Republicans – “Criminals Will Break Gun Laws Anyway – So Why Bother”

Yesterday, there was a shooting in Iowa. Two women were killed and their murderer shot himself. This took place at a church event. This shooting took place just three minutes after President Biden ended his speech to the American People about the need for reasonable gun control.

In Racine, WI there was another mass shooting that took place at a cemetery. This took place during the funeral for Da’Shontay L. King Sr., who was fatally shot by Racine police May 20. At least 20 – 30 shots were fired. No suspects have yet to be arrested. Though several people were wounded. We don’t know how serious the injuries are yet.

In South Carolina a man was arrested for attempted murder and weapons charges. The man stood in the woods near his house and randomly shot at passing vehicles. During his rampage, he killed an 8 year old boy and wounded the boy’s father. The charges were upgraded to murder after the boy died. The suspect expressed claims of paranoia and told the judge: “Every device I have has been hacked. Every device, my cell phones. My TV. I can’t even get a signal at my home to watch TV. I have been a total victim for well over two years. And I said over and over and over I did not want anyone to get hurt.” Sounds like something a “red flag” law would have help prevent. But Republicans don’t want such a law and are fighting against it in Congress as we speak.

In St. Louis, a man left a grocery store. He was carrying an AR-15. It is legal to openly carry firearms in Missouri. As he left the store, another man placed a gun to his head and stole his rifle. The victim then went to his car and pulled out another weapon and opened fire on the thief. During the “shootout” two women who had just arrived at the store were both wounded. The thief was hit multiple times and taken into custody. The “victim” left the scene and we don’t know who he is or if police intend to charge him.

All of this happened in the last week. It is sample of the sickness that has infected our nation. There are so many guns on our streets, that we have no defense against such activities. Whenever someone thinks they are being “victimized” or losing an argument, their first choice is to pull out a weapon and start shooting.

In Congress yesterday, there was a hearing by Judicial committee on legislation for reasonable gun control. This legislation would make the age for owning a gun at 21, ban high capacity magazines and give us a “red flag” law to report anyone like the man in South Carolina who may be a danger to himself or others.

But, Republicans on the committee were having nothing to do with that legislation. They came up with all kinds of excuses. Matt Gaetz even said “red flag laws” was an infringement on an individuals “due process rights” and therefore illegal. One GOP Rep. attending the hearing from home, it was a virtual meeting, even waived three different handguns to prove his manly man image. When one member of the committee said “I hope those are unloaded” he responded with “I can do whatever I want with my guns”.

To show that Republicans really care about people’s lives and the gun problems in our country, the Ohio State Legislature passed a “major” bill that will protect everyone. They passed a bill that bans all transgender students from playing high school and college sports, and requires genital exams in any disputes. Calling the bill “state sponsored bullying” one Democratic lawmaker said: “This is truly bizarre medically and nonsensical, but looking at it practically, this bill means that if anyone decides to question a child’s true gender, that child must undergo a sensitive exam. I struggle to understand why we keep discussing bills focusing on children’s genitals.”

Now we come to the Republican’s call to “arm teachers”. We must remember this is nothing new. States like Texas already have laws on the books to “arm teachers” in schools. But, even though it has been in effect since 2013, the number of teachers wanting to carry arms in school are very small.

But, let’s look at these laws. What happens if there is another school shooting, and our record says there will be, and one of these armed teachers tries to intervene. What happens and who is liable if innocent children or teachers are wounded in the shootout? Is the teacher going to be held liable or is the school district or the state? What happens when police finally get up the courage to enter the school and sees that teacher with a gun and opens fire on the teacher.

Remember, in these kinds of situations, police do not hesitate to shoot anyone with a gun. In this scenario, an innocent teacher would be killed by police and the police would get away with it because that teacher had a gun. The list of what can go wrong with too many guns in schools is too long to list. But, you can bet that if this happens, the teacher will be blamed.

Teachers are supposed to teach our children. They already face budget problems, too many students in a class, not enough supplies, and constant beratement from Republican lawmakers and right wing nut jobs. Now, Republicans want to add to their problems by making them “armed security” guards and take on the added liability of doing that. It is no wonder it is getting harder and harder to find qualified people to be our teachers.

The idea of gun-toting teachers promises to harness renewed political urgency in the school safety debate, as a top Texas law enforcement official on Friday acknowledged failures in a plodding police response to this week’s violence. But, instead of addressing that “plodding response” and making sure police and schools have the resources to protect our children, they want to “save money” and arm teachers instead. That is an easy choice because Republicans are already targeting teachers for every ill in our country including mass shootings. So, if an armed teacher screws up in their “response” they will surely become the favorite target of Republicans and be blamed for all of the deaths.

Finally in yesterday’s hearing, Rep. Swallwell actually went “scorched earth” on his Republican colleagues. He said: “Are you here for our kids, or are you here for the killers? Because if you were here for the kids, you would do all you could to protect the next school shooting that’s about to happen, and we know it’s gonna happen in America. You would vote to raise the age on purchasing an assault rifle, you would vote to ban high-capacity magazines, you would vote to require safe storage and you would vote to address ghost guns, which are ravaging communities across America. But if you’re here for the killers, you would do everything to make it easier for the next school shooting to happen.”

Wow! Well, Crazy Uncle Louie Gohmert seemed to get, let us say miffed. He screamed: “How dare you? You think we don’t have hearts. We care about people. We care about their lives and lives that have been so trivialized. We care deeply. How dare you? How dare you? You arrogant people attributing murder to those of us who want to do something to stop it.”

You will notice that he NEVER gave one example of what Republicans are doing to “stop it”. It was just talk, again. They have no plans to address the growing murder of our people due to easy access to guns. More than one Republican have already said “no laws would have stopped these shootings, so why bother”.

That is the answer Republicans want us to swallow. They claim criminals will break the laws anyway, so why bother to pass them. If that is the case, why pass any law? Won’t people just break them anyway? Is that what our country has become? Have we become so passive that we don’t want laws passed because “someone will break it anyway”?

What a pathetic group of lazy assholes. That is exactly what Republicans have become and they seem very proud of that fact. We desperately need them voted out of office this November for the sake of our nation and the lives of our children.

One Year Later It Is America Saying “I Can’t Breathe”

One year ago today, the nation watched as an unarmed black man was pinned to the ground with Minneapolis Police Officer Derrick Chauvin’s knee pressed against his neck for almost 9 minutes. We all watched in horror as the man pleaded over and over that “I can’t breathe”. The plea was disregarded and the man was killed. Chauvin was convicted of murder.

This has been all too familiar in our nation. That is the unfortunate truth of the matter. Today, we are hearing the same cry of “I can’t breathe”. But, this time it is the nation crying it. It is the nation that is being bombarded by unconstitutional laws by one party that is systematically stripping away our rights and our freedoms.

Today, a new Derrick Chauvin has emerged from the shadows to foment anger, hate and murder. This time Derrick Chauvin is the Republican Party. In the last several months, they have placed their knee on the neck of democracy and liberty and is pressing down until they both die. Here are just a few examples of this crime being committed against our nation.

Since January 6, there has been a call for an impartial, non-bipartisan commission to look at what happened so we can learn the truth about what happened, who was involved and what we need to do to keep it from ever happening again. So, the Minority Leader in the House appointed one of his members to “negotiate” an acceptable measure to make the commission possible.

He came up with a bipartisan agreement and said it would be fair and equitable. But, McCarthy backtracked and said it was a “partisan witch hunt”. He refused to support the very agreement he wanted. Then Sen. McConnell said the same thing. After stating on January 7 that the former guy was responsible for the insurrection, McConnell now says we “just need to move forward”.

