Fox News: “Praise Former Guy For Vaccine! But…”

We are still sitting on that plateau. The numbers of new cases is still over 50,000 per day. We now have over 536,000 who have died from the virus. Things are getting better, and we still need to follow guidelines and get the vaccine when it’s your turn. Those are the things that will get us out of this mess.

As I wrote before, I am a person who has serious side effects from most vaccines. I did my research and found out that the chances of me suffering those side effects were slim in this vaccine. So, I took the vaccine and am now fully vaccinated. I strongly urge everyone to get the vaccine. If you have any doubts, please talk to your doctor. The vaccine is safe, I am living proof of that, and it is effective.

So, we need to ask some questions, as Tucker Carlson would say, about Fox News and specifically to Tucker Carlson. Why is it that you want everyone in the nation to praise the former guy for speeding up the vaccine, and now want no one to take it? Why was is so important in December that the vaccine was a “life saver” and now it has “too many questions” about it? What changed between December and today other than the former guy is the former guy?

Those are very serious questions that neither Fox News nor Tucker Carlson will answer. Fox News and Tucker Carlson were the biggest and loudest promoter of the former guy throughout his term in office. Yet, now that he is out of office, they are singing a different tune about the vaccine. So, why?

When the former guy announced that there was going to be a vaccine before the end of last year, Carlson and his cronies at Fox News touted that as the “best miracle of anyone in the history of the world”. Well, maybe they didn’t use those exact words, but you know what I mean.

When the last administration botched the rollout of the vaccine, these same people touted that “they were doing it right” and things were fantastic. They tried to spin the former guy as the new savior of the world because HE discovered the vaccine that would save us all from some nefarious plot to wipe us out.

But a funny thing happened on the way to the forum. The former guy lost even though Fox tried its best to give him all of the credit for his “handling of the pandemic”. Then, when Biden took office and started to really roll out the vaccine, things at Fox News changed. Suddenly, the vaccine may not be so good after all. In other words, they completely turned on the former guy and stole his spotlight for the vaccine.

Even Joe Biden thanked the former guy for Operation Warp Speed that helped get the vaccine ready for us to take. He did that on camera when he publicly got the vaccine himself. On the other hand, the former guy and his wife got the shot apparently in the bunker so no one would notice they got it.

Then things got really janky. Carlson began his rants about how we “don’t know everything about the vaccine”. He started saying that “maybe there are things we should know about the vaccine’s efficacy”. He went on air and openly started fostering doubt about the vaccine that his hero was supposed to be given credit for getting.

Now, everyone can come to their own conclusions. I for one take Carlson’s comments as this. He is telling us that “Former Guy should get all of the credit for the vaccine that will save humanity”. Then in the next breath, he is saying “but the vaccine is shit and you shouldn’t take it”. Talk about throwing your hero under the bus. Carlson not only threw the former guy under the bus and drove over him, he back up over him and then drove over him a third time.

I don’t know about you, but if my “supporters” treated me like that, I would not want them to say anything about me either nice or bad. That is the kind of enemy that is the worst kind. It turns out that Carlson may be a sheep in wolves clothing in the former guy’s camp. He is willing to turn on him just as fast as former guy turned on his supporters any time he thought they “betrayed” him.

Just about everybody has taken shots at Carlson and Fox News. And, because of this “turncoat” action by them, they deserve it. Chris Hayes said this about Carlson: “He’s not stupid. He just thinks his audience is.” That is probably true in every aspect.

Carlson claims he is “just asking questions”. But then goes out of his way to lie and say “no one is willing to answer those questions”. Well, maybe he should talk to someone other than his own reflection in the mirror. You cannot get answers if you don’t look for answers. All of the questions he claims “no one will answer” have all been answered by the finest vaccine experts in the world and our nation. He just doesn’t want to listen to them because, well they are not him.

Hayes also said: “It’s the most cowardly way to do this. To hide behind a pose of contrarianism because he can’t just say it outright ‘the vaccine will kill you’ unless he wants to find himself gone.” And, he would find himself gone because the vaccine will NOT kill you. It is the one thing we have going for us to get past this pandemic.

Former Republican Nicole Wallace who served in the White House for George W. Bush slammed Carlson as well saying: “he is peddling false anti-vaxxer talking points to an audience of millions at a time when polls suggest that nearly half of Trump’s supporters will not get the COVID vaccine.”

Over half of Republican white men say they won’t get the vaccine. Several Republican members of Congress say they won’t get the vaccine. How can that be? They all praised the former guy for “getting us the vaccine” and now they say they won’t get it. If that is what they believe, how come they praised the former guy in the first place? Aren’t they telling the former guy, their hero “I don’t trust you”?

It is going to be very interesting how Fox News and Carlson react since former guy called into a Fox News show and suggested people get the vaccine. He said: “I would recommend it to a lot of people that don’t want to get it.” Hmmm. It took a long time, but he finally came out and said “get your vaccine”.

Now that Fox News’ savior of the world has come out in support of everyone getting the vaccine, will they and Carlson change their tune once again? Will they start voicing positive claims about how great the vaccine is because now former guy supports getting the shot? Will they now encourage all of their viewers to “get the shot when it is your turn”. Will they stop the anti-vaxxer bullshit and do what is right? As Carlson would say, “I am only asking questions. But, no one over there seems to want to answer them”.

As I said earlier. The vaccine is safe and it is effective. I took it with no side effects, except maybe a bit of a sore arm for a day or two. I have a history of bad reactions to vaccines, but this was perfectly safe and I am glad I got it. It is actually a relief knowing that you are vaccinated and don’t have to worry about being hospitalized or dying from the virus.

If you really want your “freedom” back and live a more normal life, then get your vaccine when it is your turn. If you want to reopen schools and businesses, then get the vaccine because defeating the virus is the only way we can do those things safely.

Do not listen to Fox News or people like Carlson because they are liars and apparently want their viewers to get sick and die. There is no other explanation for their anti-vaxxer misinformation campaign. Unless they just want to kick the former guy in the groin for losing.

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