than an intimidation tactic against anyone Bunker Donny doesn’t like.

The other night, a group of women who call themselves “Wall of Moms” linked arms in front of protesters.  Suddenly without warning, the secret police fired teargas at them to “disperse” them.  There was no violence before the gassing.  It was just another intimidation tactic used against unarmed women doing nothing but exercising their rights.

This is the same place where a secret police officer fired a less-lethal bullet into the head of a protester holding up a sign.  Again there had been no violence before the shooting.  That man is still in hospital fighting for his life because the bullet caused him to crumple to the ground where he struck his head and cracked his skull and even required reconstructive surgery.

Yesterday we saw a video of a man being beaten by the secret police for no reason.  The man is a Navy Veteran and graduate of the Naval Academy.  He said he wanted to “talk to the officers and ask about how all of this goes along with their oaths”.  Instead of “talking to him” you can see one officer beat him with a baton using both hands on his arm and leg.  Another came forward and sprayed him with pepper spray directly in the face.

The man just stood there.  He made no move against any of the officers.  He had nothing in his hands.  He was just beaten for no reason.  I will say this though.  He is one tough dude.  This 53 year old just stood there while he was beaten.  He didn’t even flinch.  Unfortunately, he said his arm was broken from the beating.

Now that Bunker Donny thinks that his “test case” is going so well, he plans to send these secret police to other cities.  And, just to make sure we all know who he is targeting, he is only planning to send them to cities led by  Democrats.  Can you say “round up your opponents?”

None of the cities or states where he plans to send in his troops has asked for any assistance.  So, where is he getting his “asking from” to make this legal?  Well, we now know.  It is the heads of different police unions who want the federal troops in the city.  These morons have no legal authority to “negotiate” with the federal government without consent of the local authority.

Yet, that is exactly what they are doing.  As the Black Lives Movement has progressed, we all knew that it was actually the Police Unions who were most adverse to police reform.  They don’t like the idea that their police officers can’t remain immune from prosecution for bad behavior.  It is these unions that are the first to come to the front whenever something like the George Floyd case happens.

Even when there is video that shows there was no reason for someone to be put in a choke hold, these unions say that is “normal” procedure and those “four officers against one unarmed man” were “fearful of their lives”.  It must also be remembered that it is the police unions where a lot of the most ardent trump supporters work.  They love him because he says “You shouldn’t be nice to criminals.  Go ahead and rough them up”.

The Attorney General for the State of Oregon has filed a lawsuit against these secret police for violating civil rights in her state.  It is illegal for any law enforcement officer to “arrest or detain any citizen without probable cause”.  That means you cannot roam the streets in unmarked vans and stop anyone you feel like and arrest them or detain them.

You must have probable cause or a warrant.  The very idea of just picking up people from the street is something the FSB, Putin’s secret police, do.  But in our country it is violating the civil rights of our citizens.

I want all you trump supporters to listen up.  Just because it is now happening in Portland, it doesn’t mean that YOU won’t be caught up in these illegal sweeps.  If you look like a “leftist” you will be swept up as well.  They are not using any real investigations as to who to pick up.  They are just randomly picking up anyone they want.

Near the end of the Obama administration there was a military exercise in the southwestern states.  At the time conservatives and conspiracy theory wackos went crazy.  They claimed that this wasn’t an “exercise” it was a drill to “round up conservatives an place them in camps”.

Right now, we are seeing a “test case” about “rounding up people” in violation of their rights.  And, it isn’t the “leftists” doing the rounding up, it is the conservative nuts who support trump.  I guess that is why not one word of anger has come out of their mouths or those of the Pathetic Republican Party.  Hey, if you can’t win the election fair and square, arrest those who will vote against you.

We are being “told” and I use that word loosely, that these secret police are actually from customs and boarder patrol.  If that is true, then another law is being broken by Bunker Donny.  CBP are allowed to operate only near the borders.  Yes, they are posted in international airports even if they are not on the actual border, like Chicago, but they have no law enforcement authority beyond those airports.  I bring this up because Portland is no where near a border.  Chicago is no where near a border.  Therefore the use of CBP officers is illegal according to our own laws.

We have finally come to the point where our federal government is actively violating our civil rights.  They are beginning with those they consider political enemies.  They WILL go beyond that if allowed to continue their lawlessness.

Finally, those who claimed that “liberals” want to take away our rights are partially correct.  Except it is the “conservatives” who are actively taking our civil rights.  As the saying goes, “be careful of what you wish for, you just might get it”.