Instead of supporting the police officers who were seriously injured or died as a result of the insurrection and the other people who died during the insurrection, they have decided to slap them all in the face and pretend it never happened. It is a blatant attack on our rule of law and right to know the truth and hold those responsible accountable. They are “setting the rules” and we should all just shut up and follow their deceitful arguments.

The insurrection was caused by the “big lie” that the election was stolen. The party has decided that six months after the election, they were going to “hire” their “own companies” to “audit” the election results. They started in Arizona where a sham “audit” is taking place by a company owned by a person who openly stated and wrote several times he believed the election was stolen.

This “audit” is being held in secret with very little oversight. One of the “auditors” was actually a Republican who was on the ballot during the last election and a big proponent of the “big lie” theory. Once the Arizona Republic made that fact known in their reporting, the man was “let go”.

Now, the party is using the same false narrative and the big lie to try to force additional “audits” across the nation. This is not about “election integrity”. It is all about they lost and can’t take it. So, in their zeal for power, they decided that making people believe our election is fraudulent is their best path to power. Especially since they have no policies to argue about.

The party has also passed and are considering more laws to suppress the vote. Again, this isn’t about “voter integrity” it is about power. History says that if the voter turnout is low, Republicans win. If the voter turnout is high, like in 2020, Republicans lose. So, to keep the voter turnout low, make sure fewer people can actually vote. So, Derrick Chauvin has his knee on the neck of the right to vote.

The party that claims the government should never be allowed between a patient and their doctor is getting between the patient and their doctor. This new Derrick Chauvin is placing his knee on the neck of patient liberties, privacy and right to care from their doctor.

We have seen this in the laws they have passed against abortion and transgender treatment for minors. They have declared that only they have the authority or right to determine what kinds of treatment these people get, if any. They have decided that a woman does not have the religious right or the civil right to determine her own body’s health. Only they can say how a woman can be treated if she becomes pregnant, not the woman, not the family and certainly not a doctor.

The same is true for transgender minors. Only the party has the right to determine if they deserve or need any medical treatment that will help make their lives easier and healthier. And, since the party doesn’t believe in the rights of transgender people, they decided that these minors have no rights at all. Furthermore, they have decided that the parents of these minors have no right in determining the best medical treatment for their own children. Only the party has that right.

The party has decided that things like Critical Race Theory and the 1619 Project are bad because they teach children the real history of racism and slavery in our country. They have decided that our children do not have a right to learn these things because, well, they might actually see the real problems they have caused in our society. The truth cannot be allowed to be taught, so the party has made it illegal to teach them. Derrick Chauvin has his knee on the neck of the truth.

After a 30 year fight about being able to teach Yoga in public schools in Georgia, the state finally agreed to allow it. However, they also made it illegal to use the actual words to describe the exercises. And, parents must sign a consent form that clearly states that the parent understands that “Yoga is a form of Hinduism”. Derrick Chauvin has his knee on the freedom of religion and free speech.

The party has decided that anyone who claims to be Republican who says the voter fraud thing is a lie or said that the former guy should have been impeached for his incitement of the January 6 insurrection must be cancelled. Everyone who has spoke up in such a way has been cancelled by the party. They have either been censured or they have been called traitors.

Yet, a Senator can send out a tweet praising the Russian Military and denouncing our own military and no one says a word of dissent about it. When Kremlin Kruz denounced our military, not one member of the party said one word of dissent. Derrick Chauvin has his knee on the neck of our national security.

So, there are a few examples. We are facing the new Derrick Chauvin with his knee pressing on the neck of our nation. The party has declared war on democracy, freedom of health care, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, the right to vote and our national security by attacking our military.

One year after the horrific murder of George Floyd by Derrick Chauvin, the party has become our Derrick Chauvin and is kneeling on our necks. They are trying openly to snuff out the life of our democracy, our nation and our way of life.

Today, America is on the ground with Chauvin’s knee on our neck and us saying “I can’t breathe”. If we aren’t careful, we will be the new George Floyd murdered by our own Derrick Chauvin. Furthermore, if this continues, George Floyd’s will continue to be victims because the party doesn’t care about him or his people. The party would rather they not even be allowed to remain in the country.

Fight back. Vote the party out of power for good!

Verdict Is Not A Victory – It Is A First Step Forward

We are closing in on 200 million people with at least one shot of the vaccine. As we continue to move forward, we still have too many who are foolishly avoiding getting the vaccine. As those weird TV ads say, “if the vaccine is not everywhere, the virus is not going anywhere”. That is a very true statement. The vaccines are safe and effective. GET YOURS as soon as possible. That is the only way we can fully get back to normal.

In the other news. Yesterday Derick Chauvin was found guilty on all charges he faced in the George Floyd case. This is not a victory in any sense of the word. Yes, it is a measure of justice for Floyd’s killing, but in the overall picture of racial injustice it is only a first step towards a more just system.

I watched the trial with some interest because I was interested in how the evidence was going to be presented. I have also argued that we will never get rid of the “bad cops” as long as the “good cops” kept quiet when things like this happen. That so-called “blue wall of silence” was broken during this trial. Hopefully it will mean that it will be broken as more of these cases come forward.

In this case, we saw police officer after police officer testify that the actions of Chauvin were not part of the police department’s policies. They testified that Chauvin broke the rules and did in fact use excessive force. This is the first trial that I can remember when so many police officers testified against one of their own. That is a tremendous first step in helping stamp out police brutality.

I say that this verdict is not a victory because too many white supremacists and right wing nuts are claiming that Chauvin was not guilty, there was no “real” evidence and that he was “sacrificed” instead of receiving real justice. These memes are being broadcast on the air on so-called conservative media outlets like Fox News and Newsmax.

On Fox News Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham were quick to declare the verdict was wrong on all fronts. Carlson claims “we don’t really know why George Floyd died”. He claims it was for all sorts of reasons other than the knee on his neck.

Well, let me offer Tucker Carlson a demonstration. Anytime he wants, I am willing to travel to wherever he wants and demonstrate the tactic used by Chauvin on Floyd. I will place him in handcuffs with his arms behind his back, and I will then kneel on his neck and back for nine and a half minutes. Let us see how he fares under these circumstances.

Now, I do not know of any medical factors that Carlson may be suffering from other than a lack of active brain cells, but I am willing to bet he won’t fare any better than Floyd did when placed in this “hold” by police. This man is so out of reasonable mental capacity he lost it when one of his guests, whom he asked on the show to comment on the verdict, declared the verdict was correct.

Carlson lost the plot after his guest said that and quickly ended the interview because it wasn’t what Carlson wanted to hear or what he has been spinning on his show since this whole mess started.

He wasn’t alone at Fox either. Laura Ingraham had to step in and claim the verdict was wrong. However in her usual “ignore the facts and blame someone else” method of “broadcasting” instead of arguing about how the verdict was “wrong” she blamed President Biden and Vice President Harris.

She said that the idea of “systemic racism” was in fact the “big lie”. Of course what else would a woman who has stoked white supremacist and white nationalist memes openly on her show say? She wants you to believe that there is no systemic racism. She instead encouraged viewers not to think “for a nanosecond that the left wing media and activists who went on and on today about George Floyd are worried about justice” ― instead baselessly accusing them of using his death as “a stepping stone to tearing down America.”

Of course as I have written over the past few weeks, with proof, that it isn’t the Democrats trying to “tear down America” it is the Republicans who are actively trying to “tear down America and the Constitution” with all sorts of rights suppressing bills.

