Due To Circumstances Going On – The Mid-Terms Will Be Our Salvation Or Our Doom

Day 519.  

There is so much going on it is hard to pick something to comment on.  Yesterday, we saw Zuckerberg go to Capital Hill and testify about Facebook.  He gave a lot of “double talk” answers and unfortunately the Senators questioning him are not as knowledgeable as they should be to ask serious questions.

We also have our slimy leader fuming over the search warrants issued against his personal attorney.  He has been threatening to literally “blow up” the Justice Department by firing everyone in charge.  He is talking about firing Sessions, Rosenstein and Mueller.

There is the trade war that is quietly waging between the U.S. and China.  There is the Syria issue.  He threatened that “the missiles are coming”.  We have the scandal at the EPA where it is now reported that the staffer who approved a memo dealing with the false claim of “death threats” was fired.

Others in the Administration are under scrutiny for abusing their spending of taxpayer money for their benefit.  We still have no Secretary of State.  The number 2 guy at the National Security Council is resigning.  The spokesperson for the National Security Council is resigning.

Yet, the White House tells us that everything is just fine there.  There is no chaos.  There are not too many people being fired or resigning.  Everything is just hokey-dokey.

We are told by our slimy leader that there “was no collusion” and “it is just a witch hunt”.  Okay, then why have there been so many indictments and so many people who have pleaded guilty?  There must be something or else there wouldn’t be all this activity in the courts.

Now, we just heard that the scared shitless Paul Ryan has announced that he is leaving Congress after this year.  That is no real surprise since it has been rumored for about a year.  And, considering the fact that he has done nothing as Speaker of the House it isn’t a very big loss either.

This couples with the dead silence from Republicans in Congress about Slimy Donny’s threats about blowing up the Justice Department.  Our friends on the Republican side say things like “I don’t see anything that indicates trump is going to fire Mueller”.  Or, “He is too smart to do such a thing”.

Have they been listening or watching what our moron-in-chief has been saying and doing?  The only people being talked about for impeachment from Republicans, in another attempt to smear our Justice Department, are Christopher Wray and Rod Rosenstein.

With all of this as a backdrop, we must ask ourselves some pertinent questions.  Is this the man we really want leading our country right now?  How can we trust him to do anything in a reasonable way and not lash out in order to deflect attention away from his legal troubles and his corrupt administration?

Every time the Mueller investigation gets closer to him, our slimy leader tries to change the subject by doing something else stupid.

The situation in Syria needs some kind of response.  However, we need someone who actually looks at the positives and the negatives of an airstrike.  What happens if those missiles hit Russians?  What happens if Russia tries to shoot down our missiles as they have promised to do?

Is a strike like this the best way to handle the situation?  And, who is going to determine the actual targets?  Are we going to alert the Russians so they can get out of the way like the last time?

I know that the military leaders involved in this will be asking those questions.  I also know that they probably have a plan already to go.  But, I do not trust our slimy leader to listen to them anymore than he listens to anyone else.  As a result, I am afraid that he may just lash out to show how he is a “tough guy” and damn the consequences.

When it comes to the trade war with China, I do not trust him to actually come to a real and fair agreement with China.  China claims that they will reduce import tax on American Cars into China and do something about stealing our intellectual property.

They have made those promises before and it resulted in more intellectual property being stolen.  What about the Chinese cyber attacks on our companies and infrastructure?  What is our dear leader going to do about them?  Is he going to take China’s word and claim “victory” or is he going to have people who know what they are doing negotiate with China for a real and fair deal?

My guess is that the next headline about the Russia Investigation that makes him look bad will result in an announcement of “victory” without any real substance to the plan.  That is more up his alley than making a real deal with anyone.

What is going to happen if he suddenly unleashes on the Justice Department and starts firing everyone?  What will our Republican controlled Congress do?  Will they actually do what people like Lindsey Graham say and put an end to his presidency or just sit back and let it go on?