Thousands of people are dying from the pandemic every week.  Tens of thousands of people are being infected with the virus every week.  And, now we have a president who has decided that HE is the rule of law and is openly and deliberately violating civil rights of our citizens.

As the saying from a Lutheran Minister in Nazi Germany finished “when they came for me no one spoke up because there was no one left to speak up”.  Ask yourself, are we on that same path?

And, the shirts keep marching along.

Today’s Movie – A Government Of Wolves

The numbers continue to go up.  We now have 3.6 million infected people and 140,000 dead from the virus.  Still, the government is doing nothing about the pandemic, unless you call “ignoring it” doing something.

The government still has not said anything about the Russia Bounty scandal.  Not one word.  Now we know that Russian intelligence is trying to hack into vaccine research all around the world.  Not one word from our Putin Puppet about that either.

We have reached a point where the government has sent “secret police” into the streets of our cities.  They are doing the kind of things we expect a dictator’s secret police to do.  If this were another country, we would be screaming our heads off about civil rights abuse.

Let’s roll the film.

As the number of cases continue to explode, we are beginning to see intentional efforts by some to suppress those numbers.  Failure-in-Chief ordered hospitals to stop reporting to the CDC and instead tell him what the  numbers are.  There is no doubt that he fully intends to downplay those numbers and even underreport them in an effort to make himself look good.

In Texas, one of the hottest hot spots, the state removed over 3,000 cases from their numbers.  They claim they were removed because they were obtained from antigen tests.  These tests are much quicker than any other test.  The results are returned in minutes, not days.

But, they also claim that because there is the possibility of “false results” they can’t be added to the numbers.  Well, none of the tests being used are 100 percent accurate.  So, using their rationale, there are no cases in Texas.  This is just another example of trying to underreport the numbers so they don’t look so bad.

The other reason is to sow deeper division between our people.  As soon as Texas removed those cases from their list, the conspiracy theorists went off full force.  They claim that this is proof that “everything is overblown and there is no real threat from the virus”.  Of course that is bullshit, but conspiracy theorists deal in bullshit every day.

The most transparent means to show the number of cases is to show the number of cases confirmed by each type of test.  There are only three being used right now, so that wouldn’t be difficult.  That might also remove any confusion about the number of cases and shut up the conspiracy theorists.

But, no matter how hard the administration and their lackeys try to underreport, we are still number one in the number of cases and the number of dead.  Another “win” for the administration.

It has been about one month since it was reported that Russia had paid incentives to terrorists to kill our troops and coalition forces in Afghanistan.  Bunker Donny has still not said a single word about that.  He has given tacit approval for Putin to continue his murderous onslaught against our forces and those of our allies.  To me, that is treasonous behavior.

Two days ago it was announced by our intelligence agencies and those of our allies that Russian Intelligence has also tried to hack into computers around the world that contains research into a vaccine for the pandemic.  They have tried to hack into computers of our companies working on this vaccine.  Yet, we hear the usual silence from the Putin Puppet.

He can’t even protect or is willing to show any support for the private companies and government research on finding a vaccine for this pandemic.  According to his treasonous actions, he is saying Putin is welcome to hack anything he wants for his own advantage.

Then we have the case of Secret Police being sent to our streets in various cities.  These Secret Police wear camouflage without any marking as to which government agency they belong to.  The only marking is a small tag that says “police”.

This Secret Police force has been sent to places like Seattle, WA; Portland, OR; Washington, D.C and other big cities.  These federal officials are supposedly there to protect federal statues and federal buildings.  However, in Portland things are not going that way.

Instead, they are driving around in unmarked mini-vans and picking up people from the street, throwing them into the van and driving off.  There is no indication as to who is doing this and they do not even say why that person is is being arrested.

In one case, two people were walking home from a peaceful protest.  We know this because there was no violence or confrontation that night.  Suddenly, an unmarked mini-van began chasing them down the street.  One of the men got away but the other was stopped.

Mark Pettibone was the man who did not get away.  Mr. Pettibone said:  “One of the officers said, ‘It’s OK, it’s OK,’ and just grabbed me and threw me into the van.  Another officer pulled my beanie down so I couldn’t see.”  Obviously, Mr. Pettibone was terrified.

You have to remember in all of this that there have been clashes between protesters and right wing militia groups who also wear camouflage and riot gear.  So, it was reasonable for Mr. Pettibone to believe he was being “kidnapped” by one of those groups.