All of this shows us that the guilty verdict of this criminal cop who showed no mercy and no remorse for his actions is not a victory. It is merely a stepping stone to getting our nation to that “more perfect union” our Constitution calls for us to become. But before that can happen, we need the end of hate in America. We need the end of “excuses” for bad behavior, especially from our cops.

Derick Chauvin is probably going to spend most of if not the rest of his life in prison and he deserves that fate. However, he is not the only “bad cop” that is running loose on America. We continue to see this kind of behavior all across the nation. We continue to see “routine traffic stops” turn into killings of unarmed people.

The fact that so many police officers testified against Chauvin at his trial is another step in the right direction. Yet, we need this to happen every time there is an unjustified killing by a police officer. We need this to happen every time there is a case of police brutality that is unnecessary.

Today the DOJ announced an investigation in the Minneapolis Police Department’s use of force. That is another step. But, that won’t end the problem either. Better recruiting and screening of police applicants is needed. We need to know if police are hiring white supremacists into their ranks. We need to know if police are hiring people who believe that badge gives them a right to kill whomever they want.

Police all across the nation need to take a realistic look at how they respond to each type of situation. Just when is it right to use force on someone accused of committing a “minor” or non-violent crime? I mean let’s face facts. In this one case a person was accused of trying to “pass a counterfeit” bill. The police came on scene and the situation quickly escalated out of control.

Four police officers claim that they were unable to “control” one man who had been handcuffed and thrown on the ground with a knee on his neck. Really? Are you telling me that four police officers needed to use such deadly force to control a man accused of a non-violent and minor crime? These four officers are so incompetent that they could not control Floyd without the use of this deadly force?

We heard a lot in the trial from the defense about police having to make “split second decisions”. I am sorry, but nine minutes and twenty-nine seconds cannot and does not constitute a “split second decision”.

In reality, that is one of the major problems with policing in our country. Police all too often do not use any judgement because they figure that they will get away with whatever happens anyway. That hopefully will begin to end with this guilty verdict.

The object of police is to apprehend suspects. Then they are handed over to the criminal justice system for a decision on their guilt or innocence. It is not the job of the police officer to act as judge, jury and executioner. From the evidence I saw in this trial, Chauvin acted like he believed the latter was true.

We do definitely need police reform in our country. What we need is a policing system that actually believes in the slogans on their police cars. “To Serve and To Protect”. That slogan means they are to serve and protect ALL citizens regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation, sex or background. Once police all honor that slogan, then we will see proper policing in our country.

Until then, we will have more Derick Chauvins in our police using their badge as a license to kill anyone they choose for any minor offense. Remember, policing in our country is not supposed to be a matter of politics. It is supposed to be a matter if integrity, moral standards and decency and respect shown to all. For that to be true, we must weed out all of the Derick Chauvins in our police forces.

Yesterday’s verdict was the beginning step. It is now up to all of us to ensure the next steps are taken as well.

Innocent People Keep Dying – Gun Advocates Keep Lying

The pandemic is still going on and we are still losing people to the deadly virus. But, we are seeing more and more good news. Today over half of all Americans have had at least one shot of the vaccine. We need those numbers to grow more and I am sure they will. We are also seeing the number of new cases beginning to drop and the number of deaths drop. All that is great, but we must keep vigilant until we get everyone vaccinated. Get yours when you are eligible.

In other news, the pandemic that is with us everyday and will remain with us after the coronavirus pandemic is over is our pandemic of gun violence. In just the last 24 hours, we have had three more mass shootings. At least six people have been killed and several injured. In the roughly 100 days of 2021, we have around 200 mass shootings. That is ridiculous.

As most Americans want to see some reasonable gun laws to help stem the tide of this violence, the far-right wing and the gun advocates are continuing preaching their lies about guns. They are still trying to convince you that “more guns” is the answer. That only “more guns” will stop the carnage.

We now have 13 States that have passed laws where people in their state can carry a concealed weapon without having a license or permit to do so. These states have also led the march to what gun advocates call “constitutional carry” laws. Under this law, anyone who is a “citizen” and at least 18 years of age will be able to carry any weapon they want in the open. They will not need a license, a permit, or even a gun ownership license. Texas is the latest state to take this stupidity up and it has been sent to their Senate for consideration.

The Texas law says that anyone over the age of 21 will be able to carry a weapon without a license. Additionally, they will not have to pass a background check or go through any training in order to carry their weapon. As it reads, this law will allow anyone, regardless of their mental health or accuracy with shooting, to be able to wander the streets of Texas with their weapons. Really, how does that make Texans more “safe”?

This all comes on the heels of the mass shooting outbreak that we face as a nation. It was just last week that FedEx had a mass shooting at their Indianapolis center. But, there is a backstory that the gun advocates do not want you to hear.

In this story, the shooter was actually interviewed by the FBI last year. This happened because the shooter’s family used Indiana’s “Red Flag” law to call the FBI to report the shooter may be dangerous to himself and others. When the interview took place, the FBI confiscated a shotgun that the shooter had already bought.

But, that did not end the whole matter. Apparently for some reason, this never made it into the national data bases. So, the shooter went back to a gun store and purchased two assault styled rifles. That is what he used during his attack at the FedEx center.

The reason this all happened is because in order to be “red flagged” in Indiana, the accused must be declared as a reasonable threat to the community by a judge. Meaning they would have to take everyone reported under a red flag report to court before putting them on the red flag alert.

That did not happen in this case. We don’t know why. What we do know is that a man, or rather a 19 year old teen was flagged by his parents as being a danger to himself and others. The FBI investigated and took his shotgun. But, the shooter was still able to purchase two weapons of war. But, no one in Indiana is too interested in trying to figure out why this happened and what they need to do to make their red flag law more enforceable.

As the nation struggles with this pandemic of gun violence, we are still hearing the same lies from gun advocates. They keep saying that the only answer to gun violence is for the public to be armed even more than it is. They claim that more guns is the answer.

Their basic argument goes like this. If more Americans own guns, then the criminals will not bother them because they will be too afraid of getting shot. Therefore, according to gun advocates, more guns means that fewer gun deaths will result because of the “armed and dangerous” public.

But, that is a lie. The statistics show just the opposite is true. The real danger is that more people with guns means that more people are actually capable of killing someone in a fit of anger or because they are different. Road rage is a major problem with gun violence. Someone cuts you off, you get very angry and reach for your gun to “teach him a lesson”. There are far too many instances of this kind of crime being committed.

In order to show just how more guns does not mean fewer deaths, the average death rate per 100,000 people on a national basis is 11.1. That means 11.1 people per 100,000 die each year from gun violence. But, in the 13 states where you don’t need a license to carry a concealed weapon, 10 states have a much higher death rate than the national average.

Just to give you an idea of just how more guns means more deaths, here are six states that do not require a license to carry a concealed weapon. The numbers shown here are the number of deaths per 100,000 people. So, it is based on an even comparison based on national average of 11.1.

Alaska – 23.4; Arizona 13.8; Idaho 14.7; Mississippi 19.6; Missouri 18.1; West Virginia 14.9. As you can see, more guns does not mean fewer deaths or crime. It could actually mean more deaths from guns.

In fairness, there are three states that do not require a permit for a concealed weapon where the death rate is lower than the national average. Those states are Maine, Vermont and New Hampshire. So, it is safe to come to the conclusion that more guns does not mean fewer deaths as the gun advocates want you to believe.

As we have spoken many times, over 90 percent of Americans want universal background checks on anyone who purchases a weapon regardless of where they purchase it. Over 70 percent of Americans believe that weapons of war should not be sold to the general public, meaning ban assault rifles and guns.

