Today’s Movie – The Wizard Of Oz

The death toll keeps rising and our Failure-in-Chief keeps saying that the virus will “fade away”.  Protests are still raging and the Pathetic Republican Party displays a bill with nothing in it except “wishes, dreams and stupidity”.  It does not address the real problems that have caused the protests in the first place.

A new book is on the horizon, unless Failure-in-Chief gets his court order to delay publication.  Where are all the cries about “censoring conservative voices”?  Oh yeah, that only counts if trump says so.  Not if he is the one trying to censor conservative voices.

Well, let’s roll the film.

As our heroine Dorothy skips down the yellow brick road to the City of Oz to ask the Wizard, Bunker Donny, to help her get home she picks up three fellow travelers.  The first is the Scarecrow, our beloved Sgt. Schultz.  The Scarecrow decides to ask the Wizard for a brain.  He should also ask for a spine since he is spineless as well as brainless.

The Scarecrow goes along with his boss on everything he says.  One day he is telling us that the President of China is doing “a terrific job in handling the coronavirus and it won’t get here” just like his boss.  Then a little later he is blasting the same President of China for “sending the virus to us” and “hiding the facts about the virus”.

But, whenever his boss gets caught lying or doing something illegal, the Scarecrow says “I don’t know anything about it”.  The classic Sgt. Schultz quote of “I know nothing”.  But, when the boss scolds him for that, he turns around and says “yeah, the boss did everything right and I fully support him”.

When the scarecrow said he made a mistake when he didn’t wear a mask at the Mayo Clinic in defiance of the clinics rules, he was taken into the Oval Office and spanked.  So, now the Scarecrow won’t wear a mask because he is too spineless to stand up and act like a man who knows better.

The second traveler they found was the Tin Man, our William Barr.  The Tin Man said he would ask the Wizard for a heart.  He definitely has an empty chamber where a heart should be.  And, he doesn’t seem to know that he is supposed to be representing the PEOPLE of the U.S. not the president.

So, when the boss cries out, he is quick to answer yes, sir.  He tries to drop charges against a man who already said he was guilty in court under oath.  He gets some flunky to start an investigation of the investigators in an effort to deflect his boss’ own transgressions.

When unarmed people are killed by police on our streets he says that the protests are “illegal” and the police are “under attack”.  When his boss wants a clear path to hold a stupid photo-op, he orders tear gas attacks against peaceful protesters to make that path clear.  Then he says that the protesters were “violent” because they hurled naughty words at his secret police.

The Tin Man simply oily walks around the countryside spreading his pollution everywhere he goes.  That is when he isn’t squeaking because his boss sprayed water all over him in order to get him to obey.  He offers nothing to the trip except whining and lies.

The third traveler they come across is the Cowardly Lion, John Bolton.  The Cowardly Lion wants the Wizard to give him courage.  Except, when he worked for the Wizard in days past, he did everything he was told to do in exactly the way he was told to do it.

Then, he decided that he did not have the courage to stand-up to the boss so he resigned.  The boss said that he, the boss, fired the Cowardly Lion.  So, the Cowardly Lion decided to make a bunch of money and write a book.  While that was going on, the Wizard was in jeopardy of losing his job.

The people who wanted to take the Wizard out of his job asked the Cowardly Lion to come and talk to them and tell them what he knew.  The Cowardly Lion roared back, “I am too cowardly to do that”.  Then, he saw a clever way out.  When another group was going to decide if the Wizard should lose his job but said they weren’t interested in hearing from anyone who knew anything, the Cowardly Lion said “I would talk if they asked me”.  They didn’t.

In the end, the Wizard was able to keep his job.  Now, the Cowardly Lion wants us to believe that he really is a hero and we should all buy his book so we can see just how brave he really is.  But the Wizard is very, very upset and is trying to keep the Cowardly Lion’s book from being sold.

The Cowardly Lion had an opportunity to “earn” his courage but took the cowards way out.  Now, he wants to make a bunch of money saying what he should have back then by selling his book so he can look courageous.

When the travelers arrived at the City of Oz they got their meeting with the great Wizard.  Only, they found out that the Wizard was a phony.  They discovered that he really wasn’t a Wizard but a liar only interested in his own profits.

In the end, the Scarecrow walks around pretending that he actually has a brain.  But, since he never asked for a spine, he cannot pretend he has finally got one.  The Tin Man walks around pretending he has a heart.  All the while he continues to allow his boss to break the law.  And, he continues to try to let his boss’ cronies off the hook while he slams peaceful protesters.  The Cowardly Lion is still a coward.  He may pretend to have courage, but everyone sees through him and knows he is still the Cowardly Lion.

And as for Dorothy, she is left behind by the bumbling idiot who pretended to be a Wizard because he didn’t know how to handle the air balloon meant to take them both back home.

Dorothy was saved by the Good Witch of the North.  She made sure Dorothy got home.  But the Scarecrow, Tin Man and Cowardly Lion were beyond her help.  They are beyond anyone’s help.  And, the Wizard is floating off somewhere in his own fantasyland pretending to be a Great Wizard.

In reality we are left with the Scarecrow, Sgt. Schultz, pretending he has a brain.  The Tin Man, Bill Barr, pretending to be the Attorney General of the people of the United States NOT the president.  The Cowardly Lion hoping we all buy his book while he whimpers in the corner instead of doing what is right.  And the Wizard, Bunker Donny, pretending to be a leader but destroying our nation.

Just like the people of the City of Oz, we lose.

Hope you enjoyed the film.

And, the shirts keep marching along.

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