Fox News And Right Wing Media Prove Their Love Of Misinformation To Scare The Hell Out Of You

Last Wednesday a car traveling towards Canada on the Rainbow Bridge in upstate New York struck a border checkpoint and exploded. The two people in the car, a middle-aged man and his wife were killed in the tragic accident. That is what this was, a tragic accident.

However, in their zeal to make everything tragic that happens appear nefarious, Fox News and members of the GOP immediately declared it was a “terrorist attack”. Fox News led the charge in this misinformation, and people like Sen. Cruz, Turning Point USA’s Charlie Kirk, GOP Governor wannabe Kari Lake and Rep. Elise Stafanick all parroted the “terrorist” claim promulgated by Fox News.

The next day, Fox baselessly began employing the term “Islamic terrorism,” describing hypothetical scenarios regarding potential casualties if the vehicle had advanced. They continued to tell their audience that the vehicle contained explosives. Fox Host John Roberts even speculated that the premature detonation of the vehicle might be attributed to the driver’s insufficient expertise in handling explosives.

Roberts went further by saying “We don’t know how long the people who perpetrated this attack have been in this country. Did they recently come across? Did they come into the country legally? Did they come across illegally and claim asylum? Were they some of the nearly 1 million got-aways who come into this country? Were they radicalized in this country?”

Here are the facts. The two people in the car were identified as 56-year-old Kurt P. Villani, the driver, and his wife Monica Villani. Police investigating this tragic accident said “there was no explosives” in the vehicle. And, the two were American Citizens and NOT immigrants or “terrorists”.

When Fox finally said there was no “terrorist attack” in this incident, they never apologized for their misinformation, but rather blamed their lies on other networks who never said it was a terrorist attack. Only Fox News and other so-called conservative outlets used that term in their reporting.

Charlie Sykes of the Bullwark said this: “A tragic car accident last Wednesday near a bridge on the Canadian-American border became a case study in disinformation, ideologically motivated opportunism, and all manner of demagogic b******t. And, of course, it all started with Fox News…. MAGA fluffer Benny Johnson enthusiastically amplified Fox’s fake report of a ‘terrorist attack.'”

You may ask why these so-called news outlets would immediately call it terrorism? And that is a good question until you look at their agenda. Their agenda is to make you afraid of everything in hopes you will vote for the authoritarians running on the GOP tickets around the country.

These outlets and the GOP in particular never discuss anything about policies. They only talk about grievances and hatred towards anyone they don’t like. So, they take a horrible traffic accident and call it a “terrorist attack” without any proof and before the p0lice investigating the incident says anything about it. The goal is to make you very, very afraid of your own shadow.

Their front runner for the nomination of the GOP says that he is very willing to unleash the military on our streets. He wants to use it to “arrest” his political opponents. Straight out of the authoritarian playbook. And, don’t kid yourselves, he means every word.

Over the weekend three students were shot in Vermont. They weren’t doing anything except taking a walk. Their crime was being Arab and speaking in English and Arabic. Someone, the suspect is in custody, decided they had to be killed for who they were. We don’t know much about the suspect except he had posted on social media, which has since been deleted, that he was a “radical citizen pa-trolling demockracy and crapitalism for oathcreepers.” 

Since the war in Israel began, we have seen a huge rise in anti-Palestinian and anti-Sematism. It shows just how much the hate mongers on conservative media have influenced their viewers. Yes, there have been comments from liberals about the war, but the major anti-Sematic remarks have come from the usual sources, namely the white-supremacists. The same groups that support the criminal running for President on the GOP ticket.

Hate speech has risen dramatically in the GOP circles. In a recent poll over half of Republicans who were questioned said that “political violence is acceptable”. Just how scary is that. Worse, at least one third of Americans believe that maybe we should have an “alternative form of government instead of our democracy”. Naturally, the vast majority of that one-third are Republicans.

The simple truth is that these conservatives who call themselves “patriots” are nothing but authoritarians who want to destroy our great nation. They peddle in conspiracy theories and misinformation in order to frighten their viewers. They blame everyone, especially non-whites and non-Christians for all of the problems we face. They really like to blame immigrants for everything.

What they want is an authoritarian government that they control and then attack and even arrest anyone who speaks up against them. The authoritarian playbook is clear. Attack everyone not like you for all of the troubles and then use violence to make the citizens afraid. Hitler was a master of this playbook, he wrote the book.

Authoritarians need victims to blame. In Hitler’s case it was the Jews. In the case of these conservatives, it is anyone who is not white or Christian. That opens the door to a wide variety of people to blame and make white people the victims. If they take power, they will close our borders and do their worse against their perceived “enemies”.

The criminal they all love made it plain. He intends, if elected, to “round up all immigrants and put them in camps before deporting them”. He and his supporters have already named names of Democrats and military men who they believe are “against” their beloved leader. The convicted criminal Steve Bannon has said that Retired Gen. Milley “will be arrested and charged with treason” if trump is elected.

We know for a fact that the Republican Party is behind this hate. We know because no one from the party has made a single comment condemning this hate speech. They all sit back and watch and enjoy what is being said and with their silence approving of it.

Unfortunately for us, that is what the Republican Party has become. They allow hate speech, innuendos, and outright lies to be spread in the name of power and votes from the MAGA crowd in order to be reelected.

I have said it before and I will say it again. The Republican Party that we knew for over a hundred years is DEAD. In its place we have agitators of authoritarianism and hate.

The world has seen this evil before. It resulted in numerous wars and the slaughter of millions of innocent people just because they were different. Don’t think it can’t happen here. The seeds are already being sown by right-wing media like Fox News.

Hate is hate and it is forever busy. Once a target has been “eliminated” a new target will be chosen. At some point it very well will be you. Think about that when you go to the polls.

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