Over 75 percent of law abiding gun owners believe that anyone who purchases a gun should have to go through a background check and pass gun safety and gun handling training. Over 75 percent of Americans believe we should have strict red flag laws, more stringent than the one in Indiana where a red flag should have been placed on the FedEx shooter and wasn’t.

I find it amazing that so many states want to pass what they call “constitutional carry” laws pertaining to weapons and are the same states trying to take away the “constitutional right” to cast a vote in our elections. I have never heard of a vote killing someone. I have never heard of a “mass killing” where the killer used a voting ballot to kill several people.

This is the ugly truth we face in our country. We are all too willing to allow crazy people to purchase guns and allow them to carry one without even having a permit or training on its use. We are all too willing to “excuse” mass shooters as being some “lone wolf” who simply lost their minds.

Somehow, we are to believe that owning a weapon is an absolute right that cannot be taken away from citizens. While the right to vote is not so “absolute” and can be limited or even revoked for no real reason at all.

The other thing to consider is the fact that, as in the Texas law, anyone can walk around with a weapon as long as they are a “citizen”. But, just how are we supposed to know which nut with a gun is a “citizen” and which is not. I cannot find anything in any of these laws that says a police officer has the right to “check the citizenship” of anyone carrying around a gun.

Which brings us back to the same old questions of who is considered a “citizen” on sight and who is not. If a few African Americans are walking down the street in one of these states carrying a gun, will they be ignored or will police stop them to check their ID? If someone who “looks” like a Muslim is carrying a gun in one of these states, will he be shot for being a possible “terrorist”?

With systemic racism still all too prevalent in our country, those possibilities are very real. You can bet that if one of these groups does get shot because they are “thought to be terrorists” no Republican who loves these laws will come to their defense and say they were “right to carry their weapons”. But, if a white person comes into conflict in the same way, then we will hear all about “freedoms being denied”.

In order to maintain an orderly and safe society, we must understand that all rights are NOT absolute. The Supreme Court has ruled under that premise in all sorts of cases including gun control laws. We have a real pandemic of gun violence in our country. We are seeing over 40,000 people being killed by guns every year. We see by the statistics of our own government that states with the most lax gun laws are the ones who lead the nation in deaths per 100,000 by gun violence.

These constitutional carry laws are the exact opposite of even the gun advocates arguments. According to them, we cannot have reasonable gun laws because “bad guys will still be able to get guns”. Well, this Texas law ALLOWS them to get guns because there isn’t any background checks to carry a gun.

Somehow, we have way too many people who think we should go back to the “Old West” where everyone carried a gun around. However, the reality of those days is that no one was allowed to carry a gun in any town. When people went to town, they had to surrender their guns to the sheriff or marshal and pick them up on the way out of town.

As it is, more and more innocent people are being killed in mass shootings in our country. As that happens, the gun advocates tell us more and more lies about guns and how more and more guns make us safer. In fact, more and more guns make us less safe.

Think about that fact the next time your child comes home from school and tells you they held a “hide in place” drill in case of a shooter in their school. It is time for Americans to tell the gun advocates we see through their bullshit and we have better priorities than arming everyone and watching deaths spiral out of control. The future of our children is at stake. The future of YOUR children is at stake.

Republicans – Only Gun Ownership Is Absolute Right

It is hard to believe, but the virus pandemic is actually being thrown to the backseat in the news. We are still in the pandemic and people are still getting sick and dying. But, the good news is that these numbers are still sitting on a bit of a plateau. There are some upticks in new cases and deaths, but when compared to the holiday surges this past few months, the numbers are remaining low.

That can change though in a big hurry. The predominant strain of the virus in the country is now the UK variant. This variant spreads more quickly and is a bit more destructive. But, again the good news is that the vaccines work against this variant as well as against the original. So, we are still headed on the right track.

There is another pandemic raging in our country. That pandemic has been with us far longer than the COVID pandemic. It is our gun violence pandemic. We have seen way too many mass shootings in our country. We average over 40,000 people dying from gun violence every year. That is more than traffic accidents.

Yet, even after the Sandy Hook massacre of small school children, the Congress of our nation turned another blind eye to our gun problems. They refused to act on anything that could help prevent these shootings and refused to even discuss the problem in any reasonable debate on the floor of either chamber.

Since then, we have seen more and more mass shootings from Parkland High School to Las Vegas to Texas to Maryland and other localities, Still, Republcans refuse to even discuss our gun problem. They believe, unlike other rights that only gun ownership is absolute and won’t even talk about anything to do with guns except tell the nut-jobs that everyone is out to take their guns away. Hell, they even passed a law in 2017 that makes it legal for someone declared unfit to handle their own affairs to own a gun. How stupid is that?

Over 90 percent of the American people believe that universal background checks should be the law for anyone purchasing a weapon. Over 70 percent of the American people believe that weapons of war, like the AR-15, should be banned from being owned by private citizens. Over 80 percent of Americans favor the limitations on ammunition clips. Those numbers include the majority of “law abiding citizens” who own guns.

So, yesterday, President Biden tried to do something through Executive Orders. First he wants to “reign in “ghost guns”. If you don’t know what they are, ghost guns are guns that are homemade from parts that can be purchased over the internet. As a result, there are no traceable serial numbers on these weapons so if one is used in a crime, police cannot trace the gun back to the owner.

He is also requiring the Justice Department to issue a new annual report on firearms trafficking and further regulating weapons with stabilizing braces. There has never been an annual report on firearms trafficking. The fact is we don’t know how bad the firearms trafficking in our country really is. The idea of regulating weapons with stabilizing braces is also long overdue. These “stabilizing braces” are used to reduce the recoil from a firearm and therefore make it more deadly. There really isn’t a use for them other than being able to kill more easily. They are mostly used on hand guns.

Biden also recommended that the government release model “red flag” laws that can be adopted by states. These laws are intended to allow family members or others who know an individual to make officials aware that person who wants to purchase a weapon may be a risk to himself or others. That could help keep weapons out of the hands of people suffering from some mental problems.

That part should not be very contentious. Several states already have “red flag” laws including Republican controlled states. For example, Florida has a “red flag” law on the books. And, if Senator Scott tries to claim it is wrong, we just need remind him he is the Governor who signed it.

In his remarks, Biden said: “no amendment to the Constitution is absolute”. Those are the same words used by Justice Scalia in Heller v. Washington, D.C. gun case. He went on to say that gun ownership is NOT an absolute right for every person who lives in the country. Reasonable gun measures can be established by the government.

Of course real gun reform can only come from Congress. We need the members of Congress to stand up and be counted on the side of keeping Americans safe from this pandemic of gun violence. No one is saying we should take guns away from anyone who is a law abiding citizen. However, there are situations where gun ownership is a hazard to everyone around and we need reasonable measures to reduce that risk.

Another thing that should be considered is the protection from liability for gun manufacturers. This is the only industry that I know of that cannot be sued if their product causes the death or injury of innocent people. I mean if someone can take a prescription, after reading the side effect warnings, and dies from a side effect can sue the pharmaceutical company, why can’t someone sue for being killed by a gun, especially if there is no warning about the dangers of shooting another?

These Executive Orders came on the day of another mass shooting, this one in Texas. We have had too many of these days and it needs to stop. It is time to look at the problem, make sure we do something about the problem, and make it safer for everyone in the country.