During this stop, Mr. Pettibone was never told why he was being detained or arrested.  Nor did anyone of the “officers” identify who they worked for.  He was taken to a building, that later was identified as a court house.  He was finally given his Miranda rights when he was placed in a cell.

He was then asked if he would waive those rights to answer a few questions.  Mr. Pettibone declined and said he wanted a lawyer.  About 90 minutes later, he was releases without any charges against him.

Mr. Pettibone is not the only one that has been “kidnapped” from our streets by these Secret Police.  And, the danger doesn’t end there.  Last weekend, a protester was standing across the street from the court house holding a sign.

All of a sudden, in the video, you see him fall to the ground.  The man Donavan La Bella needed facial reconstruction surgery.  He was struck in the head by a “non-lethal” bullet.  The force caused him to collapse and he struck his face on the concrete ground.

Besides the reconstructive surgery, he is still in the hospital with a tube in his head to drain excessive blood from his brain area.  There was absolutely no reason for anyone to fire any kind of bullet at this man.  He was doing nothing but standing up with a sign.

It must also be reported that these forces have been placed into our cities without any coordination with local governments.  Nor, did any of the local governments request help in stemming any violence.  Bunker Donny just decided which cities should get these Secret Police and sent them in.

DHS Secretary Wolf arrived in Portland and called the protesters a “violent mob” of anarchists emboldened by the “lack of local enforcement.  He also said that these Secret Police were there to “defend government property” and would do so accordingly.

But, what is that very dangerous and horribly terrorist type activity that they need to protect against?  Well, it is that horrible crime of graffiti!  I guess they believe that painting slogans on a building is a horrible crime that will “destroy our very democracy”.

It is true that there has been violence in Portland.  Some protesters have clashed with police in riot gear.  They have also had violent clashes with right wing militia types who came there to cause trouble.  But, the violence has waned over the last several weeks.  And, the actions of these Secret Police have taken place during peaceful protests.

There have been times when these Secret Police fired rubber bullets from slots in the Federal Court House at the crowds.  There is a video of one of them walking down the street swinging a burning ball emitting tear gas.  Then we have those driving around in unmarked mini-vans picking up anyone they wish without any cause or reason.

The Mayor of Portland, the Governor of Oregon, and the Congressional delegation from the state have demanded Bunker Donny remove his Secret Police from the city.  But, since Bunker Donny thinks it makes great TV on right wing media, he is ignoring those demands.

This is just another political stunt by Bunker Donny to divide our nation even m0re than he already has.  His people are very quick to call protesters “violent mobs of anarchists” but continue to ignore the right wing militia personnel there causing just as much violence as well.

We have seen this kind of police activity around the world.  We have seen such tactics used by agencies known as the Gestapo, KGB. STAZI and other groups controlled by dictators.  The best way to establish an autocratic government is to intimidate the population and, if necessary, make your opponents disappear.

We haven’t gotten to the p0int of people disappearing, but we are seeing the intimidation tactic on full display.  This action is a total abuse of power.  We don’t send in troops or “Secret Police” dressed as troops to cities or states without a request from the governments involved.  At least, not until now.

We first saw this Secret Police force in Washington, D.C. when Bunker Donny needed to “clear the park” so he could make his photo-op walk to a church to hold up a bible.  It has now been extended to our cities for more sinister reasons.  Intimidate our population.

Edward R. Murrow once said:  “A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves”.  He was correct.  Ever since 9/11 we have become that nation of sheep.  We have quietly accepted closed circuit television cameras on our streets.  We have quietly accepted the idea that NSA can listen into our cell phone calls because some word was said that was considered as terrorist like.  We have quietly accepted spying on our internet use by private companies and allowing them to “sell” our information to marketers.  We have quietly allowed voter suppression to continue in too many of our states.

Those are just some examples of our quiet turn to becoming sheep.  So, once we start to cast off our sheep’s wool and start to demand changes to things like police brutality, our government of wolves turns on us in the most violent of manners.

They start shooting people for holding signs.  They start instigating violence with their tactics.  They start rounding up our citizens from the streets without any cause or any explanation as to why or who they are.  This administration has loaded itself with the wolves who are too happy to destroy our rule of law and our democracy itself.

I denounce any protesters who turn to violence.  I denounce any protester who is trying to use this cause for their own personal reasons.  By doing that, they become no different than Bunker Donny.

