A New Year – Same Chaos Courtesy Of Right Wing Extremists

As you have all probably guessed, I took a sabbatical for a while. I decided to clear my head and just observe for a while as to what is going on in our country. But, with 2024 in full swing, and this being an election year, I decided it is time to dust off the keyboard again. We need to keep abreast of what is happening and speak out against the lies and total bullshit coming from the other side of the aisle.

In the last few months, we have heard the GOP’s plan for our country. According to them, we are to “do as you are told by us”. It has become obvious that the GOP is terrified of a democracy and want us to be terrified by it also. There are lots of examples of this terror and we should at least take a look at what it is.

In Ohio, the state voters passed two measures. The first was the legalization of abortion and the other was the legalization of marijuana. The State Legislature, who is controlled by Republicans have rejected those election results. They are actually looking at ways to keep them from becoming the law of the land in Ohio simply because they oppose them. 

Their first target was the abortion measure. They argue that it does not “allow abortion” outside of the law they passed basically banning it. In fact IT DOES. There are Republicans in the State Legislature who are actually looking at trying to pass laws that would remove this measure from the State Constitution. Despite the fact that over 60 percent of the electorate voted for the measure. The voters be damned.

The abortion fight is raging in Texas. There the law makes it almost impossible for a woman to get an abortion even if her life is in danger. We are all aware of the recent case where even the Texas Supreme Court ruled against a woman who could have died without an abortion. In Texas, the life of a woman means absolutely nothing to Republicans. If a pregnancy is going to kill the woman, they believe it is her problem and she should just accept her fate and die. Their conservative Supreme Court agrees with that concept. 

We have heard the front runner for the Republican nomination to become president state very clearly that he would be a “dictator”. He openly said that if reelected “I would be a dictator on day one”. He tried to claim it would be for “only one day” but we all know that isn’t how it works. Once he throws out the Constitution for “one day” it is gone forever.

The number four leader of Republicans in the House of Representatives is already claiming the 2024 election is “being stolen”. She claims that she will not state specifically if she would vote to certify the election. She claims it depends on the “Constitutionality” of the election. In other words, she is saying that if her candidate wins, it is constitutional but if he loses it isn’t. Hell, the election is still 10 months away and she is already, along with several other members of the Republican Party claiming that it is being stolen.

In just a week or so, we face a partial shutdown of our government. In less than a month, we face as total shutdown of our government. The Speaker of the House and the leader of the Senate have agreed on terms for a new budget. But, the right wing of the Republicans in the House are already preparing to sabotage that agreement because they don’t get “everything we want”. I believe that if this agreement is passed and a real budget is signed into law in terms of this agreement, we will see another attempt by Republican wackos to remove Johnson from being Speaker.

Ever since Barak Obama was elected as President back in 2008, we have heard Republicans cry about “they are coming for our rights”. But, in reality, is they who are “coming for our rights”. They have banned abortion everywhere they could because they believe it will solidify the Evangelical vote for themselves. They have banned treatment for transgender minors. They claim that minors are “being mutilated” with surgery. That is total bullshit. No one conducts gender altering surgery on minors. The fact is they just hate the LGBTQ community and they want them to die out.

We keep hearing them cry about the border crisis. But, the only thing they want is a Berlin Wall built on the border. They offer no solutions to the real problems that have caused this problem in the first place. They refuse to acknowledge they were the ones who refused to pass a bipartisan Immigration Reform bill under the Obama administration that would have put in place measures to fight against this problem. All they do is cry in their beer and offer no solutions.

The current crop of Republicans trying to unseat the last moron from gaining the nomination have all said that they would “pardon” the last moron if they were elected. They have also pledged to “support him” even if he is convicted of any of the 91 charges pending against him. How is that for “supporting the Constitution”?

Their leader, in an attempt to intimidate Democrats and anyone else he doesn’t like from voting said his supporters should ensure “those bags of crap” don’t get to vote. He is suggesting his supporters go to places they don’t live in order to intimidate voters who just may vote against him. The party gives its approval with their silence over this intimidation attempt.

One hundred years ago, there was an attempted coup in Bavaria by a group called the National Socialist Workers Party, also known as the Nazi party. That party was led by one Adolph Hitler who later became the leader of Germany and unleashed the worst world war in mankind’s history. When he took power, one of the first things he did was build a memorial to those who supported him and were killed in the attempted violent overthrow of the Bavarian government.

Today, we have the leader of one party and all of his supporters claiming those who have been convicted of their crimes during the Jan. 6 insurrection as being “J6 hostages”.  That same leader is using Hitler terminology to define his political opponents and immigrants. He call immigrants “slime” and “vermin” just like Hitler did. 

He wants to “round up illegals” and “punish his opponents” just like Hitler did. He wants to shut down our free press and jail anyone who writes anything he doesn’t like about him. Just like Hitler did. And, just like the supporters of Hitler, his supporters are claiming he has “been sent by god” to save us from decency apparently.

This is what today’s Republican Party has become. Hell, in Michigan, the head of the Republican party there was supposedly voted out of her position by her own party, but refuses to leave or accept the vote as “legitimate”. I think that says all we need to know about how Republicans look at what democracy is supposed to be.

In my opinion we are in very dangerous times for our nation. We have one party hellbent on eliminating rights of the citizenry. But, only the “rights” that the Republicans don’t like. There is a serious attack on our rights over voting, abortion, health care, LGBTQ rights, education and freedom of speech. 

This party has waged a war against these rights in order to dictate how we are to live. What we can believe. Even who has the “right” to live. They are trying to establish a new “order” in our country. Their plan is to take over the government and then never relinquish power regardless of the vote by the people. Hell, I doubt if there would even be another vote if this clown is reelected.

I believe this year we have a very serious choice. We can vote to keep our nation and our way of life with guaranteed rights, or we can vote to march down the path to total dictatorship. History has shown us what happens to nation’s who follow the path of dictatorship. 

The real issue to consider when you head to the polls is to remember, if a dictatorship does happen here, even YOU will not be immune from the dangers it will possess. In a total dictatorship no one is safe from the dangers of being “removed” from society. Even Hitler destroyed the SA who were the ones who put him in power. He was terrified they might turn on him. So, even if you declare to be MAGA, it won’t protect you from retribution if your leader considers you a threat to his power. He has already shown his willingness to turn on his own supporters if helps him stay out of jail.

We have ten months to make up our minds what we are to be. Use that time wisely or we will fail just like democracy in Germany failed 100 years ago.

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