In other news yesterday, we heard the Lt. Governor of Georgia, a Republican, state openly that the voter restriction law passed in his state was the direct result of “lies told by the former guy and Rudy Giuliani about voter fraud in the last election”. He stated this all started after Giuliani spent hours lying to the State Legislature about voter fraud in testimony. So, as we already knew, this law and others in other State Legislatures are all based on the same lie and are totally unnecessary. They are solutions looking for a problem that simply does not exist.

The State Legislature in Arkansas overrode the veto of their Republican Governor so LGBTQ minors can be refused necessary medical treatment just because they are LGBTQ. More civil rights being taken away from citizens, not by the demonic Democrats, but by the fake Christian Republicans.

It is amazing to me that according to Republicans, you can take away voting rights from minorities because apparently voting is not an absolute right, you can deny medical treatment from LGBTQ community because medical treatment is not even a right, but you cannot pass reasonable gun laws to keep guns out of hands of criminals or mentally impaired. They are telling us that guns is an absolute right but nothing else.

Are those the priorities that we really support? It is time to stop the nonsense and start having reasonable discussions to find solutions to this problem. Doing nothing is not a solution, it simply is helping make the situation worse.

An “Idiot” Says We Need “Idiot Control” – How Apt

As we continue to fight the coronavirus pandemic, we also need to fight the gun violence pandemic. The first fight we are starting to win. The second fight isn’t going so well. The problem isn’t that Americans don’t want gun reform legislation, over 80 percent say we need it, the problem is NRA owned Senators and House Members. They are the ones standing in the way of meaningful reform.

And, as usual, we are starting to hear the same nonsense from the right about guns. Their argument is that gun reform means you will have your guns taken away from you. That is a bare faced lie. I have read every piece of legislation about gun control and not one of them ever said we should abandon the Second Amendment. Not one of them said that the people should not be allowed to own guns.

The only “guns” that these pieces of legislation want to remove from society are guns of war and large capacity ammunition clips. Guns of war are defined as any weapon whose sole purpose of existence is to fight a war. The AR-15 is at the top of the list for guns of war. The only purpose of the AR-15 is to kill people. It is a true weapon of war without any other purpose.

The arguments against reasonable gun control are off the charts in terms of stupidity. Senator Kennedy (R-LA) says instead of “gun control” we need “idiot control”. I totally agree with him. We need to control the idiots on the right who constantly conflate reasonable gun control with removal of the Second Amendment.

In his arguments, Kennedy said that background checks and other basic gun control measures are akin to handling drunk drivers by taking cars away from sober drivers.  That comment is so stupid I find it hard to believe that any sane person could even utter it. Is he saying that background checks and basic gun control measures are taking your guns away? If he is, he is even more of an idiot than I thought he was.

Secondly, there are actually more laws and rules for driving a car than there are for getting a gun. And, more people are killed by guns in this country than are killed by drunk drivers. Both are horrible and need to be better controlled. However, there are more controls on drunk drivers than on gun violence. You can get stopped at a “roadblock” when law enforcement decide there are too many drunks on the road. They set up their roadblocks and check every driver to see if they have been drinking. If so, the driver is immediately arrested for DUI.

However, there are no such roadblocks looking for wackos with a gun in their vehicle. That is considered violating the fourth amendment as an illegal search and seizure. Even if the cops only confiscate and arrest people who do not have a legal license for that gun.

Now, if Senator Kennedy is suggesting that gun ownership be treated like driving a car, that should be considered. Let’s see. If you want a driver’s license, you must pass a written test to prove you know the rules of the road. You must pass a driving test to prove that you can actually drive the car. You must provide multiple IDs to prove that you actually live at the address you claim to be. You must prove your citizenship to get a license. You must prove that you have insurance for yourself and your vehicle. In many states, once you reach a certain age, you must take a driving test every year. In a lot of states, like where I live, if your insurance lapses, your registration for your vehicle is pulled and you cannot drive that car anymore until you pay a huge fine and prove you have insurance.

Now, if Senator Kennedy wants every person who wants to own a gun to prove their citizenship, provide multiple IDs to prove their legal residence, take a gun safety and firing test to prove they can handle the gun, prove they have insurance in case they “accidently” shoot someone else, make gun registration a reality, and make yearly registration mandatory with a fee to keep your registration current and automatically cancel your gun registration and ownership license if your insurance lapses, then you can count me in.

Then we have the other NRA owned Senator from Texas, Ted Cruz. He actually started off his argument at a hearing yesterday by saying: “Every time there’s a shooting, we play this ridiculous theater where this committee gets together and proposes a bunch of laws that would do nothing to stop these murders.”

“What happens in this committee after every mass shooting is Democrats propose taking away guns from law-abiding citizens, because that’s their political objective,” he added. “But what they propose, not only does it not reduce crime, it makes it worse.”

Again, not one bill before the Congress says anything about “taking guns away from law-abiding citizens”. Once again, the Canadian Senator is lying through his pearly white teeth. And, think about this. He actually had to start off by saying “every time there is a mass shooting”. Don’t you think that tells us there is a problem that needs to be addressed?

But, the baseless and idiotic arguments didn’t stop there. He further went on to say that “Democrats hate prayer”. Yes, you read that right. According to this moron, Democrats hate prayer. He said that because he and the rest of the Republicans who “send out our thoughts and prayers” after the last two mass killings were criticized for sending prayers and doing nothing about the gun pandemic in our country.

I cannot speak for Democrats, but I can say this for myself. What I hate is phony “Christians” who hide behind religion to spew forth their hate and demand for complete control of the nation and fail to do their job to protect the citizens. I hate phonies like Cruz who only claims that “laws don’t work” when it suits his own personal agenda.

He doesn’t always think that way. After 16 people were killed in hot air balloon crash in Lockhart, TX, it was Cruz that wrote and passed legislation to increase safety regulations for hot air balloons. I suggest he did that not because he wanted to make hot air balloons safer, but because there isn’t a “hot air balloon lobby” that contributes heavily to his campaign coffers like the NRA.

I guess we can all see that Senator Kennedy might be right. What we need is “idiot control”. And, that “idiot control” starts with voting these idiots from the Republicans Party that want mass shootings to continue to be voted out of office. I say want them to continue, because their inaction and their arguments against any reasonable laws to help stop the problem is telling everyone they approve of them.

Then again, maybe what we need is “right-wing stupid asshole control”. Both of these two morons fall into that category as far as I am concerned.

Pardon Spree Begins

Our dear leader granted pardons to dozens of people last night. There isn’t anything wrong with granting pardons if you follow the rules. The DOJ has a set procedure for people receiving presidential pardons. First, they have to admit to their crimes. Second they must show remorse for their crimes. But, that is not necessary with this president.

It turns out if you are a corrupt congressman but supported trump, you can get a pardon. If you are a murderer and support trump, you can get a pardon. If you lied to the FBI in order to protect trump, then you can get a pardon.

That seems to be the only criteria for getting pardons. I understand why some get pardons for their crimes, but some of these that got pardons were convicted of some of the most heinous crimes imaginable.

Three convicted Republican congressmen were pardoned by trump. The first was Rep. Hunter. Hunter was sentenced in March to 11 months in prison after pleading guilty to stealing campaign funds and spending the money on personal expenses, such as his children’s private school tuition, his wife’s shopping sprees, weekend trips with his mistress and drinking parties in Washington.

The second was Rep. Stockman. In 2018, Stockman was sentenced to 10 years in prison and ordered to pay $1 million in restitution after a jury found him guilty on 23 counts related to stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars meant for charity and using it to pay for personal expenses and his political campaigns.

The third was Rep. Collins, who was the first sitting member of Congress to endorse trump in 2016. He was sentenced to 26 months in prison earlier this year after using his position as the largest shareholder in the Australian biotech company Innate Immunotherapeutics to illegally give other stockholders an inside tip that a test of the company’s main product had failed.