On the other hand, we cannot sit by and watch as our government becomes that “government of wolves”.  We have to stop being the “sheep” and stand up for our rights.  Those things we quietly accepted are nothing less than a violation of our rights.  They are being done by the so-called “conservative law and order” wing.  They say we need all of that to “protect us from terrorism”.  However, who is protecting us from them and their “wolves”?

Hope you enjoyed the movie.

And, the shirts keep marching along.

Today’s Movie – The Wicker Man

The pandemic continues to rage.  The numbers are rising faster and faster with no end in sight.  So far we have been lucky in that the number of deaths are not going up nearly as fast as they did in the spring.  However, that isn’t to say it won’t.   Death rates always lag the number of cases.

The good news is that we have begun to get better at treating the virus so more people are recovering.  Yet, those who do recover need lots of time before they actually get their full strength back and some face lifetime problems caused by the virus.  The south and southwest are drowning in cases.

But, our Failure-in-Chief isn’t doing anything about it.  PPE and other equipment are in short supply again, and he says nothing.  Testing is a mess again and he says nothing.  People are dying and he says nothing.

But, he is talking.  We just don’t know what he is talking about.  In the movie the Wicker Man, a policer officer is sent to a Scottish Island in search of a missing girl.  Except, the residents claim she never existed.  Just like Failure-in-Chief claims COVID-19 doesn’t really exist.

So, let’s roll the film.

Everyday we set new records for new cases.  Everyday several states set records for new cases.  Everyday several states set new records for the number of deaths caused by the virus.  Everyday Failure-in-Chief says “we are in good position and we are winning the war against the virus”.

Failure-in-Chief claims that the reports about the rising cases of the virus are “blown up to make me look bad”.  So, he announced that he has “ordered” hospitals to bypass the CDC with their reporting, as they do now, and send it instead to a central computer in Washington at HHS instead.  Can you say COVER UP?

The information is sent to the CDC because they are the experts on tracking, tracing and doing something to help end this mess.  The only reason to bypass them is to fudge the numbers for political reasons.  If they underreport the numbers, he can say “we are doing great” and he believes that will help him win reelection.  This new reporting is to begin tomorrow.  We will have to be very skeptical on any new numbers beginning then.

Even Florida has been accused of fudging their numbers.  But, it really hasn’t helped because when you become the epicenter of a pandemic because your Governor is a complete moron, it is hard to hide the truth.

Yesterday Bunker Donny announced he would hold a press conference in the Rose Garden about Hong Kong.  When it started, he talked about signing the bill Congress sent him that places sanctions on China for the Hong Kong mess.  It took all of 3 minutes for that to take place.

Then he went off on a 45 minute tantrum about the election.  He blasted his opponent.  He blasted everyone who is against opening schools without proper safety precautions.  He blasted everyone reporting on the explosion of cases of the virus.  He blasted everyone in sight and even those not in sight.

It was like listening to one of his rallies instead of a press conference.  To top it off, he was surly, he was angry, he was dour, and he was acting like he lost it.  I think he completed about four sentences in that 45 minute rant.  I am not going to get into details, because there weren’t any details to talk about.  It was just him howling at the moon like the idiot he is.

He also did an interview with CBS yesterday.  That was just as bizarre as his ranting in the Rose Garden.  He doesn’t seem to have any ability to talk clearly or in complete sentences.  The answers he gave were strange and he even exploded once or twice.

Some examples of this strangeness:

Question:  “What do you tell parents and teachers who feel that it is unsafe to go back?”

President:  “I would tell parents and teachers that you should find yourself a new person whoever is in charge of that decision, because it’s a terrible decision.  Because children and parents are dying from that trauma, too. They’re dying because they can’t do what they’re doing.  Mothers can’t go to work because all of a sudden they have to stay home and watch their child, and fathers.”  “can’t do what they are doing”?  What does that even mean?

He added:  “I also say a decision like that is politics, because we’re starting to do very well in the polls, because I’m for law and order.  I’m for strong business.  Our jobs are coming back at a record level like we’ve never seen anything like it.  Record level.  We’re heading up.  It’s turning out to be the V just like — I built it once before, the strongest economy ever.  I’m doing it again.  They don’t want it to happen.” That was referring to “the Democrats and the radical left.”

Question:  “Why are black people still dying at the hands of law enforcement in this country.”

