Day Three Shows Us Mrs. Jackson Is Right America – It Is Time To “Search Your Heart”

Well, day three of the RNC is over.  I didn’t think it would ever end.  It was just as anticipated.  It was a “loyalty” test for all of the speakers.  They all heaped praise on our dear leader, except one.  He didn’t even mention trump’s name.  I don’t know if that was planned or just a mistake.

I am having a very hard time deciding which is worse.  Listening to trump read from a teleprompter like a first grader or listening to pence whenever he speaks.  I learned that if you are going to give a public speech, the audience can tell just how much you believe in what you are saying by how you say it.

Listening to pence does not make me believe he believes anything he is saying at any given time.  And, last night it was hard to believe he believed anything he said about how “proud” he was at being at trump’s side during the last four years.

There was also something else that always comes to mind whenever a bunch of Republicans get together.  You always hear them talk about “what we DID”.  You almost never hear them say what they WILL do.  That is because they have no idea what they are going to do.  All the believe in is what happened in the past.  That is the very definition of Conservativism.  Conservatives always believe that “yesterday” was always better and that “tomorrow” will never come or more importantly they are afraid of “tomorrow”.

That is why there is no platform for the RNC this year.  They decided to finally put their action where their mouths are.  They are letting us know that what happened yesterday is far more important than what happens tomorrow so they don’t even have a plan for tomorrow.  That has always been their belief, and this year they put it on paper, or rather don’t have paper with anything written on it.

The entire meme so far has been how wonderful trump has been.  They are telling us that the pandemic is over because trump did such a “wonderful” job in fighting against it.  They tell us the economy is “booming” because trump is such a “great” business man.  They tell us that the country is on a great path because trump has done, well, they haven’t told us what he has done for that one.

There were three very interesting items missing from yesterday’s day three.  The first was the pandemic.  They didn’t tell us that there are now 180,000 dead from the virus.  So, I guess he has done a great job on this item.  No other nation in the world comes even close to the number of dead from the virus as we have.  No other nation comes even close to the 5.8 million people affected by the virus.  So, I guess they are chalking up another “win” for trump.

Then there was nothing about the economic disaster we are facing.  I am not talking about the stock market like they want us to talk about because the stock is not the economy.  I am talking about the additional 1 million people who filed for new unemployment last week.  That makes about 23 out of 24 weeks that over 1 million filed.  The one week that didn’t have 1 million had about 964,000.  They hailed that as a great accomplishment.

We didn’t hear about the over 100,000 small businesses who closed their doors for good.  We didn’t hear about how they were forced to shut their doors because the administration rigged the small business part of the Cares Act so only larger companies with relationships with “large” banks could get the money.  As a result, hundreds of thousands of small businesses were completely shut out of the help intended for them.

We did not hear about the over 30 million Americans who lost their health insurance when they lost their jobs.  We did not hear about the 23 million people who are at risk of losing their homes.  We did not hear about any of these things because it proves that the economy is NOT “booming” like they want us to believe.

We did not hear anything about the social unrest sweeping across the country.  We did not hear about the latest police shooting in Kenosha, WI.  We did not hear about the 17 year old who shot and killed two protesters in Kenosha the night before claiming he was a “militia” and trying to “protect” property.  We did not hear condemnation for Tucker Carlson who just before the coverage of their convention started tried to “justify” the murders of this wacko kid.

We did not hear about another death in Minneapolis when a murder suspect was found dead while in custody.  We did hear that there must be “law and order” and we were told the protesters were anarchist.  But, we did not hear about how the Proud Boys have been raising trouble in Portland, OR.  They have infiltrated the protests ongoing in that city to start fights with the protesters.

When they succeed in starting trouble, the police declare a “riot’ and start firing off tear gas and charging into the protesters.  These “riots” have been started by right wing militia and the police have been standing by and watching it all take place.  As a matter of fact, over this past weekend they decided that they would no longer interfere with the fights or even try to stop them.  But, then again, the Portland Police have been known to be cozy with white supremacists in the past.  In case you are wondering, there are plenty of videos showing the Proud Boys instigating fights during peaceful protests.  Yet, nothing is being done about them.  The only “anarchists” are the protesters not the ones causing the problems.

We heard absolutely not one mention of Hurricane Laura striking the Gulf Coast.  NOT ONE WORD!  Hundreds of thousands of Americans were in deep jeopardy because of the category four hurricane about to ruin their entire lives, but no one last night could utter one word about it.  Their problem is that the very people being most impacted are “their people” not the “liberals” they hate so much.

The hurricane did come ashore last night in Louisiana.  We know that at least one person was killed.  That was a 14 year old girl who was killed when a tree fell on her house.  I am certain, but hoping against hope I am wrong, that there will be more deaths.  Yet, no one last night could even mention the tragedy ready to unfold on the Gulf Coast.  We didn’t even hear those magical words Republicans think stops all suffering, “we pray for the victims”.