All three of these corrupt congressmen have one thing in common, besides being crooks, they all are staunch trump supporters. So, naturally, trump gave them their pardons.

The worst of the group of pardons deals with workers of Blackwater Security. They were contract workers in Iraq in 2007. During their time there, they shot and killed 17 Iraqi unarmed civilians. I am not going to give them any press by printing their names here. They are murderers and nothing less.

These four men opened fire on the civilians in Baghdad’s Nisour Square. In 2014, one of the men was convicted of murder and received a life sentence. The other three were convicted of voluntary manslaughter and using a machine gun to carry out a violent crime. They were all sentenced to 30 years in prison.

The case was held in the U.S. because the Iraqi government had an agreement with the U.S. that U.S. citizens could not be charged in Iraqi courts under the occupation forces agreement. However, there were over 70 witnesses to the case, 30 of them Iraqi citizens who were brought over for the trial.

The four pardons go hand in hand with the three U.S. military personnel who were pardoned by trump earlier. The first of those personnel was found guilty of war crimes by a Military Court Martial. The other two were waiting trial for war crimes when they received their pardons.

It would appear that you can get away with murder in trump’s eyes if you are killing Muslims. We all know his hatred for Muslims. Then again, it wasn’t like they murdered any “white” people. But, it must also be pointed out that Blackwater Security is owned by Eric Prince. Who by coincidence is the brother of trump’s Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos. Hmmm.

We expected that trump would start his pardon spree anytime. But, he could have at least picked people without such drastic crimes under their belts. On the other hand, since trump is as corrupt as the congressmen he pardoned, I guess it figures they would be at the top of the list.

So, this Christmas, if you are a convicted corrupt politician, or a supporter of trump and lied to protect him, or if you murdered Muslims and was convicted in a U.S. court, you can expect a pardon from our corrupt president.

Adam Schiff said this about the pardons: “Trump is doling out pardons, not on the basis of repentance, restitution or the interests of justice, but to reward his friends and political allies, to protect those who lie to cover up for him, to shelter those guilty of killing civilians, and to undermine an investigation that uncovered massive wrongdoing.”

Not to worry though. That is what dictators do. And, since trump is a dictator-wannabe, he has no choice but to follow the play book of dictators. Instead of paying attention to the thousands of people dying each day because of a pandemic he allowed to run rampant, he is more interested in pardoning his friends, allies and murderers. Who would expect anything else from him?

And, the shirts keep marching along.

What Will Happen When Trump Zealots Actually Realize He Lost

We are losing between 1500 and 2000 people per day to the coronavirus. At this rate, we will be at 300,000 dead by December 18. Yet the trump zealots are still ignoring safety precautions. His own personal attorney has become his own super spreader. The Arizona Legislature had to completely close down because Giuliani showed up without a mask just two days before he tested positive.

Nothing has been said about this by anyone in the administration. As people continue to get sick and die, our Failure-in-Chief has ignored the pandemic. He has “deserted” the battlefield which he claims to be the “wartime president” over.

Additonally, we have discovered that we are not going to get as many doses of the vaccines as they roll out. A report in the New York Times says that Pfizer offered the government a chance to purchase more doses but they declined. And, there is a world-wide agreement between governments and drug companies to ensure everyone gets a chance at the virus.

Only, we are at the bottom of that list because this administration decided not to participate in the agreement. So, we will not see the number of doses as quickly as we might have. State governments are already scrambling to shift their plans to made sure the fewer number of doses promised get to where they need. The administration says nothing and is doing nothing either.

Well, saying they are doing nothing is not entirely correct. They are very active in trying to overturn the election they lost. They are still filing stupid cases in court that keep getting thrown out. The only reason they are being thrown out is because they are offering absolutely no evidence to back up their fanciful claims. Courts work on evidence and facts, not innuendo and conspiracy theories.

In the meantime, trump and his cronies are spreading the false narrative about “massive voter fraud” which did not exist. As a result, we are seeing “protests” against elected officials who oversaw the election. These “protests” are not targeting just Democrats. They are targeting anyone who says Biden won the election in their state, including Republicans.

The real problem is that these “protests” are not just people marching around with signs. They are people marching around with guns. They have morphed into death threats against these public officials. The wackos have crawled out of the woodwork and are trying to sow fear in the lives of people who simply did their jobs.

Worse still, is that the administration, president and his Republican Death Cult Party are saying nothing to stop this violence. They are instead encouraging it by their silence giving tacit approval to the wackos and their threats.

Today is called Safe harbor day. It is when the entire Electoral College is selected and promised to the winner of the election in each state. That means that today, Joe Biden will have the promised votes to win the Electoral College which meets next week to cast the final vote for president.

Still over 240 Republican members of Congress refuse to say that Biden is the President-elect. Only two have come out and said trump actually won the election, but the rest are staying silent. That means they are also in favor of the fantasy of trump being the actual winner despite the votes case.

Not one member of the Republican party has denounced the threats and the “armed” protests at people’s private homes. Not one has said that political protests have no place for weapons. They are very quiet and very silent because they fear trump’s tweets and are too cowardly to put country ahead of party.

In the next two or three weeks it will become obvious to everyone, including trump zealots, that he lost the election and he lost his court cases and he will not be sworn in for a second term. That is the point where things can get very dangerous for everyone.

Conservative pundit Charlie Sykes the founder of the conservative website The Bulwark had this to say about the more ardent trump supporters: “They do not understand that the election is over. And when reality strikes and they realize that Donald Trump is not going to be sworn in as president, it’s going to come as a shock to them.”

“We haven’t reached that point with some of the more deranged and deluded supporters out there. How many of these sociopaths do you need to act out on this?”

“If they sincerely believe that this election has been stolen, that it’s an act of fraud, and they are heavily armed, what possible things could go wrong?” he then pointed out that armed demonstrators showed up at the home of Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson over the weekend to protest Trump’s loss.

“It’s a very, very scary scenario and I think that we ought to be prepared for it.” He then condemned other politicians “who are feeding into this, who are putting out the rhetoric and spreading the misinformation and giving oxygen to the various conspiracy theories.”

“It’s dangerous now, but I think it’s going to get much more dangerous over the next few weeks.”

He is right. How many nuts with a gun will it take before people start dying because of our president and his fantasies. At what point are people like the Michigan Secretary of State going to become real targets for these deluded people with guns? Don’t tell me it can’t happen either.

Remember, it was in Michigan where nut jobs planned to kidnap and kill the Governor because she wanted to stop the spread of the pandemic. If they were willing to do that over the pandemic, what will they do when they realize their dear leader is no longer going to be president?

As things are going, with trump stoking the flames of hate and fear, I am afraid that the weeks leading up to Christmas will not be that “peaceful” time of love and peace. These wackos are not interested in Christmas or Christianity. They are only interested in their delusional belief of a “White Nation” in America and they will do everything to make that happen. Especially if they believe their dear leader can’t lead them anymore from the White House.

I keep hearing that the Republicans in Congress aren’t saying anything because they have been deceived or have “made a mistake”. No, they aren’t saying anything because they made a conscience decision to back and support a dictator wanna-be so they can keep their phony jobs and pretend power.

This Republican party openly and proudly sold their soul to the devil. They are more than happy to allow this devil to do whatever he wants in the name of power. The party is a sham and the members who are following the devil are a disgrace.

