An “Idiot” Says We Need “Idiot Control” – How Apt

As we continue to fight the coronavirus pandemic, we also need to fight the gun violence pandemic. The first fight we are starting to win. The second fight isn’t going so well. The problem isn’t that Americans don’t want gun reform legislation, over 80 percent say we need it, the problem is NRA owned Senators and House Members. They are the ones standing in the way of meaningful reform.

And, as usual, we are starting to hear the same nonsense from the right about guns. Their argument is that gun reform means you will have your guns taken away from you. That is a bare faced lie. I have read every piece of legislation about gun control and not one of them ever said we should abandon the Second Amendment. Not one of them said that the people should not be allowed to own guns.

The only “guns” that these pieces of legislation want to remove from society are guns of war and large capacity ammunition clips. Guns of war are defined as any weapon whose sole purpose of existence is to fight a war. The AR-15 is at the top of the list for guns of war. The only purpose of the AR-15 is to kill people. It is a true weapon of war without any other purpose.

The arguments against reasonable gun control are off the charts in terms of stupidity. Senator Kennedy (R-LA) says instead of “gun control” we need “idiot control”. I totally agree with him. We need to control the idiots on the right who constantly conflate reasonable gun control with removal of the Second Amendment.

In his arguments, Kennedy said that background checks and other basic gun control measures are akin to handling drunk drivers by taking cars away from sober drivers.  That comment is so stupid I find it hard to believe that any sane person could even utter it. Is he saying that background checks and basic gun control measures are taking your guns away? If he is, he is even more of an idiot than I thought he was.

Secondly, there are actually more laws and rules for driving a car than there are for getting a gun. And, more people are killed by guns in this country than are killed by drunk drivers. Both are horrible and need to be better controlled. However, there are more controls on drunk drivers than on gun violence. You can get stopped at a “roadblock” when law enforcement decide there are too many drunks on the road. They set up their roadblocks and check every driver to see if they have been drinking. If so, the driver is immediately arrested for DUI.

However, there are no such roadblocks looking for wackos with a gun in their vehicle. That is considered violating the fourth amendment as an illegal search and seizure. Even if the cops only confiscate and arrest people who do not have a legal license for that gun.

Now, if Senator Kennedy is suggesting that gun ownership be treated like driving a car, that should be considered. Let’s see. If you want a driver’s license, you must pass a written test to prove you know the rules of the road. You must pass a driving test to prove that you can actually drive the car. You must provide multiple IDs to prove that you actually live at the address you claim to be. You must prove your citizenship to get a license. You must prove that you have insurance for yourself and your vehicle. In many states, once you reach a certain age, you must take a driving test every year. In a lot of states, like where I live, if your insurance lapses, your registration for your vehicle is pulled and you cannot drive that car anymore until you pay a huge fine and prove you have insurance.

Now, if Senator Kennedy wants every person who wants to own a gun to prove their citizenship, provide multiple IDs to prove their legal residence, take a gun safety and firing test to prove they can handle the gun, prove they have insurance in case they “accidently” shoot someone else, make gun registration a reality, and make yearly registration mandatory with a fee to keep your registration current and automatically cancel your gun registration and ownership license if your insurance lapses, then you can count me in.

Then we have the other NRA owned Senator from Texas, Ted Cruz. He actually started off his argument at a hearing yesterday by saying: “Every time there’s a shooting, we play this ridiculous theater where this committee gets together and proposes a bunch of laws that would do nothing to stop these murders.”

“What happens in this committee after every mass shooting is Democrats propose taking away guns from law-abiding citizens, because that’s their political objective,” he added. “But what they propose, not only does it not reduce crime, it makes it worse.”

Again, not one bill before the Congress says anything about “taking guns away from law-abiding citizens”. Once again, the Canadian Senator is lying through his pearly white teeth. And, think about this. He actually had to start off by saying “every time there is a mass shooting”. Don’t you think that tells us there is a problem that needs to be addressed?

But, the baseless and idiotic arguments didn’t stop there. He further went on to say that “Democrats hate prayer”. Yes, you read that right. According to this moron, Democrats hate prayer. He said that because he and the rest of the Republicans who “send out our thoughts and prayers” after the last two mass killings were criticized for sending prayers and doing nothing about the gun pandemic in our country.

I cannot speak for Democrats, but I can say this for myself. What I hate is phony “Christians” who hide behind religion to spew forth their hate and demand for complete control of the nation and fail to do their job to protect the citizens. I hate phonies like Cruz who only claims that “laws don’t work” when it suits his own personal agenda.

He doesn’t always think that way. After 16 people were killed in hot air balloon crash in Lockhart, TX, it was Cruz that wrote and passed legislation to increase safety regulations for hot air balloons. I suggest he did that not because he wanted to make hot air balloons safer, but because there isn’t a “hot air balloon lobby” that contributes heavily to his campaign coffers like the NRA.

I guess we can all see that Senator Kennedy might be right. What we need is “idiot control”. And, that “idiot control” starts with voting these idiots from the Republicans Party that want mass shootings to continue to be voted out of office. I say want them to continue, because their inaction and their arguments against any reasonable laws to help stop the problem is telling everyone they approve of them.

Then again, maybe what we need is “right-wing stupid asshole control”. Both of these two morons fall into that category as far as I am concerned.

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