This convention has been a bust, at least in my mind.  It has been filled with nothing that can be said was good, and it has nothing that can show what we can expect if we let them keep office.  It has been filled with all kinds of characters though.  We have the St. Louis couple under indictment for aiming loaded weapons at unarmed protesters who marched past their home and did nor said anything to them.  They were warning us that if Democrats win “mob rule” will take place in America.

But, one of the most putrid of the speakers was one Abby Johnson.  She is an anti-abortionist who claims to have once worked for Planned Parenthood.  She also claims that the vast majority of Planned Parenthood clinics are in minority areas.  Actually about 7 percent of their clinics are in areas more than one-third minority.  She claims she quit her job when she witnessed an “ultrasound” abortion on an African American woman.

Her problem is that she has told this story for years.  Yet, whenever anyone looks into it for facts, there is no evidence that this took place at all.  She claims the fetus was 13 weeks old.  Yet on the day she claims this took place, there was no abortion that was performed on anyone more that 9 weeks pregnant.  Plus, the only African American who had an abortion that day was only 8 weeks pregnant and no ultra sound was used.

So, her story is anything but truthful.  But, that isn’t all she believes.  For one thing, and she said this openly at the convention, that she believes in “household” voting.  It probably isn’t what you think.  What she is saying is that if the “husband” decides to vote one way and the “wife” another, she can’t vote because it is only his vote that should count.

According to her, in “a godly” household, the husband gets the final say on everything including a woman’s right to vote her own mind.  But, this is also a woman who says some other disgusting things.  She has adopted a “mixed race” son.  So, you would think she favors police reform so her son would not be profiled.  But, you are absolutely wrong.

According to this woman it is perfectly okay for police to profile her non-white son.  She said just before her big night at the convention that “it would be smart for police to be more careful around her brown son than her white son because statistics say brown people are more violent than white people”.  How would like to have this woman as your mom?  If I were her “brown son” I would be in court getting that adoption voided so I could get the hell away from her.

Of course the main theme of this RNC just like the main theme of the last 50 years of RNC conventions, is that “Democrats are socialists” and we are “real” Americans.  How many times have we heard this week about how if the Democrats win we will be “locked in our houses until we are subserviant to government handouts”?

How many times have we heard that Democrats want to “take away your guns and leave us defenseless”?  How many times have we heard that “Democrats want to take away our right to free speech”?  These are all the same quotes we have heard ever since Barry Goldwater was the Republican nominee back in 1964.  People are saying that this is all “new” to the Republican party.  It isn’t.  Look back and you will see it.

It was Richard Nixon in 1968 that came up with the “lets get the bigots on our side” with his “southern strategy” just a few years after the Civil Rights and Voting Rights bills were passed.  It was Ronald Reagan who started the whole “welfare queen” mantra as part of the Republican policy agenda.  It was George H.W. Bush who started the whole “Democrats want to let every criminal out of prison” crap.

No, this is nothing new.  What is new is that this is the first time that Republicans stuck their heads in the sand with a deadly pandemic going on around them.  It is the first time they stuck their heads in the sand when their leader treats bounties on the heads of our soldiers as not really his concern.  It is the first time when it was discovered someone was “arming” our enemies in a war they allowed their president to say “well, we armed them in the 1980 against Russia, so..”

Every person in America knows that the pandemic is slowly killing us off and spreading out of control.  Every person in America knows that the “new” guidelines put out by the CDC saying if you don’t have symptoms you don’t need to be tested even if you were in close contact with a positive case, going against ALL evidence to the contrary, is the result of “political” pressure from the White House.

Every person in America knows that we have serious civil unrest because of police misconduct and police brutality.  Every person in America knows that the economy is not booming but is in shambles with no clear end in sight.

Well, every person in America knows all of this except those true trump loyalists.  It is those true trump loyalists that have gotten speaking gigs at this year’s convention.  They support a dictator wanna-be and are ready to fall in line and do their duty even if it kills them to keep him in power.

Pence was right about one thing last night.  This election above anything else is about America.  It is about whether or not we keep our democracy or move to authoritarianism.  It is about the freedoms of our people or whether trump gets to decide which “rights” or which “people’ get to enjoy them?  It is about how our children will live.  Will they live in a free democracy or will they live under the thumb of a dictator?

It is about are we going to have a fair economy where everyone can “move up” or are we going to continue along the oligarch type of economy Republicans have already begun establishing?  It is about are we going to continue to have freedom of religion or are we going to be forced to live under laws determined by one sect of one religion?  Will “freedoms” be determined by our “religious” beliefs or by our being a citizen in a free country?

This election will determine if we are that “shining city on a hill” or if we are the “usual slum run by a dictator”.  That is the simple choice.  Our dear leader wants to be our dictator for life.  His opponent wants to keep our democracy.

America, it is up to you.  V O T E !!!!!!!

And, the shirts keep marching along.

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