He exploded:  “So are White people. So are White people. What a terrible question to ask. So are White people.  More White people, by the way. More White people.”

He was asked about his comment in 2015 that the confederate should be in a museum and if he still believed that.

He said:  “All I say is freedom of speech. It’s very simple.  My attitude is freedom of speech.  Very strong views on the Confederate flag.  With me, it’s freedom of speech.  Very simple.  Like it, don’t like it, it’s freedom of speech.”

He then was asked if he would feel comfortable if his supporters displayed the confederate flag at one of his rallies.

He said:  “You know, it depends on what your definition is.  But I am comfortable with freedom of speech.  It’s very simple.”

When pressed on the issue as to why some consider it a symbol of slavery he said:  “Well, people love it and I don’t view — I know people that like the Confederate flag and they’re not thinking about slavery.  I look at NASCAR — you go to NASCAR, you had those flags all over the place.  They stopped it.”

Those are just a few of the ramblings of Bunker Donny.  As you can see, he simply doesn’t make any sense.  When it comes to reopening schools, he doesn’t care what parents think.  He even went so far as to tell them to “find yourself a new person whoever is in charge of that decision”.  He is telling parents who disagree with him, they are not capable of making a decision on protecting their own children.

According to him, he and those who follow him are far better to make decisions about our children than we are.  If we are afraid of exposing our children to this dreadful virus, well we should ask someone like him to make the decision for us because we are impaired or something.

We can ignore the lie about how he is coming up in the polls or how the economy is rebounding or the curve was a V or that everyone wants to make reopening schools political to make him look bad.  Not to mention that not reopening schools is causing deaths.

When it comes to the black lives thing, his claim of “white people too” is obvious.  Yes, white people are also killed by police.  But, the numbers say that a black man is 3 times more likely to die at the hands of police than a white man.  Plus, that isn’t really a good defense of police brutality is it?  Doesn’t that really admit to the fact that police brutality is out of control?

The most interesting part of his confederate flag rant is this.  When he was pushed about the slavery angle he said:  “Well, people love it and I don’t view — I know…”.  There it is.  Now, some will say he cut himself off at the word “view” because he was changing tracks on his train of thought, like he has train of thought.  I don’t believe it.

Instead I believe that he cut himself off after the word “view” because he was going to say “I don’t view it like that”.  That would be politically crippling, so he cut himself off so his true inner feeling didn’t come out.  He also said that the “freedom of speech” included the confederate flag AND “black lives matter”.  Problem is that just last week, he said that the slogan “black lives matter” is hate speech.

When asked if he would support his supporters displaying the flag at one of his rallies he said:  “You know, it depends on what your definition is.”  Well, here is what Webster dictionary says the definition is:

ato put or spread before the view, display the flag
bto make evident, displayed great skill
cto exhibit ostentatiously, liked to display his erudition
Now, if trump has a different definition of “display” he might want to share that with us.  Using these definitions, he did NOT answer the question, which means we will probably start seeing it any rallies he has, if any.
As our nation is dying from the pandemic, we STILL do not have a national plan to fight it.  We STILL have not activated the Defense Production Act to ensure front line workers have the proper equipment to protect themselves and treat the sick.  We STILL do not have proper testing.  What testing is going on is haphazard and it takes anywhere from 4 to 14 days to get the results back making tracing impossible.
When it comes to our children’s safety if schools reopen, Bunker Donny doesn’t give a shit.  If you don’t want to send your children to school out of fear because there are no safety precautions in place, you are too stupid to make that decision.
When it comes to racial inequality, especially at the hands of police, Bunker Donny has to defend “white people” instead of looking at the problem for what it is.  When it comes to the traitors and their symbols, he is perfectly happy to let them be and fly at his rallies, apparently.
When it comes to tracking the number of cases and deaths, I believe he is trying to hide the facts.  Which is why he wants hospitals to bypass the CDC with their reports.  Maybe he called Putin and was advised if you don’t announce the numbers no one will think there is a problem, just like Putin does.
That is the what our Wicker Man is facing.  He is looking for things that Bunker Donny claims doesn’t exist and never did.  He is trying to get information from someone who can’t give a straight answer to anything.  He is dealing with someone in complete denial.
The problem for us and our nation is that someone in complete denial just happens to be our pretend president.  Even if he loses the election, we are stuck with him for another six months.  The damage he can cause in that time is almost unfathomable.   But that is what we are looking at.
Hope you enjoyed the film.
And, the shirts keep marching along.