People are dying from a virus. People are facing eviction from their homes because of this virus. The economy is dying because of the virus. Things are going downhill very fast and the Republican Death Cult Party led by Moscow Mitch are doing nothing to stop the bleeding and the dying. Moscow Mitch is the one person standing in the way of a bipartisan covid relief bill. He simply doesn’t care about the suffering of our people.

But, he is all in favor of the threats of people against elected officials. He must be all in favor of trump’s attempt at a coup to overthrow the election. We know this because of his silence in all of it.

The question remaining is how long will it be before blood runs in the streets because trump zealots and deranged people with guns decide to “defend trump” and start shooting? If it does come to this, the Republican Death Cult Party will be just as guilty as trump and anyone doing the shooting. They will have even more blood on their hands than the pandemic has already given them. Their silence gives approval of it all. They cannot avoid the responsibility for their inaction in their lust for power.

And, the shirts keep marching along.

Today’s Movie – The Wizard Of Oz

The death toll keeps rising and our Failure-in-Chief keeps saying that the virus will “fade away”.  Protests are still raging and the Pathetic Republican Party displays a bill with nothing in it except “wishes, dreams and stupidity”.  It does not address the real problems that have caused the protests in the first place.

A new book is on the horizon, unless Failure-in-Chief gets his court order to delay publication.  Where are all the cries about “censoring conservative voices”?  Oh yeah, that only counts if trump says so.  Not if he is the one trying to censor conservative voices.

Well, let’s roll the film.

As our heroine Dorothy skips down the yellow brick road to the City of Oz to ask the Wizard, Bunker Donny, to help her get home she picks up three fellow travelers.  The first is the Scarecrow, our beloved Sgt. Schultz.  The Scarecrow decides to ask the Wizard for a brain.  He should also ask for a spine since he is spineless as well as brainless.

The Scarecrow goes along with his boss on everything he says.  One day he is telling us that the President of China is doing “a terrific job in handling the coronavirus and it won’t get here” just like his boss.  Then a little later he is blasting the same President of China for “sending the virus to us” and “hiding the facts about the virus”.

But, whenever his boss gets caught lying or doing something illegal, the Scarecrow says “I don’t know anything about it”.  The classic Sgt. Schultz quote of “I know nothing”.  But, when the boss scolds him for that, he turns around and says “yeah, the boss did everything right and I fully support him”.

When the scarecrow said he made a mistake when he didn’t wear a mask at the Mayo Clinic in defiance of the clinics rules, he was taken into the Oval Office and spanked.  So, now the Scarecrow won’t wear a mask because he is too spineless to stand up and act like a man who knows better.

The second traveler they found was the Tin Man, our William Barr.  The Tin Man said he would ask the Wizard for a heart.  He definitely has an empty chamber where a heart should be.  And, he doesn’t seem to know that he is supposed to be representing the PEOPLE of the U.S. not the president.

So, when the boss cries out, he is quick to answer yes, sir.  He tries to drop charges against a man who already said he was guilty in court under oath.  He gets some flunky to start an investigation of the investigators in an effort to deflect his boss’ own transgressions.

When unarmed people are killed by police on our streets he says that the protests are “illegal” and the police are “under attack”.  When his boss wants a clear path to hold a stupid photo-op, he orders tear gas attacks against peaceful protesters to make that path clear.  Then he says that the protesters were “violent” because they hurled naughty words at his secret police.

The Tin Man simply oily walks around the countryside spreading his pollution everywhere he goes.  That is when he isn’t squeaking because his boss sprayed water all over him in order to get him to obey.  He offers nothing to the trip except whining and lies.

The third traveler they come across is the Cowardly Lion, John Bolton.  The Cowardly Lion wants the Wizard to give him courage.  Except, when he worked for the Wizard in days past, he did everything he was told to do in exactly the way he was told to do it.

Then, he decided that he did not have the courage to stand-up to the boss so he resigned.  The boss said that he, the boss, fired the Cowardly Lion.  So, the Cowardly Lion decided to make a bunch of money and write a book.  While that was going on, the Wizard was in jeopardy of losing his job.

The people who wanted to take the Wizard out of his job asked the Cowardly Lion to come and talk to them and tell them what he knew.  The Cowardly Lion roared back, “I am too cowardly to do that”.  Then, he saw a clever way out.  When another group was going to decide if the Wizard should lose his job but said they weren’t interested in hearing from anyone who knew anything, the Cowardly Lion said “I would talk if they asked me”.  They didn’t.

In the end, the Wizard was able to keep his job.  Now, the Cowardly Lion wants us to believe that he really is a hero and we should all buy his book so we can see just how brave he really is.  But the Wizard is very, very upset and is trying to keep the Cowardly Lion’s book from being sold.

The Cowardly Lion had an opportunity to “earn” his courage but took the cowards way out.  Now, he wants to make a bunch of money saying what he should have back then by selling his book so he can look courageous.

When the travelers arrived at the City of Oz they got their meeting with the great Wizard.  Only, they found out that the Wizard was a phony.  They discovered that he really wasn’t a Wizard but a liar only interested in his own profits.

In the end, the Scarecrow walks around pretending that he actually has a brain.  But, since he never asked for a spine, he cannot pretend he has finally got one.  The Tin Man walks around pretending he has a heart.  All the while he continues to allow his boss to break the law.  And, he continues to try to let his boss’ cronies off the hook while he slams peaceful protesters.  The Cowardly Lion is still a coward.  He may pretend to have courage, but everyone sees through him and knows he is still the Cowardly Lion.

And as for Dorothy, she is left behind by the bumbling idiot who pretended to be a Wizard because he didn’t know how to handle the air balloon meant to take them both back home.

Dorothy was saved by the Good Witch of the North.  She made sure Dorothy got home.  But the Scarecrow, Tin Man and Cowardly Lion were beyond her help.  They are beyond anyone’s help.  And, the Wizard is floating off somewhere in his own fantasyland pretending to be a Great Wizard.

In reality we are left with the Scarecrow, Sgt. Schultz, pretending he has a brain.  The Tin Man, Bill Barr, pretending to be the Attorney General of the people of the United States NOT the president.  The Cowardly Lion hoping we all buy his book while he whimpers in the corner instead of doing what is right.  And the Wizard, Bunker Donny, pretending to be a leader but destroying our nation.

Just like the people of the City of Oz, we lose.

Hope you enjoyed the film.

And, the shirts keep marching along.

Today’s Movie – Disconnect

There are now 26 states that are showing huge increases in the coronavirus cases.  At least six of them have shown record numbers of new cases.  And, even their own Public Health Officials say it is NOT because of increased testing.

In Phoenix the hospital rate has made all ICU beds full.  The hospitals have run out of ventilators and just about everything else.  Their numbers are growing so fast, they are very concerned that their hospital capacity is going to be overrun.

The national death toll is still rising at about 1,000 per day.  The number of overall cases show a decline, but if you take New York, New Jersey and Connecticut out of the equation, the case numbers are rising rapidly.  But, our Failure-in-Chief wants you to believe that the virus has “run its course and there is no more coronavirus in our country”.

As the protests keep going, Bunker Donny is trying his best to show how tough he isn’t.  They have now placed razor wire on top of his wall around the White House.  The White House looks more like a dictator’s bunker compound rather than the People’s House.

So, as he bunkers down, he needs to do something to look tough.  So, he is tweeting out things again that are completely stupid.  Let’s roll the film.

The first thing I want to complain about is the news networks.  Up until the demonstrations started, the cable networks kept up a board that showed the number of coronavirus cases and deaths.  It allowed us to keep track of what was going on.