If they do act, we will have to wonder what our dear leader will do.  Will he “legally” fight the issue, or will he start a war somewhere to distract everyone from the problem of having a crook in the White House?  If he starts a war, will Congress simply say “okay, there is a war so we can’t do anything right now”.

We are being led by a man who settled a fraud case against him with his Trump University scandal to the tune of $25 million.  A man who has been accused by dozens of women of sexual assault.  A man who has paid hush money to women so they won’t tell about their affairs with him.

A man who doesn’t seem to care that his idea of “draining the swamp” means bringing people to his administration that is ripping off the taxpayer for personal gain.  A man who seems to have no respect for the rule of law.  A man who lies just about every time he opens him mouth.

We are being led by a man with absolutely no sign of any morality.  A third-rated Reality TV star who thinks he is still on his horrible show.

We have witnessed that he makes decisions depending on how mad he is at the time, or trying to change the topic away from unfriendly headlines.

Our dear leader swore during the campaign to not wage wars across the world to “nation build” or for “regime change”.  Yet he has surrounded himself with warmongers of the worst kind, like Bolton.  A man who thinks the best way of diplomacy is falling bombs.

And, this is the man we are trusting to sit down with the leaders of North Korea to “denuclearize” the Korean peninsula.  Is he really going to “negotiate” or to make an excuse for an attack against North Korea?  Will he take a day and claim that North Korea isn’t cooperating because they won’t bow and kiss his ring?  Therefore, military action is “necessary”.

These are all things we must be asking ourselves right now.  This could have all been avoided if the Republicans in Congress did not enable his behavior with their silence.  It could have been avoided if Republicans in Congress placed the country above party and conducted real investigations into the Russian meddling of our elections.

But, they haven’t spoken out.  They didn’t conduct real investigations.  Just look at the Nunes driven clown show called the House Intelligence Committee investigation that admitted they didn’t even look for collusion.  They were too interested in protecting their dear leader and ended the investigation even while indictments were flying out of the Mueller probe.

So far the economy is still going strong, though there are very nervous people on Wall Street right now due to the trade war he seems so intent on having with China.   Yet, everything hinges on what our dear leader will do.

If the trade war escalates, Wall Street will react negatively.  Just how bad is anyone’s guess.  If he starts blowing up the Justice Department we will face a Constitutional crisis even worse than Watergate was.

What we really need right now is a leader we can trust to make reasonable and researched decisions on a multitude of issues.  Unfortunately, we have clown who makes decisions based on the level of his anger and what headlines are making him look bad.

To couple that we have a Congress that is more interested in keeping their phony-baloney jobs than doing what is good for the country.  They are either keeping quiet to not stir up our slimy leader’s supporters for the primaries, or they are leaving office and running away from their responsibilities.

This is why I say the mid-terms can be our salvation or our doom.  If Republicans keep total control of our government, we are probably doomed because they will be even more afraid to stand up to our dear leader.  If even one chamber of the Congress switches, we have a chance to keep our dear leader in check.

No, neither option is perfect, but we need someone to say no to the most stupid ideas of our dear leader.  We need someone who is unafraid to stand up to someone who believes that the law doesn’t matter to him.

I do not want Democrats to immediately start impeachment against the president should they take control of Congress.  I want them to wait until Mueller is finished with his investigation and go with the evidence.  If Slimy Donny is guilty of something, fine.  If not, then he does not deserve impeachment.

Just like we cannot allow the “victor” of a presidential election to “go after” his opponents, we cannot use the power of impeachment to “get rid” of someone just because we don’t like him.  We can only use that power if there is good reason and real evidence of wrongdoing.  That is the true meaning of the “rule of law”.  And, that “rule of law” is the foundation of America being the best country on the planet.

If Democrats use the power of impeachment wrongly, if they take control of Congress, they will be just as guilty of authoritarianism as the Republicans have been.  It is time to stop the nonsense and get back to running the country.

This is what we are facing as a nation right now.  And, to put it nicely, it isn’t pretty.

And, the shirts keep marching along.

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