It also gave us an opportunity to hold Failure-in-Chief’s feet to the fire.  He couldn’t hide behind lies.  However, in the last couple of weeks they have stopped showing that board of cases and deaths.  I am calling on them to put it back up all of the time.  We have a right to know the truth about the virus’ spread and how much havoc it is wreaking on our society.

This pandemic is still raging and killing thousands of us.  We cannot allow anyone to make it a “back page story”.  We must keep it on the front page.  Please flood the cable networks with demands to put it back up.

Yesterday, Joe Biden met with the family of George Floyd.  He then made a video that will be shown during the funeral.  He decided, and the family agreed, that with the Secret Service contingent with him, that could cause too much distraction to the services.

In the meantime, Bunker Donny was surrounded by law enforcement officers.  He made a big show to make sure everyone knew that he was all for the police.  That he had no problems with what has been going on for over 400 years.  He again chalked it up to a “few bad characters”.  But, he never asked those in attendance, those whom he said “99 percent of them are good cops” why they never turn in the “bad characters”.

His fake AG went on TV to lie again about what happened last Monday.  Again, he claimed that the protesters were being “violent” and that is why he ordered them to be moved back.  Except the videos from every news organization who covered the action proves there was no violence.  And, a National Guardsman who was one of them in charge said he told Barr that the demonstration was peaceful.

Then Barr told another lie.  He said he didn’t know that trump was going to speak and that he didn’t know he was going to his photo-op.  Yet, everyone in the nation knew that trump was about to speak in the Rose Garden.  So, Barr is lying again, and again, and again.  What new?

But, Bunker Donny couldn’t leave everything as it was.  No, he had to throw out another of his conspiracy theories.  Now, he is claiming, again with no proof and totally against all the evidence already shown, that the 75 year old man who got shoved by Buffalo Police and is now in the hospital in serious condition due to the head injury he suffered was “a set up”.

He tweeted this:  “Buffalo protester shoved by Police could be an ANTIFA provocateur. 75 year old Martin Gugino was pushed away after appearing to scan police communications in order to black out the equipment. @OANN I watched, he fell harder than was pushed. Was aiming scanner. Could be a set up?”

Horrors of horrors!!!! The old man was “aiminag  scanner” and that made him deserve what he got.  The scanner the man was “aiming” is a scrambler.  He was trying to interrupt communications between police.  And, that is such a horrible and terrible thing, he deserved to be shoved to the ground.  Be aware everyone, if you “aim a scanner” that apparently is the same thing as aiming a gun, according to Bunker Donny.

What else are we not supposed to “aim”?  Maybe we can’t “aim” chalk at police.  Maybe we can’t “aim” a finger at police.  Maybe we can’t even hold a ruler, much less “aim” it at police.  And, definitely don’t throw an eraser at police either.  They may be justified in shooting you because you threw a “deadly weapon”.

Now, remember when the military held an exercise in the last couple of years of the Obama Administration in the Southwest?  Everyone on the right went totally nuts.  They claimed that this exercise was really a plan to “round up all conservatives and place them in concentration camps”.  Remember that?

Well, I am sure you heard those same people screaming about the Police going to “round up Americans and place them in concentration camps” when Barr sent out his Secret Police and trump wanted to “send in the troops” to put down the protests.  Remember those screams?  No?  Oh, that is right, there weren’t any screams from the right.

Of course, how stupid of me.  They thought that all of the liberals in the country would be rounded up and that is exactly what they want.  No wonder we didn’t hear a peep out of them.  Until Mr. White Supremacist TV host spoke up.

Yesterday, that living example of a white supremacist on TV went at it again.  Our buddy Tucker Carlson went off on a rant for the ages.  He even went so far as to claim that the Black Lives Matter are “coming for you”.  He also said:  “Imagine if the Black Lives Matter rioters had weapons and immunity from prosecution.”  Oh, like the present police enjoy right now?

He went on to say “That’s what they are talking about. Partisan law enforcement, and partisan law enforcement, incidentally, is hardly without precedent.  In fact, it’s the rule in the Third World.  This is an attempt to bring it here.”  Sorry, trump already has brought it here.

He ended his rant with this:  “This may be a lot of things, this moment we are living through, but it is definitely not about black lives.  And remember that when they come for you, and at this rate, they will.  Anyone who has ever been subjected to the rage of the mob knows the feeling.  It’s like being swarmed by hornets. You cannot think clearly.”

It is totally obvious to anyone with a brain that “thinking clearly” is not a strong point for Carlson.  All of the calls are about tearing down our police as it is and rebuilding it back up.  That has already happened in Camden, NJ.

There the entire police department was fired and forced to reapply, including the Police Chief.  Since that time, the police completely changed their techniques and thing have improved dramatically.  Community policing has replaced arrest policing as the main part of their tactics.  The community got to know their police officers and they got to know the community.

When this program began, the conviction rate for murder in Camden was about 16 percent.  In the years since, conviction rates jumped up to 61 percent.  That increase is attributed to a trusting relationship between the community and the police.  That is what is meant by all the calls to change our policing.

We have relied on police officer for things they are not trained to do.  We saw an unarmed mentally impaired man, sitting with his counselor on the sidewalk shot by police because he was holding something that might have looked like a gun.  We have seen children in schools slammed to the floor because they didn’t immediately follow a cop’s orders.  Instead of discipline in our schools, we have turned to arresting students, as young a nine years old, for minor infractions.

Those are the kinds of things that must stop.  Those are the kinds of things that must be “defunded” from the police and given to agencies better suited to handle these situations.  Why do four armed cops need to show up when there is a report of a man selling individual cigarettes on the street because he is out of work and trying to raise money?  Why do four armed cops need to show up when a store clerk reports someone trying to pass a fake $20 bill?

All of this is happening because we have allowed the militarization of our police.  We have allowed them to believe they are “soldiers” in a war zone and everyone they encounter, especially those “others” as the enemy that needs to be “taken out”.

America is not a battle zone.  It is not a war zone.  It is a place where we are suppose to believe that everyone is equal.  That everyone deserves to be treated with respect and dignity.  That all people are “presumed innocent” until proven guilty.  Only, that is not how our police are treating our citizens.

Instead, they treat our citizens as enemies.  The color of someone’s skin makes them a “lethal weapon” that needs to be eliminated.  Instead, they show up with the belief that they are confronting a “guilty” person even though they never talked to him or her.  They believe they are immune from their bad actions, and so far, that seems to be all to true.

It is time we rebuild our police.  Not reform it, rebuild it.  And, if any cop decides that is too much for him or her, then leave the department and let real professional police take over.  Not only that, we need to rebuild a lot of things.  We need to make sure everyone attends a “good” school.  We need to ensure that poor communities can get loans to open small businesses.  We need better housing so people don’t live in slums.

These are things that can use the “militarization” money that we now give to police departments.  These are things that can make a difference.  If people are not afraid, if they have dreams that can come true, if they get a good educations to fulfill those dreams, then we can have peace and equality.  And, we will have less crime on the streets.

It is time to disconnect from the hard-wiring that too many of our people have attached themselves to.  It is time for real Christians to stand up and stop the “slave holder christianity” that has hurt our country for over 400 years.

Disconnect from fantasy of white supremacy and start living in the real world where we can all join together and make our country so much better.  But, it will take all of those who have remained silent up to now to finally speak out and demand these changes.

The only people who are “going to come for you” are those who hate anyone who doesn’t look like them.  The politicians who believe we should live in a white country.  The very people who only offer hate and division as their “policies”.  These people are all around you.  They are on twitter, they are on TV, they are even in our White House.  Are you going to continue to listen the them?  I am hoping you are going to say NO MORE!

Hope you enjoyed the film.

And, the shirts keep marching along.